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how many people fapp'd to Victoria's Secret cataloge?

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What about fapping while wearing stuff from the Victoria Secret Catalog?


I thought you hated cross dressers.


Fap is the onomatopoeia for male masturbation.


Schlick is the female equivalent.


I watched porn on my computer before there were free sites and you had to download it. My dad found it and i lied and said the computer was hacked.


Computer was in the dining room and there was always someone around stopping my from fapping at it. Mom didn't work.


Computer was in the dining room and there was always someone around stopping my from fapping at it. Mom didn't work.


Yeah thats always a drag. You gotta have the computer in a secret area to avoid that. :| :|


All the yes. I discovered the Victoria's Secret catalog something like 4 years before we ever got Internet access.


The VS catalog single-handedly kick-started my sexuality. My favorite models to fap to were Stephanie Seymour, Tyra Banks, and Laetitia Costa.  <3 <3 <3


Stephanie Seymour:



Laetitia Costa:

width=460 height=600http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5HDvFDH515E/TvqyGhDNQxI/AAAAAAAACIo/uBivD9WAlD0/s1600/Laetitia+Casta+Victoria%2527s+secret+model+%25281%2529.jpg[/img]


I'm not going to bother with a pic of Tyra Banks because hopefully we all know what she looks like.



omg gedaway from me with that! i like them red and cooked are you crazy or something?


Damn, Phillies finally gettin' some and you gonna ruin it!



omg gedaway from me with that! i like them red and cooked are you crazy or something?



(pulls out Leek with other hand.... slowly pulls waifu out from under covers owo ;) )



(pulls out Leek with other hand.... slowly pulls waifu out from under covers owo ;) )


whats she doing here? its friday! shes usually out whoring. its MY day!  thats it, im outta here. this is so fucked up!


whats she doing here? its friday! shes usually out whoring. its MY day!  thats it, im outta here. this is so fucked up!


no fuggz! wait!      You are going to compromise this weekend!  I thought you were going to keep a more open mind???


No, i bust a nut to myself once. Mirror time.


I was so proud of my performance last week, she went right to sleep afterwards and I went and flexed in the mirror and turned myself on.....I went in there for a shower, but damn I was glistenin'......I had to do a solo round two because I still had more to offer but she was a lightweight. 


I was so proud of my performance last week, she went right to sleep afterwards and I went and flexed in the mirror and turned myself on.....I went in there for a shower, but damn I was glistenin'......I had to do a solo round two because I still had more to offer but she was a lightweight.


This almost sounds like an egotripical Zeni- post.


I was so proud of my performance last week, she went right to sleep afterwards and I went and flexed in the mirror and turned myself on.....I went in there for a shower, but damn I was glistenin'......I had to do a solo round two because I still had more to offer but she was a lightweight.



you put her to bed. mvp.


Sometimes it's fun to just see yourself play with your pussy. It turned me on.

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