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45 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Restart the war, Nazism cannot be allowed to exist.

This unnecessary sentence at the end of your drivel is a sure sign that you're not self aware enough to know what you're talking about.

The things is, Hamas and the Mujihadeen Brigades are butchers and monsters who deserve to be called out for what they are.  Israel chose to respond to savagery with its own savagery and that is also unacceptable.  The fact you can't see what fascism in your own country looks like easily explains why, instead of making the important distinction between what Palestininan terrorists do and what the IDF is doing, you chose to ignore the latter's deeds.  Just because an atrocities by one side can trigger atrocities on the other, doesn't mean either side has any vindication for acting barbarous an inhumane.

I would suspect that this delusion you live in has far deeper tendrils than just your trash takes on Trumpism and the Israeli Conflict.

  • Thanks 4
2 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Removing as well.

Glad you edited your fuckin post because I just fuckin knew someone was gonna justify the death of Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli soldiers and US bombs as somehow less monstrous than the psychotic act of beating a baby to death and strangling them with bare hands.  I’m glad you decided maybe you shouldn’t. 

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