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Almost all my bans were for legit reasons too >_>


Us getting banned for posting images of anime girls covered in ice cream. I still smh over that one. Also when everyone was getting banned for spam posting "indeed" and " :|".  Also when we used to do wall quotes that could take up a whole page, just keep quoting everything.


Us getting banned for posting images of anime girls covered in ice cream. I still smh over that one. Also when everyone was getting banned for spam posting "indeed" and " :|".  Also when we used to do wall quotes that could take up a whole page, just keep quoting everything.


Lol this is why I said almost all. But yeah that one pissed me of quite a bit. We weren't the only ones who had posted it but we got in trouble.


I don't remember the indeed one.


I really miss being able to have the quote chains. I know I've asked about it here but I don't think they can do it.


but damn, she was hawt.


You mean Nayru? Yeah we came across a pic of her once if I remember right, she was hawt.


I just found a super old email from 2005 from slymenstra_hymen (not the Gwar dancer, the ASMB user).  I totally just now tried it to see if it worked and sent her a link to this place.


Us getting banned for posting images of anime girls covered in ice cream. I still smh over that one. Also when everyone was getting banned for spam posting "indeed" and " :|".  Also when we used to do wall quotes that could take up a whole page, just keep quoting everything.


I remember crashing Odin's computer with an indifference wall...


anyone ever remember darkbluesman?....that suicidal weirdo was fucking attached at my god damn hip....every day i would log on to like 30 PM's of his crazy ass tirades....then he would go on the forum and start having fits that put fuggs to shame


I remember that asshat, I think Drew tried to be nice to him because he was always threatening to cut his veins over his threads being moved or some shit. He'd blow up, get banned, be gone for a bit and then come back swinging/about to end his life.


I wonder if he ever went through with it.


anyone ever remember darkbluesman?....that suicidal weirdo was fucking attached at my god damn hip....every day i would log on to like 30 PM's of his crazy ass tirades....then he would go on the forum and start having fits that put fuggs to shame

Yes, dude was a lunatic.  He threw a fit when I stopped taking his PMs, he'd threaten people, which I found odd, dude was a hemophiliac and behaved in a way that would definirely get  him punched in the face ::HMM::


Us getting banned for posting images of anime girls covered in ice cream. I still smh over that one. Also when everyone was getting banned for spam posting "indeed" and " :|".  Also when we used to do wall quotes that could take up a whole page, just keep quoting everything.

i think the :| thing was me. Isen almost perma'd me for that one. that and "awesome"


Angelic_scars comes to mind.  I just remember that whenever she went to far she would post a photo of herself and guys would tell her how nice her eyes were.


she was hawt too. didn't she make a whole bunch of goodbye threads one time?


I must have missed out on all the drama.


I remember J-dubb got banned for the sword of :|.

I also remember when justice got perma'd for posting spoilers in AD. :D


Ace dies.




i never heard the first or  third thing. i knew about Chubby and obviously mochi

Shrike-raven was basically Zeni. Except not a creeper. And instead of having a job at a school, he was in a metal band. And yet, he was still more lame than actual Zeni. Yeah, that bad. So he would occasionally post some of his band's mediocre songs and be like "Aren't my talents so awesome?!" And everyone else went "Not really." and moved on. Eventually, theroyalgoat did some digging, and it turns out that everything he ever posted was from some other band he had no affiliation with. At which point he gives- seeing as how his entire identity on the boards was wrapped up in being a rock star, and didn't know how to do anything else- a classic "I'm sorry I disappointed my fans" speech. It was not well received.


As for onthegroundnow, He was a miserable little twat who thought his leet hacking skills meant shit, would generally make thread after thread that typically devolved into him displaying his utter lack of cognitive ability in a futile effort to prove he wasn't stupid. He was enrolled in a college after all, so how could he be? After Isen started serial locking his threads, ground retaliated by posting the city Isen was in, We guess as some sort of threat. (We think it was just the city, and not an address or anything like a proper dox.)  Needless to say, insta-banned. 


ooh yeah I remember that, I remember being in a chat some time after that with peoples and having to ask wtf clitter was



It was a ridic ban.

The celeb vag's from britney/lohan/paris rager were blurred and clittered, sooo >_>


I didn't even realize they used those pics in that, legit thought someone hacked my account and posted Britgina. :D

Guest The Hound

me and KN[/member] trying to fuck everything that moved in IB

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