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They used to have a ton of mst3k on Netflix around like 2010.


I think my favorite is The Final Sacrifice but it's been years since I've seen any (aside from Rifftrax's The Room)


I own Planet of Dinosaurs somewhere, that movie is just so horrible though no amount of jokes can save it.

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just feel like you wouldnt


Seems weird that you would make this claim when if you really knew me, you would know that my friends and I used to sit up and watch shitty movies and make fun of them/pick them apart as a hobby.......But I think......AND I COULD BE WRONG HERE......That you think all I know is drugs, alcohol and loose bitches.......It's ok, most people think the same and think they can equate me to my normal demographic.

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I'm saving the episodes on Manos and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians for when I'm feeling up to it.


When I was little, my dad and I used to watch the MST3K Santa Clause Conquers the Martians every time it came on tv. I want to rewatch it, but at the same time I'm afraid that it won't be as funny anymore.

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i was trying to get you to watch it. I do know you and I was counting on your defiant personality to watch it right away and prove me wrong. But I feel bad for trying to manipulate you so I'm coming clean before it causes you any distress. I'm sorry.


Nah, no distress....I'm back to normal now.  I'm in full dick mode again and I'll check it out....Not because you told me to tho >:(

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