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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Subway is a shithole. Every one I see looks damn near abandoned. They can’t even afford to build their own stores-they lease half empty strip malls. you also eat McD’s a lot because you like to harass their employees and then post about it here. also I like how this thyroid thing is the newest excuse. My cousin has thyroid issues too and she’s about 120 pounds...
  2. Excuse me sir, they’re called subs out there. Hoagie is eastern PA.
  3. I can afford a 17 dollar lunch, but I want it to taste like a 17 fucking dollar lunch. i used to have spots where I’d spend $6 on a lunch that blows away any fast food shit. oh and by the way, I usually don’t eat fast food because I like not being a fat ass lard barrel ... you know... not YOU.
  4. Those are scarce up here and honestly not that great.
  5. I’d bring you a Yuengling and a hoagie but I’m not in the right kind of area
  6. I’m down to just Popeyes... need to move back to PA Or DE SOO BAD! I NEED WAWA AND ROYAL FARMS!!!
  7. Wanna go to Woody’s in 2 weeks??
  8. The only thing you got right about this post is me being big.
  9. Not because it makes me sick, but fuck spending the money on it. Between me and my gf, it was over 17 bucks for a subpar stacker (with medium drink and fries), and the impossible whopper apparently sucks. And that by the way was not ordered as a meal - we split the fries and drink. It’s just not worth it.
  10. I also can go a lot more places in a lot worse weather than you can...
  11. Did I say needle? I have a fuel gauge with a needle, yes, oh and I do like gauges with needles... much better for a quick glance. I also have a low fuel light. But ALSO! I have an overhead console that not only has a compass and temperature, but also has a (second) trip odometer, miles Due To Empty (DTE), average MPG, and instant MPG... oh and an elapsed time feature I never use. Again, gone 30-40 miles past the "0 DTE" mark.
  12. Feed them
  13. I can run my shit 30-40 miles after it reaches "0 Miles DTE" on the overhead console... and that needle goes way below E. Still passes people doing 70mph ...
  14. Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along
  15. Obligatory
  16. >sputters and trembles at high speeds >no issues I've been doing 400+ miles a week for months without issue. Come on.
  17. I'll comb my month old beard upwards.
  18. Hmm how many days has it been? Sorry my old Jeep is more interesting than your Karenmobile.
  19. Just remember, as nice as they are (and I really do mean that), Euro and Japanese cars since the early 2000's have really shitted out on their reliability reputation. And I'm putting aside the normal electronic and interior pieces falling apart. Korean cars have picked it up recently but have seemed to been falling off of that twice as quickly. All you can do is take good care of it these days.
  20. Maybe I should stop and catch up to you in about one day
  21. I actually didn't order them soon enough because I was thinking about my off-road trip coming up, not Halloween
  22. Yeah... it's never been done but looking at the impact absorber inside of the plastic bumper cover as well as how much room is on the sides/how far out the slider pins that support he plastic bumper over on the sides stick out... it can easily be done... with little modification to the original structure
  23. I guess mine are kind of fitted... because I have my laces tight enough to hold my shoes on but not too tight to where I have to untie them (basically what I do with all of my shoes) so I never have to untie them. But the area around the ankle is still kind of stretchy. More shoe companies should do this shit. I just stick to skate shoes because comfort and grip.
  24. that's your loss... I just sifted through a thread of Chryslers from 1999-2005 with 500,000 to 700,000 miles on them. And even I won't buy a Chrysler from that era (unless it's a Jeep with a 4.0...)
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