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Down the street from me. It's expensive so I don't know how long it's going to be around here but for now I like the Black Cherry Cream sodas.


Down the street from me. It's expensive so I don't know how long it's going to be around here but for now I like the Black Cherry Cream sodas.


I used to buy those sometimes.....then I figured out how to make them myself


just make a packet of Black Cherry Kool-aid into a syrup (one packet of Kool-aid, one cup of sugar and one cup of water)

add Vanilla extract to the syrup, and mix it with Seltzer


and viola


It's expensive because it's trying to drive the local residents out... South Park did a whole season about this last year.


Makes sense. The only people that can afford that crap are rich hipsters... and that's mostly what I saw in there. On another note, I got a chicken wrap that straight up didn't taste like nothing.... but they have some really good looking chocolate... that's also very expensive.




Hipster, whole foods, 20$ mac and cheese, Tsume in the house xD





$20 on mac and cheese? Not my ass girl, not me.


I go to farmer's markets and get organic fruits and vegetables for about a third the price at a Whole Foods or Fresh Thyme.


That leaves me more cash for black cherry soda.


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