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in celebration of the Moosepocalypse and no longer having an asshole telling me not to be Gay


here's a Gay Golden Gaytime


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the GiTS whitewashing is annoying and disappointing enough, but ow they've watered down the story into a "they built us to control us" bullshit farce. that kind of thing is way overdone, over simple, and not what ghost in the shell is about.


Oh, that's who it is.  The invisibility and sun protection makes sense, but I thought it would be Kaz, what with his mirror sword and all. :D


Wamu wants JoJo but it looks like Caesar will be getting this kill, grudge match be damned.


The instructor is still alive?!


Oh he refracted the light!  Clever!


A shadow?  No Wamu countered Caesar!


He got the ring with the antidote!


Well, that's the theme of this show, right?  People you've gotten to know die.  Happened last season.  Happens this season.  Will happen next season.  Get used to it.




That was so sudden.  I didn't expect it.


Wamu respects the warrior code.


Poor JoJo and Lisa Lisa. 


Damn narrator is getting me too.

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