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That's always fun.

Its the same thing that happened in Nice, France.  Except he used a small car here instead of a truck.


The attacker has been identified as well as a 18 YO Somali Refugee who was a naturalized citizen with permanent legal status in the US.  He was also a student at OU. 


Turns out it wasnt a shooting actually



A guy ran his car into a group of people then got out and started to stab people/

lol all the media saying it was a shooting gtfo


Man, those Michigan fans really can't take an L...






(I'm going to hell}

after a while of reading the breaking news, that same thought came into my head and just wondered how many people where gonna post it on social media


How dare the media begin trying to frame it as a need for gun control when we should be framing it as a push for Muslim internment camps or a database!?


If Trump didn't want to go full-Hitler yesterday by jailing and stripping citizenship for exercising 1st amendment rights, he would've had a perfect tragedy to exploit.


Also, lols at trusting any endorsement ISIS gives to any domestic terrorists. ISIS would've endorsed the Ghostbusters remake if there were reports of people having heart attacks while watching it in theaters.


Well yea.  They wanted to push the narrative that it was a school shooting to try to push more anti-2A laws


Also: ISIS just claimed responsibility for the attack.

Anti-terroism investigators have found no link to him communicating with ISIS or being a direct member of the group. ISIS taking credit is not uncommon but hardly a full indication that he was actually one of their "soldiers". He did release a post about his upset wth the way muslims were being treated and killed (specifically in Burma) and the way the US was involving themselves in certain countries. Ultimately, more details are needed.



lol all the media saying it was a shooting gtfo


that is interesting. even when the story broke, here in Michigan it was reported as someone crashing his vehicle and stabbing people.


lololol, people here were initially seriously worried that it was a wolverine fan though.


Anti-terroism investigators have found no link to him communicating with ISIS or being a direct member of the group. ISIS taking credit is not uncommon but hardly a full indication that he was actually one of their "soldiers". He did release a post about his upset wth the way muslims were being treated and killed (specifically in Burma) and the way the US was involving themselves in certain countries. Ultimately, more details are needed.

It sounds like he was self-radicalized and one of the Lone Wolf terrorists that we keep being warned about. 

ISIS will gladly claim responsibility even if he had no real contact with them.


Shock of all shocks, it was one of our "good friends" from "The Religion of Peace."  He supported ISIS and wanted an end to American interference in countries with majority Muslim populations.


Look at all teh "moderate Muslims", youse guys!




These are people with no concept of modern, civilized society, or our freedoms.  If someone "insults Islam", they should be punished, arrested, jailed, banished, or worse.  It's not a religion, but a drug, a cult, one that is stuck in the seventh century and not compatible with our ways. 


Can't wait for more honor killings, rape sprees, acid thrown in women's faces for not "covering up", and hate crimes against gays, trans people, women, Christians, Jews, and others in our country as we let in "moderate Muslims" by the truckload.


Anti-terroism investigators have found no link to him communicating with ISIS or being a direct member of the group. ISIS taking credit is not uncommon but hardly a full indication that he was actually one of their "soldiers". He did release a post about his upset wth the way muslims were being treated and killed (specifically in Burma) and the way the US was involving themselves in certain countries. Ultimately, more details are needed.

And?  He's a radical Muslim and ISIS sympathizer.  Doesn't matter if he wasn't a card carrying member of ISIS.
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