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I keep getting calls with a 000-000-0000 number and this Sanfuckery labeled as the source.........I haven't answered one yet and Google doesn't have it listed as an actual place........It's weird and I kinda wanna troll the caller but when your number is 000-000-0000 I think I might not need to fuck with you........Is someone coming to kill me


They're not coming to kill you, but if you answer it, the phone will emit a power blast of infreasound that will turn your brain to pudding.


So no, strictly speaking, they're not coming to kill you, they're trying to kill you.


someone's trying to call you and pretend to be the IRS so they can trick money out of you. you'd probably fall for it. just kidding I don't think you would. call source can be faked by bots


It's US Government Treasure Department and they need your bank info to give you 9000 dollar from Federal tax grant....

No lie, my dad got a call like this by some Indian dude.  My dad told him, "What's my name. Who are you calling?"

Dude got flustered and hung up.  My dad worked for the SSA for years so he has some knowledge on how the government does its business

and he knew it wasn'y through a dude in India whose next call was gonna be telling someone that their Microsoft Windows is about to asplode servers somewhere far away, probably Narnia.... >:D


No lie, my dad got a call like this by some Indian dude.  My dad told him, "What's my name. Who are you calling?"

Dude got flustered and hung up.  My dad worked for the SSA for years so he has some knowledge on how the government does its business

and he knew it wasn'y through a dude in India whose next call was gonna be telling someone that their Microsoft Windows is about to asplode servers somewhere far away, probably Narnia.... >:D

I like to keep these guys on the line and waste their time trolling them.it pisses them off, costs them money and it's time they could use scamming some old grandma out of SSI check

I like to keep these guys on the line and waste their time trolling them.it pisses them off, costs them money and it's time they could use scamming some old grandma out of SSI check

They're terrible and my dad got another one asking to send itunes gift cards......I asked if he was sure that wasn't me, I do love me some itunes gift cards >:D


yeah, and they think they're slick too. like the US government wants you to pay your back taxes with iTunes gift cards or wants you to go to Wal-Mart and send them a MO without telling the cops I'm just like "really? I can play this fuck around game too"


yeah, and they think they're slick too. like the US government wants you to pay your back taxes with iTunes gift cards or wants you to go to Wal-Mart and send them a MO without telling the cops I'm just like "really? I can play this fuck around game too"

It's just disgusting how obviously the elderly are targeted.  Keep fucking with them :D


I just want to know how you can get caller ID to show 000-000-0000 number so I can call people up and just say "The void awaits you," before hanging up.


I like to keep these guys on the line and waste their time trolling them.it pisses them off, costs them money and it's time they could use scamming some old grandma out of SSI check


LMAO, this is what the phone calls sound like except there's a lot more swearing. especially when the find out I didn't really go to Wal-Mart and have been trolling them the whole time. they lose their shit and act like I'M doing something wrong to THEM  :D :D :D


I just want to know how you can get caller ID to show 000-000-0000 number so I can call people up and just say "The void awaits you," before hanging up.

it has something to do with a bot and conference calling programs. I don't know much more than that though

it has something to do with a bot and conference calling programs. I don't know much more than that though

I didn't really want to know, honestly.  But, thanks anyway!

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