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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  2. Nope. Not dealing with it making me sick. Not dealing with the pain of the wound, my whole body hurting for 3 days, etc. I have all the shots I need. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. also 28 years? Holy shit you’re old
  3. I know, it was an example. The new battery in my last phone was $25 and took about the same amount of time (and almost process) as a screen swap. Phones really aren’t hard to work on at all.
  4. Fuck no. I haven’t had the shot in 16 years, nor have I had the flu in 16 years. It pays to have an overactive immune system.
  5. It’s probably very good and also probably Starbucks pricey. I make my own coffee... which soon will be Wawa
  6. This is a SELFIE thread not an instigating thread.
  8. I might get flashed some ass and then get stuck paying $50 for a cup of coffee
  9. I’m afraid to even use the drive thru
  10. They’re not that hard to swap the battery in. Replacing the screen requires taking the phone completely apart and using a heat gun... fuck that. And the screen is about 100 bucks. My last iPhone took 10 mins to swap the screen and they were 20 bucks a pop
  11. Mine are seasoned strips... and I have tacos and pulled BBQ chicken leftovers too... fuuuck
  12. Not the package delivery part 😧
  13. I’m guessing it’s a New England thing. Anywho it lights up neon pink and purple and it’s on a corner in this location. I started calling it the Aroma Gentleman’s Club. its almost the Malibu from Vice City at night!
  14. You just reminded me, I have leftover steak I grilled up the other day DANGIT I hope it didn’t sit in the fridge too long
  15. Hmm spreading drama and instigating...
  16. I’m on mobile and lazy typing because I’m about to go make 100 bucks an hour being a skilled and respected adult. Something you seem to have been failing at since high school. they weren’t rules though. Nice try. Maybe you should go back to dealing drugs on here. See how far that gets you again.
  17. You posted it once, there was a report on multiple bullshit threads. I grouped them. You posted it again in a new thread. Fuck it you can sit down for a while. Hmm shoutout thread, troll thread, instigating, reposting someone’s shit twice, being a dick. Works for me as being “bannable” given your warning and PERMABANNED history
  18. It’s not very personal if you post it on here. So maybe to stop having that happen, stop posting it. And again, I did not post any personal info on you. I pulled reviews from the Kmarts (where you posted 300 times you work at) in the area you live in (which you have posted numerous times.) I guarantee you I get less complaints than you do. And hey, I’m a mod... of course I’m gonna get complaints. I signed up knowing I would. Your peasant ass is just in the way.
  19. HEMI MDS Solenoids. An easy job until said HEMI is halfway under the dash of a Chrysler Aspen.
  20. And how did it lead up to that? You harassing Disco and then him when he joined, and oh yeah POSTING YOUR INFORMATION.
  21. No stalking... again, I don't know nor did I put any effort into finding out where you work. You did that for me and everyone else here. Harass... well it's a taste of your own medicine so don't try that victim shit with me.
  22. Fuckin android
  23. So you took an extra step..... to stalk them.
  24. Ah but see, I pulled those reviews from different stores around the city you said numerous times that you lived in. I don't know which one you work at. All the info anyone has on you was gathered from you literally posting it on here. Mid nor Disco ever posted their address... hell I don't even think they posted the city they live in as far as I've seen.
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