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4 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

For whatever reason I wasn't into it on the first run it had on AS, but when Toonami merged with AS and they brought it back I gave it another chance and I liked it a lot.

I hated it when it was on [adult swim] mostly because I was in full “Fuck Adult Swim Action” mode at the time.  I ended up watching it on Hulu years later and quite enjoyed the original series.

Unfortunately everything after the original series is a sliding scale of missing the point and lowered quality.  Basically the FLCL sequels, but somehow worse (so far anyway).

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I wound up watching it in out-of-sequence fragments because of how infrequently it was re-aired on Adult Swim. 

I did see AO, but there were diminishing returns from constantly trying to revisit an otherwise charming surfing mecha anime. 


The original series is a fantastic coming-of-age romance story that just so happens to feature kickass sky-surfing robots. Fortunately it was complete as-is and no one ever had the asinine idea to tarnish its legacy with increasingly-awful spinoffs and "sequels" and lord knows what else.

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For what it's worth, I never had the same problems with AO that others do, even concerning the finale. (The OVA, on the other hand, is a whole different story.) But the majority opinion does agree that AO, Pocket Full of Rainbows, and Hi-Evolution are unnecessary at best and godawful at worst, so it's best to keep that in mind when watching the original.

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