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so whoooooooo hereeeeee is getting a nintendo switch

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I want to pre-order it but can't because no one has it available. My friend's friend's friend works at Best Buy and I was hoping they could hook me up but it seems like that might not be happening either.


So....yeah....I'll get it whenever I can actually get my hands on it.


I was seriously tempted to get a PS4 today cause they had this deal where it was like $220 with Uncharted 4 bundled with it but I'll just wait for the Switch. Though there is half an hour left till the deal expires....so who knows....I'm still contemplating. I might change my mind in the next 30 mins  :D


get a PS4 man the Nintendo switch wont have many games until the fall


you can save money for that


Yeah but my thing is like then I'm going to end up buying like another game with it and a second controller and the online subscription so it's going to end up being like close to $400.


I'm a diehard Nintendo fan, so there is no way I'm waiting until the fall to get the Switch. With a game and second controller that's going to be about another $400 right there.


So we're talking like $800 in two months. I'm not sure if it's worth it just in terms of how much time I'd be able to devote. I don't even game that much anymore.


Yeah but my thing is like then I'm going to end up buying like another game with it and a second controller and the online subscription so it's going to end up being like close to $400.


I'm a diehard Nintendo fan, so there is no way I'm waiting until the fall to get the Switch. With a game and second controller that's going to be about another $400 right there.


So we're talking like $800 in two months. I'm not sure if it's worth it just in terms of how much time I'd be able to devote. I don't even game that much anymore.

We should add each other when you and I both get one. I eventually will because I am a big fan of Nintendo and ave been all my life but I am going to wait this time. I have a 3DS, Wii U, and an xbox one. Plenty to keep me busy until they get some games out for the Switch.

if you love it than go with nintendo, sony can suck it


i dont see myself getting a switch until the holidays or maybe 2018, i will eventually get some cheap controllers


We should add each other when you and I both get one. I eventually will because I am a big fan of Nintendo and ave been all my life but I am going to wait this time. I have a 3DS, Wii U, and an xbox one. Plenty to keep me busy until they get some games out for the Switch.


For sure dude! I feel ya....I actually waited like a year to get the Wii U. So I don't blame you in terms of wanting to wait.


Once you get it....maybe we'll start a Super Smash Bros. or Mario Kart Club along with some other users here....that'd be pretty fun I think  :D


Not for a while, there is nothing coming out for it in the next 6-12 months anyway except re releases and things that can be gotten on other consoles.



Exactly. The only reason to get it now is to not have to deal with possibly having Breath of the Wild spoiled by inadvertently reading something about it on a message board.


if you love it than go with nintendo, sony can suck it


i dont see myself getting a switch until the holidays or maybe 2018, i will eventually get some cheap controllers


Sage advice, dude  :D Thanks  :)


I'll disagree on the controller part though. I've never had a good experience with third-party controllers. They always just feel off to me and that really takes away a lot for me when I'm gaming (and I always feel guilty giving them to my friends to use because I feel like I'm cheating or something  :D). To each their own though!


I want to pre-order it but can't because no one has it available. My friend's friend's friend works at Best Buy and I was hoping they could hook me up but it seems like that might not be happening either.


So....yeah....I'll get it whenever I can actually get my hands on it.


I was seriously tempted to get a PS4 today cause they had this deal where it was like $220 with Uncharted 4 bundled with it but I'll just wait for the Switch. Though there is half an hour left till the deal expires....so who knows....I'm still contemplating. I might change my mind in the next 30 mins  :D

Lacks_Sympathy[/member] I've heard there's walk-in preorders at Walmarts, though it was a while ago and I don't know how limited that was other than availability was lasting longer than online preorders. Probably best to call before going out to one to place a preorder, imo.


Naraku4656[/member] I intend to. Been too busy to see about trying to preorder via Walmart, though.


For sure dude! I feel ya....I actually waited like a year to get the Wii U. So I don't blame you in terms of wanting to wait.


Once you get it....maybe we'll start a Super Smash Bros. or Mario Kart Club along with some other users here....that'd be pretty fun I think  :D

There is actually a thing like that already, well we call ourselves Team IB since most of us came from IB. We play together a lot on xbox but there are 4 or 5 of us that for a while there were playing smash and mario kart a lot. I know bloodhawk for one would be excited by a mario kart club, he very good at that game, more so than he should be. >.>

And the commercial for it was really gay, so that's turned some people off.

The only reason I am waiting is due to lack of games, ironically the very problem the wii u had for so long. They are making some other questionable decisions as well with the online and such but this is the main reason for me right now.

I got one and a pro controller preordered from Best Buy. Heard some people had their orders cancelled, I'm hoping by now I'm safe. Zelda and Bomberman preordered from Amazon.


naraku360[/member] Cool, thanks for the tip! I'm def. going to call them up tomorrow and look into it.


DBZ4ever[/member] I'm actually pretty good at Mario Kart myself. Both the 3DS version and Wii U version. I haven't played in a couple of months but they are definitely some of my favorite games. Smash I didn't really play too much on the Wii U for some reason. I did really enjoy the 3DS version though and spent quite a bit of time playing it when it first came out. The Super Smash Bros game that I've always been best at (and my favorite) is Melee. Something really really special and fun about that game. Like you said, we'll have to exchange info one of these days.


its looking good





And not really. There is an extremely limited library of exclusive games leading well-informed gamers to reconsider purchasing it on its launch date. It would only look good if it launched with a bunch of must buy, high-quality, launch titles, and that's not the case at all. I'm really not sure where you get your information from sometimes.


Yeah because sony and Microsoft always have more promising looking launch titles than breath of the wild....


LOL, don't bother. I was wondering why Zeni was trolling so hard in this thread. It seems that no one responded to the last two threads he made  :D So he's just a bit wound up....looking for attention like usual. I'm sure he'll pass out from his binge drinking soon enough.


LOL, don't bother. I was wondering why Zeni was trolling so hard in this thread. It seems that no one responded to the last two threads he made  :D So he's just a bit wound up....looking for attention like usual. I'm sure he'll pass out from his binge drinking soon enough.


Sometimes I can't telling if he's trolling or just has awful taste in everything....or maybe both, he did make videos of himself drinking tall boys of Miller lite while listening to 3 doors down :D


Not me for two reasons.


One, bitches get Switches.


And two, artificial scarcity means there are only going to be like, 10 Switches total in North America at launch.


I'll take one if you give me one for free but that's where I draw the line.


if it wasnt for zelda then yea, i would agree with zeni but botw is looking really good and enough for me to buy into the system. the line up for the rest of the year isn't looking that bad either with good games being spread out throughout the year. hopefully they can deliver mario by the holidays. im sure that's what they will be pushing for. once the platform picks up in popularity, more 3rd party devs will come.


once the platform picks up in popularity, more 3rd party devs will come.


Said the same thing about the Wii and Wii U.


To a less extent, the Gamecube.


And to a slightly lesser extent than that, the N64.


I like a lot of genres so by summer I'll have enough games for the switch to be worthwhile. Zelda, Bomberman, Mario Kart, and Fire Emblem Warriors I believe(no date yet but didn't they say 2nd quarter?) Maybe Disgaea 5 as well to have a physical copy and the DLC. And considering Splatoon, also.


I hope that Mario and Xenoblade make it this year but not going to hold my breath.


was thinking about it but finding out mario kart deluxe isn't even a launch title is steering me away

i'd rather just spend those 400 on nintendo stock.

but yeah, i kinda want to but i dont feel like supporting another disappointing fucking launch window


I will......eventually. Its not on my radar. Last Nintendo console I got was the Wii. I wanted a Wii U but no game on it has really caught my interest. The ONLY game I am really interested on the Wii U is Xenoblade Chronicles X and Wind Waker HD. I'm secretly hoping they both get a Switch port saving me the need of buying a Wii U. If they get ported for sure I would get a Switch. If not.......well we will see. I would actually probably end up getting a Wii U first on the cheap. The game that actually piqued my interest the most on the Switch was Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


Loosely related I think. Certain themes and objects carry over. It would be awesome if they remade Xenogears. I still have the original discs and case at home. One day I will replay it because it had a good story. The original Xenogears was Episode 5 of an entire series that was never completed.

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