That_One_Guy Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 The first time I saw Ed Edd n Eddy Ed was slamming his face into the ground over and over and he said "I'm a woodpecker! Except with dirt." That shit made me laugh harder than any cartoon ever 2
RainyDayJizz#35 Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 The body swap episode of the Tick has dozens. Like when Tung Tung gets a piece of cheese, or Aurthur in Tung Tung's body, the scientist's missing body with a herd of zebras. Great episode.
renjifan Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 I remember years ago my brother was watching Spongebob one day, and this scene came on. I still laugh at this to this day 😂
Mix Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 Tom and Jerry was one of my favorite cartoons of all time and I still remember this scene to this day.
molarbear Posted September 1, 2020 Posted September 1, 2020 I remember watching this with my Brother, and my Dad when I was little. This Scene had all 3 of us laughing so hard we were in literal tears. Also, Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. Watching reruns of those when I was at my Nana and Pa's house and hearing an old dude just laughing his ass off created insanely contagious laughter 1
Mix Posted September 1, 2020 Posted September 1, 2020 The first twenty seconds kills me....also the ending 1
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted September 1, 2020 Posted September 1, 2020 There must've been countless... I'll come back to this thread if I can think of specific moments than had me dying of laughter.
Killa Ounze Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 On 8/31/2020 at 2:13 PM, That_One_Guy said: The first time I saw Ed Edd n Eddy Ed was slamming his face into the ground over and over and he said "I'm a woodpecker! Except with dirt." That shit made me laugh harder than any cartoon ever I think that was my first experience with Ed, Edd, and Eddie at 16. Up until that point I thought my little sister just had weird taste in cartoons.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 Ok, I have thought of several. Futurama The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings: One of them says something like "Is this real or is it being staged?" "Someone else says something like, "I think it is real," then Amy says, "Not if Leela is engaged." From the same episode: Zoidberg: "The music was in your heart! Not your hands!" Fry: *plays holophoner with his own hands* Zoidberg: "Your music is bad and you should feel bad." From the episode we first meet Zapp Brannigan: Zapp crying: "You can take the sham-pag-in." Leela: "No thanks... and it's pronounced sham-pain." Zapp: "OH GOD NO!" The Simpsons Homer tumbling down Springfield Gorge when trying to show Bart how dumb it was to try to jump it on his skateboard. One of the Treehouses of Horror, Groundskeeper Willy left a note by the thermostat.: "Do not touch Willy" Homer reads it as "Do not touch Willy. Good advice." Then cranks the thermostat. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Shake tells Carl to shut up. Carl's head explodes without warning or him even changing expressions. Meatwad asks, "Why'd he do that?" Shake replies, "Why wouldn't he?" Cut to credits. When the Cybernetic Christmas Ghost of the Past From the Future starts another "THOUSands of years ago...." story and Frylock rolls his eyes. And another part of that episode where Ghost goes "There was much defecation" and Frylock interrupts him "Yeah you mentioned that." From the same episode: Danzig asks Carl, "Can we get the blood to flow UP the walls?" Carl: "I don't know, let me talk to my blood guy, the shrieking robot over here." Ghost: "Sure, I don't see why not." Danzig: "Killer." From the same episode again: Ghost: " He is so annoying, he is so frightening, and he doesn't wear a shirt." Shake: "You make our house bleed right now!" Cut to credits. Sea Lab 2021 Murphy to Sparks about credit cards: "You told me it was a magical goodies creator." From the same episode: Sparks reveals to Murphy his plan to kill him and take all the shit he bought with the credit card and collect on a huge life insurance policy he took out on him. Murphy very casually to Sparks: "Welp... see you in hell then." Sparks replies very casually, "Probably." Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law Fred Flintstone: "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME, CAN OPENER!" Loony Tunes In Duck Amok where Daffy tries to play a guitar but it makes machine gun noises. Then when he smashes the guitar in anger and frustration, instead of it creating a crashing or banging sound, it creates a braying donkey sound. 2
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 Damn, while I was thinking of all those I put in my prior post I thought of another one that I forgot about when I made said post, and it's a big one. Morel Oral's two-part episode Nature when Clay goes on his psychotic drunken rant. Within that classic rant the moment that sticks out the most to me was 'THEN THEY GOTCHA BY THE right where it counts...." like it's on Adult Swim, so they could say balls or nuts or testicles or something, but I guess they figured it would be in character for any citizen of Moralton to censor themselves, even in a drunken psychotic rant. I've always wondered if Clay's voice actor had to do a shitload of takes for that "scene" just out of bursting out loud laughing while trying to record his lines. That must've been something reading those lines in that tone when you're probably not even angry, maybe even enjoying yourself. And it was a long rant too, if memory serves.
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