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What do you call a suave young lone wolf alpha male warrior who messages you?

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A rapist who will end up trying to fuck his own mother because he is too much of a pussy to leave the house.



You better watch your mouth, man.



*slaps you silly*


a girl to have crazy sex with this weekend. I'll probably just eat dinner to be honest though because tonight is snow night #2, and snow nights are peaceful nights, so I can save the alpha male bachelor lifestyle for some other time.


a girl to have crazy sex with this weekend. I'll probably just eat dinner to be honest though because tonight is snow night #2, and snow nights are peaceful nights, so I can save the alpha male bachelor lifestyle for some other time.




stalker ....creep.... asshole....douche..... honestly Zeni, if your name isn't in the next Webster's dictionary as a word for these i'll really be surprised....


Whenever I'm having a crappy day, I can always count on a Zeni thread to cheer me up.  :)





Not because of anything that fart knocker posts, but because of the replies to the bullshit he posts. :D




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