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Remember when ASA's only ads were about how ASA sucked?

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"Not Sucking Saturdays" was the worst ASA commercial ever, and it wasn't even about ASA.


I've been looking for the Not Sucking Saturdays ads to no avail.


Hey, remember when the ASMB shut down?


Maybe it was a mercy killing, but it goes to show that [as] thought you guys were more cancerous than... gross-out comic strips.


I remember the funny anti-anime ones that people would lose their shit and pout over. Especially the one where they talked about how how they hate anime so much, which is why they send someone to japan to negotiate deals, and pay lots of money for the rights to show it, and make bumps to advertise the anime.


At which point they need to wonder why they aired it in the first place.  "We have a show no one likes, will do terrible, but fuck all of you, it's 2007, and we sure as hell aren't airing Fairy Tail."


At which point they need to wonder why they aired it in the first place.  "We have a show no one likes, will do terrible, but fuck all of you, it's 2007, and we sure as hell aren't airing Fairy Tail."

Well, at least they didn't air Fairy Tail.....

Well, at least they didn't air Fairy Tail.....


I have no opinion of Fairy Tail having never seen an episode but considering how long it's been available someone at Williams Street must have a personal dislike of the show.  Like it drives them unreasonably angry.


Didn't really see anything in there that said it was terrible either. Just that the ratings would obviously be low.


Besides, the Fairy Tail anime didn't even exist when [as] picked up Moribito.


I have no opinion of Fairy Tail having never seen an episode but considering how long it's been available someone at Williams Street must have a personal dislike of the show.  Like it drives them unreasonably angry.

Nothing unreasonable about disliking a show like FT.

Didn't really see anything in there that said it was terrible either. Just that the ratings would obviously be low.


Besides, the Fairy Tail anime didn't even exist when [as] picked up Moribito.


Well it was terrible.  And the ratings were low.  So accurate predictions for all!


What was popular when Moribito was fucking up the ratings?  I know it was around the Geass instead of Gurren debacle.


I have no opinion of Fairy Tail having never seen an episode but considering how long it's been available someone at Williams Street must have a personal dislike of the show.  Like it drives them unreasonably angry.


Because it's mediocre. I doubt there's any strong feelings involved.


But when you have the other long running shonens on the block who all do the same thing but better, there's no reason to even notice FT. And that's pretty much it, to them it's below their notice. It doesn't bring anything to the table.


Although I personally wouldn't mind it replacing Naruto, I'd rather another show altogether.


Keep in mind it was 2007 and their only long runner was Bleach, coincidentally, their only successful show.

Oh I thought u meant now.


The FT anime didn't exist back then. It came out in 2010 and wasn't dubbed until 2011 I believe.

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