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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. I'm about to go to bed I guess I'll put it on low volume in the backgorund and see what the jist is
  2. Anyone see this yet? I kinda dont wanna waste my time if its inaccurate and biased😬
  3. Idk I watched all of Soul Eater and that wa s like 52 eps and not the greatest but it def held my intrest a lot more than HeroAca I guess the soul world stuff is more interesting than super heroews also I think maybe there are too many characters too keep tracko f
  4. Omg this is so awesome! πŸ˜‚ https://genius.com/Black-midi-ded-sheeran-ed-sheeran-send-part-1-lyrics [Verse 6: Geordie Greep, Morgan Simpson] (Britney, Bitch) When I walk in the club, all eyes on me With the A team, but lately, her face seem like pastry Ed Sheeran sucks You sell-out ginger prick, your music is doo doo You need me, man, we don’t need you (Britney, Bitch) "Hahaha, my name’s Ed Sheeran Look at me in my jeans and white t-shirt with my acoustic guitar Plugged into my loop pedal" Oh my god, you greedy piece of shit, man! Fuck you, man! How how are you gonna do that? You you you're just taking everyone's money Remember that time at The Windmill When you took my shit, when you took my drumsticks? Yeah, fuck you
  5. I tried watching the first season and gave up after 4 episodes I think I dont rmember the last ep I saw was where they meet the school instructor w/ like the bandages? Anyway it wasnt for me I decided and tbh I didnt think it would become as popular as it is I mean its on like season 4 or 5 now? But I cant for the life of me understand what is so appealing about it. The main character Deku is not endearing and neither are any of the side characters in my opinion. None of them really feel fleshed out tall that much and I guess that is a product of them trying to model them after Western comic book superherous? Like not very much depth to them, very one-dimesnional and straight forward but I dont think that translates at all wery well to anime> Like I said IDK maybe someone can convince me otherwise but all I see in this show is bland and uninteresting characters and low stakes unengaging storylines
  6. Lytbryt


    IS that like the Insane Clowne Posse?
  7. The channel behind this has already done a couple live action SCP shorts and a few w/ manipulated game footage, the last one they did was pretty good And I dont think its the same guys but a movie about SCP-096 (the Shy Guy) is being made and wil realease..... eventually? Haha I cant complain these things take a lot of time especially small indepnedent teams
  8. Meh could be less sloppy imo
  9. Ever time u post an agnel gets its wings
  10. BEEP
  11. Did u need to adjust the bag or the item? Please remove the unscanned item from the bagging area
  12. @Admin_Raptorpat Oops already a thread plz balete this
  13. Hey look man ur wanna phone post thats ur right no judgements here
  14. Lol u act like it takes more brain to type from a phone when u can just atlk into thep hone and it transcribes ur have to actually know QWERTY layout to type on a keyboard tho w/ all 10 fingers not just 2 thumbs even monkey can use phones just sayin
  15. Rite it is such a pain to post on mobile I have a hard enough tim e it is πŸ˜† lol if I posted on [hone it jwould probably be omplete givverish
  16. No I mean on ur phone like lol I dont wanna sound kina elitist but.... u kno?
  17. rite? Wow watch what ur post guys this place is turn into a honey pot smh I dont wanna shout out but wonder if the spooks are prodding cuz of a certain thread in our sub folder
  18. Lol how do u even do that
  19. No but I do like a thin crust extra sauce w/ tomatos jalapenos maybe some sausage is pretty good
  20. Eh at least ur still coherent unlike a certain dialectician of the inebriated sort that likes to loiter around here
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