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1 hour ago, Raptorpat said:

I'm confused. If you know the email and you know the password, why can't you log in?

I'm not asking to be a tool, I'm just confused.

The email got hacked. I said that. It’s linked to an old phone number now and I can’t even answer questions to reset the password. 

  • 1 month later...

First raid. I got lucky cuz I sure as shit didn’t get another one 😆 people around me got 3 and 4 shiny. I consider myself lucky to get 1 my shiny luck is a big ol womp womp 😆


13 hours ago, viperxmns said:

I got one on my 6th, final free pass praisehelix

Had a shiny day, Swablu was my daily spawn

I'm still in cursed bracket that doesnt have that daily incense thing 

Screenshot_20220731-212009_Pokmon GO.jpg

I’ve had the daily incense for a week or so. I hope they never discover that it works in cars too because it does and really well. Seems like there’s a love hate thing going on with the adventure incense. Some people are getting really cool mons like hsuian Moltres, and other people get nothing different or nothing at all and they swear they’re moving. 


I didn't know there was a shiny variant until after thale fact. I coughed up coins for remote passes and did the six raids I can see from home, because I couldn't be bothered to leave the house but now I have no coins.

I'm undecided on the new incense feature. The spawns I got in the couple days before the weekend seemed generic and not different from the regular spawns (though I'm aware the hsuian birds are in the pool). The share feature seems a bit over the top. Is there any reason to cram to catch 20 incense spawns in one go?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Never encountered any legendary bird using the daily incense. Best I got was a vaporeon 

I am currently growing a Chikorita. Should be ready for harvest in about 50 more days 💩



  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Raptorpat said:

what the god damn heck



That’s horrific Blanche looks like a total dweeb now. Wtf is up with the shorts too. I get they’re non-binary but that doesn’t mean they gotta dress like the lead singer of AC/DC. Ridiculous 😆

  • 2 weeks later...

I miss the old Blanche I feel like pogo did them dirty by dressing them ridiculous with that said I finally got a shiny Xerneas and I got questions. In battle Xerneas has like a really colorful, idkwtf to call it?, a colorful crown of antlers I guess but when the battle is done they’re nowhere near as colorful. What’s up with that?


  • Like 2
44 minutes ago, viperxmns said:

yea Xerneas has its like 'active' form or whatever we don't normally see as a buddy sad

Oooh! I didn’t know that. My Pokémon knowledge goes up to the third gen. That is sad it’s so cool looking. If you use them in a pvp battle does it go back to being colorful?


Question to the group could you eat a Pokémon?  In season one of Pokémon we see people at a fair eating deep fried magikarp and idk if I’d be able to do it.  In a pokemon world I’d probably be vegan. What about you guys?  Could you eat Miltank and Bouffant burgers, or nah?


the series is inconsistent, like I think the original generation treated a lot of them like animals that would eat each other and stuff, and then everything got anthropomorphized. like the reason you couldn't catch a farfetch'd in the wild and had to find the one NPC who would trade it was because it was eaten to near-extinction.

I think gen 5 or one of the later gens (or both) tried to do a tonal reset on that kind of stuff, but unless you show a predator pokemon eating the carcass of a prey Pokemon, the anthropomorphizing will always win out.

  • Like 1

Yea gym or other battles should do rainbow mode for Xerneas

As for the eating yeah idk now they show like normal animals in the pokemon universe, right, so that would be the cop out for eating meat

All sorts of sustainability issues when it comes to eating pokemon just like in the real world, have we humans learned nothing

  • Like 1

I had to look it up cuz you're throwing me for a loop


most of the references to "real" animals were earlier in the franchise (like the OG anime run) and "Also according to Shudō, real animals went extinct in the Pokémon world years ago and no longer exist. He claimed that instances of real-world animals appearing in earlier episodes of the anime were due to the animation staff not paying enough attention."

  • Thanks 1

Lol damn

I prob shoulda looked it up also

Don't see why there couldn't be non pokemon animals though, also brings to mind how cartoons will have the anthropomorphic animal characters coexisting with like, nonverbal animal animals

6 hours ago, viperxmns said:

Yea gym or other battles should do rainbow mode for Xerneas

As for the eating yeah idk now they show like normal animals in the pokemon universe, right, so that would be the cop out for eating meat

All sorts of sustainability issues when it comes to eating pokemon just like in the real world, have we humans learned nothing

But it seems like in the Pokémon universe Pokémon are much smarter than animals in the real world I cringe a lot watching that first season especially when that one trainer was really hard on his Pokémon he had some sort of show with them but it turns out the Pokémon loved their abusive trainer that episode, if aired today for the first time, would get ripped a new asshole 

7 hours ago, Raptorpat said:

the series is inconsistent, like I think the original generation treated a lot of them like animals that would eat each other and stuff, and then everything got anthropomorphized. like the reason you couldn't catch a farfetch'd in the wild and had to find the one NPC who would trade it was because it was eaten to near-extinction.

I think gen 5 or one of the later gens (or both) tried to do a tonal reset on that kind of stuff, but unless you show a predator pokemon eating the carcass of a prey Pokemon, the anthropomorphizing will always win out.

I definitely couldn’t look a mr mime in the eyes and blow its brains out, but then again I probably wouldn’t be able to make it eat on the floor like Ash’s mom did either 😆

honestly idk how I’m not a vegetarian as soft as I am. I can’t even kill spiders 😆


might be veering off topic but I don't kill spiders either, mostly they don't deserve to be

mosquitoes get the banhammer for sure, I hate killing ants or other neutral insects like these small beetles I find but if they start to invade gotta do what's necessary, plus those lanternflies (which I haven't seen close to home as of yet)

I have a pokemon ethics question regarding keeping pokemon in pokeballs lol, would the equivalent be like, in a kennel while tranquilized


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I’ve killed a few lantern flies at first but I started feeling so bad that I can’t do it anymore. I want to try killing the eggs off of trees instead of the fully formed bug. Don’t get me wrong I hate bugs and understand it needs to be done but I can’t do it, not in the numbers that would be effective. 

Doesn’t the Pokéball heal them over time? How are they existing inside the ball. Is it like an episode of robot chicken, or are they just data in a ball?


yea I'm outta town too where nobody raids so it's ripbozo

and other ppll who got the raids done didn't see the special spawns including kanto birds that mostly run just like the galar ones

another spectacular niantic success

  • Haha 1

Is the hoopa unbound thing over cuz I didn’t get one. They can’t be doin shit during football season putting events smack in the middle of the best games of the afternoon.  I tried to do a raid but there was only four of us and none of us had particularly strong bug types we failed big time. They trying to bring back ex raids but they wanna make them worse by not allowing us to invite people. Even ex raids eventually allowed invitations and I believe you could play from anywhere (the invited players not the ex raid pass people)


They raised the prices of everything too despite them having made hand over fist profits. I can understand adjusting prices because of exchange rate and shit but nah raising $ in the US was straight up bullshit garbage nonsense 

  • Thanks 1
  • 3 weeks later...

What is that campfire doo hickey thing about?  I like it shows what’s in the area but it’s got more features like shooting flares and idk what else anyone know what else it does? 

  • 3 weeks later...

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