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About This Club

I have no clue
  1. What's new in this club
  2. aw i was hoping there'd be more folks signing up. i mean, it doesn't take too much time from your busy day. not really.
  3. I’d like to make you and Pooh mentors for each team. I’ll be explaining the concept this weekend.
  4. Well, I have an idea if you’re interested….
  5. i can help. i already won. fair is fair.
  6. I’ve kind of got a lot going on in life right now and just don’t feel up to full participation this time around. I would love to help out in some other way, though.
  7. So, for some reason the boards are broken and won't let me put a poll on my OP. That means we'll have to do this the old fashioned way: If you're interested, post below.
  8. Wait... that means I can give this account to Buddy. Cool.
  9. I just happened upon this because I was being nosey as to who had the gall to call themselves the game master, but I will follow this thread now
  10. Survivor III is here! If you're interested, sign up in this thread. Here are the basic rules for participation: The game premise is political in nature, but this is not a venue to air your political or ideological opinions. You're free to express yourself in your submissions, but we will not allow any intolerance toward your fellow UEMBers or any racial, gender, or ethnic group. Doing so is grounds for being removed from the game. This is at least partly a team competition. If you're not confident in your own creativity, skills or breadth of knowledge on any or all subject, that's perfectly fine - we will not ask you to do anything that you can't or don't want to do. However, you still need to interact with your teammates. Offer encouragement, act as devil's advocate, or just give your honest opinion. Anything will help, as long as your a part of it. The team competition will last for three rounds, and the participation portion is about a week per round. At the very least, check in every day to see what your team is doing. Be respectful. Trash talking is part of the fun, but don't make personal attacks. Don't call out users by name. Don't mock anyone. Don't Doxx anyone. Non participating friends, family or other IRL acquaintances are also off limits. At the same time, have a sense of humor. If your particular mannerisms, styles of speech, or any personal experience shared on the UEMB are incorporated in a joke, don't be offended. It's okay to laugh at yourself, just as long as it's not at the expense of your dignity. ??? Life does get in the way. If something happens and you can't continue, we understand. Just let us know. Don't just disappear without letting someone know what happened. And, of course, all the other board rules apply. Pushing the limit is fine, but if it's not going to fly in the General Noise section, it won't fly in Survivor.
  11. So, despite promising it months ago, I’m ready to start up UEMB Survivor to commemorate the start of a not so new but equally troubling chapter in America. We got fires, we got a felon in the oval office, the world’s richest man might have completely lost his marbles, and, of course, Toonami is confounding us like always. I just want to say, I really appreciate everyone who participated last time. This game can sometimes feel like we’re running it by the seat of our pants because we are. It’s not as important that there is a winner as much as this is a place where each challenge is an opportunity to express yourself and to be as wicked or as sweet as your sense of humor will allow. I’ll be winding up throughout the week so expect some announcements peppered in as we move toward next weekend.
  12. @dateme Hey, c'mere
  13. Nahhh, I was just in it for fun and to give it more numbers I literally hopped on after my nightly smoke and made random stuff while I was high out of my mind... -no regerts
  14. It's neither, it's me continuing my reference despite me being out of the game. It's a me thing but when Distorted asked me why I didn't take out Vela, I told him I was keeping that Saiyan alive to wreck my shit later..... Oh, I'm Frieza....I guess I should make that clear too. And just like Frieza, I'm now pretending this was my plan all along
  15. I think I’m just glad I have no idea if you’re complimenting or insulting me.
  16. i think this is a compliment?
  17. Ya know what, you deserve a DBZ name too...Disco is Goku, Velz is Broly....you can beeeeeee....see, you're not really Vegeta...Cell, you can be Cell...he was around during the non-canon shit.
  18. i'm glad you stuck with it. @molarbear you gave it a great effort. the boob criss-cross-applesauce pic should have grabbed you a win. you are now, the guardian of the cicada. be their champion.

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