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I don't know why I get mad at Demarco not putting the shows I want Toonami to air on Toonami, when I'm perfectly content just watching whatever I feel on my own time.

What I feel, naturally, being stuff normal people wouldn't watch on their own time; i.e. Qwaser, AWOL.

Posted (edited)

i know this sounds like an overreaction but i think if this crisis is still strangling the country near the end of this year....Toonami could be in serious trouble

you can't run a block full of reruns forever and expect it to continue purely out of good will just like how people shouldn't expect the electric company to not charge them forever



Edited by CountFrylock

I would expect Toonami shows from Funi to return sooner, perhaps as soon as mid June depending on where they are dubbed.

Shows which dub in California will likely be delayed for several months, possibly until September or October.

In the meantime I would not be surprised to see GitS return. I wouldn't mind it either.




ok, explain to me why the october 26th schedule post on facebook was edited to clarify boruto was taking a break when there aren't actually any plans to bring it back? you don't go to the trouble to say that if you didn't plan on airing it again. especially when the reason given was wanting to make room for some other shows and now there's seemingly ample room given the statement in the op.

in before "demarco's a bullshitter."


On 3/25/2020 at 4:23 PM, CountFrylock said:


Demacro: "special plays of classic shows" 


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11 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:



Maybe I have this obscure, taboo viewpoint that I think about others that DO have a better chance of dying from it? I may just be WILDLY crazy.

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

If you're this concerned, I feel like the state of a late night cartoon block should be the least of your worries right now.

It is, but in this mess in the absence of ALL sports and nightlife, it being untouched was the one sign of normalcy left. And now we've got an Easter Eve marathon coming.

  • Like 1
On 3/31/2020 at 11:48 AM, elfie said:

Maybe I have this obscure, taboo viewpoint that I think about others that DO have a better chance of dying from it? I may just be WILDLY crazy.

I actually am in the risk group. Most of the people in a panic are actually the people at least risk of the virus causing any real harm to them. My great grandfather developed the original tetanus vaccine that you'd have to get every 10 years. And even with a cheap cure that you only have to remember to take once every decade 200k-300k people still die every year of tetanus. If corona jumps up it's killing game by about 4x in the next 6 months it will be on par with the low end of tetanus related yearly deaths, a very easily preventable disease that you get from cutting yourself on rusty metal.

About 650k people die yearly from just slips and falls. Though people aren't losing their minds and buying all the toilet paper and food. It's odd to turn on the news and hear that 500 more people died of the virus today, but no mention of the 1,800 people who slipped fell on their head and died. People have an odd sense of security about some types of deaths. A virus is an invisible threat that can attack at any moment, like a spooky ghost. So people overreact to it because they have no control over it. We feel like we have control though over how we can fall down and our odds of surviving etc. So people aren't freaking out over 1800 people dying every day from falling down. 

Same with school shootings. Biggest problem depending on who you ask that has ever happened. Ten years around 350 deaths. What is not a problem people think about though is every year 1.35 million people will die in a car accident. We have pretty much just accepted that 1.35 million people dying a year is part of the tapestry of life and don't think about it too much.   If every year though 1.35 million people died from the flu or a single virus people would be losing their fucking minds. We're at around 65k deaths right now. Just have 3.5k people drop dead every day for a year straight, because that is what happens with automobiles. 

Not saying it isn't bad, just that people are fearing this far more than they should and the media pretty much is just making things worse by encouraging panic. Some advice is do what I do. Unplug from tv and internet for a while, go into the mountains and hunt and fish for a bit. What's happening is there's a lot of people catching cabin fever who aren't used to not being around others, and it's making them obsess over the media coverage because they're bored and there's nothing better to do. When you're in the mountains your only worries are getting food and having a warm fire, and sometimes bears. 

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I actually am in the risk group. Most of the people in a panic are actually the people at least risk of the virus causing any real harm to them. My great grandfather developed the original tetanus vaccine that you'd have to get every 10 years. And even with a cheap cure that you only have to remember to take once every decade 200k-300k people still die every year of tetanus. If corona jumps up it's killing game by about 4x in the next 6 months it will be on par with the low end of tetanus related yearly deaths, a very easily preventable disease that you get from cutting yourself on rusty metal.

About 650k people die yearly from just slips and falls. Though people aren't losing their minds and buying all the toilet paper and food. It's odd to turn on the news and hear that 500 more people died of the virus today, but no mention of the 1,800 people who slipped fell on their head and died. People have an odd sense of security about some types of deaths. A virus is an invisible threat that can attack at any moment, like a spooky ghost. So people overreact to it because they have no control over it. We feel like we have control though over how we can fall down and our odds of surviving etc. So people aren't freaking out over 1800 people dying every day from falling down. 

Same with school shootings. Biggest problem depending on who you ask that has ever happened. Ten years around 350 deaths. What is not a problem people think about though is every year 1.35 million people will die in a car accident. We have pretty much just accepted that 1.35 million people dying a year is part of the tapestry of life and don't think about it too much.   If every year though 1.35 million people died from the flu or a single virus people would be losing their fucking minds. We're at around 65k deaths right now. Just have 3.5k people drop dead every day for a year straight, because that is what happens with automobiles. 

Not saying it isn't bad, just that people are fearing this far more than they should and the media pretty much is just making things worse by encouraging panic. Some advice is do what I do. Unplug from tv and internet for a while, go into the mountains and hunt and fish for a bit. What's happening is there's a lot of people catching cabin fever who aren't used to not being around others, and it's making them obsess over the media coverage because they're bored and there's nothing better to do. When you're in the mountains your only worries are getting food and having a warm fire, and sometimes bears. 

Ok so in the US about 37k people die a year from auto accidents. Anywhere from 3k to 49k die from the flu. 

The government is estimating between 100 and 200k people could die from Corona, even with the containment methods we're using now. If we let it run unchecked the death toll would be in the millions. 

Then you have the fact that it occasionally kills young and healthy people, spreads faster the flu with asymptomatic carriers and instantly overburdens the health care system in any area where it gains a major foothold, then yeah people do have reason to take this seriously. When's the last time we needed to convert a stadium into a field hospital for the Flu?

You can always argue that people are being ridiculous with the hoarding and all the panic around this, but Corona isn't comparable to any of those things.


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Posted (edited)

A very bad flu doesn't require a ventilator to survive. The burden on the healthcare system greatly sets this apart from many other ways people die in the thousands every year. If you don't take COVID-19 seriously enough to avoid coming in contact with other people as much as you feasibly can, you're essentially asking doctors to choose whether someone less likey to survive should get a ventilator and proper care for their recovery over someone who is more likely to survive. They shouldn't have to make that choice. I can't even imagine having to make that choice. That's not a concern with those other ways people commonly die.

The spread is much too rapid to ignore. You don't lock down the country over a bad flu season. This is an entirely different beast.

Edited by Sketch
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53 minutes ago, Daos said:

Ok so in the US about 37k people die a year from auto accidents. Anywhere from 3k to 49k die from the flu. 

The government is estimating between 100 and 200k people could die from Corona, even with the containment methods we're using now. If we let it run unchecked the death toll would be in the millions. 

Then you have the fact that it occasionally kills young and healthy people, spreads faster the flu with asymptomatic carriers and instantly overburdens the health care system in any area where it gains a major foothold, then yeah people do have reason to take this seriously. When's the last time we needed to convert a stadium into a field hospital for the Flu?

You can always argue that people are being ridiculous with the hoarding and all the panic around this, but Corona isn't comparable to any of those things.



I'm talking world wide not just the US on those numbers. Globally seasonal flu deaths are between 12k to 61k a year according to the cdc. Globally over one million auto deaths a year.  Occasionally young and healthy people die from tripping and falling, but there isn't a mass panic about it. It's a small possibility that it can happen, but there are also odds that someone is going to walk into my house and shoot me in the face. They're actually low odds considering being 1 in 300. The news saying that people under the age of 19 having a chance of dying if they catch the virus is a fucking joke when it's only 1.03% or less. You have a 1 in 77 odds of death any time you get in a car. Most people do that multiple times a day for their whole lives. That's a 1.28% probability though. 

The health care system wouldn't be swamped if healthy people would stay the hell out of the hospital and tying up their staff. You don't need to take a flu test to see if you have the flu. You know how to tell if you're sick? You'll more than likely feel sick. It's so dumb to hear people say "I need that test it's life or death" as if it were the damn vaccine. 

It is a double edged sword though. The virus is dangerous to select people, everyone should be mindful and cautious. Though instead the media stirs up a frenzy and encourages people to gather. A couple of weeks ago they announced a place near me was giving out 10k free sandwiches to help people. I was like oh that's nice have 10k+ people gather together for a chance of getting a free sandwich, sure that will be worth it. Sure enough 3hrs all 10k sandwhichs were gone. People do not think at all that maybe this will spread more infection. The hospitals around me quit telling the media when they'd be getting tests in, because the media would out them immediately and cause life threatening lines of cars that were blocking ambulances. Lines of perfectly healthy people are responsible for at least 3  deaths in my area. That is why they are using stadiums for tests now, because people were just murdering actually sick and injured people who did need immediate attention. I do believe that all of the healthy people who were part of that line should live knowing that they 100% murdered someone and didn't give it a 2nd thought because they were selfish.  In my view if it weren't for people being idiots and going into a panic, and the media not feeding that panic. Then the situation would be far better off than it is. 

I know my view is somewhat cynical, but damn if things haven't happened before and be damned if they won't happen again. I think the high stress people are showing is more of an outlet of people who have had it too good for too long. My great grandma was a one room school house teacher and would tell me about how bad things were, but people didn't really pay it much mind back then because they didn't have time to.  WWI 40 million deaths, spanish flu 50 million died, the dust bowl 7k, Great depression, WWII 85 million. All in the span of about 20 years. In the last 31 years the only major bad things I can remember happening were Mad Cow, killer bees, fire ants, Y2K, 9/11, economic recession, swine flu, and Corona. If some of those seem kinda lame it kinda proves my point. 


1 hour ago, Sketch said:

A very bad flu doesn't require a ventilator to survive. The burden on the healthcare system greatly sets this apart from many other ways people die in the thousands every year. If you don't take COVID-19 seriously enough to avoid coming in contact with other people as much as you feasibly can, you're essentially asking doctors to choose whether someone less likey to survive should get a ventilator and proper care for their recovery over someone who is more likely to survive. They shouldn't have to make that choice. I can't even imagine having to make that choice. That's not a concern with those other ways people commonly die.

The spread is much too rapid to ignore. You don't lock down the country over a bad flu season. This is an entirely different beast.

The hell it doesn't, I've been on a ventilator before from a flu. If you are immune compromised, seasonal illnesses can be life threatening. My mom had a real bad one back in 98 and had to get on a vent, she had a 107 fever and they had to even throw ice on her. Corona viruses are a problem because they have a longer incubation period than something like the normal flu. If you get the flu you're showing symptoms in about 2.5 days. That is rather quick and can give you a short window to infect others. Corona on the other hand is closer to a Week. So 7 days of walking around infecting people before you even realize you're sick. This is why the quarantine was put in place. It was supposed to give you some time to find out if you're sick or not, and have self isolation. Instead everyone has been using it to go party and hang out with friends and have fights at the super market.  It's not that it's just some ungodly whole other beast of a virus. It might sound that way for people who don't face possible death seasonally because they've never brought their own mortality into question before. For you finding out that corona made it to america and we were going into quarantine was horrifying news; for me it was a Tuesday. 

1 hour ago, HardcoreHunter said:


I'm talking world wide not just the US on those numbers. Globally seasonal flu deaths are between 12k to 61k a year according to the cdc. Globally over one million auto deaths a year.  Occasionally young and healthy people die from tripping and falling, but there isn't a mass panic about it. It's a small possibility that it can happen, but there are also odds that someone is going to walk into my house and shoot me in the face. They're actually low odds considering being 1 in 300. The news saying that people under the age of 19 having a chance of dying if they catch the virus is a fucking joke when it's only 1.03% or less. You have a 1 in 77 odds of death any time you get in a car. Most people do that multiple times a day for their whole lives. That's a 1.28% probability though. 

The health care system wouldn't be swamped if healthy people would stay the hell out of the hospital and tying up their staff. You don't need to take a flu test to see if you have the flu. You know how to tell if you're sick? You'll more than likely feel sick. It's so dumb to hear people say "I need that test it's life or death" as if it were the damn vaccine.

...1 in 77 odds of dying "every time you get in a car"?  Where are you pulling this bullshit from?

And the healthcare system is swamped because the 10-15% of infected people who develop serious complications are all being admitted at once, and ICUs aren't designed to handle an influx like that.  It has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with "healthy people" flooding the hospital.  Get some actual goddamn sources, for fuck's sake.

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  • D'oh 1
17 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

...1 in 77 odds of dying "every time you get in a car"?  Where are you pulling this bullshit from?

And the healthcare system is swamped because the 10-15% of infected people who develop serious complications are all being admitted at once, and ICUs aren't designed to handle an influx like that.  It has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with "healthy people" flooding the hospital.  Get some actual goddamn sources, for fuck's sake.

That's a legit number. Tomorrow will be my 77th time in a car in my life. I am ready to die.

  • Haha 2
16 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

...1 in 77 odds of dying "every time you get in a car"?  Where are you pulling this bullshit from?

And the healthcare system is swamped because the 10-15% of infected people who develop serious complications are all being admitted at once, and ICUs aren't designed to handle an influx like that.  It has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with "healthy people" flooding the hospital.  Get some actual goddamn sources, for fuck's sake.

National safety council has it listed as 1 in 113 for americans only, but the WHO had it as 1 in 77 which was a world statistic. Just do some searches of mortality statistics, but yeah WHO probably isn't all that credible. I mean not like they've been in the news lately or anything. Here it's a 244 page pdf about road safety put out by WHO https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42871/9241562609.pdf?sequence=1

Here's some more stats from NSC https://www.nsc.org/work-safety/tools-resources/injury-facts/chart

Is there a reason why you think I pull this shit out of my ass? A lot of people die from mundane shit, it's nothing new. Here's thousands who showed up for 500 testing kits, 4hr lines of cars, whole cities blocked from access from the traffic. There are more stories like that than I am willing to link. 




So you're telling me that all these thousands of people holding up traffic, diverging medical staff from saving lives, blocking off large parts of cities, etc has zero effect on any lives being saved that are at risk? All just so that they can no if at that moment if they were sick which may change in the time it takes them to get their results back. Do you just have a hate boner for me laying down facts, or do you just like me talking with you?

36 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

National safety council has it listed as 1 in 113 for americans only, but the WHO had it as 1 in 77 which was a world statistic. Just do some searches of mortality statistics, but yeah WHO probably isn't all that credible. I mean not like they've been in the news lately or anything. Here it's a 244 page pdf about road safety put out by WHO https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42871/9241562609.pdf?sequence=1

Here's some more stats from NSC https://www.nsc.org/work-safety/tools-resources/injury-facts/chart

Is there a reason why you think I pull this shit out of my ass? A lot of people die from mundane shit, it's nothing new. Here's thousands who showed up for 500 testing kits, 4hr lines of cars, whole cities blocked from access from the traffic. There are more stories like that than I am willing to link. 




So you're telling me that all these thousands of people holding up traffic, diverging medical staff from saving lives, blocking off large parts of cities, etc has zero effect on any lives being saved that are at risk? All just so that they can no if at that moment if they were sick which may change in the time it takes them to get their results back. Do you just have a hate boner for me laying down facts, or do you just like me talking with you?

I think you misunderstood the statistic.

The site InjuryFacts.nsc has your chance of dying in an automobile accident as 1 in 106.

That's the chance that when you die, the cause of death will be a car accident. Not that there's a 1 in 106 chance that you die when you get in a car.

Opioids and Suicide both have a higher chance of being your eventual cause of death.

None of that is comparable to a virus that could kill millions if left unchecked.

  • Thanks 3
9 minutes ago, Daos said:

I think you misunderstood the statistic.

The site InjuryFacts.nsc has your chance of dying in an automobile accident as 1 in 106.

That's the chance that when you die, the cause of death will be a car accident. Not that there's a 1 in 106 chance that you die when you get in a car.

Opioids and Suicide both have a higher chance of being your eventual cause of death.

None of that is comparable to a virus that could kill millions if left unchecked.

Over a million people every year die form cars, how is that different? Though yeah I misinterpreted that being your overall chance of dying that way vs the chance of when you're already dead of that being your cause of death; stats were right my understanding of them was not.  Either way I never said that the virus should be unchecked, but I said it's over hyped and people are over-reacting making shit worse. If everyone stayed in their homes a lot of these problems wouldn't be continuing. The testing should only be done for essential workers who have to be around people. Everyone else should in theory be self isolating. Not gathering by the thousands. If the number of deaths breaks 400 million I'll agree that I was wrong and it was a bigger problem than I thought. Black Death was 200 million but the media and public opinion are raising the bar and my expectations for the little guy.  Either way I'm probably just going to end up ducking out to the mountains in the next week and hope some normalcy returns by the time I come back. Aside from being isolated the whole county has zero reported cases. Try and see if I can bag a turkey, fish for some trout, watch for birds and deer. Normal pandemic end of the world stuff. 

  • D'oh 1
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

National safety council has it listed as 1 in 113 for americans only, but the WHO had it as 1 in 77 which was a world statistic. Just do some searches of mortality statistics, but yeah WHO probably isn't all that credible. I mean not like they've been in the news lately or anything. Here it's a 244 page pdf about road safety put out by WHO https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42871/9241562609.pdf?sequence=1

Here's some more stats from NSC https://www.nsc.org/work-safety/tools-resources/injury-facts/chart

Is there a reason why you think I pull this shit out of my ass? A lot of people die from mundane shit, it's nothing new. Here's thousands who showed up for 500 testing kits, 4hr lines of cars, whole cities blocked from access from the traffic. There are more stories like that than I am willing to link. 




So you're telling me that all these thousands of people holding up traffic, diverging medical staff from saving lives, blocking off large parts of cities, etc has zero effect on any lives being saved that are at risk? All just so that they can no if at that moment if they were sick which may change in the time it takes them to get their results back. Do you just have a hate boner for me laying down facts, or do you just like me talking with you?

I keep replying to you because you keep getting shit wrong, or woefully misinterpreting it, and in a time like this misinformation can be incredibly dangerous.  As Daos already pointed out, you completely botched the reading of the one statistic you cited.  As for the number of automobile fatalities every year, you're comparing the global death toll with the worst-case COVID-19 death toll in the US alone if no measures had been taken, so...you don't really have a point to make at all.  (And that aside, the global automobile fatality rate is irrelevant in and of itself, given that it includes many countries whose vehicle safety standards are woefully inferior to those in the US.)  Even if the COVID-19 fatality rate was in the realm of 1% (which various estimates have placed it at), you're talking about almost 80 million people worldwide.  Still think this isn't serious?

Oh, and shockingly enough, you completely misrepresented your point about people "overwhelming" the healthcare system.  Those lines were at remote testing sites, not the goddamn hospital.  The people crammed into every hallway in New York's ICUs aren't there on a whim...they're in dire need of critical medical care.  Oh, and all the people at those testing sites SHOULD be getting tested, as should the populace as a whole, so we can get a good handle on just how widespread this virus is and where hotspots are.  But because our government's initial response was a clusterfuck of massive proportions, we were woefully unprepared to initiate widespread testing, hence those long lines at the few sites just getting set up now.  You didn't see that happen in a country like South Korea that was well-prepared from the get-go.

Either stop being an idiot and properly educate yourself, or just shut the fuck up and let those who know what the hell they're talking about do so.  That's all I want from you.

Edited by Top Gun
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You keep replying because you're tsun as fuck baka. 

The point I was making was that people die all the time and that it rarely makes the news. A virus happens and suddenly the media becomes a Greek tragedy. People panic and things just get worse form it. 

My advice so far on actually avoiding getting sick is what the CDC said. Wash your hands and self isolate having minimal interaction with people. For some odd reason people don't seem to be doing that.

As for 80 million deaths it would be serious, I just wouldn't lose any sleep over it though. Also I have some doubt that, that many people will die in the next 6 months. For us to hit that the number of deaths per day would be insanely high. We would need like 220k people dying every day for the next 6 months to hit 80 million. 

As well they moved those medical testing sites away from hospitals because the first week was a shit show. Then they did that announcement that if you show up at the hospital and ask for a test they'd turn you away, because it did block ambulances. The ones near the stadium and highway were still blocking ambulances. 

The testing is really pointless unless you're forced to be around people. Your logic is that I should leave isolation, where I haven't met anyone face to face since march 13th. Go to a station with thousands of other people waiting. Just to make sure that I'm not sick? I fail to see the positive in that and only see risk if you get what I'm saying. Then lets say I get sick from having to go out and be around thousands of other people who may also be sick, what is the following steps? "you should isolate yourself for the next few weeks". Wow what a novel idea good thing I broke my isolation and got tested. Top tsun really told me I tell yah what.



  • D'oh 1
7 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

As for 80 million deaths it would be serious, I just wouldn't lose any sleep over it though. Also I have some doubt that, that many people will die in the next 6 months. For us to hit that the number of deaths per day would be insanely high. We would need like 220k people dying every day for the next 6 months to hit 80 million. 

As well they moved those medical testing sites away from hospitals because the first week was a shit show. Then they did that announcement that if you show up at the hospital and ask for a test they'd turn you away, because it did block ambulances. The ones near the stadium and highway were still blocking ambulances. 

The testing is really pointless unless you're forced to be around people. Your logic is that I should leave isolation, where I haven't met anyone face to face since march 13th. Go to a station with thousands of other people waiting. Just to make sure that I'm not sick? I fail to see the positive in that and only see risk if you get what I'm saying. Then lets say I get sick from having to go out and be around thousands of other people who may also be sick, what is the following steps? "you should isolate yourself for the next few weeks". Wow what a novel idea good thing I broke my isolation and got tested. Top tsun really told me I tell yah what.

So you're a complete and utter sociopath.  Got it.

Just because the place you live was stupid enough to plop the testing sites right next to hospitals doesn't mean every state was.

No one said that people should just randomly drive up and flood testing sites right now, because we can't even fucking handle the people who have legitimate cause to think they're infected. Case in point: I have a close family member who works in a healthcare-related field and was exposed to someone who tested positive.  He waited in line for 3 or 4 hours at one testing site before being told he'd have to come back the next day because they were swamped.  He then had to come back the next day, and after another few-hour wait he finally got tested.  It then took another week for him to finally get the (negative) test results.  Our response has been fucking pathetic.  But if we do ever manage to get our shit together, then yes, we absolutely need to institute large-scale testing.  One of the most insidious things about COVID-19 is that a significant percentage of people who contract it are apparently asymptomatic, so to get an accurate idea of just how prevalent its spread is, there's going to need to be widespread testing of people who don't even think they were exposed.

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A sociopath has a lack of conscience, I actually have a rather good one. Even gave my 3m masks to nurses that I had, despite me being someone at risk and just having a lung biopsy done in march. I just view being upset over all the deaths caused by corona to be no different than being upset over every single car death or slip and fall related death. The sociopath thing for me to do would be to act overly dramatic and worry about it because my own personal life is at higher risk; rather than my keep calm carry on mentality. 

 If you knew the layout of pittsburgh you'd see how easily traffic can block city access. It's effectively and island with the only way in or out being bridges. There are also over a dozen large hospitals in the city, so access getting blocked in one place cuts off nearly all of that. Even having a station out of the city will have people trying to mass exodus causing a blockage. It's almost like a city that was built to be a fort against the British in the rev war because of how easy it is to defend, wasn't the best spot for city layout with lots of large hospitals. 

Though what you said with the 4hr wait and taking a week to get results back is my point. First you're just wasting your time and putting your self at risk to get infected. Then it's giving false security because they may have been infected within the week it takes to get the results back. People who are getting their results are acting as if they aren't infected now, rather than they weren't infected a week ago, but it's been a week and things may have changed. I had to explain that to my braindead cousin who works at a bank and handles money. She was self isolating, but after she got her test result back she didn't see the need to and went and hung out with her friends. Then it brings to mind that if there are a few people who were dumb enough to do something then there's probably a lot more who are treating a screening test as if it were a vaccine. 


I know Pittsburgh well, and it doesn't surprise me at all that that clusterfuck of a city can't even manage a drive-up testing site.

No one's going to be at risk of getting infected from sitting in line in their own car.  And people who have been exposed to someone who tests positive are required to quarantine themselves until the test results come back, so unless they're being an absolute piece of shit and breaking that, they're not going to be exposed to another potential source of infection in the meantime.

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There's a middle ground between nonstop panic and lamenting that the country is going to be a ghost town for years and nothing will ever go back to normal vs shrugging because whelp a bunch of people are gonna die but what can ya do, that ain't my problem.

As far as this thread goes, I'm gonna have to side with the guy who literally gets paid to know about science.

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3 hours ago, Top Gun said:

I know Pittsburgh well, and it doesn't surprise me at all that that clusterfuck of a city can't even manage a drive-up testing site.

No one's going to be at risk of getting infected from sitting in line in their own car.  And people who have been exposed to someone who tests positive are required to quarantine themselves until the test results come back, so unless they're being an absolute piece of shit and breaking that, they're not going to be exposed to another potential source of infection in the meantime.

It's bad how horribly it's managed around here. Not to mention people are idiots and are still gathering. Cousin posted this big party they were at with a bonfire over the weekend probably 300 people there. Another separate party got busted by the cops that night that had 500 people. A bunch of people got slapped with fines. My brother was going to refill some water jugs at walmart yesterday, but called it off because there was a big fist fight in the entry between a few women. It's just dumb how people are missing the point with isolation and social distancing.  As for the risk of being in your car. Pretty much everyone has been rocking windows down since it hit 60 around here. Probably not the most likely way to catch it but it can stay airborne for a while. Though the weather has gotten nice and everyone is just saying fuck it and going out for fun because they're bored, it's ridiculous. 

17 minutes ago, EmpressAngel said:

There's a middle ground between nonstop panic and lamenting that the country is going to be a ghost town for years and nothing will ever go back to normal vs shrugging because whelp a bunch of people are gonna die but what can ya do, that ain't my problem.

As far as this thread goes, I'm gonna have to side with the guy who literally gets paid to know about science.

I'm not really going against anything that the CDC has said though. If anything I'm saying stay home, keep clean, and be mindful of not touching your face while out. The virus though isn't a death sentence for the vast majority of humanity.It shouldn't be taken lightly and you should take steps to avoid catching it. Though this is by far from an end of days our way of life is over virus.  

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5 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

There's a middle ground between nonstop panic and lamenting that the country is going to be a ghost town for years and nothing will ever go back to normal vs shrugging because whelp a bunch of people are gonna die but what can ya do, that ain't my problem.

As far as this thread goes, I'm gonna have to side with the guy who literally gets paid to know about science.

I don't think the massive restrictions we have put in place in any way qualify as panic. When you have countries around the world that never agree on anything that all suddenly agree on the same way to handle this... with lockdowns... then I think the people of the world have a reason to be concerned.

I think the point Hardcore was trying to make was similar to the argument against people panicking over terrorism. Due to 9/11 people were freaked about terrorism but your odds of dying from it were pretty close to zero. He doesn't seem to get that this is just a tad more serious.

He just seems very blase to this current once in a 100 year crisis that could potentially kill more people than WW2 if we hadn't locked down the entire world. The economic numbers for this quarter are probably going to be on par with the Great Depression.

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I do understand how serious it is, and I agreed with the lockdown It needed to happen. What didn't need to happen was the panic buying, scalping, the media frenzy, people being ignorant and still gathering in groups, those acting like the world is at it's end and never going to recover etc. You are right that I'm rather blase over it though. Really I do my part. Wash my hands, stay isolated as much as I can, gave my 3m masks to nurses I know. Outside of that my hands are tied. I don't see any sense in worrying about things that are out of my control que sera, sera.  

Also I probably got somewhat desensitized by whatever horrible thing is going to kill us all every few years ie WWIII, terrorists, Y2K, Killer Bees, Fire Ants, Mad Cow, Duck and cover drills that were supposed to save you from an atomic blast that we had to do in 6th grade because our teacher was insane, 2012, sun flares, the poles shifting, Bath Salts, etc.  Apples to oranges compared to this virus I know, but the panic is always the same every time.

If everyone would just self isolate we wouldn't have as big of a problem on our hands as we do. Instead a lot of people have to either Panic and break isolation to try and hoard,  are greedy and  trying to scalp, or are ignorant and break isolation either out of boredom or defiance. Hell our Governor is so corrupt he tired to keep a non-essential business he owns open; until a couple of weeks later when people called him out on it, which he only then closed it. Our jackass mayor who puts virus tests on vital roads that block traffic into the city; and allowed a bakery to give away 10k free sandwiches causing thousands of people to gather in one small area over a few hours. Everyone just seems to be on knee jerk reaction mode, without actually thinking through the pros and cons. Cool you raised city moral, hope the free sandwich was worth who knows how many people getting sick, but it at least looked good in the paper. 

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Posted (edited)
On 4/6/2020 at 3:08 AM, HardcoreHunter said:

Over a million people every year die form cars, how is that different? Though yeah I misinterpreted that being your overall chance of dying that way vs the chance of when you're already dead of that being your cause of death; stats were right my understanding of them was not.  Either way I never said that the virus should be unchecked, but I said it's over hyped and people are over-reacting making shit worse. If everyone stayed in their homes a lot of these problems wouldn't be continuing. The testing should only be done for essential workers who have to be around people. Everyone else should in theory be self isolating. Not gathering by the thousands. If the number of deaths breaks 400 million I'll agree that I was wrong and it was a bigger problem than I thought. Black Death was 200 million but the media and public opinion are raising the bar and my expectations for the little guy.  Either way I'm probably just going to end up ducking out to the mountains in the next week and hope some normalcy returns by the time I come back. Aside from being isolated the whole county has zero reported cases. Try and see if I can bag a turkey, fish for some trout, watch for birds and deer. Normal pandemic end of the world stuff. 


Edited by elfie
Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

"Interest in Toonami Since Revival". Or is that cutting it too close?

These days it's very easy to have any joke be "too soon".


Edited by elfie
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Your response fits Gunners' reply better than mine. Of course it's too soon, I was asking if it was cutting it even deeper just by mentioning Toonami/insinuating that it's on a decline.

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