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A mayoral candidate has a proposal.

Sofa King Kule

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Not for Atlantic City.  Too bad I'm not a resident of his town, because he would have my vote if I were.  At least I can donate to him.

He wants to begin taxing the shit out of billions of dollars in university real estate and use the procedes to abolish property taxes for senior citizen home owners.

Such policies as that are what would motivate my votes.

Always look for novel ideas that could make a positive change.

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16 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

Not for Atlantic City.  Too bad I'm not a resident of his town, because he would have my vote if I were.  At least I can donate to him.

He wants to begin taxing the shit out of billions of dollars in university real estate and use the procedes to abolish property taxes for senior citizen home owners.

Such policies as that are what would motivate my votes.

Always look for novel ideas that could make a positive change.

Fuck the elderly we should take more of their money. They don't need it they're dead.

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2 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

So, what are going to do when they stop paying your bills?

Are you fucking kidding me? You're our massive burden thanks to your parents thinking the had to make a bunch of new people after 10000 people died in a war. Fuck your freeloading generation. You deserve a cot and a hot plate and a communal toilet. And a stilson wrench to the head every morning.

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7 minutes ago, RainyDayJizz#35 said:

Are you fucking kidding me? You're our massive burden thanks to your parents thinking the had to make a bunch of new people after 10000 people died in a war. Fuck your freeloading generation. You deserve a cot and a hot plate and a communal toilet. And a stilson wrench to the head every morning.



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38 minutes ago, resurrected said:

Is university real estate not already being taxed?

Or would this be a tax increase?

Also, it would be up to the city council to invoke such change.  

All the mayor can do is propose.


Currently, the universities there pay nothing.

Let's make sure he gets the right city council slate, too.

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21 minutes ago, RainyDayJizz#35 said:

Are you fucking kidding me? You're our massive burden thanks to your parents thinking the had to make a bunch of new people after 10000 people died in a war. Fuck your freeloading generation. You deserve a cot and a hot plate and a communal toilet. And a stilson wrench to the head every morning.

Oh, you're geriphobe.

Good to know.

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13 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

That's already been done with several other "phobes".

Is a person who won't eat mushrooms a fungiphobe, now?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Except I don't need to guess. You can guess all you want, that should be fun for a mind like yours. 

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Is this a private/non-profit university?

Because those are exempt from federal and state and local taxes.

If so, good luck getting that shit to pass. 

If this candidate is using this as his/her platform, then he/she has already lost. 

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First, I'd want an audit of where all the taxes currently collected have been spent.  One of the problems in IL is that there are multiple taxing entities with no oversight.  State, County, City, Township, Water Reclamation, Mosquito Abatement, School District, etc...everybody wants their piece.  Then you find out something like the head of Mosquito Abatement District has 3 family members on staff of 4 and is pulling down $400K/year doing nothing.

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1 hour ago, scoobdog said:

So, let me see if I got this:

A university, that the geriatric folk pay taxes to fund, will have to pay taxes to the city so that the geriatric folk don't have to pay taxes to the city.


Correct.  The univerties can more easily afford it.  They should pay their fair share, instead of perpetually beating up on some pensioner in a $40k row house.

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1 minute ago, Sofa King Kule said:

Correct.  The univerties can more easily afford it.  They should pay their fair share, instead of perpetually beating up on some pensioner in a $40k row house.

You’re really worried about your pension huh? You should be

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56 minutes ago, resurrected said:

Is this a private/non-profit university?

Because those are exempt from federal and state and local taxes.

If so, good luck getting that shit to pass. 

If this candidate is using this as his/her platform, then he/she has already lost. 

I doubt that any of his targets are non profit.

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27 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

I doubt that any of his targets are non profit.

That's what I'm asking you.

You brought it up, with no mention of the university, or even the mayoral candidate for that matter.

This is what they call insufficient information. It's taught in elementary school.

So, provide some context, or, you know....

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1 hour ago, resurrected said:

That's what I'm asking you.

You brought it up, with no mention of the university, or even the mayoral candidate for that matter.

This is what they call insufficient information. It's taught in elementary school.

So, provide some context, or, you know....

It's just like the KW emblem.


I expect people to explore, discover and think.

If I spoon feed it to you, you won't get it.

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2 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

It's just like the KW emblem.


I expect people to explore, discover and think.

If I spoon feed it to you, you won't get it.

I'm not exploring for a mayoral candidate that's feeding lies to gullible old goats.

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38 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

They're all over the place in those new online dictionaries.


Words are manufactured and redefined almost hourly.

So you can't be bothered to name the ones that came to mind. Maybe because you're making it up.

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3 minutes ago, PenguinBoss said:

So you can't be bothered to name the ones that came to mind. Maybe because you're making it up.

When a thumb is suddenly defined as a dick, which "dickshunary" are you using on line?


Why do you think I still keep a 1956 edition of Webster's in my stack of stuff?

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8 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

When a thumb is suddenly defined as a dick, which "dickshunary" are you using on line?


Why do you think I still keep a 1956 edition of Webster's in my stack of stuff?

What does this have to do with my question? I genuinely don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Because you enjoy fondly looking back to a time when women stayed in the kitchen and black people couldn't vote? I honestly don't know why else you'd keep a 65 year old book that changes every year. It's as outdated as you and your way of thinking are.

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4 minutes ago, PenguinBoss said:

What does this have to do with my question? I genuinely don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Because you enjoy fondly looking back to a time when women stayed in the kitchen and black people couldn't vote? I honestly don't know why else you'd keep a 65 year old book that changes every year. It's as outdated as you and your way of thinking are.

Changing and rearraging an entire laguage every seven or eight months to fit and support an incorrect narrative can only change the minds of the stupid.


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5 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

Changing and rearraging an entire laguage every seven or eight months to fit and support an incorrect narrative can only change the minds of the stupid.


Oh, you mean like "fake news" and "alternative facts" right?

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5 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

Or how a popular phrase that had once been used in a campaign speech by Bill Clinton has suddenly become a racist slur?

What's your point? That your nicotine-addled brain can't keep up? Or that you're somehow owed the right to call someone whatever you want without consequence?

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28 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

Packard, can you fight. Like if someone just walked up and said they were going to beat your ass and there was no cops around to save you, could you defend yourself

I'm not speaking for Packard, but I am, since he will not answer this with a plain and simple goddamn answer

No. He'd get his ass whooped.


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55 minutes ago, resurrected said:

I'm not speaking for Packard, but I am, since he will not answer this with a plain and simple goddamn answer

No. He'd get his ass whooped.


"Sulu, Reverse course!  Bridge to engineering, Scotty, give me maximum warp!"

Scotty: "I'm an engineer, Captain, not a magician!  You'll have to stop clogging the antimatter chamber with cigarette butts."

""Fair enough, Scotty.  Spock, is that water pistol full of Osjerkis bowl cleaner ready?"

Spock:  "It's ready, Captain.  With the phasers offline, it will have to suffice."

"Fire at will."

Uhura: "Will isn't here."

*facepalm* "Fire on every arbitrary whim until that hunk of shit is out of sensor range!"

Spock, "Acknowled, Captain.  Initiating firing sequence."

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48 minutes ago, Sofa King Kule said:

"Sulu, Reverse course!  Bridge to engineering, Scotty, give me maximum warp!"

Scotty: "I'm an engineer, Captain, not a magician!  You'll have to stop clogging the antimatter chamber with cigarette butts."

""Fair enough, Scotty.  Spock, is that water pistol full of Osjerkis bowl cleaner ready?"

Spock:  "It's ready, Captain.  With the phasers offline, it will have to suffice."

"Fire at will."

Uhura: "Will isn't here."

*facepalm* "Fire on every arbitrary whim until that hunk of shit is out of sensor range!"

Spock, "Acknowled, Captain.  Initiating firing sequence."

The strategy is to make the other person think you have dementia?

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