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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I got that but where the fuck does incest come from cold soup? 😆
  2. wait what??
  3. Where?
  4. That is not the ocean.
  5. On the car front: Cleetus mcFarland: I have followed his naked Corvette since the beginning and watched it set the first stickshift GM car in the 7-second quarter mile. He is quite humble, goofy, and has a lot of cool builds Deboss Garage: Humble and very very knowledgeable diesel guy who works on all sorts of projects. Grind Hard Plumbing Company: If you've seen the really fast Barbie Mustang... they have built so much more since then. Aging Wheels: He owns a Trabant! And a couple other shitty quirky cars! He's mainly into communist shitboxes and electric vehicles that are a large step down from a Tesla. Rich Rebuilds: A learn-as-he-goes dude who buys salvaged Teslas and rebuilds them - though he has taken on other projects as of late. RegularCars aka Regular Car Reviews: it's that. He reviews anything and everything. From Grandma's '93 Cutlass to the Suzuki Cappuccino, and does so with decent knowledge mixed in with some fucked up dark humor. 24hoursoflemons: The guys who run the 24 Hours of LeMons race series do recaps of each race, and said race is basically cosplaying while racing a shitbox car all weekend with a drunken potluck in the middle of it all. It's a bucket list thing of mine. On the not car front: The Proper People: Urbexing done right, mainly old factories, asylums, hospitals, and amusement parks. Lately they've been traveling. Explore With Us: Most of their Urbexes have been ghost towns and such in the Nevada area, but lately they have been doing a lot of missing persons cases, which I fine just as interesting. Sal: Dead/dying malls and the history of them. he is actually a little daring too, when he does his walk-throughs he sneaks into the blocked off parts. LGR: Most of what I watch of his are videos about old computers and other gadgets from way back when. Hydraulic Press Channel/Beyond The Press: Experimental things with a hydraulic press and other various pieces of equipment... spoiler alert: decks of cards literally explode when crushed. He's also from Finland, so that accent is hilarious. Jeff Favignano: Does a lot of play-through with new games, mostly oddball simulators. I have a lot more but eh, I just kinda picked a few that stood out.
  6. Please do not mention Packard's cooking. This thread is for cold, wholesome soup. Like chicken noodle for example, with that lovely gelatin on top.
  7. I'm not sure I like it very much.
  8. Not even some thick, creamy, cold loaded baked potato?
  9. When my appendix fell out and I was in the hospital they gave me "chicken noodle soup" It was fucking heated up chicken broth. I didn't even eat it.
  10. Fuck nope... too far from the ocean
  11. And then it’s FUCKING FRIGID
  12. Tomato bisque?
  13. Winters have been mild the past couple years for sure, but numerous times I’ve seen 4 feet or more in PA... Jersey has that ocean snow BS, CT is ... well it’s Connecticut.
  14. You know you want some chilled three-bean...
  15. Just have a seat under the shade tree and sip some cold Italian Wedding
  16. Would a nice cold bowl of soup help calm your nerves?
  17. How does that make you feel?
  18. Could be worse, you could have anal worms
  19. 3 inches?
  20. Ok boomer
  21. I feel like New England gets less snow than the PA/NJ/NY area but they make a bigger deal out of it BeCaUsE nOrTh. Like, the year Boston had so much snow they were dumping it into the harbor... Philly had the same thing going on but they have a couple vast areas of land down in Delco to dump it. The better story to blow up is dumping it into the harbor, so... naturally. i have been up here 3 years now (and have visited a few times prior) and... winter isn’t all that bad, aside from shorter and colder days.
  22. I mean I’m not gonna say no depending.
  23. Come on Phillies, you're better than this.
  24. That’s how I break in every new computer I get.
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