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she....she fucking sent me this...after I got $4000 to get her out of her relationship....then he abandond her on the side of the road...and  LB and I were lookin at things we could do to help her....this is what she has to say to me....


I don’t need you to come to get me. I am happy. And the only reason you called me last night was because you thought I was in trouble.  The whole “I’m a badass bitch on Facebook “ routine doesn’t work in real life. If you want to think that cutting me off just because I can make my own choices then you are being a far worst bully. Realistically,what could you even possibly do even if you did “leave your job and get me”? Nothing. I don’t owe you anything just because you scraped together a measly $40 and some shelter references. The only time you texted Todd was to send some low rent text to him. And then you embarrassed me by sharing it on FB. Neither myself or him have  to live by some made up “moral code” that you yourself may or may not go by. Of course you don’t care about Todd and his family because that’s the thankless person that you are...despite the fact that you lived under his roof for two years,financed a car that you wrecked and still helped you out when you have shit credit to get your Kia. What would you have done? Live with your brother? Your dad? You like to think I have no one but if you think having people that can only talk shit on the internet is “family” go right ahead. Your bullying routine only further emphasizes how common and ordinary your “beliefs” are. You are not a “princess” and the only title you have is on an upside down vehicle. Now if you want to act white trash and share this on FB,knock your self out. But remember,two can play that peasant game. I know that real family and friends will stick around,and not listening to the rantings of a petty little girl. I love you always but I am 52 years old and don’t need someone who doesn’t even have their own life together to bully me into doing their bidding.


some of us have those moms. some of us have been at our moms death beds. and those mom's sided


with the piece of shit basterds they called lovers/boyfriend/husbands.


it happens. it ....just happens.


all you can do at this point, is either love her and let her know this. and hopefully she will know this.




I'd be petty as fuck and post it on FB. Whether you go the petty route or not, you really need to drop that egg donor out of your life because at that age, she ain't gonna change. No matter what happens with your mom's situation, you did everything humanly possible to help her.


fuck no...I bought his old car off him...and MY credit bought me MY Kia...they had zero to do with it...

So, as long as Todd got the $$ for his car, he's pissed off at nothing.  You could have cut the roof off it and made it into a planter and that's none of his beeswax.

I'd be petty as fuck and post it on FB. Whether you go the petty route or not, you really need to drop that egg donor out of your life because at that age, she ain't gonna change. No matter what happens with your mom's situation, you did everything humanly possible to help her.


i did...cause I’m white trash


so I used to be on her phone plan....but I decided fuck her and I wasn’t gonna let her try to turn off my phone....so I walked into apple and bought a new one on a new plan...but I’m not gonna tell her...so she can keep playing for a phone that I sold back....and she can’t text me either...bye bitch...get fucked with a rusty spike


To be honest, she has a point . . . you are sharing this with us. And there is always two sides to every story.


yeah well I haven’t sugar coated anything I’ve done...so what’s her side? An abusive fucking cunt of a boyfriend...oh well I don’t care...I’ve lived this shit for far too long...I’ve had anxiety for days...I haven’t been sleeping well....no one this fucking shitty should affect me like that...the only soothing thought that helps me is that even though people may associate me with my mother...I am not like her...I have a fucking backbone....she’s nothing but a doormat...and the fact that my brother is with me on this as a unified front to end her bullshit

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