Delaclease Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 One Piece 827 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen 9 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 Rewatched Death Note eps 24 and 25. These episodes were just as hard to watch the second time as they were the first. If only L hadn't let Light touch the notebook and kept it from him. It's still sad to watch. I'm going to take a break from Death Note for at least a few days, maybe longer. The L episodes are the best in my opinion and the only good episode left is the last one because of what happened in the end. 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 4, 2018 Author Posted March 4, 2018 (edited) Mitsuboshi Colors 9 The Colors go weapon shopping with the power of One Coin Sat-chan! Leave it to Pops to catch her 500 yen attack! And give them some walky talkies! One Coin Sat-Chan sure was prominent though, what with her revival to make a shrine visit! I like the 5 yen coins better too!....well not really. And how enlightened of the Colors to realize they are nothing without enemies! Ah trailing the Colonel...I'm getting Flying Witch flashbacks! You know, I quite like best-girl Yui with her hair down. Ah a cookie tin time capsule....just be sure to leave out the poop. And yeah Kotoha, best-girl Yui smacked down your insufficient gaming skills yet again! Edited March 4, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
The1gairon Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 One Piece 483 and 484. ....... yep. Siigh....... Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 4, 2018 Author Posted March 4, 2018 Kokkoku 9 Some more interesting developments this week. I dunno why it never occurred to me they could just destroy the stone to save Gramps, but I'm glad it worked out. Juri seems screwed now, but I doubt the series is gonna end with her stuck in stasis alone. I wasn't expecting the blonde goon to be alive and become a herald either. But really? Nobody noticed it was Makoto controlling him and not the obnoxious dad? Well this should lead somewhere. I thought the dad could summon heralds in an earlier episode but at this point that probably isn't the case which means he's just around to be a douche/potential death fodder. After all these fakeouts I'm starting to doubt anyone's actually gonna die though. Regardless, I doubt that herald will be enough to stop Toguro...err Sagawa, but we'll see. Plus I did also like that little pause to explain why they had to fight him. Until next week! Quote
EyeOfPain Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 20 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Pop Team Epic 9 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 Mitsuboshi Colors 9 Gakuen Babysitters 9 Kokkoku 9 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 4, 2018 Author Posted March 4, 2018 Shounen Ashibe: Go! Go! Goma-chan 2, 1 - 32(END) And so another season ends with Sugao denied his reunion with Ashibe, but at least he left him with some wonderful gifts. And that snowy nighttime atmosphere with the lights was so pleasant. My goodness, Sugao's too good for the fate he receives. Anyway this was another solidly comfy season of Goma-chan. Right about on par with the last, except the opening and ending themes were much better in season one. Happy we'll be getting a season three. 7/10 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 5, 2018 Author Posted March 5, 2018 (edited) Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 9 Ah yes, the power of cell phones. It's true that kids are getting them earlier and earlier these days. Personally as an embarrassingly old man I've still never owned one before, nor do I want to in all honesty. Still, they were responsible for some adorable moments in this episode. Like their first chat at night. And yeah, you're only keeping her picture as bargaining leverage....whatever you say Nishikata. Also as an unrelated aside, this episode turned out to be my 13,500th episode of anime watched according to my MAL stats so...hooray! Edited March 5, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
jackiemarie90 Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 Naruto Shippuden filler is actually pretty great... For getting my homework done while it's playing in the background. Helps me focus on my assignments and helps me rush so I don't have anything to do when the cannon story starts. Just got to Kage summit ep. 204 dubbed. 1 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 Kuroko's Basketball 22.5 (Tip-off) I wasn't expecting this episode to be so Kise-centric, though considering its number placement, I can't say I blame them. Quote
GunStarHero Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 Found this beautiful bastard at a thrift shop. Going to be watching it next. 2 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 6, 2018 Author Posted March 6, 2018 (edited) Nourin 1 - 12(END) And so we get the standard love triangle opened ending where neither girl is actually chosen in hopes that the story might someday continue with another season. Hopes that, considering this anime finished airing four years ago this month, seem highly unlikely. Well I guess it was better than seeing my favorite girl, and the childhood friend naturally, Minori and her big, beautiful tits outright lose which I'm sure must happen in the source material. And you know, for as paint by numbers as this series ended it sure didn't start that way, for me anyway. Going in I expected this to be a series much closer in tone to the more serious moments of the last two episodes, some sort of romantic comedy Barakamon almost. Instead what I got was Seitokai Yakuindomo. The raunchiness and ecchi fanservice blew me away at first with how blatant and prevalent it was. I think it was just because it subverted my expectations so heavily, but it took me a few episodes to get over that jarring feeling I initially had from it. Seriously, tons of naked characters and sex jokes throughout. Mixed with a ton of anime parodies and general zaniness. Some landed for me, like the Yu Yu Hakusho Toguro reference or the Lupin III title card nod. Others definitely went over my head. Mixed into all this chaos was also glimpses into the more serious nature I expected from the start. Just to give an example, in episode 4 alone we get a fairly straightforward and explicit scene involving best-girl Minori openly willing to have sex with our mc, who promptly ignores her, and later that same episode we get what is supposed to be a sad and poignant lesson on the importance of soil preservation and restoration. What? To say that the tonal shifts were jarring is an understatement. Characters were fine for the most part. I loved Minori and Yoshida and their big, beautiful tits. Kei was fun, Hata was kind of on the generic side but not to an annoying degree. Except maybe when he was dishing out the fat jokes to Minori which were annoying. I should also probably mention the teacher Becky. Honestly I wasn't a huge fan of her schtick. There were a few scenes I enjoyed but on the whole she didn't really click much with me. The series looked nice enough, can't complain about the visuals. And uhhhh...yeah. Overall I'd say the series was just alright. Not a particularly boring show, I marathoned the whole thing in just under 24 hours, but nothing I think I'll remember in a few months. Maybe had I seen it when I was younger or under different circumstances I'd have enjoyed it more but, eh. 6/10 Edited March 6, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 9 Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line 9 Sora yori mo Tooi Basho 9 Overlord II 9 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 6, 2018 Author Posted March 6, 2018 (edited) A Place Further Than The Universe 10 Christmas and the nature of friendship. Boy that chicken looked good, right? Overlord II 9 Assault on the brothel! Well I hoped for more from Sebas, but killing that fatty was fun, and I assume he'll be doing more against Zero and his crew. I'm not really worried about his meeting with Ainz. In the meantime our primary focus was on Climb and Brain. Climb performed about as well as he's been built to against Succulent. Good, but ultimately not good enough. He'd have been screwed without Brain's help. There's a nice little relationship building on that front. Wonder if that'll continue. Meanwhile I might have been too hasty in my declaration of his devotion to Princess Renner being Climb's doom last week. Or maybe I should say I still think that it will be, but no longer in the same sense. Until now I just assumed she was using him as a disposable meat shield, but this week it seems like she's almost got a yandere-esque attachment to him, planning to kill anyone who speaks ill of him. Now if this is because she thinks he's more talented than he is and will turn on him after seeing him struggle in a fight, or if it's due to some other reason I can't really yet say. The girl's crazy in any event, and I do hope he eventually realizes this and escapes her clutches without meeting a bad end, but we'll see. Edited March 6, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 (edited) B: The Beginning 1 Because fuck binge-watching, I watch at my own pace. Edited March 6, 2018 by PokeNirvash 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 7, 2018 Author Posted March 7, 2018 (edited) Etotama 1 - 12(END) You know, if I were Nya-tan I'd be really fucking pissed at getting scummed out of being a member of the zodiac on a technicality. To the extent that I'd probably never speak to any of them again. I get this series isn't supposed to be taken even remotely that seriously but still, that kinda annoyed me. That aside this was a perfectly serviceable 6 out of 10 series. It was a very silly one, with plenty of fourth wall breaking meta jokes like uncensoring for Blu-Ray releases and the characters constantly referring to previous episodes. Most episodes were of the turn your brain off mindless fun variety. And then when things attempted to really get serious at the end there with episodes 10 - 12 it worked better than it had any right to really, that whole scummed out of the zodiac thing aside. The same could probably be said for the chibi cg battles, which came across as ridiculous to me at first, but to the show's credit I got used to them and really enjoyed them by the end. I also liked that there was a nice variety of contests for Nya-tan to get the various zodiac medal thingies. A race, a game of shogi, kick the can, wasn't all just fighting. And when it was fighting it was pretty cool. Even Takeru, who I felt multiple times probably didn't really need to exist for the story to work, felt like a solid addition to the cast in retrospect. So yeah, not bad really. If the alleged season 2 turns out to be legit I'll probably check it out. I'd definitely be interested in seeing where they could possibly take the story. Maybe Nya-tan could even become a member of the zodiac by the end of it. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 7 FINALLY! My goodness, it really fuckin' sucks that the best show of the season is under the mercy of an unreliable fansub release schedule. Anyway we finished off Saiki's Island Adventure! Plus the battle with the newspaper club over exploitation of the fallout. Was it just me or did Teruhashi's tits look bigger than normal in that imaginary photo of her the newspaper club girl asked if Saiki took? Gotta love the pink anime poop. And how nice of the guys to help Saiki with his summer homework, though considering the ordeal they just endured I'm not sure why they even were forced to write about their summer, it was only huge news! Another new student coming next? Must be that gyaru girl! Oh I can't wait! Edited March 7, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 8, 2018 Author Posted March 8, 2018 (edited) Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 10 Goodness, Yuu was extra thirsty for Koizumi-san this week! So much so that she nearly brutally murdered her own brother over NTR concerns! Meanwhile the only one who doesn't realize just how much of a gluttonous bottomless pit she really is is Koizumi-san herself! Edited March 8, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Jman Posted March 8, 2018 Posted March 8, 2018 Kakegurui 4-9. Or “How to be as lewd as possible without actually showing anything.” It’s actually quite a talent. 2 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 8, 2018 Author Posted March 8, 2018 (edited) Yuru Camp 10 Holy fuck, so their new adviser was that drunk lady? Seriously? I would have never made the connection, props to best-girl Nadeshiko! Meanwhile nice that Rin finally agreed to the Christmas camp trip. At last it arrives next week. It's just a shame this show didn't air last season. If it had next week's episode probably would've aired right around Christmas. Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 9 And so Nana and her big, beautiful tits joins the party at last! Just a shame Zena couldn't, but maybe one day. Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 9 A tale of two friendships at different stages: Akira and Haruka entering the drama mode and Kondo and Chihiro catching up after years apart. I was wondering when Chihiro would finally appear. It was very lovely seeing Kondo give Akira some sage advice under the beautifully depicted full moon. Friendships that withstand the test of time are certainly nice to think about. Edited March 8, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 8, 2018 Posted March 8, 2018 Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 9 Violet Evergarden 9 Quote
Blatch Posted March 8, 2018 Posted March 8, 2018 Laid-Back Camp #5 Pop Team Epic #9How to Keep a Mummy #1 It's nice to be subjected to stuff like this every so often, because it isn't something I would seek out on my own. The show is cute, with Sora's mummy getting the most of its screen time... but, to be honest, it did get a little tedious at around the fifteen-minute mark. And I wish so many shows didn't have full-length episodes; those animators are already being worked to death many times over. If we can't decrease the amount of shows, can we at least make them a little shorter? Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 8, 2018 Author Posted March 8, 2018 Mummy fluffness should be 40 minutes per episode if anything! Quote
blueraven1999 Posted March 9, 2018 Posted March 9, 2018 Rewatched Death Note ep 27. I skipped ep 26 since I don't like recaps. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 9, 2018 Author Posted March 9, 2018 (edited) Hakumei to Mikochi 9 Sen vs Konju under the sea...err river! That's right, use the power of song girls! Well maybe not you Hakumei. Well Sen, purple absolutely does look great on you. Love the dress. Edited March 9, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 9, 2018 Posted March 9, 2018 Neo Ranga 17 Soul Buster 5 I do enjoy Yuuhi's "I do what I want" attitude, especially in regards to those tight-ass relatives of hers. While the latter show is getting better (I personally loved Sonshin using the lawn sprinklers as part of an attack strategy), I still think the nurse being part of the "death" game is a little ridiculous, even for a show like this. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 9, 2018 Author Posted March 9, 2018 (edited) Toji no Miko 10 The girls reaffirm their resolve, put Mai in charge(yay!), and use rocket ships to land in the enemy base for, presumably, a final showdown. Meanwhile the general public appear to be learning the truth about Yukari reviving the great aradama or maybe making a new one or whatever the hell she's doing. Okay seriously, I questioned it a couple weeks back but this week with all the very quick escalation makes me wonder stronger than ever: are we sure this is really 24 episodes? With how fast things are moving this doesn't feel like it has 14 more episodes worth of plot, unless they just stretch the hell out of the remaining fights. The only other thing I can think of is if the girls just completely fail and the entire second cour is just them regrouping and trying to take down Yukari and the aradama again. I just don't know. Killing Bites 9 Pangolin? What the fuck is a pangolin? Well I'm sure we'll see next week. And actually the name does sound vaguely familiar. Anyway another heavily padded episode. The first part in particular. Unless this magically gets another season, which it ain't, the Nomoto "development" felt kinda pointless. Escpecially considering he was both manipulated and only further stuck to his "my way of life is to let others decide my way of life" guns. I guess it is kinda interesting that this series seemed to try and make that viewpoint a good thing, since both in real life and literally any other piece of fiction I can think of living in such a way is normally looked down upon. But there was some good stuff this week too. Best-girl Ui! Sexy as fuck when she got all horny, AND she managed to get rid of civet girl! You go best-girl Ui! On the actual battlefield Kido arrived much earlier than I expected. This leaves the chance opened that he's actually the first of the big three defeated. It'll depend on if he can take out Tiger before Hitomi's "awakening" which the preview seemed to allude to. Because once she transforms Kido will definitely get destroyed. Just the way these kinda things tend to go. Until next week! Edited March 9, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 10, 2018 Author Posted March 10, 2018 (edited) Takunomi 9 Michiru was no match for Nao's snacks! That girl gonna get obese! Meanwhile Kae and her big, beautiful tits has no problem getting lots of "adult crumbs." Edited March 10, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
The1gairon Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 Takunomi! 9 Indeed I wanna try some Japanese candy now. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 Kuroko's Basketball 23 B: The Beginning 2 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 10, 2018 Author Posted March 10, 2018 (edited) Slow Start 10 Well I'll admit they got me good. I really thought Shion and her big, beautiful tits revealed the secret of Hana's gap year to Eiko. I shoulda known better. You better not stop being landlord Shion! This show NEEDS your big, beautiful tits! I mean, did you see them in the bath? god, so glorious! Adorable sharkie outfit for Hana too. Enjoy the time you spend together girls! Edited March 10, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Blatch Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 Mr. Osomatsu #13 and #14 Laid-Back Camp #6 and #7 Pop Team Epic #10 "Sanematsu" was actually pretty depressing, especially Totoko's counterpart going insane at the end. The second episode was a little weaker overall, but Jyushimatsu transforming into a million tiny little copies of himself and then curing all the other brothers' diseases, but also assimilating them as clones of himself, was one hell of a high point. That stuff was amazing; I wish it was the default level of crazy for Pop Team Epic and its contemporaries. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Rail Wars! 1 - 12(END) Well it was certainly fitting that this ended with Takayama surrounded by 4 members of his harem...and Iwaizumi who, to his credit, managed to actually have a presence in the second half of the series, small though it was. Anyway this was another alright series. I'd say it deserves a 6 out of 10, but I'm actually gonna give it a generous 7. Why? Well I dunno, I guess I enjoyed the cliche, silly action plots. Stuff like defusing a bomb attached to a dog carrier with the dog still inside, or thwarting the kidnapping of a prince(ess). It was all extremely unrealistic of course, but that never bothered me. The series looked nice too, particularly the female character designs which were all gorgeous. And yes, I watched the uncut version, so the big beautiful tits were certainly even more pronounced. Though honestly I think I'd still place this on the lighter side of the ecchi spectrum. And probably of the harem spectrum as well. For awhile I wasn't really sure which girl the show was setting up the most. I think by the end if I had to guess I'd say they were leaning hardest towards Aoi. Personally I found Haruka and her big, beautiful tits the sexiest. And her really farcical-centered episode 6 where she kept stripping was great. That said Aoi was certainly a bombshell with nice tits too. As I said earlier all the girls were bombshells. And that seems to be the primary audience for this show: ecchi fans and dumb action cliche fans. I guess train fans too. I appreciated the effort made to include trains more from episode 8 or so on, but I really know next to nothing about them so I could only appreciate it so much. I read alot of comments pointing out animation errors during the show, but either they cleaned them up for the uncut release or I just didn't notice. But uh yeah, that's about all for this. Except to say that as it turns out it will wind up as my 650th completed entry for MAL so...that's kinda cool I guess. Edited March 11, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
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