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Woah is it just me, or has this place picked up activity in the last few days?

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They forgot to totally kill the boards: http://boards.staging.adultswim.com/


It's a homunculus. It must die.



That made me do a spit take so epic that if Stephen Spielberg were walking by he'd say something along the lines of " I'll pay you $15,000,000 to be in my next movie just for that." 


Unfortunately it can never be emulated again because it was used on your post. 


they both feel kinda slow n easy to me.  but at this stage we're not looking for traffic.  At least not til the design gets hammered out.  which will probably take me awhile.


you might have just noticed the "users online today" thing, which is a recent addition to this board, but was always part of the Proboard.  So - like at one time, when you logged onto this board, all you saw was who was online right now. 


But now you see that, but you also see all the users that logged in within the last 24 hours.  So it looks busier maybe.


the most users ever online was on this board.  So this board has, at least spike-wise, been the higher traffic of the two.  Also there was only 1 Toonami discussion on the other board.


that board has a much better design.  And I think design encourages posting.


But this board has more features and allows more control, including actual ability to keep the posts/data.


so it pretty much had to be done.


eventually it's my goal to have this place look more like that place.


The issues being - it's weird, but this current theme is the only one that's compatible with everything we need modification-wise.  But it's kinda ugly and sucky.


But it was necessary to find that one compatible theme so that I can begin looking at changing the appearance of it.


So step one - finding a theme that actually works with everything, is successful.  We found one (which ain't easy).


Step two will then be to alter the appearance of this theme to, as closely as possible, resemble theme of the other board.  And that will probably take awhile.

Guest The Hound

Nah. This place is ballin too. That's the main reason.


Can't log on the old board where I am now.  It only seems to work on my laptop.

Turns out I can't log on at all anymore.  I had shut down my computer before going on vacation and on restart, I can't log on to the staging site.


Anybody else got this problem or know how to fix it?


Turns out I can't log on at all anymore.  I had shut down my computer before going on vacation and on restart, I can't log on to the staging site.


Anybody else got this problem or know how to fix it?

Nevermind.  I had to logon to the dead site in order to be logged on to the staging site...bizarre.


Turns out I can't log on at all anymore.  I had shut down my computer before going on vacation and on restart, I can't log on to the staging site.


Anybody else got this problem or know how to fix it?


If you try to log in where it says to log in at the top right, it won't work. What I did was click the notification bell, then logged in from there.


That's exactly what I did, but the notification bell took me to the old logon which once logged on took me to the goofy "WTF" dead site comic.


I wonder why...


It's me. 8)


Seriously though, it is for the same reasons that asmb failed. It has to do with commitment level, here we have two admins who are committed to making this place a success, and they have volunteers who share that same level  of investment in a successful outcome. There are clear lines of communication between management and users which are being actively monitored and evaluated in terms of goals and creating a generally positive user experience. Also, there isn't the kind of acrimony that the asmb had.

Guest The Hound

It's more active than nodebb ever was.

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