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i called dish and threatened to cancel again

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You know for some reason I came I to this thread exspecting a back story about bad service or services that ere never installed and the like.


And I was met with this gloating.


Their service is awesome. Best i ever had. I just dont wanna pay them.


You know for most people the reverse is true.


I don't pay for shit services.


Me neither. Im thinking about dropping tmobile but i dont know if my credit is good enough to go to another provider. Its hard to get calls to go thru and half the time when i answer a call i dont hear anything. I had to call dish twice cuz the first person couldn't hear me.


good. and you know anyone having you on this thread would probably do the same thing. DISH is low hanging fruit I have them and I made them lower my bill 3 times already


You sir are awesome. Good to have someone know what im talking about. If you want a good deal you gotta keep calling them ever so often.


Hate satellite TV. Give me cable anytime.

Cable is a rip off. Your bill keeps getting higher and they have outages then u have to beg them to prorate your bill.

My old apartment only let you get comcast and i hated it.


Cable is a rip off. Your bill keeps getting higher and they have outages then u have to beg them to prorate your bill.

My old apartment only let you get comcast and i hated it.


Funny, I don't seem to have that problem here and I have Comcast too.


Of course, I only use the internet through my cable company and so far the promotional price I have when I first got it has stayed consistent.


Its definitely better than the outages I had to deal with when I had Dish and the even shittier local cable company I had when I lived out in the styx of Wisco.


I have my gf do this every time right before our free premium channels ends and tell them to cancel them, then they offer another 6 or 12 (depends what there allowed to give at the time) months free of them....


Fuck all these people giving you shit. You found a way to save money. And you didn't steal the money. They offered to lower it. You gamed the system. That's great.


Oh, I can't wait for fuggs to fuggs all over you.


That dude's posts read like Skiles......Lots of random shaft grabbing.......Skiles is pretty much just another fuggz except he doesn't delude himself into thinking he's sexy.


That dude's posts read like Skiles......Lots of random shaft grabbing.......Skiles is pretty much just another fuggz except he doesn't delude himself into thinking he's sexy.


That dude's posts read like Skiles......Lots of random shaft grabbing.......Skiles is pretty much just another fuggz except he doesn't delude himself into thinking he's sexy.


Im going to start couting you coming into my threads and insulting me. 1.


The OP had nothing to do with you. Bitch be gone.


How hard is it to be this stupid.....I mean I legit have to ask because I have no idea how you read as much as you claim to and still have the worst comprehension skills known to man.....Like I think you believe Moby Dick is about a puppet that came to life.

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