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Mayo Chiki! 1

This one's for you, Zac. You let me know something like this exists, and to honor your divisive memory, I'm watching it all the way through without you to stop me.


That said, I'm actually starting to prefer Kinjiro's mom and sister using him for over a decade of questionably violent pro wrestling practice to Subaru and Kanade being more than willing to just outright kill him to keep a secret he probably wouldn't have blabbed about anyways.



Mayo Chiki! 2


Things I liked about this episode: Subaru in the (hypothetical) dominatrix outfit, the obligatory studio shout-out of feel.-brand milk, Kanade reading an Attack on Titan knockoff manga (especially since I just finished sorting out my thoughts on the main anime thus far), the fact that Kinjirou's able to afford to go to such a large school with its own built-in bookstore because he's the son of a pro wrestler.

Things I hated about this episode: The fact that Kinjirou's the son of a pro wrestler who's used him as a punching bag for over a decade. I can forgive his sister doing it, since siblings beating on one another is just a fact of life, but his mother... that shit's just child abuse, man. See 0:58-1:16 of this song for my thoughts on them actually showing said abuse (albeit in a comical light).

Still a better experience than Zac told me I'd have.



Golden Kamuy S1E11 and S1E12
The iDOLM@STER Shiny Festa OVAs
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Theater Extra Stage 10
Deca-Dence 1 and 2

I ended up picking up the latter solely because people on Twitter were gushing about the twist in the second episode, and I wasn't disappointed. Needless to say, I think it's been cemented as a must-watch show of this season, to the point where I've lined up to buy a whole year of Funi's premium streaming service to watch it.


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Heart Throb 9
Gungrave 23


Bear's memories of Sherry during her childhood really looked like they came out of a completely different anime, didn't they?


Posted (edited)

Currently trying to finish off Fairy Tail after a looooooong hiatus.  Secondary long runner we're watching in Gintama, and I'm pretty in love with Gin, personally.  We just started Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East.  So far, it's pretty good.  I think I like it more than Taco, but it takes him a while to warm up to shows sometimes.

Edited by jezebelthenun
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