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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. New Jersey?
  2. Yep, that’s how I’ve always done it. “I have vacations I already paid for.”
  3. You visiting me?
  4. Oh look it’s in this thread!
  5. I can time lock this thread oh nevermind it already is 😂
  7. Rogue_Alphonse


    I’ve been partying all weekend... must have missed a lot here 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. It’s hard to miss... it plasters itself all over FFA and DF
  9. They’re not even a good or interesting car. Just “a crossover.”
  10. This and then woke up at 7 🙃
  11. I have trust issues I have been slowly working past but I completely cut off the insane whore I mistakenly dated before finding the right person. It’s easy to get past it once I think, “Oh they are nothing more than a whore.”
  12. I told you I don’t use apple maps.
  13. Mine already shows speed traps.
  14. I use google maps and my gf prefers my phone over hers for GPS.
  15. There is, I have psoriasis under three of my fingernails and it can be painful some days. That combined with limited feeling because my hands were burned badly when I was young. Doesn't have any affect on touch screen usage though. They work fine on iPhones, my touch screen computer, every car with touch screens I have been in, the Wawa touch screen menu, etc. Galaxys just have shit quality screens. Even the glass scratches easily. I don't even have a protector on my iPhone and considering the daily abuse it gets, the screen is like brand new.
  16. Every Galaxy I've dealt with has a shitty laggy screen.
  17. As someone who has a lot of experience with drag queens, I can say with confidence that you are either blind or just very stupid.
  18. This is why I only listen to one radio station. It's public radio so no commercials, they play damn near every single genre you can think of, they have awesome programs, and Xmas music is only played on Xmas
  19. This pic makes me happy ❤️
  21. That's already a card in the UE deck
  22. Taking suggestions for the custom deck!
  23. I have something else magic you'd enjoy
  24. This is rare of me but I really want it to snow in the Coal region of PA on the 16th. At least up in the mountains.
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