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how have you change since you were young?


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i used to buckle up religously..now i dont care (i know thats bad)

i used to take scadling hot hour long baths. my roommate/bestfriend said id use a half a bar of soap a day..now i shower for like 15 minutes

i used to count calories and fat grams. would eat less than 10 grams of fat a day

i used to fear men and was a virgin

i was crazy and extremely mean. no..like...really crazy

i was always angry and irritated

i permed the shit outta my hair

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extremely quiet. (like, didn't talk) now i make my living talking to large groups of people. 

extremely christian (dad's a minister) now basically an agnostic with buddhist leanings.

had shit taste in music. (favorite band was van halen... yeah.) currently it's a toss up between joy division and future islands.

was deeply suspicious of others. basically didn't trust human nature... yeah, that part's only gotten worse with age. 


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I hate people now like I've never hated people before 

I can't eat ice cream without pro-biotics 

I'll talk to you and pretend to actually listen and laugh even if I have a deep hate for you (but only at work)

I tolerate children 

the length of my vibrators has expanded 

Im into women too 

I thought losing your virginity would be magical ... tots wasn't 

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Talking high school and younger:

I was a youth group kid.

I was a better skateboarder.

I hated pop music blindly.

I was less gay (but still gay)

I didn't know what to do with my hair and it made me look like a total loser.

My casual racism went unchecked and I didn't think I needed to be better about it
because I didn't hate other races so I wasn't racist, right?

I used to play the erhu.

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Not much personality wise. 

I don't do a bunch of drugs anymore, pretty much narrowed it down to like 3.

Not in the EDM/Party scene anymore.

I don't do blue collar work as a profession.

I'm not homeless anymore and have a relatively stable job

Got more tattoos now


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