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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. From what I have heard people that have heart attacks it feels like something pulls you straight down probably the invisible demons and shadow people pouncing bc they can sense ur imminent crossing into their domain or it could be like nervous system shock or something Idk im not a doctro I just play one on TV
  2. Maybe u kno what I'm talking about I cant remember if it was Montel or Arsenio but theres a clip out there of some black talk show guy and a guest comes on and they do a free mason hug or something and ppl say its like proof of the Illumaniti also Tupac was basically a boytoy for homsoexual record producers or something they frequently point to these "pin up" pictures of Tupac as evidence that he was a prostitute And of course theres weird imagery like this
  3. Yea not one of those games has a cover-based shooting system anywhere on par w/ Gears tho so.... yea 😜
  4. Yeah we get it ur sooo cynical woah bro blowin my mind go be a Debbie Downer somwhere else
  5. It is one questioin just has two parts 🀀
  6. You seem to conflate mourning with worship. Almost like ur jealous or somethin. You think how people act is weird = I act better and more rationally than the dumbdumbs I am so enlighten b/c I'm the only person that realizes how fragile life is and am not a dumb sheep person blinded by imago. I think all ur strawmen examples exist only in ur brain and for the sole purpose of building a rod for the back of ur worldview. I'm just being irrational and stupid tho, u are the true enlighten so carry on
  7. I dont watch everything I post u must think I'm crazuy
  8. Why are u so invested in who people find to be inspirational? Like u kinda come of as jealous or something
  9. Drink? No I have a small bottle of the tablets
  10. Are u saying u can take 1000mg of Aleve a day or that 1000mg of salt is ideal? I usually only take one or two a day not everey day tho
  11. Also is there an actual legitimate difference between a caplet and a tablet? Esp when it is just hard pressed medicine and not liquid capsule?
  12. Hey so like I have been taking Aleves because they are helping w/ my pain and I kno it says u can only take 3 a day but is that true? Will you be okay if u take more than 3 in a day? Also is there a limit on intake because of toxicity of naproxen or toxicity because it is naproxen sodium? Cause its like a salt? And the upper safe limit on that is like 2000 mg a day rite?
  13. Yeah there extremly cynical I try not to be mean tho
  14. πŸ˜‰
  15. Wait theres an entire FOX channel dedicated to Florida? 🀨
  16. Okay boomer *craks nuckles* lemme show u how to meme properly in 2020
  17. Omg I love TGttM! πŸ˜„
  18. Wow that is a terrible MS Paint job
  20. His music is doo doo πŸ˜„
  21. Lol name 1
  22. You have to click the garbage can I think
  23. Real gamers play Gear 5 anyway so yeah
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