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When i was 16 maybe we found a cat on the roof of our shed.

Dad hated cats so we never had one growing up, but my sister convinced him to let her keep it in the garage. 

Well pretty soon it was in the house. 

He's back outside now i guess because he's taken to pooping in the living room, but he mostly just sleeps on top of dad's tractor.

Then when the wife and i started dating i met her cat, who is our cat now.

She's a pretty cool cat.



See the source image

Vaguely truthful to a degree. I grew up on the edge of town and one of the neighbors was the town cat person. They kept him sane in WWII - cats are the same in all countries and cats in war torn areas are more than happy for any friendly attention they get. When he got back, cats got him sober. However, he would only keep a couple of cats directly in his house [ unless one of them had kittens, then they stayed in there until they were old enough to go outside on their own ] . He had a medium sized shed built with a passage under the floor for outside cats to use and complete with heat to stay safe in winter. Lots of cats. Lots of kittens. Spent a lot of time running around in the woods with them. 

When I was born, we did have a Siamese named Henry. He taught me to meow and he ate butter whenever he could get on the table without being noticed. But he was also a really jealous Siamese and did not care for the annoyance that was a hairless meowing thing in a basket. He was given away to someone in town. Strangely enough he lived long enough that I eventually met him again while in foster care because the person that had adopted him was the grandfather of my second foster home. Older, slower, still stealing butter. 

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Posted (edited)

First cat I remember was my brother's and she had about six litters of kittens, maybe more. So that's about thirty cat buddies, and every kitten did a flip during their youth. It was always fun to see who ran back for more. Then my mom had a cat, I was the first person that she said hello to in the house, she was invisible for days. My sis had a cat that was so funny, she had to be the clumsiest cat ever. She would try to be lithe but she was fat and knocked things over and stumbled all the time. 

My sister got another cat that I ended up raising, and one day her first cat came up to me and meowed at me, I said hello, but she let me know I need to follow her. She led me to my sister's room to show me the other cat on my sister's bed and meowed at me to do something. I laughed and said they need to solve their own problems and I think the asshole capitulated because she really is a sweety. She just has a tough outer shell.

Edited by RainyDayJizz#35
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Posted (edited)

Tartar (Siamese) Kidney failure.

Peanuts (Siamese) My 6th birthday present.  Learned to swing on doorknobs to open doors.  Died of old age.

Slim (Tabby) Adopted us.  We heard scratching at the screen door.  My Dad opened the door and this stray,
dragging a hind leg, walks right in like he owns the place and proceeds to lay between the front legs of our
Black Lab and go to sleep.  Dad got him fixed up & we became his stop when he needed patching up again.  Stopped

Thumper (Tabby) Liked to lay in the dirt of a potted rubber tree.  Turned out the dirt contained lead & poisoned
the poor cat.

Suzie (Tabby) Only surviving kitten of her litter.  Hated to be touched until a few months before she died.

BB (Russian Blue?) Old age.

Butterfly (Tabby kitten someone found at work, died the next day - probably respiratory infection)

Samantha (Russian Blue?) & her kittens.  She died of old age.

Mommy (Tabby) Old age.

Shadow (Mixed) Don't know, I moved away.

FM (Tuxedo) Heart Disease

Monty (Mixed) Kidney failure

June (Tabby) Cancer

Nicodemus (Mixed pita)

Daphne (Bombay) Likes to play fetch, but only red toy mice.  Found out she has a UTI this morning.

Forgot my Mom's cats now with me, Shogun & Precious, both Maine Coon cats, both black.  No lack of cat hair in this house.

Edited by tsar4
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We've had more cats than I can remember but there were 5 main ones and most were kittens from them.

Names were Magic, Casper, Shadow, Tobi and Brutus.

Magic use to drop kick my brother as he left his room every morning, we didn't know Casper was a girl until she had kittens, Shadow really didn't like car rides, Tobi pissed on my Beetlejuice shirt and Brutus was a large outdoor cat that really only came around for food.

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mittens (never came home)

sam (old age)

pig cat (leukemia)

tommy cat (girl) left with the neighbor's little girl, becuase she loved, and i got orders.

misa~mo kiki (the neighbor's dog/unproven)



cullen bo'kitty

eva bo'kitty

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  • when i was five or six we took in a stray gray tabby, my sister named him 'tippy' and we had him for a dozen years maybe. he was indoor/outdoor and one day we noticed he hadn't been around for a while. my father said he found him curled up in the shade on the side of the driveway opposite the house, as if he curled up and went to sleep and never woke up and then he buried him in the back. not sure how true that story was.
  • when i was between 10 and 12, I found a tiny black kitten stuck in the neighbor's bush. it had some kind of eye infection and its eyes were clogged shut. we took him to the vet and had him for a couple of weeks, named him zach, but ultimately my aunt took him and he lived a long life there with her other kitties.
  • shortly before getting together, my gf took in an older calico named gwen. after we were together she adopted a three-legged black cat named 'dancer' (she also promoted him to Lt.) to keep gwen company, thinking the two would be on the same speed. they did not like each other. then gwen got cancer and lost a leg, so we had two thee-legged kitties for a while. the towards the end, gwen seemed like she was on her last leg and Lt. Dancer stayed at my sister's so gwen could relax in her final days, but that turned into like a three-week vacation so he came back home once we decided the imminency wasn't really there. but a few months later she did decide to shut down and check out, while my gf was out of the country.
  • even though they didn't get along, lt. dancer had a mental breakdown after gwen was gone and he was home alone day while we were at work every day. so even though she wasn't super ready, the gf adopted another cat from the shelter to help keep dancer grounded regardless of whether they'd be actual cat friends. enter wilma, a polydactyl tuxedo cat proportioned like a corgi. she's an ex-feral who loves being petted (on her terms), but won't take anyone's shit and will fwap you several times with her big oven mitts before you have the chance to blink. 
  • when I bought the house three years ago, we talked about adopting a third adult cat. meanwhile, a friend from college had taken in the cat their former neighbors had abandoned, and was pregnancy with four kittens. they couldn't find a home for the last two (a solid black girl and a cream white boy) and given then prior context and my heartstrings, I ended up taking them both as a surprise. their names are 'blakitu' and 'button' but we usually call them variations of 'fat blap' and 'very bad white kitty'.

so now, as @GuyBeardmane once pointed out: quatro gatos

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cotton candy (siamese) found dead

sam (no clue and no clue)

taxi (no clue) died of old age. cat was over 20 years old

misa mo kiki (no clue) not sure how she died. gonna blame the neighbor though

smokey (no clue) still alive and fatter than ever

ryuk (no clue) still alive and dumb as ever

cullen bo kitty (ginger fucker) the idiot that is obsessed with coke bottles

eva bo kitty (no clue) this is my girl. she loves me. the only cat that's ever slept next to me

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Bats- black kitty I adopted when I got my first apartment

Peaces (I didn't choose this name) my girlfriend's cat. they came as a package deal. grey tabby

Aura (same) girlfriend's sister's roommate's cat. the roommate moved out and left the cat. FREE KITTY! black kitty.

Lucy-grey tabby found while I was taking out the trash one night. smallest cat I've ever seen. less than 4 lbs.

Samson- grey tabby. wife's (same person as above girlfriend) sister's cat had kittens. biggest cat I've ever owned. (over 12 lbs.)

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