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Lmao you wish.


So emo.


And you rage when you realize that One Piece will never be popular in the US.  Ever.  No merch, no references, no SNL skits, NOTHING.


And you rage when you realize that One Piece will never be popular in the US.  Ever.  No merch, no references, no SNL skits, NOTHING.


Arby's referenced it!


One Piece doesn't have to be popular in the U.S. because its archetype is popular: PIRATES! Yes I know SNL will probably never reference devil fruits because no one would get that, but for the love of Pete it doesn't even matter. People channel surfing will still land at the weird pirate show on Cartoon Network at 2:30 AM on Saturday nights.


Lmao you sound like a bitter little kid right now.


"Nuh uh! The thing you like is a bigger failure! Let me say this same thing in different ways ad-nausium just because you made fun of the thing I like! Wah! Wahh!"


It's sad. We're not even talking about OP. This is about JoJo's bad performance. But just because you can't bear to think that JoJo's marathon did worse than the OP one, and that JoJo in general isn't doing all that well, you get all childishly defensive about it and start bringing up petty excuses for it and start trashing OP again all in a silly attempt to make yourself feel better while trying to rile me up.


That is sad, Jman. But par for the course for you. Continue being a bitter tool on your next "highly anticipated quality" post.  >:D




Arby's referenced it!


One Piece doesn't have to be popular in the U.S. because its archetype is popular: PIRATES! Yes I know SNL will probably never reference devil fruits because no one would get that, but for the love of Pete it doesn't even matter. People channel surfing will still land at the weird pirate show on Cartoon Network at 2:30 AM on Saturday nights.


He's a bitter little man who turns to trashing OP whenever a show he likes underpreforms. As we saw with IBO before.


Dare to say IBO did bad? Jman will retort about OP doing  worse. Dare to say JoJo isn't doing all that well? Jman will be there to remind you OP is a "failure".


It's pathetic.




Arby's referenced it!


One Piece doesn't have to be popular in the U.S. because its archetype is popular: PIRATES! Yes I know SNL will probably never reference devil fruits because no one would get that, but for the love of Pete it doesn't even matter. People channel surfing will still land at the weird pirate show on Cartoon Network at 2:30 AM on Saturday nights.


And immediately stop watching.


We all knew Phantom Blood was going to be rough.  The problem is now that it's over will people care about the good part?


He's a bitter little man who turns to trashing OP whenever a show he likes underpreforms. As we saw with IBO before.


Dare to say IBO did bad? Jman will retort about OP doing  worse. Dare to say JoJo isn't doing all that well? Jman will be there to remind you OP is a "failure".


It's pathetic.


You're the one who flips their shit whenever people bash OP.  IBO was better on Hulu, disguising its pacing issues (action, setup, action, setup), while Toonmai made it much harder to watch.  It wasn't a flop but that did hurt it.


Better than Hiatus anyway.


I'd imagine the full ratings would come out today so we can see how JoJo did then.  Regardless of whether or not it did worse than the One Piece marathon, it was a holiday weekend, so I'm sure they weren't expecting much.  The DBZ marathon will obviously do well, though, even if it is New Years Eve.


When was the last time I did that, honestly Jman?


You know I've stopped. I have mellowed out and no longer act that way when someone bashes it, as evident now.


You however still have the same ol OP hateboner that won't stop bashing it even when it has nothing to do with anything, while making excuses for the other shows when they preform worse. Don't act like you don't.


And again more ignorant hate, because HxH has done pretty well and usually retains far better than any show on the block. Again stop letting your hate for certain shows cloud your judgement.




And you rage when you realize that One Piece will never be popular in the US.  Ever.  No merch, no references, no SNL skits, NOTHING.


How many anime or cartoons in general get references on SNL skits? That's a ridiculous bar.


One Piece was referenced on The Simpsons and has plenty of merch in specialty stores.


You're the one who flips their shit whenever people bash OP.  IBO was better on Hulu, disguising its pacing issues (action, setup, action, setup), while Toonmai made it much harder to watch.  It wasn't a flop but that did hurt it.


Better than Hiatus anyway.


Yeah that's not how it works unless you marathoned chunks of IBO. I watched it week to week on Daisuki and the pacing was pretty dang bad. The dub in some ways makes IBO more enjoyable because all the information thrown at you at once is easier to process when it's not fast moving text but other than that it's just as bad on streaming sites as it was on Toonami.


Programming Insider has arrived, and the numbers are pretty crappy indeed. One note about averaging: the normal "add then divide by 7" method WON'T work here; the JoJos are 30 minutes long while the Scavengers are 15, so the JoJos must be given double weight. Here are the results:


12:00 AM Scavengers 1,107,000 (66.69%)

12:15 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 811,000 (73.26%)

12:45 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 676,000 (83.35%)

1:15 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 546,000 (80.77%)

1:45 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 497,000 (91.03%)

2:15 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 460,000 (92.56%)

2:45 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 408,000 (88.70%)

3:15 AM Scavengers 413,000 (101.23%)





12:00 AM Scavengers 718,000 (70.67%)

12:15 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 519,000 (72.28%)

12:45 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 428,000 (82.47%)

1:15 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 365,000 (85.28%)

1:45 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 344,000 (94.25%)

2:15 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 329,000 (95.64%)

2:45 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 294,000 (89.36%)

3:15 AM Scavengers 268,000 (91.16%)



This loses to the One Piece marathon a year ago in total viewers, but ties it in Adults 18-49. As for the JoJo marathon itself, it got 566K/378K 18-49, which predictably puts it in last place among all marathons. I shudder to think how bad it might have been if Scavengers hadn't been there to save the night, but such things are expected when you don't show Christmas-oriented programming on Christmas Eve. I think replaying Children Who Chase Lost Voices might have outdone this, though. And maybe they'll actually give something Christmas-themed like Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz a spin on Christmas Eve Eve next year?


1. Bad numbers, as expected.

2. Even more expected, as this was a Christmas Eve marathon. I don't think Demarco will worry about the ratings for this night specifically, since it's practically a throwaway.

3. Kinda funny that the Scavengers repeat actually gained from JoJo.


Phantom Blood is a slog.


But yeah, this week technically doesn't count for Nielsens.


You keep blaming Phantom Blood, but I bet you my whole paycheck JoJo's lack-luster performance will continue on with Battle Tendency. I don't think it's Phantom Blood's pacing (because quite honestly the pacing is pretty blitzing fast) that has people uninterested. I think i'ts Jojo's overall campy feel that persists through ALL the series.


That doesn't mean Toonami viewers will take to it.


Especially since first impressions are so important.


I know JoJo is semi- popular among anime fans, but you know better than everyone else that that doesn't mean mainstreamers who watch Toonami will watch it, as evident with the current ratings.


Look at HxH -- slow-ass start but it preformed well pretty much since day one. I don't really think the excuse of "the beginning is the worst part" is a good one.


But I do think Jojo's overall campiness and quirkiness will hold it back on Toonami.


Perhaps if they acquire Stardust Crusaders, they can advertise it anew (since it's technically a different anime license) and it'll preform better, but as for this 26 episode Jojo season is concerned, I don't see the ratings gaining all that much.


Hunter is doing meh at best.  Granted anything short of horrible will keep you on but it is not a hit in the US by any stretch.


The reasons are numerous (Netflix and Hulu, these shows not being unique) but those are the facts.


Hunter is doing meh at best.  Granted anything short of horrible will keep you on but it is not a hit in the US by any stretch.


The reasons are numerous (Netflix and Hulu, these shows not being unique) but those are the facts.


Hunter usually has the best retention rate for the night. Of course it's not a hit (nothing on Toonami can "become" a hit unless it already was like OPM or AoT) but it preforms well.


I don't see how it's doing meh. Jojo is doing meh. Especially because it keeps robbing the rest of the shows from having better ratings with it's massive drops.


By that logic, every show after DBZ is robbing the rest of the block.

Whatever is after DBZ simply is going to be ignored by a lot of people regardless.


By that logic, every show after DBZ is robbing the rest of the block.

Whatever is after DBZ simply is going to be ignored by a lot of people regardless.


There's been many shows after DBZ and none of them lose as many viewers as Jojo is currently doing.




There's been many shows after DBZ and none of them lose as many viewers as Jojo is currently doing.

I don't understand the logic that "nobody will watch the rest of the block because DBZ is attracts too many viewers"


if anything having a massively popular show start off your block would attract more viewers


I don't understand the logic that "nobody will watch the rest of the block because DBZ is attracts too many viewers"


if anything having a massively popular show start off your block would attract more viewers


Because people come for DBZ and leave for everything else.


I get what Jman is saying, and in some ways he's right. But Jojo is losing even more viewers typically than shows from the past. Akame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, and of course OPM all preformed way better than Jojo, even if they did suffer from some drops. It was nothing compared to Jojo's drops.


There's been many shows after DBZ and none of them lose as many viewers as Jojo is currently doing.


Dandy, Dimension W...


Dandy, Dimension W...


Dandy and even DW did figuratively fine.


Go check. The most they have dropped is 300,000K on OCCASION, while that's normally what Jojo drops.


Further more, Jojo has had the single most drastic drop of any show on Toonami to date that we can look into, with a near 500,000k drop.


That's way more than the shows before it.


The sickening thing about this is that both of you are acting like the moment DBZ finishes, all the viewers jump ship as opposed to less than half.


It's natural for the follow-up to Kai to loose 300K to 400K viewers, so don't act like this is anything new or drastic.


The sickening thing about this is that both of you are acting like the moment DBZ finishes, all the viewers jump ship as opposed to less than half.


It's natural for the follow-up to Kai to loose 300K to 400K viewers, so don't act like this is anything new or drastic.


Sigh, like I said, JoJo is losing even more viewers than previous shows that aired after DBZ. This isn't quite the same thing.


I mean, yeah, they typically won't retain all that well, but JoJo is taking that notion to the next level.


[slaps you] YOU'RE ONLY MAKING IT WORSE.  >:(


I'm just trying to enlighten Jman, who's logic seems a bit screwed.


Plus he's not remembering right.


Well maybe you could enlighten him with something a little less "JoJo's gonna fail all the way through". At least show some hope that Battle Tendency will win back a portion of the crowd Phantom Blood lost.


I am.  I remember ratings have been down across the board since OPM ended, Dandy was not a big hit by any means, and Hiatus does meh.


Well maybe you could enlighten him with something a little less "JoJo's gonna fail all the way through". At least show some hope that Battle Tendency will win back a portion of the crowd Phantom Blood lost.


That is my belief.


Hope is meaningless when everything points to Jojo keeping at this level of success all the way through. There's no reason to believe it'll ever recover. I have a strong suspicion that the campiness is turning mainstreamers off and that continues to persist well onto the other Jojo's.


But we'll see soon enough.


The sickening thing about this is that both of you are acting like the moment DBZ finishes, all the viewers jump ship as opposed to less than half.


It's natural for the follow-up to Kai to loose 300K to 400K viewers, so don't act like this is anything new or drastic.

lets not mince words, the only reason Toonami has any viewers at all is because of the DBZ lead in, so yeah, it loses a small portion of it's viewership after the only show anyone really cares about goes off.....however, it still retains acceptable to decent raitings for the entire rest of the night in spite of the viewer drop, because a good half of the viewers take a liking to the other shows that come after DBZ as well

I am.  I remember ratings have been down across the board since OPM ended, Dandy was not a big hit by any means, and Hiatus does meh.

They have, but that still doesn't address Jojo's more-than-usual massive drops from DBZ, even compared to other series following it.


And again, we're not talking about things being hits. Obviously nothing will become a hit other than things that are hits already (DBZ, OPM, AoT) if they're put on a block that only airs after midnight.


But the point is, Jojo isn't doing too well and I doubt the later installments will be much of a different incentive to win mainstreamers over if they haven't been already.


But we shall see soon enough. This is my belief.


This block will have hope and enthusiasm when One Piece is cancelled.


There you go again just throwing shade at One Piece when we're not even talking about it. Can you not form an argument without relying on bashing OP when we're talking about other shows under-preforming? That's so juvenile.


I am.  I remember ratings have been down across the board since OPM ended, Dandy was not a big hit by any means, and Hiatus does meh.

how shows do in the raitings is actually more like


Dragonball Z/Super = Above average raitings

almost every other anime = poor but still decent enough to be considered passable raitings


basically everything else does just well enough to not get cancelled



Sao on the other hand did well enough that it's getting a Live action remake on American TV......which is disgusting


There you go again just throwing shade at One Piece when we're not even talking about it. Can you not form an argument without relying on bashing OP when we're talking about other shows under-preforming? That's so juvenile.

I swear to god all you and Jman do is try to start fights with each other by dragging each other's favorite shows

how shows do in the raitings is actually more like


Dragonball Z/Super = Above average raitings

almost every other anime = poor but still decent enough to be considered passable raitings


basically everything else does just well enough to not get cancelled



Sao on the other hand did well enough that it's getting a Live action remake on American TV......which is disgusting


That's actually pretty accurate. Although OPM and AoT were pretty big hits too. And AGK did good as well (although it's marathon did terrible)


I swear to god all you and Jman do is try to start fights with each other by dragging each other's favorite shows


I don't. I'm just talking about Jojo's current lackluster ratings, a problem since it's at the front of the block affecting the other shows after it.


He's the one that throws OP in there whenever he doesn't have an argument/wants to rile me up/wants to cushion the blow to shows he likes preforming bad.


That's actually pretty accurate. Although OPM and AoT were pretty big hits too. And AGK did good as well (although it's marathon did terrible)

I genuinely believe that the only reason we all watched AGK was because it was so bad we actually thought it was enjoyable (so bad it's good is in fact a thing), the reason it's marathon did bad is because once we'd all seen it we weren't getting the same "this is so terrible it's making me laugh", effect out of it





also I was downing an entire bottle of rum every night when AGK was on so.....I was watching it because I was fucking wasted



OPM And AOT are actually decent shows, even if I have issues with them I can't in all honesty call them bad


The whole block is down from its summer highs, from DBZ to the encore at 3.  There's unfortunately nothing really to say except hoping it picks up across the board.  Super should help with that.a


The whole block is down from its summer highs, from DBZ to the encore at 3.  There's unfortunately nothing really to say except hoping it picks up across the board.  Super should help with that.a

considering the block usually gets "how isn't this cancelled yet" raitings during the holiday season, and ISN'T this year....I think you're being needlessly bleak, if anything the raitings (for this time of year) are at an all time High

Aside from jump-starting the "Broadcast Dubs" trend, anyways.  ::)


That didn't translate to ratings, especially after rerunning Season 1 in the exact same spot, and over half of its episodes being Dadaist experiments instead of you know, funny.


That didn't translate to ratings, especially after rerunning Season 1 in the exact same spot, and over half of its episodes being Dadaist experiments instead of you know, funny.


I maybe be remembering wrong, but I thought Dandy did fine (while not on reruns).


I mean, yeah, nothing compared to DBZ, AoT and OPM.


But it pretty much preformed solid otherwise.


And again, your opinon doesn't translate to what gets ratings or not. So whether or not you found Dandy's later half 'not funny' is a moot point, because I'm sure others did.


Actually there was a pretty noticeable down curve in ratings consistent with it not being funny.


Remember it first premiered at 11:30pm . But the second season premiered later because AoT was airing, so you have to account the later timeslot for the reason ratings for it lowered. But if we take a look at retention and other shows on the same time-slot, Dandy did just fine for both seasons. 

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