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Who's got overwatch on the pc?

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Guest The Hound

I'm about to be plat and I need some bros.


I'm not a fan of FPSs and PC games suck, so it's an obvious no.



Overwatch didn't deserve the awards it won, seeing as non-biased people usually give it a high 8 out of 10.

Guest The Hound

i dont have a gaming pc yet.

been in perpetual rebuild mode for like the last year or so.


also zeni is wrong.



hurry up bruh



also idk why zeni says anymore. i don't see his posts.


I'm not a fan of FPSs and PC games suck, so it's an obvious no.



Overwatch didn't deserve the awards it won, seeing as non-biased people usually give it a high 8 out of 10.


You're just saying that because you can't aim on your console.


PC gamers are PC gamers because we enjoy the finer things in life.

Like higher FPS and hot pockets.


I have OW.  It's a lot of fun given you get a team that know what objectives are.

Shit goes down hill fast when you have people playing it like CoD.

Guest The Hound

My PC couldn't run it so I play is on the xbone with a bunch of other IBers.

I can't fathom that.


Like... Ana is literally a useless Hero on console because of the fact there's no team auto aim  :D :D :D  and she's the best healer on the PC.

Guest The Hound

PC gamers are PC gamers because we enjoy the finer things in life.

Like higher FPS and hot pockets.


I have OW.  It's a lot of fun given you get a team that know what objectives are.

Shit goes down hill fast when you have people playing it like CoD.

pm me ur b.net

Eh, I've played TF2 for years but honestly don't have much interest in it.  Plus I've never owned a Blizzard game and can't be assed to deal with Battle.net.


I can't fathom that.


Like... Ana is literally a useless Hero on console because of the fact there's no team auto aim  :D :D :D  and she's the best healer on the PC.

Yeah I don't like her. In our group evilbob actually mains her though. He's the only one that can really use here well. Raven liked D.va until the nerf so he is searching for a new main. He was hoping it might be Orisa but only time will tell.
Guest The Hound

Yeah I don't like her. In our group evilbob actually mains her though. He's the only one that can really use here well. Raven liked D.va until the nerf so he is searching for a new main. He was hoping it might be Orisa but only time will tell.

Tell him to switch. I'm serious. Don't play her, I mean... at least not in competitive. It's a huge handicap not having aim assist on your allies and trying to consistently heal. He could be a way better Lucio main with the time devoted. I don't give people bad advice in games like this.  ;)
Guest The Hound

you need aim assist ....that's pathetic..




there's built in aim assist in every single fps on consoles. OW iirc does allow you to turn it off, but it would be suicide due to how thumbsticks work.



a perfect example of this was trying to betray your teammate with a shotgun in halo. if they're aware that you're trying, they're going to jump around and its almost impossible for you to get a solid shot on. everyone remembers this example.



its not necessary on the pc because your APM goes up dramatically, and you have the ability to aim with more immediate and long term precision.



I've heard of countless stories from mechanically sound console OW players switching over to PC and reaching even higher ranks.

Guest The Hound

I never liked adding friends on games.  I like doing my own thing.



Do you play competitive?

Guest The Hound

calm down there head cheese your getting yourself everywhere ...and stop assuming things about people playing competitive, not everyone likes that crap.



i dont really play any games that dont involve a difficult grind, or have an esport casted competitive mode, aside from single player/co-op RPGs, just being honest.





i'm just trying to increase my e-peen size from Vienna sausage


  :D  in all seriousness the "competitive grind" is retarded and if you have to play game for anything less then fun then what the hell are you doing with your life that you need to compound it with more stress ....of course this is all just opinion so go nuts if it makes you happy.

Guest The Hound

  :D  in all seriousness the "competitive grind" is retarded and if you have to play game for anything less then fun then what the hell are you doing with your life that you need to compound it with more stress ....of course this is all just opinion so go nuts if it makes you happy.




Guest The Hound

Nope.  Haven't even tried yet.

The game becomes way more enjoyable, even when you lose. At least it does for me.

I've heard of countless stories from mechanically sound console OW players switching over to PC and reaching even higher ranks.


So what you're saying is, if I go from Xbox to pc I'll go from Platinum to Diamond if not higher?

Guest The Hound

So what you're saying is, if I go from Xbox to pc I'll go from Platinum to Diamond if not higher?

I'd say if you've invested hundreds of hours into the game already, a few months into playing on the PC, you will be even better once you grasp the level of movement freedom and aiming accuracy you'll gain.
Guest The Hound

I forget the dudes name... but this pro OW lucio player on the console made the switch, and now he's in the pro circuit on the pc.


i have a Winston t shirt


but I don't play or have the desire to play


I didn't either.  Then a friend got me the game and now I play.

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