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1 minute ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I just remember it being the theory of relativity. 

So, you remember it being E=Mc2?

Just now, HardcoreHunter said:

Yeah, just checked and had an oof moment 

Don't say what it was when you checked. I want to see what other people's answers are... Because E=mc2 is not what I remember it being. I'm checking every episode, and it looks like they're all the same now... not what I remember.

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Lasty said:

Don't say what it was when you checked. I want to see what other people's answers are... Because E=mc2 is not what I remember it being. I'm checking every episode, and it looks like they're all the same now... not what I remember.

Yeah I only checked one episode, but I won't say what it is. 

Edited by HardcoreHunter
7 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

I don't really read too much into opening sequences a lot, and I definitely don't have the ric and morty opening commited to memory. 

Yeah, it seems like a minor detail, right? but I remember it being a simple math equation that was wrong. In the most recent episode, it's a correct equation... and now every episode is like that, and none of them I've checked are what I remember. I haven't checked them all yet...

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Seems like too much trouble and effort to put into that.. but good luck. 

It's right at the beginning of every episode, so it's not taking long to skim through them. It's weird that there's a discrepancy between my memory and available evidence. Not just me, but so far also HarcoreHunter.... constituting three distinct total positions for the visuals in question(because what I remember isn't the same as what HardcoreHunter remembers): What I remember, what HardcoreHunter remembers, and how it is upon observation now.  The reason I want to check the first edition dvd is because they'd be hard to edit retroactively if this is some prank by the show's creators or people on the internet.

Anyways, thanks. I'll get to the bottom of this. xD

Edited by Lasty
Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, discole monade said:

was it 2+2=5?

i think it was that, because rick is so...dystopian like?


*are we supposed to look it up or are you gonna say?

You can look it up, but don't say what it is when you check... I'll share more results when more people report what they remember and after I check all the episodes on the streaming site I use.


Edited by Lasty
9 minutes ago, discole monade said:

not dystopian...that's  not the right word. but, something along those lines. 


Were you thinking more along the lines of equal parts batshit crazy and overpowered, a horrible influence on Morty, a terrible father & friend? Someone a bunch of idiots in a toxic fandom look up to because they're stupid and don't get the point of the show?


Well at this point I can see it being E = MC2, but the distopian 2+2=5 seems like I might've seen that in a season or something.. Like I said I tune out openings a lot and fast forward through them altogether if I'm binging usually. 

19 minutes ago, discole monade said:

i think it was that, because rick is so...dystopian like?


You mean diogenes esque? As he's like diogenes who I brought up in your thread, which is someone who doesn't care and acts in a manner which opposes conventional means. 

6 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Well at this point I can see it being E = MC2, but the distopian 2+2=5 seems like I might've seen that in a season or something.. Like I said I tune out openings a lot and fast forward through them altogether if I'm binging usually. 

Okay, that's three reports, including mine, by the way, of 2+2=5...

6 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

You mean diogenes esque? As he's like diogenes who I brought up in your thread, which is someone who doesn't care and acts in a manner which opposes conventional means. 

If by opposing convention you mean being a total sociopath... Was Diogenes a sociopath? Not familiar


Okay, so that's all the episodes. That floating eyeball in the intro is looking pretty much right at the floating math, which makes it feel like a creator prank...

Anyways, all the episodes that don't skip the intro sequence say the same thing, which means it was probably changed unless those four or so episodes with it missing originally had the intro sequence along with the alternate visuals, but then why would those stick out in our memories instead of what it appears to be changed to if most of the episodes always displayed this visual that no one who has reported so far remembers?

Need those 1st edition dvds to do any further significant testing...



The Fandom wiki doesn't mention any alternate maths for the opening, just cites the current display as an easter egg...

I'm checking a bunch of youtube entries for the opening and they all have the same altered math equation so far...

20 minutes ago, Le Guignon said:

No.  I've seen every episode of Rick and Morty but the only thing I recall from the opening is them fleeing in a spaceship or something.

... sig shout outs. Classic. That made me remember my ridiculous clusterfuuuuudge of a sig I had once... xD


Well I think the only one who truly says they think it's something different is Lasty. Everyone else seems to be guessing and just guessing wrong. 

The search is winding up in dead ends because this brain fart isn't factual. If it were, there would be more than one dude on the internet aware of it.

Reminds me of when people said that in some of the family guy openings, Stewie said "effing cry" instead of "laugh and cry" MacFalane himself said on a DVD extra that he has no idea why people think this....every episode is laugh and cry...it's the only thing he ever recorded.

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11 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

You mean diogenes esque? As he's like diogenes who I brought up in your thread, which is someone who doesn't care and acts in a manner which opposes conventional means. 

Diogenes did care. His actions only opposed conventional means bc conventional means were bad, greedy, unethical, amoral, wicked, and unnatural. The philosophical cynics cared more than probably any other type of ancient philosopher. Their squalorous existence is the result of extreme caring rather than apathy. They are obsessed with virtue, and reject anything that isn't virtuous. Being wasteful isn't virtuous which is why diogenes led what others would consider a poor and pitiful existence. But to diogenes, he is richer than them bc he doesn't need those material possessions. To him, if you want less than the rich man, you can have more than the rich man. And the less you want, the more in accordance with nature you are bc animals don't need all the power and material possessions that humans do. So it's actually a deep sense of caring that drives diogenes.

Nabs is probably the closest we have to a practicing philosophical cynic on the boards actually. He revels in getting by with as less as possible. He scolds everyone else for their material possessions and for needlessly eating so much meat. He holds nature's needs above the needs of society. Everyone makes fun of him for all this, he is unphased, and continues to insist that he lives better than us.

Rick is nothing like Diogenes. He has no respect for nature whatsoever. He bends it to his will harder than probably any individual in the multiverse. He doesn't care whether his actions are virtuous or not. He once created an entire microverse of ppl just to enslave to run his car battery. His needs always justify the means to his end. Although I haven't finished the series yet. Throughout the first 3 seasons he doesn't seem much like diogenes at all.

The term cynic has been perverted over time by airheads. So the modern usage of the word cynical is different. Diogenes is one of my favorite philosophers, but when I called you cynical yesterday, I was meaning the modern sense. That you were just being pessimistic and assuming. The Cynics weren't inherently pessimistic, they were just critical. There is a difference, and it's important to really understand that difference if you are interested in Diogenes and Cynicism.

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I'd say there are some parallels, but yes Rick is far too corrupt and materialistic to be a direct Diogenes. Old Cynics were rejecting convention as it only led to corruption and complicated the simplicity of nature and minimalism. Rick only really fits into part of that as he has not respect for bureaucracy similar to Diogenes' disrespect for it and will often do things a "wrong" way to spite conventional method.  I believe there was a story where Diogenes was using his hand to cup liquid to drink , but was told that he would need to drink form a cup and was handed one, so he threw his cup away and began lapping up liquid like a dog. He didn't "need" to do things the way that others would find conventional, so long as his method worked and din't overly complicate things then it was the correct real conventional method, while what others viewed as conventional was the preserve version. 

As for pessimism the older term for it is closer to what we would consider indifference and apathy when used by the Greeks in BCE times. By the 16th century is more how we commonly know it came into being as it was used to describe people who rejected the idea of the assistance of good nature or altruism. Today it's more the glass half empty half full approach. Someone who just always looks at the negative in anything positive being done. I do fall into this more often than I should and will be trying harder to break myself of it hopefully. It is very difficult though when your mind instantly sees things as one way while it's the last thing that would cross others minds.  

There is often hypocrisy on both sides, but I should focus more on if intentions were good at heart and if ends justify the means. It's possible that my nearly 5 months of isolation and only hearing negativity on the news haven't done me any favors in regards to socializing.  In my case it's difficult to justify leaving home for anything that isn't essential at this time, and may have redirected my annoyance. A the same time others in that thread were dragging out what should have been over in a few posts.  


No, he had a cup. He saw a poor boy drinking water out of his hands, so he threw his cup away. Then remarked how foolish he was for burdening himself w/ such a redundant object for so long. The lesson is materialism. Not convention. The cynics weren't shock artists skewing convention. They were logicians. 

  • Thanks 1
16 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I feel that jerking off and shitting in public is a disregard for convention, but the story that you remembered correctly is one of materialism. 

Sure but convention isn't the point. He's not doing things differently for the sake of doing them differently. Jerking off and shitting in public probably has more to do w/his view that bodily shame is pointless or denying our own nature maybe. 


So you're saying that disregard for convention is the by product rather than the goal of the message; as disregard for convention would simply be making things more difficult on yourself just to spite the ideal. Like if someone were to walk on their hand instead of their feet, or verbally spelling a speech instead of speaking it. With old cynicism the idea was a return to nature like animals.

Diogenese though does admit that rejecting the order of nature is the nature of humanity. I feel that connects to something said much later by JFK "we go to the moon not because it is easy; but because it is hard". That despite the nature of living things to be efficient and simplistic, only taking on what is needed for survival. Humanity is always learning and exploring; but to the detriment of excess and corruption as it seems to be what comes natural to us. 

2 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

So you're saying that disregard for convention is the by product rather than the goal of the message; as disregard for convention would simply be making things more difficult on yourself just to spite the ideal. Like if someone were to walk on their hand instead of their feet, or verbally spelling a speech instead of speaking it. With old cynicism the idea was a return to nature like animals.

Yes you got it. 

2 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Diogenese though does admit that rejecting the order of nature is the nature of humanity. I feel that connects to something said much later by JFK "we go to the moon not because it is easy; but because it is hard". That despite the nature of living things to be efficient and simplistic, only taking on what is needed for survival. Humanity is always learning and exploring; but to the detriment of excess and corruption as it seems to be what comes natural to us. 

That's an interesting theory. Living in accordance with nature is the result of the question of "how to live most virtuously?" So if you really want to follow the spirit of the philosophy. Take an uncompromising approach to what you think the most virtuous path is.

29 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I have no idea what you mean by this.

He;s saying that because the equation is correct, you are from this timeline, but he is from another where the equation was wrong, but there is no proof of this in this timeline so somewhere along the way he's merged with the wrong timeline and you've always been here.  

Fanboyism at a cringe level...

The real story is, what he remembers is just wrong.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Lasty said:

Sure, you're not just assuming I wasn't joking. You also obviously read the entire thread and saw all the parts where I didn't say that it was probably a creator prank.

Troll piece of shit. :)

He asked for an explanation  of your post...I gave it to him.  You could have just continued to play your game...I was helping a friend, sorry that irks you so.  

Also, claiming you were joking after being wrong makes YOU the troll.

Edited by cyberbully
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24 minutes ago, Lasty said:

Subs are better

I usually watch subs, but I've been hearing about shows being dubbed that I already thought were dubbed. Like I thought To love ru was dubbed, but sentai film works announced that they're dubbing it. 

9 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I usually watch subs, but I've been hearing about shows being dubbed that I already thought were dubbed. Like I thought To love ru was dubbed, but sentai film works announced that they're dubbing it. 

Was it an independent dub or were you thinking of something else?

5 minutes ago, Lasty said:

Was it an independent dub or were you thinking of something else?

Are you asking if it was a fan dub? I don't think, but same thing happened with Kampfer as well. Like I clearly remember watching it years ago on tv when my cable carried funimation. It was dubbed, I can even hear the voices of the characters if I think about it. It was around the same time my bride is a mermaid, Shuffle, Needless, and Heavens lost Property were airing. The shows all shared a lot of the same voice cast and didn't even change voices up much. Though not only did Funimation never dub Kampfer, but they also never owned it. It was owned by Sentai Filmworks.

11 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Are you asking if it was a fan dub? I don't think, but same thing happened with Kampfer as well. Like I clearly remember watching it years ago on tv when my cable carried funimation. It was dubbed, I can even hear the voices of the characters if I think about it. It was around the same time my bride is a mermaid, Shuffle, Needless, and Heavens lost Property were airing. The shows all shared a lot of the same voice cast and didn't even change voices up much. Though not only did Funimation never dub Kampfer, but they also never owned it. It was owned by Sentai Filmworks.


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