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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Probably manscape and then take a hot shower with my gf.
  2. Not hard to cook more...
  3. Because she had to work tomorrow so no late night fun. We "celebrated" and then she passed right the fuck out. ....she owes me
  4. Why not just cook for her? i mean, that's what I do.
  5. Oh look, another thread where Fuggs tries to insult people rather than make genuine content. No wonder no one here likes you.
  6. https://xyzzy.clrtd.com/zy/gameold.jsp#game=6 notwelcome is the password
  7. I got booze and cheech and crisps. Having a great time over here waiting for stain to dry
  8. What a fuckin dumpster fire
  9. Same. I can eat one or two pieces but then it's like... too much.
  10. Apparently that bacon is sizzlin' Extra salty.
  11. Or not.
  12. That gif looks exactly like my friend from Philly and now I am sending it to him without any context
  13. the pic is totally potato, but that's fine because I last-minute thought "time to show Packard what pork *should* look like when seasoned and glazed.
  14. Funny, I have been listening to Ozric Tentacles all afternoon
  15. No like, pork chops that were pan fried and then left to simmer in a honey glaze. Not that packard shit.
  16. I have pondered this for quite a while and I'd rather compose a list of users I do not want to meet.
  17. I have some tools if you need them.
  18. Mennonites don't either...
  19. I prefer rock crawlin but hey any excuse to get drunk with you works lmao
  20. Saul good, you just used the wrong culture
  21. As someone who grew up in Lancaster, This is extremely wrong.
  22. No.
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