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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 19


Cultural Festival time! Because every anime set in school needs one at some point.xD Okay first of all, the bit with Mera "disguising" herself for a shot at Saiko's money, and then frantically picking it up in the background got me good. xD That little folktales analysis diatribe was great. Bullshit that they cut out Aren's story and told us to just check the manga though. xD But hey, he got to be Urashima anyway. Saiko's such a fucking asshole leaving like that, but they nearly succeeded anyway. If only Teruhashi hadn't seen Saiki. Congrats Class 5, you earned it! xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Action Heroine Cheer Fruits 1 - 12(END)


So the girls made it to #2 and it's heavily implied the building Misaki's grandpa helped build won't be demolished after all. Pretty nice ending for what was a surprisingly enjoyable little show. Going in I was expecting a standard idol show, and while I was reminded of something like say LocoDol, this really went in a unique direction with the tokusatsu Kamen Rider/Super Sentai-esque hero motif. Loved the putting on a stage play aspect with the little kids audience participation; totes adorbs! xD All the girls were enjoyable. I probably liked Mikan best, but the little yuri-esque relationship between Misaki and Roko was enjoyable. Ditto Kanon and her butt monkey/ohoho laugh Ojou-sama gimmick. Been awhile since I'd watched a series that had one of those in it.xD And of course the twins and Hatsuri, plus the thrifty Mana, they were all good. Honestly I wish I had chosen this to be my 700th completed series. I liked it much better than Ryuuou no Oshigoto! But no way for me to know that going in of course so, oh well. Solid 7/10. Also, I think this is the first anime I've watched that directly referenced The Razzies so...there's that. xD

Edited by BUU8800

Space Battleship Yamato 2202 3


Dammit Kodai!  You're in an anime!  Telling the girl not to come with you always ends badly!  In this case, she literally broke off your engagement!  You're not protecting her!


Posted (edited)

Tachibanakan Triangle 9


Sick Hanabi this week. And sick side boob she showed off in that opening shot!

xD And nice job grabbing/showing off Sonoa's big, beautiful tits! xD Awww, they're all a family, how sweet.  :)

Lupin III: Part V 9

3D Kanojo: Real Girl 9

Well everything is out in the open at last. And, naturally, the show makes it about 95% Tsutsui's fault. I just can't shake my head enough. Well whatever, at least I empathized with Tsutsui in the flashback. Honestly, that expectation that you're somehow lesser for still enjoying your things from childhood as an older person is such bullshit. Not surprising mind you, as high schoolers are usually assholes anyway, especially in this series as I've mentioned more than once before. Three episodes left for Tsutsui to set everything right. Not that he alone should have to.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Rewatched Hunter x Hunter 1999 45 and Samurai Champloo 23


Next on my writing schedule: Kinky Kunoichi #8. The selected storyboarder and episode director: Yukihiro Matsushita and Mitsutaka Noshitani, respectively.

As I'm aiming for this episode's visualization to fall in line with the "kino" flavor of visual direction that Tsuru is known for, I thought I'd go for an episode by Matsushita in that same flavor. Specifically, the "Kurapika's training" filler anime original episode of the original HxH anime. Good stuff right there. B| As for Noshitani, whose only directorial efforts thus far in terms of whole series are Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita and Amai Choubatsu - both short-form pornography for women - I decided to go for something of his on the unit directorial side, something stand-alone that would be informative yet fun to rewatch. So I went with the baseball episode of Champloo; a long-time favorite of mine. Probably the only episode I could recite word for word, if such a thing was even remotely possible.

Of course, I can't rely on that alone, so I'm rewatching a Dimension W episode tomorrow from Noshitani, just to see if there are any comparison points I could implement. And maybe also the first Skirt no Naka wa, just for the hell of it. :P


Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Rewatched Dimension W 3 and Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita 1


While I appreciate that Kyoma kept the insults on the down low this episode, I still think TV Tropes is being real assholish, telling me I can't possibly like Kyoma as a character just because he calls Mira a "piece of junk" more often than not... Just let me have my opinion in peace, ya jerks!

Crap, I accidentally watched the non-porn version. Ah well, it's probably what Blatch would've wanted.


Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Confused 1

For what it's worth, I still want to watch Amai Choubatsu (err, Sweet Punishment?) if it ever ends up being subbed. :ph34r:

Magical Girl Ore #9
How to Keep a Mummy #4
Log Horizon S1E1


When this show doesn't horrendously repeat jokes to pad out the running time of an episode, it's decent, and not horrendously boring. On the other hand, I think I've forsaken it in terms of story, because Michiru and Ruka having an almost identical plot compared to the main characters didn't make this one any less entertaining, at least for me.

On a different note, me internalizing one of the girls as "Ranko, but with her hair down" is funny in hindsight, because PRISMA treats their magical girl work like stage performances, and they spice it up with some chuunibyou speak at the beginning that I'm sure would make her proud.

Posted (edited)

Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 9


Okay first of all, Ijuin running and laughing in the rain like a fucking madman was wonderful!xD That aside this plot still....well it's still paint by numbers. I'll give Teresa credit for actually smooching the sleeping Tada-kun, at least I think, but the silly girl still hasn't told him how she feels. I assume that'll be next week followed by a two episode finale of will they won't they-esque drama. Really you could see the skeleton of this story from very early on, and considering how likable the core cast is, and how much chemistry they have together, the drama just wasn't needed. But who knows? Maybe they'll surprise me and Teresa and Tada-kun will get together next week with two slice of life comfy outings to end the season...I'd like that. Meanwhile, Nyanko Big still a fuckin' boss! xD

Comic Girls 9


Koyume color pages! Figures the girl with the best tits would get them!xD But what's this? It's time for the fat shaming episode! Burn those calories with the Koyumethod! xD Meanwhile, Tsubasa's lost her manuscript! Luckily Fuura-senpai is on the case! Hmmm....now that I think about it Fuura may actually have the best tits, not sure. xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Magical Girl Ore 7


I enjoy this show more than I was rightfully expecting myself to, especially with the more critical thoughts on it from both ANN and Blatch. For whatever reason, the biggest - or at least, the most giddy - laugh I got out of it was just this image of Mohiro.


That boy gets all of the pussy. xD


Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hinamatsuri 9


Well finally we see more of Mao, filling in admirably for Tom Hanks. Reach the mainland girl! Meanwhile Hina's "Boo!" was totes adorbs! Far better than a cement bath, eh Nitta? xD

Toji no Miko 21


Hiyori gone wild! But in the end it was all a ruse for her to get absorbed. Yeah, with 3 episodes left I figured it couldn't end so easily. But what was with the overly dramatic end credits? Nobody's dumb enough to think Hiyori's actually gone for good. Not that I'd really care if she was mind you, but she'll be back.

Edited by BUU8800

Chaika: The Coffin Princess 7
Please Twins! 11
Ghost Stories 2


Toru's hallucination about being in love with Chaika only for her to leave him for Monsieur Gillette was hi-larious. xD

Also was not expecting Hadley to be a woman.



Boku no Hero Academia S3 7-9
Devils Line 7-9
Persona 5 the Animation 7-9
Darling in the FranXX 18-19
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen 19-20
One Piece 837-838
Captain Tsubasa (2018) 8-9
Tokyo Ghoul:re 8-9
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou 8
Lupin III Part V 8-8
Steins;Gate 0 7-8
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 8
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii 7-9
Piano no Mori (TV) 7-8
Hinamatsuri 8-9

  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)

Amanchu! Advance 9


So Peter was old whatshisface all along. And all Ai did was ensure Katori-sensei was gettin' laid.xD Well that's fine. I definitely shipped Peter with her over Ai anyway, but on the whole I probably could have done without this arc. When you look at the 24 episodes of this show's 2 seasons overall I just know this is gonna stick out like a sore thumb, but eh, whatever. Looks like we're back to the one-offs next week, as it should be.

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 20


Okay, before anything else, holy fuck Saiki you turned down a sexy as fuck Aiura and her massively big, beautiful tits just lying their on your bed waiting for you? Good lord!xD That Venus' tits certainly give her a run for her money though, as "Nendou" correctly pointed out. xD But I'm getting ahead of myself. New title cards this late in the game? Okay I guess. And dealing with Saiki's power of petrification. That middle segment just reminded me of how I miss the real cat, whatshisface. And the New Years ones were nice, cute little silence gimmick at the end. I can't believe Saiki just threw away 600 bucks like that over a bad fortune though. Well I guess maybe with his lucrative powers it makes sense. Probably the best episode overall of the last few.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Golden Kamuy 9


Ah yes, getting shot, stabbed(repeatedly), and attacked by Free Willy. Truly, a gleaming way to die...or horrible one depending on how you look at it.xD Well they got the tattoo anyway, and that's all that counts. That and Asirpa finally getting to poop. Speaking of, Osoma is too adorable palling around with Tanigaki, who's got his own troubles dealing with Ogata! And Asirpa and Sugimoto got no clue how important the old man she drooled all over was. I love it. xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Tachibanakan Triangle 10


Ping Pong and Hot Springs. Cue the fanservice!xD

Lupin III: Part V 10

3D Kanojo: Real Girl 10


Hmmm, well showing your girlfriend as a response to Ayado's confession was an....interesting tactic there Tsutsui. Not really sure I liked it, but the show clearly thinks it was the right move. Well whatever, at this point I'm just waiting for things to wrap up. And with the focus seemingly switched to Iroha's backstory and the two coming together as much as possible in the 3 months they got left, it looks like we're doing just that. Damn, those nail clipper scenes in anime give me the shivers. I prefer cutting my nails with curved scissors whenever possible, though funnily enough I actually did use nail clippers just last night. And yeah, that tangent was more interesting than the actual episode.xD

Edited by BUU8800

Shuumatsu no Izetta 1 - 8(DROPPED)

This actually wasn't THAT bad, but certain twists were pretty annoying. So after how episode 8 turned out(really? they kill the 2 spies but the random wagon dude just happens to be a Germanian too? Give me a break.) I said fuck it and decided to spoil the last 4 for myself. And while the very ending doesn't sound that bad either, I don't really feel like sitting through 3 more episodes to get to it. The idea of the series with the alternate WWII was kinda interesting, and it certainly wasn't afraid to kill off main or seemingly main characters like Jonas in episode 6 or spy dude in 8, but the humor, mostly revolving around Izetta's big tits or whathaveyou, really didn't gel well with the otherwise serious tone. And it did at time feel like it was trying to seem "bigger" than it really was. I'm thinking of the one dude's little "anti-happy ending" monologue from episode 8. On one hand I could appreciate it, but on the other if felt extremely cheesy. Probably won't take me long to forget this. Izetta's big tits were pretty nice though for whatever that's worth. 6/10


Magical Girl Ore #10
Mr. Osomatsu #22 and #23

To me, the God of Mixers sounds like a Pop Team Epic character, if only because they already have a God of Eurobeat. In my opinion, those two would go great together.

I liked how #23 had both segments form a coherent story, even though they were both serialized. On the other hand, "Kerosene" tried to milk the chaotic relations of the sextuplets too hard, and "Dayon Tribe" felt a little rushed. I can chalk most of the weird things that happened (three of the brothers getting Dayon's characteristics, for one... if those weren't a side effect of the stomach medicine one of them was given early on) to unexplained magical qualities of his body, but if any of them actually requested a tank of kerosene, either I missed it, or it wasn't included. I still liked the episode, though.


Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 10

Man that Rainbow Shogun date was adorable. Unfortunately my feeling from waaaay early on turned true. The main plot for this is going so cliche that it actuaslly hurts what is otherwise a wonderful show. So unnecessary that it hurts. Oh well, let's see how Tada gets her back in our last 2 episodes.

Comic Girls 10

Toss another Christmas/Birthday/New Years episode in the pile! And who knew Tsubasa lived in a castle? Meanwhile Kaos continues to be the butt monkey. Easily the worst thing about this series.


Joker Game 8
One Outs 13


I love it whenever they bring attention to the "running past the guy in front of you gets you out" rule in baseball. I actually learned that fun fact from another anime, believe it or not.



Posted (edited)

Hinamatsuri 10


The plight of 2 girls in different income brackets this week. Hitomi, who can't say no and succeeds at anything that's thrown at her, and Anzu, desperately trying to earn money betting on the ponies. Meanwhile Hina just sleeps the days away. Well despite some....questionable....adult supervision, keep at it girls!xD

Toji no Miko 22


Well to the surprise of no one Hiyori was still alive. Not even a full episode after last week's overly dramatic black ending theme. Boy that one scene of the adults near the beginning had some of the derpiest looking faces of all, which is saying something for this series. Time and budget constraints really hitting hard as we near the finale eh? I don't really get why they bothered saving that dark red-haired woman whose name I never bothered to remember. She's been irredeemably awful the entire series while some arguably more innocent underage characters have died, including one this week. Just makes no sense to me but, oh well I guess?

And in unrelated, somewhat disgusting news, pretty sure I caught my younger sister's illness she just got over considering I puked about 6 times on and off just now. This should be a fun weekend!

Edited by BUU8800

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