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seeking medical advice where i shouldn't.... here, haha! help meh

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woke up with one side of my throat swollen about 9 am. hurt really bad to swallow there, even up into my ear. swollen gland biz n all that. i took ibuprofen, some tincture, and slept til 10:30. the swelling went down by half at least and the pain has lessened significantly. still sore and still swollen tho.



i'm not feeling sick otherwise, save a lil bit of stuffy nose action til about 11 but that went away so i assume its from sleeping with the window open on a kinda cold stormy night. so i called in just in case it gets worse, got paid sick time to spare. i don't want to spread something contagious but i am unfamiliar with throat sicknesses. seems like maybe it is not so serious. so for now am just monitoring the swelling and pain to see how it goes before i jump the gun and hit the doctor. the way i see it, this is probably an infection or irritation type of thing.



it doesn't feel scratchy.

ear pain is gone.

teeth don't hurt.

jaw doesn't hurt.

no fever.

no headache.

no spots or discoloration on my gums or tonsils.



i am going to go buy some ginger root, lemon, honey, and tea. also some soup so i don't irritate it with solid food.



i am not good in tea tho. it tastes like dirt. for a swollen throat, what sort of tea do you recommend?

anything else you recommend doing?... besides OMG GO TO THE DOCTOR RIGHT MEOW. cuz it really doesn't seem that urgent or necessary at this point.











not particularly. i do have mild allergies this time of year in general. my ears itch pretty consistently, sometimes clog for days or fill with fluid. i sneeze a whole lot and can get migraines.


i got a tattoo for the first time on tuesday... but thats healing pretty rapidly.


we do have some pretty serious pressure biz going on with this weather today too tho. i can even feel serious it in my rheumatoid ridden knees.


ohhhhh i said pretty too much in that post :(


no worries...  :D


yeah, it could just be the weather though. i'm pretty consistently stuffy this time of year.


'course i live in the south and we have pretty hard core pollen counts.


point is, it's probably nothing to worry about.


ohhhhh i said pretty too much in that post :(


I have no clue if you're having allergy problems or picked up a bug, but putting 'pretty' in front of everything is one of my bad habits too.  :-[


it doesn't seem too worrisome but i called off in case it were to spread through my whole throat or get worse... just in case. i work with perggers people right meow.


i do want to sooth it and if it is infection, nip it in the bud. so ginger tea biz it is. buuuuuut wut kind of tea? black tea? green tea?...


I have no clue if you're having allergy problems or picked up a bug, but putting 'pretty' in front of everything is one of my bad habits too.  :-[



hoping for allergies!

i don't want to miss multiple days of work.


Just remembered what I was guzzling when my throat was last jacked up. Chamomile tea with honey and lemon throat lozenges.



thats what my girlfriend just said too... but she said if i can find it, i should actually go for a licorice root tea  ::D:: ::D:: ::D:: ::D::










Well, I'm not one to give medical advice, but I can definitely help when it comes to tea. Since you're complaining about your throat, I highly recommend peppermint tea. It leaves a tingly cooling and warming sensation down your throat. It also doesn't have that earthy taste you seem to be implying you don't like (personally, I like earthy tasting teas).


Chamomile tea tastes good and makes you smell all florally. I don't think licorice root tea is gonna taste like the black candy that is an abomination in my mouth, but I haven't tried it yet.


Throat coat tea - there are a few brands, try one of the ones with licorice and mallow.


If you don't have a fever, and it's resolving, stick with plenty of liquids and ibuprofen for pain (since it's an anti inflammatory, it will help the swelling a bit as well).


If you start running a temp, if it gets worse, if you develop spots on your tonsils, or if it doesn't resolve in a few days, call the doc.


Also, if you think it's allergies or allergy-related, you might want to try your antihistamine of choice


i recommend fire  O0 :420: :beer:



um, no



i am currently drinking warm dirt liquid but i did also consume more tincture... but this time i chose the psychoactive kind and the "just pain" targeting kind  :D


i am not good in tea tho. it tastes like dirt. for a swollen throat, what sort of tea do you recommend?

anything else you recommend doing?... besides OMG GO TO THE DOCTOR RIGHT MEOW. cuz it really doesn't seem that urgent or necessary at this point.


I would say simple green tea would be the best.  The less you put into your throat the better unless you have a specific reason to coat it.


theres something that swolls up your saliva gland going around mishygin. I had it. It swolled me up bad like I had the mumps. For all I know it could've been mumps b/c I wasn't vaccinated properly.


But yea really swollen side of your face without any spots in your mouth. I thought it was tonsillitis except it didn't get too bad to swallow and like I said no spots in the mouth.


Once I swolled to the max, I could tell it was my saliva gland swelling b/c of the shape.



i can't tell what it is, just ouchy :(







no  >:(


Hippie tonics won't cure infections hun.

At least see a nurse practitioner if it doesn't go down by tomorrow morning.



Hippie tonics won't cure infections hun.

At least see a nurse practitioner if it doesn't go down by tomorrow morning.



tea helps with a lot of different sickness type stuffs. the tincture is pot stuffs and it absolutely treats the pain. ibuprofen is good for the swelling.



not all hippie shit is bullshit. its not the same as some weird chanting with a crystal or trying to heal a broken bone by drinking the blood of some virgin animal. there is actual science involved in the ability for certain things to heal and/or draw out infections. its not like the doctor can give me antibiotics. i mean, they can try a new one and i can have another allergic reaction ranging from anaphylactic shock to tightness in my chest or hives  :|  i've been over this many times with doctors or friends which are nurses... not witch doctors, actual medical professionals who have helped me come up with some good alternatives to try first.


the girlfriend i mentioned earlier who suggested the licorice root tea, sometime after the thread was already made, is a DPN.


thanks for your concern, but i'm not going to running to the doctor every time something minor happens.



tea helps with a lot of different sickness type stuffs. the tincture is pot stuffs and it absolutely treats the pain. ibuprofen is good for the swelling.



not all hippie shit is bullshit. its not the same as some weird chanting with a crystal or trying to heal a broken bone by drinking the blood of some virgin animal. there is actual science involved in the ability for certain things to heal and/or draw out infections. its not like the doctor can give me antibiotics. i mean, they can try a new one and i can have another allergic reaction ranging from anaphylactic shock to tightness in my chest or hives  :|  i've been over this many times with doctors or friends which are nurses... not witch doctors, actual medical professionals who have helped me come up with some good alternatives to try first.


the girlfriend i mentioned earlier who suggested the licorice root tea, sometime after the thread was already made, is a DPN.


thanks for your concern, but i'm not going to running to the doctor every time something minor happens.


  I didn't know you were allergic to antibiotics. I apologize.



If it's viral, which odds are, it is, there's nothing anybody could do but charge you for an office visit anyway. I'd give it a day or two, and if it gets worse, or doesn't seem to be getting any better, then I'd call.


BTW, have you tried an antihistamine?


Oh, poor baby! Plenty of clear liquids, ibuprofen, rest...if you can take it, you may want to see about tamaflu, but given your history with antibiotics, I don't know if you'd have a problem with anti-virals.


I hope you feel better soon. <3


thank youuuuu <3


idk... this sore throat biz is the dumps but at least its not swollen anymore. i'll take whatever my mom brings me, cuz i'm a big fat baby and don't wanna go to the store and look at all the labels with my achin ass :( :( :(


moms are the best tho, she will know what to get <3




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