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Has Tite Kubo been blacklisted from the manga industry?

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If you were actually current with the manga and knew Kubo at all you'd know that's false.  He took shots at the magazine and his editors via dialogue in the second-to-last chapter and still had tons of stuff set up for this arc that we're never going to get to see come to fruition now.  Lots of big things Kubo still had in store for Bleach but Shueisha ruined everything.  I'm boycotting them for life.  Add them to my lifelong boycott list with Pizza Hutt for ruining my 18th birthday (I'm currently 32).


Yeah Kubo hates his editors and probably isn't too fond of the magazine, either.


Some dumb manager lady threw a big fit and argued with us about these coupons were were using and it was just overall a terrible experience.  Never went back after that.  Like I said, they RUINED MY BIRTHDAY.


He could probably get on something new if he wanted to, but I'd expect a publisher would want to pair him with a separate writer. Pacing has never been his strong point, to put it mildly, and I could easily see them being unwilling to let him do an entire series on his own.


Also, holding a 14+ year grudge over pizza coupons just seems sad. Get over it.


He could probably get on something new if he wanted to, but I'd expect a publisher would want to pair him with a separate writer. Pacing has never been his strong point, to put it mildly, and I could easily see them being unwilling to let him do an entire series on his own.


Also, holding a 14+ year grudge over pizza coupons just seems sad. Get over it.

Fuck them then.  I want Kubo's writing.




Pizza Hut's changed a bit in the past 14 years.


Also, was this manager of "urban" descent? Because that could have been part of it.

Is it still greasy and disgusting?


Nope, some white girl.  Her husband and son were stalking her, by the way, which is what she gets for being a bitch about those coupons on my birthday and RUINING MY BIRTHDAY.


If you were actually current with the manga and knew Kubo at all you'd know that's false.  He took shots at the magazine and his editors via dialogue in the second-to-last chapter and still had tons of stuff set up for this arc that we're never going to get to see come to fruition now.  Lots of big things Kubo still had in store for Bleach but Shueisha ruined everything.  I'm boycotting them for life.  Add them to my lifelong boycott list with Pizza Hutt for ruining my 18th birthday (I'm currently 32).


Didn't they give him something like a year to wrap things up, and he was still meandering for most of that time? He may have ideas, but I doubt he knew how to implement them in a story.


Didn't they give him something like a year to wrap things up, and he was still meandering for most of that time? He may have ideas, but I doubt he knew how to implement them in a story.

He wasn't "meandering."  He was delivering in excellent fashion on things fans have waited for for years, and plot points set up in this very arc.

In japan there are two types of sick being the cold and flu. Being able to function is the cold, anything else from influenza to lung cancer is the flu. Even in this link it lists a woman having died of stomach cancer as one of the 09 flu victims. It has something to do with their way of many thing falling into one word/one world meaning many things, depending on the context. It makes it odd for western fans when we hear about them getting sick for extended periods of time, and sometimes even dying when all that was announced was a minor illness.


All in all if Kubo's health returns I could see him doing more work. If he is still combating illness I doubt that would happen. I wasn't a fan of the end of bleach just because of the rush job it got. However knowing that he wasn't feeling well it's better than a worst case scenario. Much like how Zero no Teskumina's creator had to rush the ending, but the fans while not loving how it ended, did respect what he was doing given his condition and his devotion to finishing his work before his passing. 


Still with Kubo it'll always be a case of how much was it kubo being kubo, how much was it his illness, how much was it publisher meddling etc. I think Kubo is great at coming up with ideas and characters, but has a hard time connecting everything together into a well paced story. Much of that is more just how Japan does things. I do think that he could have done much better quality work had he not been meeting the deadlines that they had given him. Bleach would have been better off being a bi monthly or monthly release. I think that is the kind of format where we would really see Kubo shine. 


He wasn't "meandering."  He was delivering in excellent fashion on things fans have waited for for years, and plot points set up in this very arc.

He was meandering and sucked at delivering so many things, both long term and just for the final arc. If you actually enjoyed it then fine, but you're delusional if you really think he's some kind of amazing writer capable of weaving a masterpiece.


I'm going to agree with empressangel on most of that. He had a lot of things that went nowhere, stuff that was never explained, and build up with no good pay off.  They forgot about Harribel, Kenpachi kills Unohana to master his Shiki then jobs, The zero squad for all the build up they had were forgettable characters that went nowhere and mostly just arc fodder, Karin working for Urahara went nowhere, the two young shinigami that were shown at the start of the quincy arc went nowhere, Yoruichi's cat form was never explained, It was never explained why Orihime couldn't bring any of the captains back to life as we had seen she can totally do that because of her hax reality bending powers, Quincy having fullbring/arrancar like powers was never explained as they were mainly just supposed to be human magic archers, Uruyu's part in the whole arc felt underwhelming. Really there was just a lot of stuff that I have noticed and heard people complain about this arc to see it as an amazing let alone good end.


He was meandering and sucked at delivering so many things, both long term and just for the final arc. If you actually enjoyed it then fine, but you're delusional if you really think he's some kind of amazing writer capable of weaving a masterpiece.

He was delivering and would continue the awesomeness of the final arc and delivered on everything if his health hadn't forced him to end the series early.  Stop being hateful and disrespectful to Kubo.  He's a genius and a great man that you sadly never understood.

I'm going to agree with empressangel on most of that. He had a lot of things that went nowhere, stuff that was never explained, and build up with no good pay off.  They forgot about Harribel, Kenpachi kills Unohana to master his Shiki then jobs, The zero squad for all the build up they had were forgettable characters that went nowhere and mostly just arc fodder, Karin working for Urahara went nowhere, the two young shinigami that were shown at the start of the quincy arc went nowhere, Yoruichi's cat form was never explained, It was never explained why Orihime couldn't bring any of the captains back to life as we had seen she can totally do that because of her hax reality bending powers, Quincy having fullbring/arrancar like powers was never explained as they were mainly just supposed to be human magic archers, Uruyu's part in the whole arc felt underwhelming. Really there was just a lot of stuff that I have noticed and heard people complain about this arc to see it as an amazing let alone good end.

Make up your mind for yourself instead of going off hearsay.  It hasn't been perfect but the final arc had delivered long-awaited payoffs, had insane and fun things go down, great fights, reveals, backstory, just in general been really fun.  Kubo at his Kubo-ist.  Like I said, more fun and batshit insane than One Piece.  Plus bigger things happened than in any previous Bleach Arcs just about.  More weight and gravity to the proceedings, whereas Hollows had a better track record of killing Soul Reapers than Aizen or any of his minions.  Arc has been great and you all are nothing but a bunch of whiny nitpick haters.  Anyway, your hate won't stop Bleach and it's final arc from being great and bringing me joy.  Enjoy living in that ball of hate, Hunter.

As much as I rag on Bleach, knowing the guy was seriously ill writing the end makes me give him a lot more sympathy.

Still no sympathy from Hunter or Empress.  They continue to bitch.  Nevermind Kubo could have died.  WE DIDN'T GET TO SEE HALLIBEL FIGHT IN HER FETISH GEAR AGAIN OOOOHH NOOOOES!  Ugh.

He wasn't "meandering."  He was delivering in excellent fashion on things fans have waited for for years, and plot points set up in this very arc.

He was doing what he's done for the past 10 years, which was one guy one-upping the other guy, then the other guy doing the same, then the good guy winning from some bullshit.


His artwork I still think is great, but his writing is trash.


He was doing what he's done for the past 10 years, which was one guy one-upping the other guy, then the other guy doing the same, then the good guy winning from some bullshit.


His artwork I still think is great, but his writing is trash.

Nope the last arc was incredibly creative with the powers, strategy, ability mechanics, and other things involving fights, not to mention extremely batshit insane and just fun - it outdid One Piece in that regard (at least what's been shown so far on Toonami).  You're a troll with taste cancer spouting the same predictable regurgitated talking points from other mindless haters.  Moving on.

Or maybe they just found a 12 year old with the same artistic ability to match him



Don't troll the thread, please.  If you have nothing of any value to contribute, then get out.


Ball of hate??? Okay....


I didn't go on hearsay those are thing I legitimately had wondered about since the day the manga ended. I can like something and not think it's a perfect masterpiece.

You bitched about plotholes and dropped plot threads, things not shown, etc... when Kubo showed and revealed tons of things not just set up for that arc but that we have been waiting for for years.  There were so many awesome moments, "fan service", if you will, not of the sexual kind, mind you (though there was some of that, as well).  If you had actually read the manga you'd know this. 


Let's see...



All the Bankai reveals.  We didn't get everyone's, but the ones we got were great.


Yamamoto and Sasakibe's history.  Keep in mind Kubo doesn't expect you to care about Sasakibe; that was done for Yamamoto's character.  You feel for him because the person he regarded as his son was killed.


Good guy deaths.


Just the whole Quincy stuff in general.  It was obvious for a while that the Quincies would be a more important factor in the series since it began.  There was a promised duel between Ichigo and Uryu which never really materialized.  But, we did get a quick little fight between them, and we learned a lot about Quincies.


The story of Ichigo's birth.  Masaki is an awesome character and was great to finally find out about the past of Isshin, and how the Ishidas played into all that, etc.


Unohana's reveal as the First Kenpachi.  Her fight with Kenpachi.  Kenpachi's Bankai and the reveal that Yachiru is his zanpakuto spirit.


The Royal Real, Royal Guard, and Soul King.  Royal Guard were a bit disappointing and we didn't see all of what they could do.  Kubo used them mostly for training and to build up the bad guys.  But what we got was still pretty cool.


We finally learned what those bodies were that Mayuri had.


I personally really enjoyed a lot of the new characters, the new villains.  Bach was a great villain, and I enjoyed the Stern Ritters.  The new girls are great.  It's a shame Elfie didn't read the manga.  He's really missing out.

Kubo made a trans character and she was done well.  Was a strong character who played a big role in the series and was hard to defeat, created a lot of problems for the heroes.  The trans aspect of her character was done respectably.  There was an added touch of realism and commentary when we learned some characters are transphobic assholes, like Yumichika.


Gremmy, just... Gremmy man.  He was so much fun.  His fight with Kenpachi was great.


Rukia getting her Bankai and her fight with As Nodt.  Getting complimented on her Bankai by Byakuya.




Mimihagi-sama and the reveal involving Jushiro.  His sacrifice to prevent the rebooting of the Universe.


Bach's desire to create a world without death.  He's ultimately right since Soul Society is a shithole.  I feel like reforming it more would've been seen if Kubo wasn't ill.


Yoruichi's new ability reveals and her feral catgirl form.


Ichibe, a very fun character with fun and interesting abilities.  His fight with Bach was great and a lot of fun.


Aizen's contributions, especially in the final battle.  Very cool.  He also gave us the Hado 99 reveal.


The reveal of the Wandenreich's location.  Big things happen as the Seireitei is nearly completely destroyed.



I could go on and on.  Sure it's fine to be left wanting more.  I did too.  Tons of stuff was left unfinished.  But again, Kubo was sick and could continue making the manga.  What the fuck do you want?


Nope the last arc was incredibly creative with the powers, strategy, ability mechanics, and other things involving fights, not to mention extremely batshit insane and just fun - it outdid One Piece in that regard (at least what's been shown so far on Toonami).  You're a troll with taste cancer spouting the same predictable regurgitated talking points from other mindless haters.  Moving on.

Giving my honest opinion makes me a troll?


You're the only troll around here.


"You bitched about plotholes and dropped plot threads"


I have seen you actually hate things for less than that. As for the deaths there were a few that actually gave me some feels. One because I liked the characters and wish we had gotten more of them, the other is that the characters death didn't accomplish much. Not bad but I do wish things would have turned out differently for these characters.



Unohana's death felt off because just to boost Kenpachi to shikai they had to kill someone who was on par with Kenny's strength, and was the best healer (sans Orihime's unused reality bending power that can bring people back from the dead). Everyone knows you have to protect your healer for the boss fight. In turn this also "killed" Yachiru as she was Kenny's zanpaktuo spirit. At first I didn't think it made sense that Yachiru had her own abilities that were separate from Kenpachi's zanpaktuo. Then I remembered how Yumichika called his sword a wrong name which changed it's ability. I assume that Kenny calling her Yachiru rather than Nozarashi is what gave her a separate form and abilities. 


The other was Nemu, one of the few deaths in bleach where I actually felt bad after reading the chapter. It didn't seem to help much that she was rebuilt. I wasn't much of a fan of the sexual implications of Mayuri and Nemu as I had always viewed them as father and daughter as she was made from his organs (still don't understand Mayuri's biology logic). As well she has had some interaction with Uruyu and none of that ever seemed to be resolved. Really I thought Mayuri would have died this arc as a repentance of what he had done to the quincy and Uruyu's grandfather.



Pretty much every other death though I had no strong feelings over. It felt more like culling the herd which should have been done long ago for characters who had done nothing forever. Then there was the case of Sajin who is just a dog/fox/wolf now. I think even kubo forgot that he didn't kill him. Iba was acting like the he was gone forever rather than just being forever doge. I expected to see him talking Sajin out for walkies.


I wasn't too big on most of the fights. This happened way too much. Except in the case of some captains like Kenpachi where he would get hit a lot say his tough guy line like "is that it", "are you finished" or "my turn" then curb stomps. It's the issue with having a few dozen fights happening in a row, especially when you are kubo and do a cool thing so you'll do it every fight Not that all the fights were bad, but I had many moments where I had kubo battle fatigue while reading.



Yamma's bankai was cool, I actually wouldn't mind seeing a prequel for bleach that focuses on the head captain in his prime.



Soul king and the Royal guard were disappointments, but at least the way the soul king looks made sense of Aizen turning into a metapod. Ichibe's fight I actually didn't enjoy. He had too many marry sue abilities only to job hard. It was interesting at first but a few chapters in and you want the guy to die.


Ichigo's parents meeting was a nice arc, pretty much any arc that deals with the past and actually gives backstory seems to be better than any current arc of bleach.



All in all at least for me the build up felt wrong for the payoff. I guess there are a few ways to look at it. One drink the koolaid and say everything about reading this book for ten years was 100000% worth my time. Scratch your head and question if you spent your time wisely, or get salty as all hell and damn kubo for wasting your time. I'm in the middle of those, I don't think that the manga was a full waste of my time, but as well I feel like I devoted more of my time to it than I got out. Really I only think you should be in the last example if you had actually paid for the manga.


Giving my honest opinion makes me a troll?


You're the only troll around here.

You really think I believe that's your honest opinion?  It's as recycled and zzzzzzzzz-inducing as Kishimoto.

Nice post, Hunter.  I can really see where you're coming from with a lot of that.  I was disappointed with some things as well, and believe we needed more down time between some of the fights.  Of course then you have people complaining there isn't enough action.  I agree that some things were a disappointment and didn't live up to hype (especially Royal Guard and Soul King), but overall I greatly enjoyed the series and the final arc.  If I had the money I would buy all the DVDs and manga volumes to show my support, thanks, and appreciation for Kubo.  So far I have three DVD Box Sets and one Volume.  I hope to collect the rest some day.


We do have to remember Kubo was sick the past five or so years, so I think he did pretty well, all things considered.  Editorial and fan interference also has to be taken into account.  Kubo didn't have complete creative control over his manga.  Many of the things fans complain about came about due to those very same fans requests and also editorial interference either on behalf of fans or what the editors thought was in the better interest of sales, the magazine, etc.  I'll respond to your post in more depth when I'm less tired and in a better frame of mind.


You really think I believe that's your honest opinion?  It's as recycled and zzzzzzzzz-inducing as Kishimoto.

So, basically, every single person except you could have the same opinion, and instead of thinking it's valid, you'd think it was a troll?


So, basically, every single person except you could have the same opinion, and instead of thinking it's valid, you'd think it was a troll?

It was worded more in a trollish fashion.  Wasn't exactly stated diplomatically, but in a way to rile up people, namely folks who like Bleach.

I think it would be hilarious if the anime were renewed at some point and actually concluded as Kubo would have liked it to!


I doubt it.  It seems everybody has moved on to other shows now.  Besides, wasn't the Bleach anime cancelled for low ratings?  Unless it's popularity skyrocketed, I don't think we'll see a Bleach anime again.


There's a lot of old anime coming back nowadays (D-Grayman, Gode Geass)


But... I think in Bleach's case, not enough people care anymore to be worth bringing back the anime.


Well, in Japan anyway. America would welcome it, but in the grand scheme of things, America doesn't really matter when it comes to anime.


I just feel bad for Kubo. For as long as Bleach ran........ it still got cancelled. Thats rough.


Glad to see Kubo back on Twitter. I was sad when he left.


I for one would very much like to see the anime return to not only finish up the story, but with Kubo's help, flesh things out that he wasn't able to.


Glad to see Kubo back on Twitter. I was sad when he left.


I for one would very much like to see the anime return to not only finish up the story, but with Kubo's help, flesh things out that he wasn't able to.


It'd be hilarious if right as they were about to do that, Kubo passes away.




This story struck a chord with me, not out of the emotional turmoil born from the ending, but that it took a fan's dying request to get him to commit to ending the manga. Just lets it languish to the point where it takes a young fan's death just for him to get serious about ending the manga.


Another thing it makes me think of is how the ending would've worked more if it happened after Hueco Mundo and the Fake Karakura arc. It was right after a major battle where the main characters were still relevant to the story enough for it to be rewarding to know that they have a happier future in store (hell, even Tatsuki and Keigo had a role to play by the end of that arc). By the time the actual ending neared, most of the characters were irrelevant and inconsequential to the story, and there is no reason to care about how anyone ended up aside from how much Kubo was inspired by Naruto's ending to cap it off on a "where are they at" conclusion for the characters that he forgot about years ago. Not to mention that the kid would've been able to see the actual ending of Bleach without having to pass away with the hope that he got the message to show the world what he was denied from as a result of dilly dallying for 5 years.




So, I guess my whole theory about Shueisha plotting to destroy Kubo wasn't entirely accurate, after all...

Well I'm glad we're all on the same page about that now.


I think it would be hilarious if the anime were renewed at some point and actually concluded as Kubo would have liked it to!

That's what I am hoping happens!  But the evil corporate overlords in Japan may not allow it.

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