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I don't mind you hating HxH, Ben.


The fact it ruined your life makes it all the sweeter. :)


Never said that.  I forget it exists until someone else brings it up, etc.  I honestly forget it even comes on.  I'm ready for Lupin then I'm like AW FUCK.


We don't hate autistic people, we hate a certain asshole who just so happens to be autistic.


Yes, that's why you said things like YOU DON'T DESERVE PITY and criticizing me for shit I can't help.  Though a lot of that's not even true, by the way.  Saying I can't relate to normal human relationships because Gundam Unicorn is full of garbage characters. ::) Because people on that show act so realistically.  It's not melodramatic or full of naive idealistic bullshit at all.


This thread is now about my unquenchable Joseph thirst.



It is truly hilarious that Ben liked this post under the context it was made in.


Apparently, he really wants his asshole to get smashed.


Seriously, what is Avdol's deal? Why is he such a natural at Stands, when the Joestars have to have their power awakened by Jonathan Joestar's body?


Was the maneuver he pulled to save the world from Dio at the end of Part 1 actually a STAND??


I guess we'll learn about Avdol soon enough...


So, I guess I missed the memo about toonami starting half an hour earlier. Kind of ticks me off since I was enjoying Super.  Oh well, Croll to the rescue I suppose.


For what? About one minute spent on TVTropes would explain what that means.


Yeah, I see that now....  owo


Well I feel stupid.  Even worse is the fact that I spend a considerable amount of time on TVTropes, so there's no reason why I shouldn't have known this.


It is truly hilarious that Ben liked this post under the context it was made in.


Apparently, he really wants his asshole to get smashed.


Or maybe I like JoJo and have a sense of humor, while you continue to have a stick up your ass.


Yeah, I see that now....  owo


Well I feel stupid.  Even worse is the fact that I spend a considerable amount of time on TVTropes, so there's no reason why I shouldn't have known this.


I've never even heard the term before and barely go on TVTropes, as I find it annoying, but I found it pretty obvious what he meant.  It's common sense.


I so want you to go on NeoGAF just to see how quickly they ban you.


Why would I go on NeoGAF?  It's full of obnoxious elitists from what I understand.  Don't get what all the hubbub is about.  You got banned fast yourself anyway, from what you told us.


Why would I go on NeoGAF?  It's full of obnoxious elitists from what I understand.  Don't get what all the hubbub is about.  You got banned fast yourself anyway, from what you told us.


I registered a new account there the day the old boards shut down. Only got one two week ban very recently for nihilism.


A lot of snobs and SJW's there, yes, but there's more engaging conversations than this dumpster fire.



Dark jokes don't fly there (bummer), but at least I can let that all out here.





Like I said I just liked the post because I thought it was funny.  You came up with that interpretation on your own.  You've obviously got some fantasies you should keep to yourself, lol.


I registered a new account there the day the old boards shut down. Only got one two week ban very recently for nihilism.


A lot of snobs and SJW's there, yes, but there's more engaging conversations than this dumpster fire.



Dark jokes don't fly there (bummer), but at least I can let that all out here.



Could have sworn you said you got banned like right after you joined.


Eh, it seems like every other forum I try to join up with I can't seem to stick with.  Maybe my interest moves on or it's just too much to keep up with.  Place doesn't sound too appealing honestly anyway.  I don't want to have to tiptoe around shit, especially not with that ilk.


Like I said I just liked the post because I thought it was funny.  You came up with that interpretation on your own.  You've obviously got some fantasies you should keep to yourself, lol.

Huh, I thought you were the one with the sense of humor and I had a stick up my ass.




I know that's taken out of context, but that's overwhelmingly gay!


Seeing scenes like that might make me wonder if JoJo would be better off on the Bravo network than Toonami!

There really isn't a lot of context to take it out of.

Huh, I thought you were the one with the sense of humor and I had a stick up my ass.




Well it's pretty juvenile of you to come to the nonsensical conclusion you did.


Well it's pretty juvenile of you to come to the nonsensical conclusion you did.

Top_Gun calls you an asshole, within a couple posts is JoJo joke about smashing assholes, you like post.


It was anything but nonsensical. In fact, it was a pretty simple, linear progression.


Really starting to come off like you can't take a joke. :|


I registered a new account there the day the old boards shut down. Only got one two week ban very recently for nihilism.


A lot of snobs and SJW's there, yes, but there's more engaging conversations than this dumpster fire.



Dark jokes don't fly there (bummer), but at least I can let that all out here.



This site is not a "dumpster fire". You must be referring to the last "official" [as] boards. THOSE were indeed a blazing pile of garbage, because they were a completely incoherent shit-posting trollfest!


[Except on Saturdays]


Top_Gun calls you an asshole, within a couple posts is JoJo joke about smashing assholes, you like post.


It was anything but nonsensical. In fact, it was a pretty simple, linear progression.


Really starting to come off like you can't take a joke. :|


That came off to me as just another in Empress' series of humorous JoJo posts where she refers to herself and/or the characters in SEXUAL RELATIONS, but here it simply seemed to be pointing out the funny double entendre by itself.  Didn't see any connection to me or any user in particular, so your post trying to link me to it to imply I want anal sex comes off as a nonsensical non sequiter when my liking of the post is no different from anyone else's.


That came off to me as just another in Empress' series of humorous JoJo posts where she refers to herself and/or the characters in SEXUAL RELATIONS, but here it simply seemed to be pointing out the funny double entendre by itself.  Didn't see any connection to me or any user in particular, so your post trying to link me to it to imply I want anal sex comes off as a nonsensical non sequiter when my liking of the post is no different from anyone else's.

Oh man, you're really showing me how much of a sense of humor you've got.




That came off to me as just another in Empress' series of humorous JoJo posts where she refers to herself and/or the characters in SEXUAL RELATIONS, but here it simply seemed to be pointing out the funny double entendre by itself.  Didn't see any connection to me or any user in particular, so your post trying to link me to it to imply I want anal sex comes off as a nonsensical non sequiter when my liking of the post is no different from anyone else's.

We call her Angel, you ignoramus.


A tonna "you are ignoring this user" posts made lately.  -_'

I'm gonna avoid chastising you for saying something that really didn't need to be said, and instead ask you how you're able to block users while I can't seem to do even that.


I'm gonna avoid chastising you for saying something that really didn't need to be said, and instead ask you how you're able to block users while I can't seem to do even that.


Inside your profile there is settings look for ignore/buddies

Click the ignore setting


Unfortunately you have to manually enter the user name


That came off to me as just another in Empress' series of humorous JoJo posts where she refers to herself and/or the characters in SEXUAL RELATIONS, but here it simply seemed to be pointing out the funny double entendre by itself.  Didn't see any connection to me or any user in particular, so your post trying to link me to it to imply I want anal sex comes off as a nonsensical non sequiter when my liking of the post is no different from anyone else's.

Let me be 100% clear on that post. I absolutely meant that I want both young and old Joseph to team up and wreck me in a threeway.


It's too early to draw any conclusions..... but from the evidence I've managed to piece together so far... Empress is horny.

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