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Saw IT. Fucking phenomenal movie. Dynamic casting with some minor hiccups, but overall the best horror movie I have seen in years.


Novel purists will hate it though.


IT? More like SHIT!


I just wanted to make that joke. I've heard good things about the movie, though it falls under the movie limitations of not matching up with the book. But given a couple of the scenes from the It book, that'd probably be a good thing.


oh man my bf and i went to see it recently such a good movie!

it was horror done right. it wasnt...scary really but...well as my manager put it, distubring and it was.

i liked the more unsettling uneasiness of it rather than quick jump scares (there were a couple? but done right)

i liked how It wasnt just scaring kids for the sake of being a scary monster, theres reason behind it.


i loved how, the kids actually sounded and acted like kids. they cursed, made terrible your mom jokes and insults. they really felt like 12-13 yr old boys.

the girl too was great haha.


it also mixed some humor in with it too which i liked. idk i know some ppl dont like it but i like humor mixed in with horror.

im a big fan of horror movies esp those from the 70s and 80s so i wasnt sure what to make of this remake. but good job!


i cant wait for chapter 2! i liked how the focused soley on the kids and decided to break it into two movies rather than 1 giving it a chance to focus more on the chars.


i havent read the book? i kinda wanna now but idk man its over 1000 pages thats more of a lifetime commitement!


It has been one of the more solid movies that I've seen in a while. There were nice intense moments that I really did miss from recent horror movies, and it was a good cast of kids. Bill Skarsgard was damn good as Pennywise, and I did not know he had that performance in him.

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