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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Gone Nabs from Incoherent Babbling?
  2. Same guy just had his Toyota pop a head gasket and now has a transmission solenoid fault. And on my own front, it's crazy how much nicer my 1998 Jeep is and how much more reliable, cheaper to maintain, and easier to work on it is than the 2004 Nissan that my gf had was. Plus a much better resale value. AND more safety features.
  3. I mean you could have boomer shoes with velcro But honestly, I just recently bought two pairs of DC's with integrated tongues and I'd MUCH rather have those (with laces obviously) than velcro boomer shoes
  4. From what I've seen, it's getting pretty popular. I enjoyed it myself.
  5. She probably got it from her dad anyway.
  6. That's her choice what to do with it. Not yours. Just like the awards are not yours.
  7. Probably will get toasty. I have to be up at 6 but I can hang til 1:30 or so... Today has been a relax day, aside from doing laundry and dishes and cleaning and working on the Jeep
  8. There is a kit from Kevin's Offroad that is a stronger rad support and gives you D-ring loops, but I kind of like the stock look. Maybe when it's strictly my daily driver again and I end up putting a 4" long arm lift and 35's I'll go for something a bit more robust. i actually want to build a steel bumper that fits behind the stock plastic bumper cover so I can rock a clean look on the road and pop the bumpers off for off-road times.
  9. Well I had to take the bumper off and drill through the frame to install them (hence the lights and grille being removed when I took the pic) but you get the idea. Been a while since I've used this Jeep to make money in the winter pulling people out of the snow... now I won't be limited to using my tow hitch
  10. No, it's for your daughter's collection. not yours.
  11. At that point they wouldn’t get a knock, they would get a fucking kick at the door.
  12. But how long has op known this 77 year old guy?
  13. I mean it still could be Packard
  14. Nah if I see pedestrians I keep my cool
  15. I need my daily shower... I have psoriasis and while it’s somewhat manageable there are still spots I need to get cleaned off... mostly my shins and scalp. Plus my prescription works better when I put it on after a shower. Then there’s a catch 22... The rest of my skin and my hair gets hella oily hella fast. I actually wash my face 3 or 4 times a day sometimes. And usually 2 of that is because I’m stuck in the habit of washing my face before I shave which is just before I shower... where I then wash my face XD AND my skin is sensitive so if I don’t shave my face, the facial hair will begin to hurt. Same if I let my nails get too long... and by that I mean like 1/8” long or whatever.
  16. Medians... not sidewalks 🤣
  17. Yeah I’m not a fan of GM but my Jeep is 21 years old and aside from a few sensors, everything mechanical is original... and you have to remember I do not baby vehicles... it’s seen plenty of rev limiter bounces and forced manual shifts... plus towing heavier shit than it should have been and off-roading. but in full honesty, every brand from everywhere has its issues. I see it plastered all over The Wrenching Network and I mean just watch Hoovie’s Garage. All of his Euro cars are full of issues.
  18. Shoulda hit him with the ol’ OK BOOMER
  19. I have literally wheeled over 2' tall rocks and stumps and not cut a tire... and actually I have a habit of purposely driving over curbs because people won't move the fuck up when sitting in line at a light. not in the Mustang obviously.
  20. Never ever curbed a wheel so I have no idea... and it would be a long time bfore she gets to drive that car, *especially* after I put 17x10.5" wheels on the back... she still needs to learn some more coordination. Which she will get at Rausch Creek Off-Road Park in 2 weeks.
  21. I can't say much.. Sasha nailed a curb in my Jeep the other day cutting too sharp. But 32" Mud Terrains can take that shit.
  22. It depends. For what he got, the coupe has a really weird roof line, belt line, and a big puffy ass... kind of like a chiseled Chevy Cobalt coupe. The sedan definitely looks better.
  23. I would only be disappointed if there was a wagon variant. But for his lifestyle, a coupe probably wouldn’t suffice.
  24. I wouldn’t know, I have Cingular.
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