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am i the only one who thinks ghouls in this world are monsters and nothing this show does can prove otherwise?


i mean they have to devour people  they cannot eat anything else or they get extremely sick....


It's a fatal flaw of the series. We're supposed to feel bad for the poor ghouls because they're discriminated against. But they should be. They eat people. Live ones. Suicide victims. And they have super powers and are all really hard to kill.


And a lot of them are insane assholes. So i get why people don't want them around.

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I think a lot of the appeal Japan had toward this series to make it such a hit... was their cast. Ex- Tsu here was voiced not only one of the most popular anime seiyus working, but he's also a heartthrob and the fangirls go after him whenever he's in something!  Because we do not have the same cast, we do not have that attraction.


American Gay character clichee = Kurt Hummel from Glee


Japanes Gay character clichee = rapist version of James from Pokemon


I think a lot of the appeal Japan had toward this series to make it such a hit... was their cast. Ex- Tsu here was voiced not only one of the most popular anime seiyus working, but he's also a heartthrob and the fangirls go after him whenever he's in something!  Because we do not have the same cast, we do not have that attraction.


Not even the strongest cast could make this turd float.


Again why the hell is Shuu tolerated much less allowed to be a customer?


Toka is going to eat the food even though it makes her sick because her friend worked hard to make it.  As sweet as that sentiment is, it's kind of hard for me to take seriously.


Whis and Shuu both get off on their food.


Wtf... How the hell is this guy still alive?  Fuck that Kaniki.  He's getting his ass kicked for a reason.


"I don't care as long as he doesn't kill anyone I care about!"  Love that rationalization. :D.


His girlfriend?  Wasn't he macking on some other girl last time?


Shuu wants Kaniki to eat her while he eats him.  What a sick fuck.


It's a fatal flaw of the series. We're supposed to feel bad for the poor ghouls because they're discriminated against. But they should be. They eat people. Live ones. Suicide victims. And they have super powers and are all really hard to kill.


And a lot of them are insane assholes. So i get why people don't want them around.


At Least Vampires Are Easier to co-exist with...sometimes in certain media they can eat human food and they don't need to devour people anyways 


but ghouls have to devour them they have to consume them all...


yes some say oh but aside from the binge eatings they can eat one body and be fine for a month until the times up but even then...they are monsters  it would be different if there was something that could be subbed for Human Flesh but there isn't


the flaw is it has to be human flesh they consume or they die




It's a fatal flaw of the series. We're supposed to feel bad for the poor ghouls because they're discriminated against. But they should be. They eat people. Live ones. Suicide victims. And they have super powers and are all really hard to kill.


And a lot of them are insane assholes. So i get why people don't want them around.


I could see sympathizing with ones who only eat those that killed themselves.  They choose not to hurt anyone.


other than money, I sometimes wonder why this voice actor (who is actually gay btw) agree's to voice such revolting characters


Hopefully this dumbass dies tonight.


He got boring too quick.

from what I've been told, he doesn't


he joins he heroes because Japan thinks characters like him are a progressive display of support for gay rights



other than money, I sometimes wonder why this voice actor (who is actually gay btw) agree's to voice such revolting characters


I suppose he's jutst the kind of person who isn't bothered by it.  Most of the Funimation actors are like that.


Yes, don't sympathize with that guy.  I'm sure he chose to become a ghoul as a child.  ::)

also he ATE part of his girlfriend apparently

also he ATE part of his girlfriend apparently


Everyone has moments of weakness.  But a person's true strength can always shine through.


Hell, according to the UE people, ghoulism in this show is just like AIDS victims in the 80's: a different class of people that shouldn't be helped due to their very nature.


considering Funi is trying to be supportive to gay rights you'd think they wouldn't license homophobic animes anymore ::]::


considering Funi is trying to be supportive to gay rights you'd think they wouldn't license homophobic animes anymore ::]::

why do you have to make every single post about "Gay Rights"?  nothing about this anime is even remotely centered around Gay People 


get a grip


considering Funi is trying to be supportive to gay rights you'd think they wouldn't license homophobic animes anymore ::]::


I doubt they pay that much attention.

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