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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. We are doing blue trails... you'll bust some body cladding and lower bumper covers unless you're very careful
  2. Probably on rocky black trails... there's scars all up under that thing. The gas tank skid plate looks like it was dragged behind the Jeep on the highway.
  3. Bring your shit to Rausch this weekend 🤣
  4. This has been flattened on the underside since 2017 and she just sent it every day. I didn’t know it was bent until I replaced it just now. I’m amazed this still had pressure in it.
  5. She’s looking for a reason to call us biased and racist.
  6. Oh no, I read it. That's how I got to Scoob's reply. Also, compressors of that size still will create condensation in the lines past any type of condensate trap or filter/drier.
  7. So you're a musky husky?
  8. I got a bruise on my ass.
  9. Yup. Water in them hoses...
  10. Welp I'll continue the trend of never eating there.
  11. Why does it have baby shit smeared on it
  12. Was cruising through my home town today. Not even kidding.
  13. What if you were born in a car though
  14. I need one but not as a librarian I am tired of my occupation of supporting a bunch of shit with chopsticks
  15. Expensive and basic (and probably will rust out in 2 years) vs. free and unique.
  16. I'm good with building a smoke pit, but I can slap wheels on a filing cabinet to make it portable and have a portable smoker.
  17. I used to scrap metal... like a full trailer (large enough to hold a midsize car body) every two weeks. Almost every time a filing cabinet was on it.
  18. You "think" you built one? Do you mean a filing cabinet or a filing cabinet smoker?
  19. I can build one of these.
  20. So your leaking electrical spared you for much worse.
  21. Meat Loaf with baked yams and extra gravy
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