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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. You get paid in gum that chews you?
  2. Everything you do is insignificant Fuggs, which is why you get the negative feedback from 95% of the replies to your 20 threads a day. Also, that little reply to Mid asking about his house is you blatantly stalking him. So give that up or you will not be able to post at all.
  3. It will get there. Had to bust it out here first. and I think we are quite a bit overpopulated, no matter what the news says.
  4. Xanathum gum?
  5. Beer Thirty!
  6. Of course, it’s a worthless outdated Karenmobile.
  7. so you don’t pay rent. And you have a used car which makes those payments cheaper. Its not YOUR house, Packard. It’s your brother’s that you just live in.
  8. Well... technically I have a side job at some point this week but I’ll be making 100 bucks an hour and I get free lunch out of it too... so I won’t count that. Here’s the kicker... I ordered some parts to prep my Jeep for the Philly and off-road trip I have coming up in 2 weeks, and it all gets here THE DAY I GO BACK TO WORK 🙃
  9. You actually don’t know how much anyone here makes per month. i was making almost double that running a printing press, but I never bragged about it. I actually hated the hours and the fact that I barely had any time off (unless I played the points game) which is why I left. and to boot, you “make all that” and have nothing to show for it. Go clean mommy’s kitchen.
  11. Why are these dogs making the annoyed "Excuse me..." face
  12. I just caught this news... another legend gone. Just cracked a beer.
  13. Yeah, I haven't seen you since the old boards and it's nice to see a familiar face I can tell to go fuck themselves. ❤️
  14. I said good day.
  15. Yeah... you're too thick-headed and left-brained to understand and instead twist things around to make you look correct... and everyone here knows it. No point in arguing with someone who is desperate to be nothing more than a drab just for any kind of attention, even if it's negative. And you're not even good at that.
  16. Oh but I thought your threads lasted sooo loooong because they got sooo many posts! Also, NO ONE from here would fuck you. I combined those which had a similar topic i.e. Kmart or you whoring yourself out and posting the disgusting convos.
  17. I wasn't being spiteful, I was cleaning up the spam... because there was a report.
  18. I bet you know the two aisles that stay the most organized (hygiene, not surprising) and ran over to them to take pics like a lunatic.
  19. I threatened to ban you because you were spreading your shit drama in other threads... you know, how you usually try to make EVERYTHING about you because i guess Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough as a child...? and no, I usually DF threads like this when people start coming in and do nothing but throw out crude insults... this one has been a survivor. If I wanted to keep you from posting, I would have already done it.
  20. That's a new one... I don't need to get any revenge, so you yet again just made yourself look stupid. And no, I used the word correctly. Leniency as in how lax moderators can be with everyone. You do stupid shit, we can't be lax anymore. God you're fucking left-brained.
  21. You really are trying to use that term loosely to get your way. And go ahead, you can try to make fun of me all you want. Just like most of the people here make fun of you. Difference is, I won't get pissed off and blow up and look like a fool like you have so many times in the past. Give it up, you lose. I said good day.
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