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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. There is a looooot of porn from this movie.
  2. I'll have one of those
  3. Worth figuring out.
  4. Nooope.. a people have joined
  5. Oh wait i thought that said paintball HAHAHAHA
  6. Me too. Or when I'm 12 in a junkyard
  7. The ones that stay up late and/or drink
  8. What do y'all go to church or some shit? I can start it at 9 but all the fun people don't show up til later
  9. Same shit happened to me. 2009 2018
  10. I might start it at 10 instead. Actually fuck it, I am.
  11. It's Cards Against Humanity online. I just can't post a direct link to the game until I create said game. So when I do, I'll edit the op and pin the topic. Also, a UE-themed deck and some other card goodies will be included. :3
  12. Next time. It was a last-minute thing honestly
  13. https://xyzzy.clrtd.com/zy/gameold.jsp#game=36 pw is notwelcome
  14. Easy with the real names there, sport. And... excuses. It wasn't even packed in there, surprisingly.
  15. I've only seen it in video form thanks to a friend finding said video on his pc during a party. Not my thing.
  16. My thighs?
  17. My dad is from Cleveland, which makes me partially from Ohio...
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