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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Are you sure?
  3. It grows back bigger and thicker, silly!
  4. Just a 2" budget. Eventually I'm going to build a 4 or 5" lift basing it off the f>r swap... as in front sprins in the rear and 4" lift springs up front. And of course, long arms and all that fun geometrical stuff. This is just a booster lift with some fine tune adjusting. I actually ot the tires put on today so I am warming up before i adjust the toe angle on the steering
  5. I'll cuddle you too.
  6. I'd rather not even be near the dude. Plus, getting in a fist fight while conceal-carrying a firearm is definitely something I could get arrested for, and I'd rather not have that happen. In other news, the lift ended up getting done tonight
  7. Well if you hadn't seen in DF, I can't get the fuck away from KMARTs...
  8. Except it’s nothing like that at all but ok
  9. It’ll be even easier after the lift heres to hoping I won’t have death wobble. I may have to align the front end but that is also cake and can be done with a couple wrenches and a tape measure.
  10. The oil change is cake on my Jeep... don’t even have to jack it up.
  11. Mmm big rubbers
  12. And I have to install a lift kit, get my new tires mounted, do a pre off-roading inspection (because I’m doing that over the weekend) and probably 50 other things. At least I’m seeing Tool next Monday!! Someone come do my job for me this week so I have more time to do shit
  13. Some people definitely need it
  14. Lock Topic
  15. 69 for a/c and 71 for heat is optimal efficiency. also, open only the upstairs vents and close the downstairs vents in summer, Vice-versa for winter.
  16. Be careful, Viperslayer might go full transphobe again. Oh wait. My gender is cuddle
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