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Jack- Ashi is so cute I love her. Nothing says quality food like boiled teeth. I like the walrus. Jack your face is a fish. Not sure I trust this tiger gang. INNUENDO. I really hope they're not going for the romance thing here, he's 50+ years older than her. Whelp the tigers are gonna kill you. I do like how their spelling sweaters. Hats! Bye hats. This is an oddly spacious and technological cave. Welcome to Super Jail. Oh no that's poison. The poison sucking thing doesn't actually work in real life; don't do it. Congratulations, you're going to die here. Aw crap that looks nasty. Careful or you'll wind up with dick slugs like that guy from HxH. Oh hey, a magic weapon room that's helpful. Goddammit Ashi! Save us, Roomba. You should probably grab a couple extra weapons just in case. Aaaand there go her clothes. Oh jesus he's gonna have to give her the sex talk. Okay she does look adorable in that robe. Just throw the roomba at it and run. And then they died. Thanks, magic roomba. Jack no, she's young enough to be your grandkid. This might be the first time I've actually been disappointed for two characters to fuck.


Titan- Somebody hug that boy. Oh yeah they're alive, they went to a nice farm upstate where they can chase bunnies and play with other villagers. What the fuck. And then your mom was a titan. Shut up, freckles. The little blonde girl is adorable. Maybe she just thinks you're cute. This is going too well, you're going to die. Well this sure is suspicious. Convenient moonlight to the rescue. Meanwhile, the people I actually enjoy and some stupid kids. SOYLENT WALL IS TITANS. Build that wall, Eren. Delivering that wall by night like a construction worker Santa Claus. Levi, continuing to not give a shit. Seriously, what the fuck is in that basement. I am genuinely impressed by Levi's resting bitch face. Kick his ass, science girl. Oh good you're not gonna tell us who it is. Yay potato girl. Awww she earned a biscuit. Oh hey it's the cute girl. How the fuck did they sneak up on you, they're 20 feet tall! Aw shit it's the creepy talking one. Levi has had enough of babysitting these kids. Knock knock it's death o'clock. :D Okay I can relate to this dude who just wants to get fucking hammered after work.


Ghoul- Am I supposed to hope any of these people survive? Yes he's a zombie, you're all fucking zombies. I hope that was his jackoff arm because I want him to suffer. I'd be surprised if he hasn't sucked his own dick before, that's not a big deal for him. So then no, none of you are likable. Yeah just keep adding more cannibal zombies to this building, that can only end well. That bear has Joseph's scarf. It's just generic pliars, you can get it for like $15 at Home Depot. Whelp he's dead. Listen here you little shit or you're gonna get slapped. Never trust any man in a fancy suit in this show. Aw, you broke your tentacle dildo. Oh this ain't gonna end well for him. God I hate coworkers I don't give a shit about your personal failures just show up for your fucking shift, Maria. Nothing good happens at bookstores in this show. Well your dad doesn't know what life feels like anymore, so you've already got that on him. Oh no this is gonna go very, very badly. You stupid fucking kid. She evolved into Butterfree.


Hunter- Please don't hurt my kids. Just don't leave them with Hisoka. Just let them go you're hurting him. Leave my precious son alone, I will fight you instead. Fight them, Gon! Fight them, Killua! Leave my kids alone. No don't break his arm, he just healed that. This is where Killua's sexy dad comes in and kills them all, right? Right, just let them go! That lady has a very large nose. Thank god he only learned how to do that chain thing like two days ago. The guy with the long ears is reasonable, he can live. FUCK YOU, LEAVE HIM ALONE. Good boy Gon. No let him go he doesn't wanna play with you. So then Dick Slugs was his best friend. Sorry you have to team up with Hisoka. Fuck off Illumi you're the worst brother. Kick his ass Killua I believe in you. Or not that's okay too you're still learning. Call your sexy dad and ask him to kill them for you. Awwww Killua you're so sweet let me hug you. AWWWWW YOU TWO. This is some sort of code that I'm way too stupid to figure out. HEY KOOL AID MAN. Fuck your walls, asshole! They're so smart I love them. Yaaaay they escaped.


Gundam- Wait is beard man dead now I wasn't paying attention. I've lost track of this show so much that the five-minute long recaps don't do me any good anymore. "Where's the unicorn?!" is exactly what I thought when I realized there weren't any actual unicorns in this show. Just some dude living in a mecha in the woods and eating candy bars. I don't remember much about these people but fuck them. I still cannot follow the fights in this series and the fact that it's like one in the morning doesn't help. "Why are the Gundams fighting each other?" is a confusing question I cannot give you an answer for, kid. Yeah just throw the princess out of the airlock, that's what this plan is right? Sorry lady I know you're still probably bleeding internally but we need you be a meatshield. Hey kid, wanna start a suicide pact?


Naruto- Son of a bitch it's those kids. Is the show back in filler already? And then the murder started. Instead of offing these random redshirts, take out one of the many people I hate. I feel like this guy is about to learn something he shouldn't and then die. Just let the boy eat some noodles, even I feel bad about all the bug meals. I will watch that frog beat the shit out of him any time. Ya gotta fuck the frog, kid. Meanwhile, everyone is dead. You mean the chakra receivers are receiving chakra? That is exactly how my brain feels when I watch Naruto filler. Oh, is that guy her dad? Me thinks we mayhaps might have chanced the centipede. Yeah that's real nice but you probably shouldn't waste energy healing this kid's skinned knee. I too am comforted by the presence of giant boobs. I think you're a little late on that alarm.


Ranking the 9 shows featured in last night's (5/6/17-5/7/17) lineup:


#9: Dragon Ball Super - Pretty much a useless throwaway Chi-Chi episode, but it DID have some VERY funny moments!

#8: Tokyo Ghoul - The episode ended with the conclusion of the battle for Kimi, but then went in an unexpected direction with about 2 minutes worth of action. But we got back the omake, so yay?

#7: Dragon Ball Z Kai - Yakon was indeed no match for Goku, but in a way that no one who hasn't seen it would have expected!

#6: Ghost In The Shell - Major vs. Chinese attack dolls and Batou vs. robotic dogs!

#5: Naruto Shippuden - Surprised to see this one this high, huh? Well the Pain troupe has attacked the Hidden Leaf Village and all hell has broken loose!!

#4: Hunter x Hunter - A bit of a role reversal for Gon and Killua, plus they discover what Kurapika's been up to...

#3: Attack on Titan - Some VERY shocking revelations, as well as the main cast getting back into the fray made this one a winner in my book!

#2: Samurai Jack - This one had it all: the final, sweet step of Jack & Ashi's blossoming relationship, along with a protracted struggle against some savage alien leech-like creatures!

#1: Gundam Unicorn - This episode was almost non-stop action, and pretty much stole the show for me, along with its amazing one-off OP! Also the characters' motivations seem to make more sense to me now than they have in the previous 17 episodes!


Alright, I've finally gotten some time to watch and put down my thoughts on this week's shows. I'll be doing it in three posts of three shows each, so don't be surprised if these seem shorter than normal for shorthand.


SAMURAI JACK - I didn't hate it as much as /co/ did, but I can see why they thought it was unevenly paced, so to speak. Still, Jack/Ashi is an alright OTP.


DRAGONBALL SUPER - Holy shit, Chi-Chi's scenes this episode were Infinite Stratos 2 levels of painful. Goku interrupting Whis's shabu-shabu experience wasn't as painful, but it was still pretty bad. Personally, the best part of the episode was Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan, round whatever.


DRAGONBALL Z KAI - The more I see Shin react in disbelief to how strong/reckless Goku and Vegeta actually are, the more I start to think that he was acting all creepy-smug towards Piccolo just to mess with him.


Additionally, I thought the 20th Anniversary celebration was over, so what was with the Villains speech?


[great now i sound like jingai]


Two of three, done today as opposed to yesterday.


ATTACK ON TITAN - Whenever I watch this show, I just forget about all the complaints in the ratings thread about it taking too long and subbies/dub-resenters being literally the only ones who care. This is fine entertainment. Also, Sera's voice is best girl and I regret not screaming out "Swallow Return Strike" during her action moment.


TOKYO GHOUL - Boy am I glad Touka let Nishiki's GF live. Sucks that the loli Ghoul's father died, though. I don't feel so hopeful for her mother either... Still don't hate Mado as much as TV Tropes wants me to, and the return of the omake was rightfully hilarious. :D REPLY TO ANGEL: "It's just generic pliars, you can get it for like $15 at Home Depot." Not really, IIRC those pliers are capable of harming Ghouls, unlike your average kitchen knife.


HUNTER x HUNTER - "Now, one more time." "You said that the last time!" :D Commentary aside, this episode was great. I loved Gon and Killua's impromptu escape plan by Goku-ing their way through the walls.


[now that's more like it]


And now the threefer concludes.


GUNDAM UNICORN - Why does Riddhe ruin everything he touches? Honestly, he's more Sasuke than Sasuke himself, and the fact that he's also voiced by Yuri Lowenthal doesn't help. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Wait is beard man dead now I wasn't paying attention." No, he was just granting Marida perpetual free reign to do whatever she pleases from that point forth.


NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - The moment they said it was a beautiful day, I just knew shit was about to go down. I'll also admit, I'm jealous of that one ninja that got mummified by Konan's paper. :-[


GITS:SAC - God I enjoy this show so much. Still probably the only one who noticed that the ghost of Yokose/whoever hacked into Togusa's home computer bought stock in Serano Genomics for him. Probably the most subtle tie-in to the Laughing Man plot I've (re-)seen yet.


[and now the wait continues]


Tonight on Toonami, Jack returns to the one time portal I personally thought would've flown under Aku's radar, before he can start training Goku has to help Vegeta with housecleaning for Beerus, the remaining competitors in the World Martial Arts Tournament decide to continue the match but not in the usual way, the Scouts at the castle find themselves faced with the terror of nocturnal Titans, Touka finally gets an excuse to kill some humans after her little fake-out with Nishio's girlfriend, Kurapika learns what additional assassins Boss Nostrade hired to help combat the Spider menace, FUCK RIDDHE FUCK RIDDHE FUCK RIDDHE, yet another one of Tsunade's attempted actions as Hokage is cockblocked by the shady trio of elders, and those Tachikomas ain't right.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #18 - I'm Here, Too! Training Commences on Beerus's World! - TV-PGL


11:00 - Samurai Jack #61 - C - TV-14V

11:30 - Dragonball Super #18 - I'm Here, Too! Training Commences on Beerus's World! - TV-PGL

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #117 - Whither Victory? A Battle Royal Championship Match! - TV-PGLV

12:30 - Attack on Titan #29 - Soldier - TV-14LV

1:00 - Tokyo Ghoul #7 - Captivity - TV-MA

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #51 - A Brutal Battlefield - TV-14V

2:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #19 - Another Cosmic Glow - TV-PGLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #158 - The Power to Believe - TV-14V



Hunter... I do like Killua's sexy dad... are they calling in sexy dad am I gonna get him killed?


I hope not. Silva's a likeable psychopath.


Poke: Congratulations on the degree and your acceptance into grad school. Also, you're making me feel older than I already did after a family member's birthday this week.


When I went to post this a couple weeks ago, the site was down, so I procrastinated about checking back and writing the other weeks' posts, but since it's working now, you'll get a triple-post from me.


Jack - We had several blasts from the past this time, and I like that each group or person was someone Jack had helped (with the exception of some robot bounty hunters) and who were willing to step up to intervene on his behalf. It helped Ashi see the best in Jack, something of which he had lost sight, and drove her harder to find him and tell him those important facts so he could change his mind.


I'm not sure whether the being I called a specter in the last episode was truly a spirit or corporeal, but it was definitely dangerous, and I'm glad Jack didn't let it help him commit seppuku, even saving Ashi, again, in his rejection of its plan.


I didn't know that Ashi's outfit wasn't simply clothing, but a substance bonded to her. Since it was able to grow with her and her sisters, I can only presume it's at least partially magical. I guess that explains why it didn't cover her head, even though she was completely immersed in it, but that makes me doubt that she would be able to remove it by simple exfoliation. Since she had to use rocks to scrub it off her, I'm surprised that she didn't at least rub her skin raw, if not remove portions of dermis on much of her body. The leaf-based clothing did look nice on her, and I agree with Jack on liking her new 'do.


I was surprised that Scaramouche survived and surprised again that it was able to move as just a head and part of a neck. When it hitched a ride onto the ship on the one cursed guy, I was also surprised that it was allowed to use the word "penis" when describing how he looked. I thought the top looked a little more like balls, but whatever. One of those dog-people was a dead-ringer for Astro from the Jetsons, but I didn't spend enough time looking at the others to see if they were homages as well. I have no idea how Scaramouche's metal head floated, unless the head is airtight and has a lot of empty space inside.


DBS - If this wasn't filler, it sure felt like it, and it was tough to get through it. Still, Goku's oversold punch where he talked about getting his tractor before he continued to fly off was a little funny though.


Bee is a good doggie and helped Mr. Satan save face. Bee also probably protected the Earth for centuries from these tiny lion aliens if they felt too offended by Goku's and Mr. Satan's nonsense.


How did you already spend  that much money, Chi Chi? *Shakes head.*


DBZK - I did correctly recall why Kibito and Shin allowed Spopovitch and Yamu to drain Gohan's energy, but I still say it was a mistake. If they knew where the shell containing Majin Buu was for that long, I have no idea why they wouldn't dispose of it in a black hole long before Babidi could find his way to Earth.


Majin Buu being able to destroy a galaxy sounds a lot like the kind of power Beerus has.


I'm glad Videl dropped out when she wasn't even able to keep up when flying.


Krillin asking 18 not to beat anyone up too badly was funny.


AoT: 2nd Course - Dammit, people! You should know better than to boast about the skills of someone (other than Levi or Mikasa) who is facing multiple titans alone. That doomed the guy (I think his name was Mike) to a horrible death, but before that he got to see the biggest development for the episode, if not the season (the true impact can only be compared and/or realized once we reach the end of the season) - the Beast Titan, which is absolutely a titan version of a Sasquatch, so Imma call it Squatchy. Not only can it speak intelligently, but it also acts with purpose (throwing Mike's horse to knock him off the roof) and commands the other titans. Now I must wonder how many more there are like Squatchy, what role it/they played in the creation of the other titans, if any, or whether they represent an advancement in titan development like the Armored Titan, the Colossal Titan or Annie. It can't be a good thing that it took the compressed gas portion of Mike's ODM gear, presumably for study so as to develop better tactics to use against the humans (like the titans need to get better at killing humans).


Something Squatchy said about the swords and how humans use them to kill titans has me curious as well. What it said went something like, "so you figured out that we live in the nape." It begs at least two questions. First, how did humans discover that vulnerability? I would presume that it was an extension of the idea of decapitation killing everything that has a head, and they wanted to know just how far into the neck the cut or, as it is, cuts needed to go to kill a titan, but we can't be sure unless the story tells us that. Second, who or what is the "we" Squatchy referenced? We know that is the area where Annie and Eren's human bodies were when in their titan forms, but does that mean that every titan has a human in it? Could there be some other organism(s) in that spot? If so, what, and why are they targeting humans? Answers please, show.


Wall Rose being breached is a death sentence for humanity if it can't be sealed soon. as in within a few days. Even in that timespan, hundreds, if not thousands of titans could gain access to the Interior, meaning nowhere would be safe other than inside the Capital, and there's far to little ground there to sustain even the population of the Capital, let alone the refugees who will flee to it. I fully expect refugees to be turned away at gun-/cannonpoint this season, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they are actually fired upon.


I feel bad for Connie, since his village and likely his family are probably dead, because that location was along the titans' general path to where our Scouts were at the start of the events.


Hange getting the walled-in titan covered with sheets was a good idea, and thanks to Minister Nick for emphatically insisting on it. Now we must question whether he knew there was at least one titan walled into Wall Sina, since his very vocal opposition to people touching (we break everything we touch) the Walls could've been for a very good reason if he did know.


Meanwhile, Eren and Mikasa rest and recover from the fight against Annie, which is cool. However, I feel like Mikasa would rather keep the old, beaten-up scarf, maybe with some repairs, rather than get a new one from Eren. Sentimentality and all.


TG - Touka showed it is possible for a ghoul to keep regular food down, but it took some effort on her part. I'm not sure why she did, though. Her friend couldn't know what an effort it was on Touka's part to do that. Only Touka knows that. Her friend wouldn't know if Touka had vomited out the food. Only Touka would know that. If there's some harmful effect to a ghoul to digest regular food, I don't get why Touka would do that when only she would know that she kept down the item her friend prepared.


Oh, poor, gullible Ken. Just because someone is a ghoul doesn't mean he should trust them. Yoshimura has proven himself to be someone trustworthy, but unless he vouches for someone, like Touka or Renji, it would probably be best to have some healthy skepticism. Case in point, Nishiki. Also, Ken knows from experience that someone liking the same author that he does doesn't mean they're a good person. In fact, since the last ghoul he knew who liked that author tried to kill him (admittedly, he didn't know Rize was a ghoul when the date started), he might want to be especially wary of other ghouls trying to meet him alone to discuss that author. With that in mind, Ken didn't do much to prevent Tsukiyama's plan to abduct and devour him, but Ken did well to evade an experienced killer (thanks for the self-defense training, Renji) long enough for Tsukiyama to change his mind and intervene, even with sedatives working against Ken. I get the impression that Tsukiyama won't give up on his quest to consume Ken easily.


I liked the knowledge drop from Itori and Uta about ghoul/human hybrids. Conception can happen, but the genes don't jive well with one another, so miscarriages and stillbirths are the vast majority of the outcomes. Hybrids that live for any length of time are an exceptional rarity, so I can see from a philosophical standpoint why a "gourmet" like Tsukiyama would want to keep Ken to himself, though if Tsukiyama knew the circumstances of Ken's hybrid status, he might change his mind, given his history with Rize... or he might want to kill and eat Ken all the more as the last spiteful thing he could do to what's left of her. Who knows?


HxH - Regarding pawning a license for cash, I'm not certain how a pawn shop works. I think that it is possible to pawn the item rather than sell it, meaning there would be a claim ticket held by the person who pawned the item, and the item wouldn't be available for sale in the shop for a certain length of time wherein the person who pawned it could come back and redeem it from pawn. That's how I think it works, but I could be wrong. Could the license be sold at any time? I don't know. If so, then they took a big risk here.


It was a good idea to use the eye-concentrating nen technique (I'm not certain, but I think it's called gyo or however it's spelled) to find special stuff on which to bid. Speaking of this bidding style, it's EBay without computers, and thus it would make sniping more difficult by needing to be where the item is when time was about to expire.


The wooden statue being a treasure vault was lucky for our group. Thanks for the intervention to prevent the boys from being swindled, random stranger with intense eyebrows. (What kind of name is Zepile? He needs to smack his parents and/or change it to something less weird.) Given how much more the boys made on getting the treasure, Zepile's 20% cut is a bargain. Plus, the boys should've been able to feel that the statue was unusually heavy for a block of sculpted wood, but maybe they couldn't tell due to their absurd physical strength.


Ah, so the only thing Zepile really wanted was part of his buy-back effort on his past money-making knock-offs. I can respect that. It looked to me like he and the boys developed some mutual respect during their reciprocal Q & A session.


Yes, there might be some information available on the Hunter website, but surely there are other Hunters beyond Kurapika who will be after the P.T. members, so it's not like they're getting a truly unique edge in the manhunt.


Oh, and Machi is pretty. Just saying.


MSG: U - We get it. Tensions were high on the Nahel Argama with Federation and Neo Zeon personnel clashing over who must take orders from whom, who gets priority for repairs, fuel, and electrical charging, so on and so forth. Yes, the Neo Zeon forces got the Federation people out of the last engagement alive, but it's still the Federation people's ship. Federation people: play nice and be gracious hosts. Neo Zeon people: play nice and be courteous guests.


Did someone bring Audrey that uniform? I doubt that she had it under her other clothes all this time, so my guess would be it was brought to her so she could take up the leadership role into which she was born, whether she wants to do that or not.


The last set of La Place coordinates being back at Industrial 7 sounds mighty suspicious. I would guess that Links' father had something to do with that.


The Side Co-prosperity Sphere sounds like a pretentious name for an economic block comprised of the various Colonies after they've gained the leverage, ostensibly though acquiring the secrets of the Box, to sever ties with Earth. It's somewhat like portions of the conflict in The Expanse, only in that show the Belt colonies want to be free of both Terran and Martian influence, where the spirit of this proposed alliance would include Mars as well.


Shippuden - As fun as it was to see and hear Naruto getting whacked with a baton, this felt really slow. I guess that it's a harbinger of things to come since he had a lot of trouble getting the mix of energies right with the aid of the oil making it easier for him to absorb the nature energy. Well, maybe that was part of the problem, since the energy entered too rapidly, but he did need to get the feel for what absorbing the energy was like and how to slow down the absorption to a rate that he could balance. For him to optimize the absorption rate without turning into a frog or toad will likely take a lot of practice.


Ha, ha. Joke's on you, Akatsuki and Sauce. Killer Bee pulled a substitution jutsu on you, but hey, at least it was one of his severed tentacles rather than a log. I'm guessing that it's because a log wouldn't hold some of his Tailed Beast chakra to be sure to fool the Akatsuki.


GitS - I'm still unclear why the docking system for Batou's Tachikoma released it when it did.


Even after several viewings, I still feel a little sad for Miki, but maybe a little more so this time because my sister's family's dog died a few months ago, and she (the dog) had been part of the family since before the birth of my eldest niece. It was easy to see a little of my nieces in Miki, but I don't think they're yet fully adjusted to their dog's absence.


While I recognize that I spend a substantial amount of time each week watching, thinking and writing about a programming block of cartoons, it's still a far cry from delving into a fictional world and refusing to leave it for the reality around me.


Ghoul... I hate coworkers I don't give a shit about your personal failures just show up for your ... shift, Maria.


Naruto- Son of a bitch it's those kids. Is the show back in filler already? ... Yeah that's real nice but you probably shouldn't waste energy healing this kid's skinned knee.


I don’t remember anyone in the show named Maria, so I’ll guess that’s one of your coworkers.


No, it’s not filler, and yes, the kid should just walk it off.


Jack - Jack's frustration over Aku destroying the last natural (maybe?) time portal was understandable, and the little mountain goats which Aku infected and infused with evil power were dangerous, so I'm hesitant to think of him using the mystical sword against them as being wrong. However, I'm guessing the sword was able to tell that he wielded it with an intent other than to expel or defeat the evil, harming the infected goats in the process, so the power of the sword found a way to make it leave him.


As for Jack's vision quest, I disagree with the monk. Jack didn't lack balance. He lacked mastery over his negative emotions, which he lost in his moment of frustration those many years ago. It was as though Mad Jack came back and needed to be defeated again. Once Jack did that, he wasn't balanced, as in keeping his negativity and positivity in balance, with a time for each to be prevalent, but instead he attained, for lack of a better term occurring to me, a zen state.


As for Ashi fighting off the army of Aku's minions, it would be a justifiable use of deadly force, since they came there with the intent to murder. When it came time to fight her mother, the same justification applies, but I have my doubts that the arrow thrown into evil mama or the fall would've killed her.


DBS - While Goku would likely survive a tractor crash with little or no injuries, the tractor and plow would be a different story.


Krillin had a point. The last time I remember him actually fighting against someone was during the Tournament we just saw, and which is actually still happening, in DBZK. Such a victory over someone he clearly outclassed would do little for him to get the proper perspective of his power compared to his friend and former rival. Thus, I can understand why he would ask Goku to hit him once, so he could truly appreciate the gulf between them and his suitability to defend the Earth against the threats that Goku and the other (partial) Saiyans face.


Vegeta trying to bribe Whis with food was kind of tedious, and instant ramen, though admittedly a fancier version than I've ever had, being what swayed Whis was ridiculous but funny. Also, I would consider that a bowl of ramen rather than a cup.


DBZK - I forgot about Dabura killing Kibito right away, and the literal petrifaction is a peculiar power, but it truly did remove most of the more sensible people of our group. Thus, if Babidi wanted to get the more impetuous and arrogant fighters inside, he did succeed. It's just too bad for his underlings that they're also the three fighters who would certainly outclass the henchmen.


Working for Babidi would suck. Yes, you might get a power boost, but you might not get to apply it to your objective, and the severance package is terrible.


Gohan, Goku and Vegeta playing rock-paper-scissors to see who got to fight first was funny.


AoT: 2nd Course - The bit about Sasha changing the way she speaks must be more apparent in Japanese than in English. Oh well. At least Krista showed the courage to tell Ymir to knock it off. Plus, I still want to ship Krista and Armin, even though they weren't in any scenes together this time.


Past!Sasha's resentment over the way that the refugee crisis was forcing her family and community to change their way of life is understandable, but her dad made excellent points about compassion, their right to live and it not being their fault that the titans breached W. Maria. Knowing now that she faced scarcity in the years before entering the Cadet Corps, it makes her ravenous behavior in the first series less funny than a sign of prolonged psychological trauma brought on through physical hardship. It also adds a layer of humanity to her offering D.I. Shardis part of the potato she was eating during an instruction session, sharing food when she wasn't sure the next meal would truly be there.


While some of her people were killed, at least Sasha was able to save the child who was in shock. I'll blame Sasha being unable to decapitate the titan with that many strikes on the ax being dull (compared to the almost razor-sharpness of the paring swords), since it was used for wood, which dulls an edge rather quickly. I'm glad for her and the child's sakes that the mobility of the horses helped her father and others survive the attack and allowed them to rescue the pair from the chasing titan.


Looks like Connie's village and family didn't fare nearly as well as Sasha's.


TG - Just to get it out of the way, I'll iterate my point from Parasyte that the inhuman monsters eating people isn't like humans eating our domesticated livestock, because, like with the Parasites, the ghouls do not raise, provide and care for, or breed humans in numbers far exceeding what our population would otherwise be without those things being done for us to cultivate us as a food resource. It is a heavily flawed analogy.



I'm not sure about the nature of Touka's feeling of being unwell, but I can absolutely believe that it was due to her deriving no nutritive value from the item Yoriko made for her the other day. Now, I don't know how that would be possible in the instance of dishes containing meat, since protein is protein, no matter what its source, but I'll accept it as one of the fantastical premises of the show. Following that malnutrition logic, it makes sense that Touka would be weaker than usual and her back-sprouting blade powers wouldn't manifest.


Well, crap. Nishiki is alive. Really, show? You're trying to get me to feel sympathy for the guy who tried to kill Ken and eat Ken's awesome best friend Hide? Um, nope. Oh, but Nishiki and his sister had to live on their own for years, presumably after one or more parents were discovered as ghouls and killed by Inspectors. Again, nope. Oh, but his sister also died some years later when her human supervisor who also may have been a boyfriend informed on her. Still nope. Oh, but he was dying of his wounds from his fight with Ken and Touka and almost killed his girlfriend Kimi before she willingly offered her body for him to eat so he could heal, but he showed restraint and only took a bite out of her left deltoid, meaning he only slightly disfigured her, because he loves her. What part of "nope" are you not getting, show?


That said, what the crap, Kimi? You know your boyfriend is an inhuman monster. You may not have known it when we met you in the show, but now you do. You also know that means he kills and eats people. He even attacked you in a moment of desperation. Granted, he kills for food and not the pleasure of eating, like Rize did and Tsukiyama does, but he still kills to eat when there is another option, Anteiku's suicide victim menu, available. Thus, you now at least condone his crimes, if you are not complicit in them. He's a danger to you and everyone around you. Turn him in, unless you're fine with being a sociopath - it doesn't matter what happens to anyone else as long as you get to keep your boyfriend.


The fuuuuudge, Tsukiyama? You want to eat Ken as he eats a human? That's messed up, yo. As far as the intervention of others goes, once Tsukiyama started stabbing people with his back-sprouting blade and plunging his hand into abdomens, I say he gave the others grounds to kill him in justifiable self-defense. Actually, since he was engaged in felony kidnapping (taking Kimi as part of a plan to force Ken to kill her) and was ready to kill her in furtherance of his overall objective, it could be argued that deadly force was justifiable for her protection once he announced his plan. Please let Touka follow through this time, show, and have her actually kill Tsukiyama after her quick snack off of Ken (digestion should not happen that quickly).


Hm, Touka sometimes watches Hinami for her mother. That's nice. I'm okay with Ken helping Hinami with her homework as well. Haaa, Yoriko thought Touka and Ken were an item. Flare of jealousy aside (how dare he take Touka from her), Yorkio was a total sis with that thumbs-up of encouragement.


HxH - Hm, so Silva, Killua's dad, had fought and killed a P.T. member before the events of the show, and he acknowledged the target's skills. That's high praise from the current head of a famous family of assassins. I'm cool with the Dons calling in some Zoldycks to kill the P.T. members, even though it will likely mean Killua will be urged by his father and grandfather to kill some of them.


I'm also cool with Mr. Nostrade sending Neon out of harm's way.


Gon and Killua did well in tailing Machi and Nobunaga, but they repeated Gon's mistake against Gereta - being so focused on staying hidden from their quarry that they didn't pay attention to who might be following them. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they took that lesson from Hisoka talking about his experiences with the Hunter Exam.


Gon, you lucky dog, drawing both the pretty Machi and the less-attractive-in-the-face-but-better-endowed Pakunoda.


As far as Gon and Killua know, they are answering the questions about "the chain-user" truthfully, since the P.T. isn't giving them the right details to identify this person as Kurapika. That said, it's probably not a good thing that the P.T. took they boys to their headquarters.


I'm curious as to where Chrollo was going and why he changed into a regular suit first.


MSG: U - Yeah, it wasn't surprising at all that Angelo and some of his men would try to take control of the Nahel Argama, but it didn't work, at least in part due to Audrey disapproving of it and Marida acting to protect Audrey. I'm okay with Zinnerman declining to back the seizure as well.


It's not too late to turn back, Riddhe. You haven't killed any of your fellow Federation soldiers yet.


The Vist siblings meeting with Mr. Marcenas can't be a good thing.


Shippuden - Well hi there, boobs chick from the Cloud Village. I enjoyed seeing you, but I could've done without hearing your teammates. Still, the Raikage and the teammates crying the twin waterfalls while concerned for Killer Bee's welfare was a little funny.


Fukasaku changing the training exercise to make Naruto focus on stillness made some sense, but there's a problem with that. He was on a platform balanced on a small area at a substantial height. The support base for the slab would be very small, and thus it would be very susceptible to disturbances. While we're shown that most of that disturbance would come from Naruto, the wind could very easily disrupt the balance as well, That means that while minimizing his own motions, Naruto would need to be actively engaged and ready to counter the effect of wind in an instant for as long as the wind blew. Still, the training worked, and so it was time for Naruto to learn how to spar with a toad, wherein it was still fun to see Naruto get hit.


I'm curious what Naruto did when he snuck out at night.


GitS - I'm not sure why Aramaki chose to send Saito onto the platform instead of Pazu. I would think that having the sniper available to provide aerial cover would be a better use of his skills, and it would make more sense to me to use Pazu for clearing rooms and engaging at intermediate range.


Run Rabbit Junk is a good background song for action scenes.


Whether the young girl is a clone or an actual daughter of Eika Tokura, I can't say. However, if Eika carried the girl, then she was still a possibly unwilling teen mom, perhaps even to a rapist's child.


DRAGONBALL SUPER... Personally, the best part of the episode was Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan, round whatever.


Yes, Pan's daddy and one of her grandpas play-fighting for her entertainment was cute. Also, the pliers in TG looked to me like an oversized version of old-timey dental pliers. I'm not sure what about that would make them capable of injuring a ghoul, though.


Regarding Moltar and his historic reflection on villains, he would've loved Light Yagami.


Jack - That was a very sturdy spaceship for it only to be knocked off-course by that large asteroid rather than demolished.


The letters on the tiger-men making words was a nice touch. Heh, awkwardness for Ashi and Jack when in close proximity.


At first, I wasn't sure whether it was a prison ship or a biological sample ship, but a prison ship provides simpler morality for fighting the escaped occupants, so that's what it was.


For shame, Ashi. That negligent discharge of the rifle not only distracted Jack from the instructions, but it was also a failure to keep your finger off the trigger until you were ready to fire. As for the computer only giving the instructions once, it's bad design of the program that there was no "to repeat message, press..." option, nor was there a button for a text version of the instructions. If the verbal instructions were spoken in a language Ashi and Jack would understand, then written instructions should also be presented with the same consideration.


When Ashi and Jack were attacked in earnest, I wasn't really expecting Ashi lose her outfit. At least they had the decency to give us very strategic placement of objects and limbs. It sure was lucky for our duo that Jack succeeded in guessing the initiation sequence to save them from being swarmed. I can fully accept the electrical field exploding the alien death leeches, perhaps even at an amperage which wouldn't do lasting harm to our pair, but what about the poison? I'm reluctant to accept the device neutralizing the venom inside them without introducing a counter-agent.


While I want to be happy for Jack that he found a badass girlfriend who supports and wants to assist his mission to kill Aku, it's a little weird when I consider how much older he is than her. Sure, he's physiologically in his twenties or thirties, but we have no idea how old Ashi is physiologically, let alone temporally (she may have had accelerated growth as a child). Is she a late teen? Is she an early 20-something? We don't know, because we weren't told, but at least temporally, Jack is old enough to be her father, if not her grandfather. I'm not comfortable with that idea.


DBS - Dang, yos. Goku was as impatient as ever. I feel like Vegeta got the bad end of things, since he had to bribe Whis with tasty food, whereas Goku simply asked to be trained and was accepted.


Awwwww, Pan was a little cutie. Gohan had a point that she is 1/4 Saiyan, so being dropped the height of the room shouldn't be a problem for her, even if he or Mr. Satan failed to catch her. Recall that baby Goku fell off a cliff and hit his head on a rock, and all it did to him was mellow his Saiyan aggression.


Bulma was looking mighty pretty here, and she was a good sport to follow through without begging from Goku about planning a big party for Pan.


Krillin the policeman was unexpected, but it makes some sense that he would do something to provide for his family that entailed protecting people. I like that he had the integrity to stand by his citation for Bulma's reckless operation.


DBZK - Pui Pui was a punk who couldn't even make Vegeta in his baseline state work up a sweat. Until Goku's opponent absorbed the first manifestation of Goku's Super Saiyan energy, I forgot how he defeated it.


Yes, a lot can change in 300 years, Babidi, including the introduction of an alien species to the planet.


AoT: 2nd Course - I'm curious regarding the titan that remained in Connie's village. For one, what would've knocked it on its back? I can get it not being able to get up from that position with those puny legs, but how did it get into that position. I doubt any human non-military force could've done that, and yes, I include cannons in the classification of military force. Also, the eyes of the titan were remarkably similar to Connie's eyes, and I might've been hearing something that wasn't there, but it sounded to me like it spoke his name. Also, there were no signs of dead people that I saw, like blood, unlike the old woman in Sasha's village who the titan there was actively eating. This didn't feel like a standard titan attack.


Unless Ymir really wants to get in Krista's pants, it is strange that the former is so protective of the latter. Pastor Nick giving Krista's name as a person of interest to Hange sure makes it look like Krista is important regarding the secret of the Walls. 


It was a little creepy to see Squatchy climb up a support section to go over a Wall. I guess its objective for this incursion has been accomplished.


Regarding the plan to use Eren's Rogue to harden its skin and fill the holes in the Walls, it's theoretically possible, provided Eren can figure out how to use and project harden. If memory serves, he didn't do that very well in his last fight against Annie, so it's a stretch to think he could do it at a location where he might be swarmed by titans. Still, if he could re-seal W. Maria and/or the city wall at Shiganshina, then maybe they could find out what was so important in Dr. Yeager's cellar, which Eren finally remembered was a thing. Plus, it would be the first step to reclaiming the land between W.s Maria and Rose. There would still be hundreds, if not thousands of titans in that area to be slain, but there would be no additional ones entering freely.


The message from Erwin stating that no breach was found in W. Rose to the south makes the situation in Connie's village that much more suspect. We know that certain humans can manifest a titan form, like Annie and Eren. Perhaps Squatchy did something like what Dr. Yeager did to Eren to the people of Connie's village.


What the heck, show? There were titans active in the moonlight. Sure, it was a bright moon, but the solar-powered titans still should've been dormant or too lethargic to attack that old castle where our group hunkered down for the night.


TG - I enjoyed seeing Touka smack down Tsukiyama and maim him, but I'm unclear as to why she left him alive after he attacked a fellow employee and her. As for the rule that humans who know the identity of one or more ghouls must be killed, it is prudent, and I feel like Touka showing Kimi mercy in that regard will come back to bite at least one of the ghouls there. Kimi calling Touka's kagune pretty being what swayed her was meh, but I will grant that they looked like fire-wings at that moment, so I can't really fault Kimi for liking them.


The Inspectors have weapons made from kagune, and those are what allow them to fight ghouls. That's fine, but how did humankind acquire the first one? This Jason seems like a pretty tough dude, since he outclassed two inspectors and wounded the Dr. who is presumably Hinami's dad.


Hinami and her mom fighting over Hinami being able to see her dad was realistic, and I'm glad they were able make up afterward, especially since the Inspectors used her dad's kagune to lure Hinami into an ambush and her is mom probably going to die to cover her escape, so at least they weren't fighting right before that. Show, this is a ghoul family for which I can feel some sympathy, since they were trying to live with minimal negative impact on human society, and one was even a G.P. or clinic doctor, meaning he likely successfully treated human patients, i.e. helped humans.


It was a responsible choice for Nishiki to start working at Anteiku and eat suicide victims so as to draw less attention to himself for Kimi's sake. I can't say that I like the idea of him being in a position to be in the show frequently, but so be it.


HxH - Oh, Gon, you likeable idiot. You almost let your previous encounters with Hisoka be known. It's a good thing you didn't and someone else remembered your arm-wrestling match with Shizuku, even though she forgot it happened.


Regarding Nobunaga beating Gon at arm-wrestling repeatedly, that was cruel. Gon was hurting, as evidenced by his bruised and bleeding hand. What I want to know is whether the slab of concrete was the same depth as the table, because if it was deeper, it would give a leverage advantage to Nobunaga. At least Gon finally used Enhancement to get a win.


I'm okay with Pakunoda searching the boys' memories on the ride to the hideout for knowledge of the chain-user. Unfortunately, what the P.T. has said since that scan allowed Killua to work out that the chain-user could be Kurapika. It was sensible for Killua to be wary of Pakunoda scanning him again.


Nobunaga liking Gon because of the perceived similarity to Uvogin was unexpected, as was Nobunaga's intention to nominate Gon for membership. I don't quite believe that the boys would be free to go if Chrollo rejects Gon's nomination, since these boys would have seen the faces of each P.T. member, minus the part of Feitan's face that his outfit hides.


It would make sense in the wake of Uvogin's death for the P.T. members to move in teams while searching for information on the chain-user's identity. I was fine with Nobunaga guarding the boys, and I liked their solution to the single door problem being to break through the walls. Gon pulled a good fake-out on Nobunaga for he and Killua to escape successfully. It's okay that the boys think they need to find Kurapika for insights on how to improve their nen skills enough to fight and beat P.T. members, but it's too bad that Kurapika's secret to strength is the insane condition he set on how to use his chains. Well, that and ridiculous nen hax.


MSG: U - Everyone was headed for Industrial 7, so I would think that the ship or mobile suit with the fastest propulsion would have the advantage, since the Nahel Argama and the Neo Zeon forces started out from essentially the same location.


I was glad to see that Riddhe in the Banshee was actively trying not to kill other Federation soldiers while fighting them. It makes perfect shonen protagonist sense for Links to restrain his Unicorn Gundam against Riddhe. Sucks to be Riddhe, since he blamed Newtypes for his problems and now is one himself. Him not wanting to hear the voices of others through the Banshee's psychoframe amplification struck me as being like what a telepath might feel when their abilities start to manifest.


I'm fearful for Marida heading out to occupy Riddhe so Links can fight Angelo and the other Neo Zeon forces ahead of them. Sure, I've been wrong so far about her being put in a position to die at every turn, but it only takes being right once for her to die, and I don't want her to die.


I'm puzzled as to how Links would be okay with his part in the plan for him to corral as many of the Neo Zeon mobile suits into a line of fire toward the Neo Zeon ship as he can in order for the Nahel Argama's main gun to destroy or disable most of Neo Zeon force. He would be setting these men and women up to die, and that doesn't seem like something he would knowingly do.


The Vist siblings and Mr. Marcenas plotting how to destroy Industrial 7 before either of the other factions can get there is horrible. They're going to kill thousands of civilians with an "accident" and replace one set of secrets with another, which, in order to keep them secret, would involve killing everyone in the competing factions as well. It's the proverbial military-industrial complex colluding with members of the government to harm members of the citizenry in order to preserve the cabal's power.


Shippuden - It sucks that the Sage mode is impractical for a battle in progress. It requires teamwork in the form of allies covering Naruto if he's there without Fukasaku to provide the cheat of being on Naruto's shoulder or back.


When I saw the little girl and her grandmother, I knew from spoiler amvs that it was the start of the Invasion of Pain, which I didn't expect this soon.


Since the rods are chakra receivers, it means the Six Paths of Pain that we've seen so far are being controlled or powered up remotely. That adds perspective to Jiraiya's message.


I think that was Ino's dad mind-diving for information from the captured Rain ninja.


Well, Sakura at least got to be useful enough to save the little girl and her grandmother from the giant centipede, but we can't have that kind of nonsense, so Sakura was ordered to the hospital to help treat the wounded.


No, glasses girl who I want to ship with Shikamaru. Hypothesizing when you lack enough information to do so is little more than making wild, mostly uneducated guesses, so it isn't exactly a good use of your time.


GitS - The coin gun in Fem's arm was essentially a large-bore shotgun. What I would've liked to know is what kind of propulsion was applied to the coins, magnetic or pneumatic power.


I would think that some kind of instruction would be given to the android maids for them to check on whether he was alive and inform his lawyers when he died. Maybe it could've been something like if he didn't eat anything they brought him for a period of a week, then they should inspect him to determine whether he was alive or dead.


Making ~$1,000 on day trading is a nice windfall. Good on Mrs. Togusa.




1. Yes, that one DBS episode was indeed filler. If I didn't know that before, I probably would've figured it out at their little song-and-dance greeting.

2. Why am I not surprised that you're still disliking of Nishiki? Rhetorical question aside, I'd say my reason for me suddenly not hating him now can be tied to A) my animosity towards him coming from his attempting to kill both Kaneki and Hide in just the second episode, B) catharsis for the earlier actions coming swiftly and deservedly in the form of Kaneki using his/Rize's kagane on him, and C) the fact that I was watching episode 5 live and later than my normal Saturday bedtime. Still, though I'm fonder of Nishiki now than I was last month, I still love it whenever he's on the short end of the stick, like in this week's omake. :D

3. Well, the episode was called "Assault on the Leaf Village!", so I'd pin that one on you were it not for the episode titles being displayed in Japanese only.



Back to Castle Dracula...2 hours earlier. More speculation. Tan girl...Ymir I think mocking short guy. Then scavenging and making gay jokes. Mysterious writing, Ymir's hiding something. Back to the present. Titans breaching the castle. Reiner flashback. A cannon! More Titans! Reiner showing off! Over it goes! Skirt ripping! Sure are lotsa anime sweat marks appearing. Dead horses! Boulder throw! Dead scouts! Even more Titans! Is Beast Titan leading them? Damn, hot blonde girl died. Other hot blonde girl getting lectured by Ymir. A snowy mountain oath? And Ymir was a Titan. And I'm...not surprised. :D



Shopping at a time like this? Fairly ominous words Kuwabara's father. :D Kurapika has joined the assassins. Kuwabara's dad dropping more death flags. Aaaand Neon ditched them, of course. :D Killua's family in that same group! This bald guy just got served! :D His name is Light? Where's Ryuk? :D Oh Neon you little fool, that's Chrollo! :D And she's writing his future. Tears of farewell for the beast guy? Why are there so many fucking commercials this week? >:( Did I accidentally change the channel? Nope. Cut in half? New friend? Chrollo attacked Neon! And shit's beginning. Dude tracking Chrollo. Musically poetic fortune reading chaos montage! Well that was pretty gruesome, but they were all grunts killed...so far.



Oh right, this show's still going. Crazy retro blue diamond effects. People's hearts. Crazy blonde douchebag. Aaaand Marida's gone...after some genuinely sad/touching ghostly goodbyes. And with her any reason to watch this mediocre at best series. But since there's only 3 episodes left I...guess I'll finish it...probably.


Man Toonami's really not great right now. Titan's fine but vastly overrated, Gundam stinks, Hunter's the only show really worth watching. JoJo Part 3 can't come soon enough.


JoJo Part 3 can't come soon enough.

Agreed, but Grandpa needs his rest.


Jack- Impressive lungs on those two. I'd also suggest a shower. I feel like it's probably a bad idea to split up. This is going too well, something's about to go wrong. She is so cute. Me too, Ashi. Well this is adorable, I am concerned. I've had worse dates. I love tiny Jack. You sweet precious dork. Oh boy is it time for me to cry already? :D Oh my god, I love that robot. Aku speaker is amazing. It cracks me up that he calls Aku baby of all things. Oh man, you are late with this information. Yaaay he got his body back. :D Oh my god Aku is dancing. Hey Jack whatcha up to? Oh hey it's that one place from that one time. Oh no was that where that portal was? Oh no that guy's sweet shades. Jack's got some serious PTSD. OH BOY IT'S AKU TIME. Nooooo I liked him. At least Aku has the decency to not cockblock him. Wait did Aku really fuck that lady? Reminder to never accept a free drink from a shape-shifting monster of world-ruining evil. Aw shit this was going too well. I guess the story of how Aku magically impregnated some crazy cult lady is a good episode for Mother's Day. Oh that can't be good. THIS IS A VERY BAD THING. Hey remember how we went like three whole weeks without this show making us vicariously suicidal?


Titan- Sorry lady you are definitely about to die. I would absolutely chug that entire bottle if I were him. Okay so that titan was definitely his mom. Oh fuck off Freckles you're an asshole. They're both real gay. Potato girl would approve of the midnight food run. Where did you learn how to read goddamn Russian? Just let that guy get drunk and hate his life at night like the rest of us. All these people are gonna die. Dude they kicked open the front door, I don't think a flimsy couch barricade is gonna hold. Hi there, do you have a minute to talk about the lord? EAT CANNON, FUCKER. Great job destroying the entire door, kids. Whelp there goes that kid. Owww his arm. Damn that kid is strong. Freckles with the save. At least let him drink some of that. :D Okay that was worth a shot. Ohh you just jinxed yourself. Noooo horsies. Fuck this titan guy. Really should have downed that booze when you had the chance. This is just the worst day. Yeah just throw a rock at them. She is just adorable. Freckles does not fuck around. At least kiss her before you go off on your suicide mission. Okay was half their damn class made of titans?


Ghoul- That milf and her cute kid are like the only decent characters in this show, don't kill them. God, this kid is just fucking awful. Great job not calling her about her friend's tragic death, y'all. "I didn't think things could get any worse" is exactly how I feel watching this show every week. No, you should also pity this grade schooler who just violently lost both her parents within a day. What is up with that guy's eye? Yeah this seems like a normal conversation that human beings have. Nice bunny mask. Is it too much to hope that they all kill each other? Why does the creepy guy have Renji's whip-sword anyways. Well that sure was a pointless fight. Grandpa's kind of a douche. She just needs a tasty corpse to snack on. Oh hey after like 30 episodes our main character actually decides to maybe think about doing something. I'm sure there's been some time where I cared even less about a character dying, but damn if I can remember it. I hope this show ends with a meteor taking out the entire cast. That mask sure is ugly as fuck.


Hunter- She's so cute! Oh something is about to go down in that bathroom. Damn it girl, don't sneak off in an obvious wig! Oh my god kid how are you this stupid. Hi, Killua's sexy dad! Who gets to be Mr. Pink? Sweet discount, thanks. Just sit back and let sexy dad handle this. Put a fucking leash on that girl. Shit is that the boss guy? Oh come on how the fuck did he get magic tracking chain powers too. This is not gonna end well. Her power is fun. I can't read Wingdings, show! Cry like the whiny baby you are. He is about to stab you in the gut. She's just adorable but so so stupid. Aaaaand shit's about to hit the fan. Whelp this guy's about to die. How shitty of an assassin are you when you get killed by a ballpoint pen. Now it's time for sexy dad to kill them all, right? Out of all of these amoral killers, I still fear Hisoka the most. This poor bastard got turned into a wall. Didn't Kikyo have a bunch of those things collecting souls for her? Ooh special classical music ED.


Gundam- Would you believe my stream crapped out for several minutes and I didn't even notice? Whoever named these characters needs to be fired. This show just sucks out all the excitement that I had during Hunter. I also hated this kid from the moment I saw him. Is this a new thing or has she had psychic mind powers the whole time and I just didn't notice? Is it too much to hope that they all kill each other? Whelp there goes that lady. Don't go, woman you just blew right the hell up. At least she got to turn into a naked Force ghost. Look out for him, because god knows that kid shouldn't be trusted with a fork. This dude looks like I felt after my last hangover. Whatever's inside is definitely not worth the past 20-something episodes. These sure are words you guys are saying. The unicorn is hiding the box.


Naruto- That corpse is about to rise off the table and start killing people. Protect that milf at all costs. You can go ahead and squash Sakura. Meanwhile, Naruto dicks around on a board. "Damn you, Naruto" is exactly how I feel watching this show every week. Of course the fat kid brought food. If you're putting Sakura in charge, everyone is going to die. Wow she knows basic triage, let her run the hospital. Holy shit, these old people actually sound reasonable in their desire to not get this specific targeted child murdered. Well I assume they'll treat him like a child as long as he's A LITERAL GODDAMN CHILD. Does this show only have one lady voicing all the old women? Lady I will believe in the Tooth Fairy before I believe in Naruto. Yeah that was a nice speech and all but I wouldn't trust most of those kids with a slightly sharp fork. You are goddamn terrible at your job. Whelp bye frog. How bad are you at your job when you get defeated by paper mache of all things. They all got dicks you can aim for, don't they? That is an excessive amount of giant slugs. Oh hey Kakashi. Are they different because they're fucking dead? Meanwhile I'd sell that kid to Satan for one corn chip.


Gundam stinks


You're just saying that 'cause Marida died. :P



Hmm, I guess the face-smashing might’ve been a high-level troll after all. Sasuga, Genndy. :D I highly doubt I was the only one absolutely floored by Aku scat-dancing along with Scaramouche. Sucks that the Guardian and his time portal didn’t make it, though. Guess Aku really was that thorough in eradicating every last way home. And man, that fight against Ashi was rough, as was Aku transforming her into some unstoppable super-warrior. And now, how can things be resolved with just one episode left in the run? The fact that no footage from the final episode was seen in the promo makes that question all the more tempting to find the answers to, even when there are none.


Clearly you didn’t care enough to graduate, you spent all your school money on a stupid nose piercing. :|



Dubbed Chozetsu Dynamic worries and confuses me, but at least it sounds Engrish enough to have been done by the original artist.

“…Gohan and Videl’s daughter Pan was born, bringing great joy to her family.” Except Chi-Chi, who is not as good a mother as Anime News Network claims she is.

[flips off Chi-Chi with both hands]

You’d think someone as strong as Goku would have an equally strong bladder, but I guess not.

I like the buildings built into the giant tree.

“If anything, I should be the mad one…” But you weren’t, and I commend you for that. :)

The apron is essential to hiding his identity from the easily foolish.

If there’s one thing Goku is not, it’s a crybaby.


Awesome, multiple floating eggtimers!

Beerus must have sensitive ears, if Goku’s regular speaking volume is enough to worry Vegeta.

“This is just a dream.” “Uhh, if you say so…”

Oh, he was kicking him away from the exploding eggtimer…


He was pretending once, but that was just a few episodes ago.

Aren’t you gonna spread the blanket over him?

On Beerus’s homeworld, even the housework counts as training.

What’s the deal with these DB Super commercial breaks being like two ads long? And both for Old Spice at that? Crazy.

No fair, there are lots of things better than having to deal with Chi-Chi.


Intense weight-lifting.

Out of curiosity, could that other dimension be the Demon Realm that Dabura came from?


Great, now I wanna know what terrible dish he dreamed up.

Are they playing 3D chess? 3D space chess, maybe?


In the Dragonball Universe, all poop, regardless of species, is pink.

Oh no is that one of Frieza’s ships?

Well it’s the Frieza Force for sure, but not the one we knew. Because most of them are dead.

Hey look, it’s fat Beerus and female Whis. In all honesty, I’d do her.


Oh no, Frieza’s coming back next week.


That’s our Rick and Morty, coming up with simple solutions to horror movie prequels that don’t really deserve to exist. :D



What do they mean by “Whither Victory”?

Now it’s Dabura’s turn, it appears.

Shut the hell up, Shin.

And so the wait continues…

That was when Shin realized how Dragonball Super was going to turn out.


These spectators don’t know what they want.

“The waiting must be making him anxious.” …Yeah, that’s probably it. ::)

:D Thank you, sassy janitor lady.

“I’m gonna get some juice!” You do know that’s the coffee machine you’re heading towards, right? :-\


Masking with the intent of hiding your identity from the public is one of the best kinds. :)

Oh hey, Ox King finally showed up.

Mr. Satan-itis.

Eating it up sideways. :D

Shut up, Chi-Chi.

:D Didn’t expect that random crotch injury.

He’s gonna give her a nine twenty what now? ???

:D 18 is best girl.

Well, you see, 18 already has a husband.



That blush… owo

“How lame is this guy?” “Pretty lame…”


Of all of them, Roshi was the first to figure out the shocking truth.

Speaking of shocking truths, Piccolo and Krillin are still statues.

Mr. Satan has no chance.


So… what exactly makes this girl so fragile that she’ll die if she ever breaths the outside air again? Goddamn these movies are so stupid.



Oh, we’re starting right from the OP this time. :-D

Welp, guess we now know how the Titans might’ve gotten over the wall. But still, the Beast Titan being able to climb them is very concerning.

:D Oh lord those Titans. It’s like watching two special ed kids go at it in animated format.

Flashback time already, huh?

Krista sounded a little deep in the voice last week, so it’s nice to hear her (somewhat) normally again.

:D Ymir, you’re such a pest.

Aw, bonding over their homosexualities.

That can of herring is like the ponyglyphs: written in ancient script unintelligible to all but the chosen few.

Never stand between a man and his love of booze.


I am fully expecting some sort of jump scare right about now.

Not exactly a jump scare, but still fairly disturbing.



Heh, there’s a cobweb over the barrel opening.


Well, so much for keeping it down. :|

Wendy’s says you don’t need no stinkin’ veggies to make a good bacon cheeseburger. Denny’s says, fuck that shit.

And so the sacrificee is now the sacrificer. Or something.

Now kick it out the window before it has the chance to bite another one of your arms!


Welp, so much for that guy’s booze.

“How lewd…”

One day his wife indeed. :D

“Think we might just survive the night.” You doomed us all, pompadour dude!


Rocks fall, everyone dies, the end.

How could they have died instantly if nothing of theirs was obviously crushed?

Oh shit, more Titans.

I always knew Sasquatch was an uncool dude.

“Wow… got really lucky there.”

Oh yeah, head injuries, why I didn’t I think of that before...

I can’t help but find these Titan rapefaces unintentionally hilarious.

I don’t know what’s gonna hurt more: that guy’s eventual death by Titan or the fact that he has no more booze.

Welp, no booze it is.

Something tells me those daddy issues were dub-exclusive. ::]::


SHIT COUNT: 3 (1 as bullshit).

Krista with a deeper voice than usual just sounds wrong, if you ask me.

But what can Ymir do against all of them with just a knife?

: o Well whaddaya know, she’s a Titan Shifter too.

TOP BILLING: Krista (spelled Christa for some reason), though I think Ymir deserves it more.


From what I’ve learned, a Lipton meal usually involves Muppets to some degree.



Huh, no graphic violence this time.

I bet you anything Amon is feeling a little uncomfortable right now.

Hmm, so the fact that we didn’t actually see the impact was what convinced them to leave the V out.

Kaneki, you a punk bitch.


Man, the 24th Ward must be some shithole if they’re calling it a cesspool.

Touka’s slowly entering full revenge mode now.

Lemme guess, that’s her mask? It’s pretty cute. :-[

In which Kaneki has yet another emo moment, thankfully not related to his personal cross-species crisis.

Not the context in which any of us would’ve liked to see his ass, unfortunately.

Wow, a lot of people are in the dark about Rize’s being dead, aren’t they?

Fuck yeah, straight-up detective work.

Okay where’d they even get the picture of the loli’s clothes?

Because no Pierrot anime is complete without ramen. :)

Amon is very sensible compared to his more fun yet also more terrible partner Mado.

That guy was doomed ever since I read the Zap2it description for this episode. But his ambitious claims kind of furthered his fate along, admittedly.

I understand Touka’s bunny mask, but what’s with the pink wig?

Aaaaaand cue flashbacks to the Three-Tails filler arc.


Okay, I think I’m actually gonna root for Touka here. She’s appealing to my fetish right now, and Mado’s currently bragging killing Hinami’s mother, which just isn’t right considering the holiday.


Why is it only now that I just realized Mado’s new Quinque is reminiscent of Zabimaru?

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Why does the creepy guy have Renji's whip-sword anyways.” He stole it off of the loli’s father’s corpse as a repair to his anti-Ghoul weapon which broke when he fought the guy with the $15 torture pliers last episode, as well as a lure for the loli and her mother.

Well, at least she managed to get away.

That’s cold, Yoshimura.

It’s official, Kaneki is the woman in this ship.

And thus Kaneki started taking his first steps away from the realm of punk bitch-dom.

Well now, that other guy certainly didn’t get much sleep.

I don’t know who this guy is or who’s voicing him but I like his style.

:D Thanks for the unintentional laugh, ramen guy.

You say you’re eating alone now, but Amon’s sitting right there next to you.

“Amon, you’re officially my new best friend.”

Just be glad the sewage is only ankle-deep.


This man is positively steaming.

Eh, that kind of mask isn’t really my thing, but it’s acceptable.


And then Kaneki was the Heavenly Buddha. :D


”This is gonna be one hell of a night…” Even though it’s still technically morning where they are.



It’s an airship! Does that mean the extra assassins have already arrived?

Or maybe it’s just Neon going on a shopping trip.

:D I like Melody with the huge mom glasses.


No shit Kurapika’s unhappy to be paired with other assassins, he’s a lone wolf kind of Hunter.

I have a feeling Neon snuck out with that quartet who went in before her.

She looks a little like Botan without her hair accessories.

Dat’s a huge pool.

That one assassin looks like Gaara’s emo cousin, Daara of the Gesert.

THE ZOLDYCKS HAVE ARRIVED. And Killua’s dad has blonder hair than I expected him to.

And they prove further that the white-haired Zoldycks are the only likeable ones.

That dude with the brain-veins and short temper is gonna get his sorry ass killed for his arrogance.

You tell him that just when he’s about to enjoy his cigar. What sucky timing.

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Oh come on how the fuck did he get magic tracking chain powers too.” I don’t understand why you’re surprised, after the total asspull of him using all five Nen Types at 100% with the help of his special eyes.

Oh crap she’s with the Phantom Troupe leader guy that doesn’t spell any good.

Those mind control darts really do come in handy sometimes.

“My friends just call me ‘Boss’.” “No way, so do mine!”

I love the creepy-looking face on that thing.

Is that poem talking about Uvo? I think that poem is talking about Uvo.

MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MONTH: Still weird in taste, Demarco. Still weird in taste.

Called it.

I, for one, believe in both the afterlife and reincarnation.

“The bloody scarlet eyes”? Okay, Kurapika definitely plays a role in this next poem.

NOOOOOO NEON. At least she’s just passed out.

You’d think they’d be a little more surprised to learn that Neon was there to begin with.

Excellent detective work, Kurapika.

Now that is what I call a subtle trail.

Welp, there goes one of the eight other assassins. Pen to the top of the cranium is a tough way to go out.

I don’t know what it is about him, but Phinks pisses me off more than any other Phantom Troupe member. It’s probably his perpetual angry delinquent face.

This classical BGM for the whole massacre scene is nice and all, but imagine if it was set to something else

Elsewhere, Hisoka’s out buying a blender, so he can drink it all in.

Now that is what I call tortuous.



Wow, and we’re not even getting the usual ending theme this time.


I wish the whole Left Twix./Right Twix phenomenon would just fucking die already. It’s so goddamn stupid it makes my teeth hurt.



Riddhe, Fuck you. Fuck you in the eyes and fuck you in every hole you have, you fucking putrid piece of horse shit. I hope you die in a fucking fire, you lummox of a human being, and I quite frankly have always hated you more than Angelo. Fucking ANGELO. I wish you would just off yourself with the largest gun you can find and shoot yourself in the god damn ears you twatpickle. You’re not even helpful on any search they take twelve god damn hours to make, you’re just detrimental. How the hell have you not gotten yourself killed, you f*ggotn*ggerdickschlongaholic. When the Zekes call you guys Feddie scum, they’re talking about you. Not them, all they do is fucking work their god damn asses off and you just jack off all over all they work for. You’ll never get promoted beyond a soldier and I have no idea what the Vist Foundation is doing for you. You probably just shit yourself in the cockpit of the Banshee and pick your god damn nose with a screwdriver. Remember when you got thrown across the room and landed on your head? Well next time it’ll be your dick, and no one will want to help you. Do you even floss? I’ve never known anyone to look at Zeon pornography. I doubt that’s even legal where you live. You’re a cock-ass dickhole and no one in this show even likes you. Not even Banagher. Fuck you.

Oh, and R.I.P. Marida too, I guess. :(



Even when the village is under attack, a coroner’s work is never finished.

Oh hey, it’s those three elders.

They make a really good point about Tsunade pulling a stupid move like that.


It’s always great watching Shikamaru kill things.

“…I should probably just stick to healing the already-wounded.”

Meanwhile, Naruto has no idea what’s going on in events unrelated to his training regimen.

“Damn you, Naruto!” is something Angel says all the time under her breath.

REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “"Damn you, Naruto" is exactly how I feel watching this show every week.” Or that, that works equally well. :D

Sakura in a leadership position? That’s asking too much of this show!

Well, that whole ribbon thing is definitely a start.

I’ve gotten so used to Naruto’s older voice, that his younger voice sounds weird to me.

Eh, they both have good points. Naruto has matured, but pulling him out before his training’s done is too much of a risk.

Oh boy, an academy flashback. Complete with tough love from Iruka. :-D

And here’s a flashback to back when Shippuden’s pacing was more agonizing than it is now.


Well, those two sure got convinced. :)

“I don’t know why, but I got a really bad feeling right now!” Famous last words.

Screw you, Danzo.

I like the paper mummification thing, but not so much the whole dehydration thing.

He absorbed all the jutsu?

Oh yeah, I recognize that song with the samples of the crying baby.

A giant slug composed of even smaller slugs. Feels very Samurai Jack in here.


“The people here are different than the ones in other villages.” “…They die easier?”

REPLY TO ANGEL 4: “Meanwhile I'd sell that kid to Satan for one corn chip.” …You talking about Hinata?



The virtual headshot and naked mannequins that somehow passed S&P’s senses when they gave this one a TV-PG on the first go-round. All the different Tachikomas getting a chance to speak and bicker amongst themselves. The operator getting trapped in a logic hole. Batou being disturbed by his personal Tachikoma’s theory on the existence of God. Motoko being greeted with a “Good Morning” even though it’s 4 in the afternoon. The conversation that sounds like a dub not trying to match the lip flaps on the outside. And Togusa and his son switching heads. :D This show certainly has it all, doesn’t it?


[stinky hat]




Riddhe, Fuck you. Fuck you in the eyes and fuck you in every hole you have, you fucking putrid piece of horse shit. I hope you die in a fucking fire, you lummox of a human being, and I quite frankly have always hated you more than Angelo. Fucking ANGELO. I wish you would just off yourself with the largest gun you can find and shoot yourself in the god damn ears you twatpickle. You’re not even helpful on any search they take twelve god damn hours to make, you’re just detrimental. How the hell have you not gotten yourself killed, you f*ggotn*ggerdickschlongaholic. When the Zekes call you guys Feddie scum, they’re talking about you. Not them, all they do is fucking work their god damn asses off and you just jack off all over all they work for. You’ll never get promoted beyond a soldier and I have no idea what the Vist Foundation is doing for you. You probably just shit yourself in the cockpit of the Banshee and pick your god damn nose with a screwdriver. Remember when you got thrown across the room and landed on your head? Well next time it’ll be your dick, and no one will want to help you. Do you even floss? I’ve never known anyone to look at Zeon pornography. I doubt that’s even legal where you live. You’re a cock-ass dickhole and no one in this show even likes you. Not even Banagher. Fuck you.




Now as for how I rank the 9 shows:


#9: Dragon Ball Super - Mostly god-awful filler but at least there's good stuff on the horizon...

#8: DBZ KFC - We interrupt the battle to stop Majin Buu for a 5-way battle royale!

#7: Naruto: Shippuden - Closer and closer to the mystery of Pain...

#6: Tokyo Ghoul - Probably the most gripping action the show has had yet!

#5: Gundam Unicorn - Just when you thought Riddhe was finally about to redeem himself, he goes and does THAT!?

#4: Ghost in the Shell - A classic episode that was an absolute TREAT to finally see in HD.

#3: Hunter x Hunter - Meet Chrollo, leader of the Phantom Troupe. Super emo. Super intense!

#2: Samurai Jack - All's fair in love and war, I guess! And the strange saga of Scaramouche also came to a surprising end!

#1: Attack on Titan - The Titan attack got even more fierce, and then one of the guard revealed a shocking secret!


I dig that Lupin's coming, but why the hell did it have to be at Gundam's expense?


That being said, I hope they realize how BS it would be to air Season 1 of a show but never Season 2...


OH right. Just ask One Piece!


I haven't really enjoyed either Gundam anyway so this didn't bother me. Probably wasn't gonna watch IBO S2 anyway considering it's pretty much:



The Show


Lupin... I hope they realize how BS it would be to air Season 1 of a show but never Season 2...

Clearly you have no idea how accessible Lupin really is.


Well, it's been one long and arduous road. Fun times were had, but sadly, those times have to come to an end. After a three-year run, a twelve-year hiatus, nine weeks of revival, and an unfortunately timed April Fools' stunt, Samurai Jack's time on television is finally coming to a close. How will the story of Jack vs. Aku end, especially when our hero appears to be in his darkest hour yet? No one knows for sure, but in less than 23 hours, those answers and others will be answered, hopefully to all of our satisfactions.


Once those farewells have been made, the remnants of Frieza's army come to Earth to revive their deceased leader, Goten and Trunks push 18 to levels she was hoping not to resort to as the battle royale marches forward, Ymir uses her Titan-shifting powers to save her comrades from death (or so they think), Kaneki and Touka duke it out with Mado and Amon in the sewers under what I'm pretty sure is Hinami's elementary school, the Phantom Troupe's attack on the Yorknew Auction push the Zoldycks to demonstrate why they're the best at what they do, Banagher finally meets face to face with his surprisingly important grandfather Syam Vist, Kakashi tries his hand at preventing Pain from destroying even more of Konoha, and Batou's newest assignment thrusts him into a tough personal conflict involving what some call the "prosthetic blind spot".


8:00 - Dragonball Super #19 - Despair Redux! The Return of the Evil Emperor, Frieza! - TV-PGV


11:00 - Samurai Jack #62 - CI - TV-14V - END

11:30 - Dragonball Super #19 - Despair Redux! The Return of the Evil Emperor, Frieza! - TV-PGV

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #118 - Stunning Youngsters! No. 18's Uphill Battle - TV-PGLV

12:30 - Attack on Titan #30 - Historia - TV-14LV

1:00 - Tokyo Ghoul #8 - Circular - TV-MAV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #52 - Assault and Impact - TV-14LV

2:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #20 - Laplace's Box - TV-PGLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #159 - Pain vs. Kakashi - TV-14V

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #16 - AG2O - TV-14



Ignoring time paradox things like if Ashi never existed Jack wouldn't be back in the past at all it was...fine. The cameos/roles of past groups like the dogs or jump monkeys was nice, as was Jack's final discussion with the Scotsman. Also appreciated them using as much of Mako as they did. Honestly my biggest gripe was Ashi disappearing. Not that it happened, which made sense...kinda. Rather, that it wasn't immediate. That it was conveniently delayed until a wedding ceremony felt very cheap. Reminded me of that imo awful end to Gurren Lagann, only not as bad. At least Jack's final fate felt satisfying instead of like taking a huge shit on him as Simon's did...but I digress. Overall I'd say this reboot was serviceable. Not sure what I'da done with 10 episodes or however many it was, but not a bad try from them I suppose. 7/10ish.



Snow! So pretty. Christa? Oh, not-dead blonde girl. This must be a flashback. Too bad they don't have any Tauntauns. You tell that asshole Christa! Blah blah Ymir's selfish bitch speech is long and boring. Flashback within a flashback. I'll never remember this Christa backstory. Too bad since it's probably important. Shut up already Ymir! Or they could ride his carcass down like a sled. Oh she used her Titan power, I see. Everyone is gonna go! Holy fuck this flashback is long. Finally over! Aaaand...commercials. FUCK! :| Titan Ymir is on the attack and boy is she...tiny. She killed Reiner's....brother was it? And he went crazy a little. A brick throw-go-round! She can talk! Aaaand dogpile! The cavalry arrived. Historia? Episode title drop!



Musical murdering recap! Subway ridin'. Kurapika's gears are turning. Stuck at Neon's side. Meanwhile Chrollo dropping fools. Hey Arnold and Jason Voorhees shoulda been on that subway. :D Gon and Killua on the move. Kurapika surveying the building. The panic is spreading. A call from Gon. A scolding from Kurapika. A scolding from Killua. A plea from Gon. Wicked cell phone controlling powers. Building already been breached! More chaotic slaughter from the Troupe. Tensions are bubbling over! Dayum! Killua's family laying down the law! Kurapika cock-blocked by his boss! Zoldyck's versus Chrollo! Power stealing? Book powers! Cloak powers! Dragon powers! Twin enormous energy blast cliffhanger! Holy fuck! Easily the best episode of this series so far! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



Oh right, this boring as fuck show still isn't over yet. Hooray! Seeing Marida's death again....fuck you show. So let's see what lame-ass reveal is gonna come from this fucking box already! A lecture on evolution! A history lesson! Santa Claus! Oh fuck you show trying to forgive blonde douche. Blah blah new type blah blah. So that was the box reveal. Great-Grandpa Santa Peeper and a magic Lost Monument Clause. Woopidedoo! What the fuck are they even going on about now? Such high concepts Gundam...if only I gave a shit! :| Toonami actually chose to air this too. My god...just...my god. Full Frontal...Nudity is what this sorely needs to be interesting! And MY only desire is for this show to end! Yes, kill Santa! It's not-Char! Whatever, 2 episodes left.


Jack- I just want Jack to be happy, show. YESSSS SCOTSFAM. Oh shit really about to go down. Yaaaaay the fish guys and the jumpers and even the dogs! OH MY GOD YES IT'S THE INTRO. You son of a bitch. Alright Scots you gotta go haunt Aku to death. None of these weapons are impressive enough. Ashi please wake up and help Jack. Noooo leave her alone don't make her do this. AWWWWWWWWWW I'm seriously tearing up here this is downright heartwarming. No, jump good! Even the 300 are back! Ashi you're really starting to piss me off now. No please don't kill all Jack's friends. Daaang, this girl flying on the giant bird. YESSSSSS BAGPIPES AND FLYING DEER. I am gonna marry that main daughter. Awww they finally get to see each other again. The biggest mystery in this entire series is how every single one of those daughters ended up beautiful. Awww that's cute Scots, you're cute. BIG O, IT'S SHOW TIME. Your dad's a dick, keep rebelling! Ohh that's probably not good. CELTIC MAGIC, ASSHOLE. Awwwww Jack this is gonna be heartbreaking. Fuck you, dad! This is going too well. We still have too many minutes for everything to be this simple. Even Aku is surprised! Is he actually dead for reals? Hey look, it's everybody! This is going WAY TOO WELL. Awwwwww she looks so pretty. SON OF A BITCH SHE WENT NIA ON US. JUST LET THE MAN BE HAPPY, SHOW. At least the ladybug is still your friend. Anybody else crying right now or just me?


Titan- It snowed this week and it was terrible because it's goddamn May. I know how the lesbians can keep warm! I'm with Freckles here, just leave this guy in the snow. God this girl is adorable how did she get in this show? Freckles is an asshole. That's rough, kid. She wants to fuck you, girl. Carve out that guy's torso like a dead Taun Taun and you'll be fine. I can appreciate her lack of fucks to give. Shut up Eren. What a surprise, literally everyone with a name is going out to find them. Always bring the extra food! Awww, she's not a total bitch after all. Hey baby you ever fuck a titan before? Hey bro, sorry I ate your friend. Why are you surprised, half your damn squad is titans. Aww she's worried about her girlfriend that's actually sweet. Man, this show is so much better when most of Eren's screentime is replaced with cute lesbians. That sure is a whole bunch of titans. If the bitch lesbian dies it'd be the first time this show actually made me kinda sad. Oh hey Mikasa. Goddammit Eren you're ruining the cute lesbian moment! Oh that looks painful. That's a terrible name no wonder you use a fake one. Please don't die, lesbian.


Ghoul- Dude the most helpful thing you could do is just stay the hell out of everyone's way. Don't kill the little kid, she's one of the few decent characters. This sure is depressing. Christ that mask is ugly as fuck. I could have gone my entire life without hearing that guy say something about spanking. Hey show, why is your main character so goddamn terrible in every way? Yeah we get it, someone he loved died got eaten, I don't care. Yeah we get it, who's the real monster here, I don't care. I feel like these fights are supposed to be leaving any kind of impression on me at all, but failing completely. Just let your dead bitch liver kill him for you that works. Who needs a hand, hands are for the weak. Oh hey that's nifty. Somebody just kill this douche already. "Well this went to shit in a hurry" also describes the entire show. Oh hey it's that one dude. Here, eat this dick. He was married, so what.


Hunter- Your headband is stupid and your name is stupid. This could be going better. Oh no I hope mole girl's alright. Protect the cute goth girl at all costs. You should just leave all of this to Killua's sexy dad. Maybe don't shoot the doctor in the head. Everybody, take your pants off. No don't leave her, someone's going to attack immediately. It's sweet that he's so worried about them. Stay away from them, especially Hisoka. No kids don't fight. Well this fight is not going well at all. I still hate Hisoka most of all. Meanwhile, everyone dies. HI KILLUA'S SEXY DAD. Oh right that one dude got killed with office supplies. KICK HIS ASS, SEXY DAD. I really hope I don't get sexy dad killed here. Shit he's poisoned already. Joke's on you, he's not a whale. Sorry grandpa you might have to die. Aw crap he's got a Death Note. Grandpa's got some sweet moves. That seems like it would negate any advantage you got from stealing someone's abilities. Please don't die, sexy dad. His power is giant balls and I'm okay with that.


Gundam- I hope the box just kills everyone. I feel like this isn't all Benedryl's fault, but I also feel like we can totally blame this all on Benedryl. Yeah, there's no safer idea than to trust the fate of humanity to two fourteen-year olds. Why is this blond dude still alive? Full Frontal continues to be the most disappointing name I've ever heard. I like the option where we punch grandpa for putting us through this. Sure whatever, take the box who gives a damn. Just use Benedryl as a meatshield.


Naruto- You're not gonna stab him in the dick today, douche. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Lightning Ride is unavailable at the moment. Yes, use fat boy as a meatshield. Look with your special eyes! Fucking magnets, how do they work. It's a nice change of pace that the clone was made out of lightning for once instead of a random log. Fat dudes to the rescue. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Pretty sure that's another clone but okay. I'd probably rather just die than have a bunch of giant slugs slime themselves all over me. Genuinely surprised that Sakura's in charge and the entire building hasn't exploded yet. Bye fat dad. Oh hey not a clone and he's alive. Don't kill Kakashi I actually like him. I mean on the bright side, if you die in Naruto it means you don't have to be in Naruto anymore. Boobs. Oh hey, fat dad's not dead. Take me with you Kakashi don't leave me with this show alone.



Dead horses!


Yeah! Where are the animal rights activist protests? :P


Ghoul... I hope this show ends with a meteor taking out the entire cast.


I hope not, because that would mean the hottie Itori, the recently-orphaned Hinami, and Ken's awesome friend Hide would die as well.


HUNTER x HUNTER... “My friends just call me ‘Boss’.” “No way, so do mine!”




Last week's stuff now. This week's stuff later in the week.


Jack - Yeah, Ashi and Jack probably should've wiped the bug guts off their lips before kissing. Their awkwardness later was cute. Yes, I would expect that an 8-year-old Jack probably didn't have a girlfriend before Aku attacked, so Ashi isn't "competing" with the memory of someone else.


Scaramouche got a bad deal here. The information it gave Aku was accurate when it discovered that fact, but when Aku hung up on the telephone call, which was Scaramouche's good-faith effort to get the information to Aku as quickly as possible, that forced it to physically make its way to Aku, which took a very long time, given that it was just a robot head at that point. Thus, I can't truly fault Scaramouche for giving Aku outdated information, but Aku sure did and destroyed Scaramouche as punishment. At least we got that fun mutual celebratory dance when it told Aku about Jack not having his magic sword. Plus, the Aku statue with the recording telling adorants and supplicants that he wasn't taking visitors, apologizing for the inconvenience, was hilarious.


As for how Ashi and her sisters came to be, I was relieved that only the septuplets were actual progeny of Aku. However, their mom drinking the cup of his essence to have his spawn is a no. To channel Morbo, HUMAN CONCEPTION DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! GOODNIGHT!


Aku manipulating the part of Ashi that came from him is sad. She's a good person now, but she can't do anything about her parentage, and the magic is very strong. Imagine having to resist the unified effort and will of half of each cell in your body. That's exactly what Ashi must do, and her mind isn't capable of that kind of focus, and it shouldn't be. No one should have to do that, ever. I'm glad that Jack couldn't bring himself to strike her down, despite her pleas for him to do so, but things sure are looking grim, what with Aku having Jack's sword in his grasp. Maybe, just maybe, Jack will get an assist from the Scotsman's ghost with his Celtic magic and his daughters to subdue Ashi and purge the essence of Aku from her, and she'll help get the sword back so Aku can finally be vanquished. I want to hope for a happy ending next episode, but I can't help but think that either Ashi or Jack will die, leaving the other one to finish the quest.


DBS - Ha, ha. Sucks to be you, Goku. If you thought you were getting out of tedious labor by running off to train with Whis, then the joke is on you, because chore duty comes first. Some of the chores seemed excessive, though. I have no idea how the Oracle Fish could get that many bowls dirty in a day. Cutting the grass with a sickle would be time-consuming, but it re-growing every day raises things to a Sisyphean level. The exploding hourglass alarm clocks would add a level of difficulty to changing Beerus' sheets even beyond doing so while he was still in the bed.


Just to keep Vegeta from getting too smug, Whis doubled the weight Vegeta had been using on the disappearing track. Still, both Vegeta and Goku could still lift it, albeit with great difficulty. It is curious that they both resolved to focus on improving their strength in the baseline state. Whis said that they're not forbidden to use the Super Saiyan state, but they refrained from it anyway. I'm not sure whether they want to make the Super Saiyan transformation unnecessary or make it that much stronger.


I take it that Beerus has a fat brother or some other kind of relative, and Whis has a less whimsical sister/relative who is more willing to destroy at her (presumably) student's behest.


Someone at work keeps up with the subs for this show, and he told me that the first parts of Super adapted the movies Battle of Gods and Resurrection F. Since we looked in on the Frieza Force, who were still struggling to keep Frieza's empire together, then I guess we're ready to move on to that part.


DBZK - Dabura powering up to face Gohan was sensible. I like the Saiyan sense of respect regarding combat. It's Gohan's turn now. He didn't intrude on either Goku's or Vegeta's fight, so it wouldn't be right for them to edge in on his fight.


Yes, a battle royale for the remaining five contestants would be dangerous for Mr. Satan if the others had agreed to knock him out of the running first, but neither 18 nor "Mighty Mask" were concerned about anyone except the boys knowing 18 would be a tough opponent. I liked Bulma and Chi Chi deciding they might as well cheer for 18, since she was the only one (of which they were aware) from their group who was still in it. It looked to me like 18 liked the encouragement from the others, especially Marron. I can get Jewel wanting revenge for 18 snubbing his advances, especially since she didn't give the completely respectable rationale that she was already married. However, Trunks did right by Killa in telling him 18 was the one (other than "Mighty Mask," that is) who was a real cause for concern, so Killa turning on the boys wasn't truly justified.


AoT: 2nd Course - Yes, Ymir had a crazy kind of look in her eyes at various points in the episode, but I didn't expect her to have titan-shifting powers. Maybe a better question at this point would be who among Armin, Eren and Mikasa's cadet class DOESN'T have those powers. Plus, going by the next episode promo, Ymir's titan form is plenty violent, but on the small side. I'm not sure whether she alone will be enough to save the others from the second wave of titans.


Um, Reiner? What's the big deal about Ymir being able to read a language that you can't? I know enough about Spanish to read warning labels and most of instruction manuals' Spanish portions without constantly needing to reference the English portion, even though English is my first language. All it necessarily means is that she has some education that you lack.


The Scouts who had their ODM gear fought well, but they weren't expecting a ballistic attack (dick move, Squatchy), and the others exhausted the capabilities of their gear. It's a shame - the blond chick was pretty.


Our recent graduates fought well for having ineffectual weapons. Reiner being motivated by a past friend's sacrifice to save him was good, but I'm still amazed by his pain tolerance and determination to pick up that really-big-human-sized (maybe Gigantopithecus-sized?) titan and fireman's-carry it to a window with his arm in its teeth. Slicing its jaw so Reiner wouldn't need to jump out the window with it was a good idea, and Ymir had a good kick, too.


Poor pompadour guy. His discovered booze was used as an antiseptic, so he couldn't even have a final drink before he died.


TG - I can understand Hinami wanting to bring Ken, someone who helped her, to where her mom, Ryoko, was, but sadly for her and Ryoko, Ken isn't a capable fighter, so all he could do was keep Hinami quiet so she wouldn't be detected and prevent her from seeing her mom die.


Touka has a rabbit mask, and it's on the cutesy side, like the Chappi dispenser. I can get that she would attack any Inspectors she found, since she didn't know that it was Mado particularly who killed Ryoko and her husband, Asaki. I'm a little surprised that Touka only managed to kill one Inspector with her sneak attack. Since the other Inspectors weren't appropriately armed, they were lucky that Mado was there to intervene, and he had a good point for Amon always to carry his quinque.


Mado is a psychopath with a license. I don't understand his outrage over ghouls "pretending to be human," but let's think about ghouls for a moment. They look not to be some evil spirits, but rather another species which has low genetic compatibility with humans that developed alongside humans, unless the show tells us later that ghouls are a more recent development, like Mutants in the Marvel Universe. Whichever the case is, they would have either developed with human society and likely incorporated themselves into that society out of necessity, or they would have emerged from human society. Thus, it's not like ones such as Hinami's family, Touka, or especially Ken are pretending in any way. Except for a unique requirement of their biology and the occasional need to use their non-human powers to defend themselves, they are human.


Back to the psychopathic Mado, he was inhumane and cruel. He boasted to Touka about how many ghouls he's killed. saying it was more in number than the amount of humans she could eat in a lifetime. He's bragging that he's a very good, state-sanctioned murderer. Yes, some of the ghouls, perhaps even most, were deliberate killers, and he couldn't really take the word of a ghoul that they strictly ate only those who died by other means, but it doesn't change that he intentionally seeks people to kill. In a world without ghouls, he'd very possibly be a serial killer. When we consider that he takes the kagune of his victims to use as weapons against other ghouls, it's both prudent and creepy, but that he used a quinque made from Asaki's kagune to kill Ryoko made my skin crawl.


Regarding the battle between Mado and Touka, he's a good dodger, and he let her wear herself out. It showed the importance of cardio, everyone (myself included). Touka was lucky to escape.


Amon is really buff, but we need to consider that Inspectors must meet the force of a kagune strike or some other above-human-average blow with pure muscle power, so they need that kind of power. Inspectors' work is dangerous; they do go after monsters with superpowers. In light of that, it's not surprising that some of Amon's Academy classmates have died.


Oh, so Ken's mask was ready. I can respect that he won't kill Inspectors but wants to do something, but I'm unclear on what that would be.


Hey, ghouls? Inspectors, while strong and trained in hand-to-hand combat, are still human, so why not use a time-tested means of killing people at a safe range - guns? Wait, I think I know this one. In Japan, it's illegal for private citizens to own firearms. Granted, Jason seems like someone who would be involved in organized crime, so he could probably get one if he wanted it. However, in the case of otherwise law-abiding citizens, why not go with archery or crossbow sets? Arrows and bolts are still fast, and they're much quieter than gunfire. However, those are bulky and difficult to conceal. It would really only come into play if a ghoul thought they were going to need to fight some Inspectors on a particular outing.


HxH - Neon is older than I thought. Her dad said she was 17, and while I still don't think she looks that old, she did look older in her disguise outfit than in the clothes we've seen her wear so far. As far as not reading the poems she records with her automatic writing, that's fine. The imagery in the poems is a little much, but that's the kind of thing to expect when dealing with the Akashic Record. It's not like it'll outright tell Chrollo, "your comrade Uvogin is dead, your remaining group will give him the kind of carnage he would've loved for a tribute, but doing so will get about half of the rest of you killed."


As for the P.T.'s assault on the mafia, I'm glad that Chrollo kept Neon clear of the attack. If half of the P.T are going to die, I'd guess that Pakunoda and Shizuku will likely be among the dead (we're not allowed to have women with impressive racks stick around in this show), but maybe we'll luck out in the form of Machi surviving.


It doesn't surprise me at all that Silva and Zeno don't feel like coordinating with hitmen that they would consider to be lesser in skills.


The fuuuuudge, Chrollo? That was some freaky nen monster stuff there, but it does seem limited in its usefulness, since an open window will dissipate the monsters. I'm inclined to think of it as a conjure, but who knows for sure anymore after Kurapika's hax?


MSG: U - Dammit, show! Here I was, just starting to hold out hope that the death flags for Marida in the show and the ED were red herrings, and now you finally brought my fears for her to fruition. This must be something like what Ang experiences whenever her curse takes out a hot dude. I don't understand why she didn't attempt to dodge, because I'm almost certain Links wasn't in Riddhe's line of fire. At least it was touching that she was able to "speak" to everyone individually in the moment of her death, telling each what they needed to hear/know.


Piss on you, Riddhe! You just had to do it! You just had to shoot Marida, because you were a wimp that couldn't handle hearing other people's thoughts, even ones that were reaching out to you in concern for you. As far as I'm concerned, the only way for you to redeem yourself now would be to die thwarting whatever it is your dad and the Vist siblings intend to do to Industrial 7. Barring that, see the first sentence of the paragraph.


To everyone that tried to use the Banshee's psychoframe magnification and Riddhe's cyber Newtype abilities to talk him down, I know you intended well, but it was too much for him and felt like inescapable hounding, and look what he did in response. You all share slightly in driving him to kill Marida.


In other developments, the plan to hit the Neo Zeon forces with the Nahel Argama's main gun worked. Angelo is dead, and nothing of value was lost. Links' great-grandfather used the Newtype mind-link to talk to him. Oh, and now Audrey is off with Links to acquire the Box from the Vist mansion.


Shippuden - Naruto being so still that Gamakichi couldn't locate him says to me that the training is working. Also, what's with those chopped-off stone spikes? I would guess that he's been working on a jutsu other than attaining Sage Mode.


I thought the way they built up the theme of characters who started as students stepping up and taking leadership roles was done properly through the episode. It could be noticed between Shikamaru defending Kurenai and her unborn child, Sakura taking charge of dictating the triage procedure, and Choji joining his father to meet the enemy, but it wasn't so heavy-handed that it felt tedious by the point that Tsunade had to spell it out for the two Elders regarding Naruto.


Danzo killing the messenger toad, which circumvented Tsunade's plan, could, in a time of active invasion such as this, be considered treason. We know that he thinks he knows better, but he's not the military commander. He's a subordinate that acted in opposition to the plan of action. I'm tempted to comment on something he said, but it would get into spoilers.


The Six Paths of Pain and Konan questioning people about Naruto's location isn't going well for anyone. Good save, Kakashi. I look forward to seeing what you can do.


GitS - I don't have much to say, because I spent most of the episode cleaning a pistol I used at the range, so I wasn't paying much attention. We know that the Tachikomas' a.i.s were developing rapidly, and that was a problem, because they were starting to question the why of orders when the time spent explaining that could make the difference between mission success or failure, or between someone staying alive or dying.


As for how Ashi and her sisters came to be, I was relieved that only the septuplets were actual progeny of Aku. However, their mom drinking the cup of his essence to have his spawn is a no. To channel Morbo, HUMAN CONCEPTION DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! GOODNIGHT!


The power of Aku works in mysterious ways. Ways that apparently also involve allowing his spawn a one-day grace period before fading from existence due to timey wimey bullshit.



Of all the things this finale could have fucked up royal, they succeeded in performing all of them. And while there was slight disappointment at Ashi fading from existence at the end (somehow sadder than Gurren Lagann’s wedding scene), it just goes to show how this series is unafraid to deliver those emotional gut-punches. Bravo, Samurai Jack, you’ve served your time on this Earth well. 10/10.



Huh, surprise full OP I guess.

Or maybe it’s just a different cut. I appreciate the show of variety regardless.

Is Fat Beerus looking for a planet explosive enough to make him imagine he saw a Super Saiyan God too?

Dat’s an ominous shadow.


Okay, this must be the section reserved for the extremely hateful.

That bunnygirl pixie is actually pretty cute. owo

:D Sucks to be Frieza.

Is that Appule’s brother?

And that dude sounds like that guy who sounds like JYB but isn’t (Micah Solusod).

Your current leader is a midget with a koala nose, you definitely need Frieza back for that reason alone.


Piccolo may scream about dodging all the time, but Whis could teach him a thing or two more about it.


Goku just doesn’t give a fuck, that’s why he’s stronger.

:D Piccolo is the best.

Clearly Gohan’s new hairstyle has weakened his senses.

Beasts with too many teeth.

Don’t fuck with the Frieza Force.

Am I the only one who thinks that Ymir’s Titan form looks awfully masculine for her?

Quick question: to what extent does the sky darken when Shenron appears anyways?

you can do this you can do this you can do this

Oh yeah, they don’t know about Frieza.


Oh he’s gonna be in so much pain.

I didn’t know Shenron could make three wishes now. That’s certainly surprising.

Woohoo, free money and ice cream!

Ginyu Frog?

That ice cream looks like it’s Toriyama brand.


Ginyu and Dodoria in the same scene? Madness!

I love the exploding scouters.

What did Goku break this time?




So is there any comic relief in that movie about evil white people, like, at all?



Dabura’s voice is so smooth, I’m personally surprised this was his VA’s only prominent role.


Those are some very ‘90s special effects they’ve got going on there.


Kid Trunks can totally see how his older alternate timeline self had a great deal of trouble against an actually weaker version of her.

Satan has a bad feeling about this…

“And are those eyes coming out of his torso?”

Heh, just barely keeping himself in the ring. Bravo, Mr. Satan.

It’s good to see he’s okay, but what about Mighty Mask?

Roshi knows…

You think Goten and Kid Trunks would’ve had a shot against the History of Trunks versions of 17 and 18? I think they might’ve.

Scratch that, chances are they’d get their shit pushed in.

I love these Clyde/sand whale bumps; I hate the Left/Right Twix gimmick; this Honda yearbook commercial is underrated; I don’t know how anyone can willingly like this “leaving him at the altar” Orbit shlock; and FUCK THE POP-TART POODLE.

:D Sucks to be Satan.

Okay, Bulma and Chi-Chi have to know by now.

Elsewhere, 18 definitely knows.

Congratulations, you probably just killed Krillin.

Ohoho they’re pissed.

Classic Roshi. :)


And now for the fight that would be the set-up for Bio-Broly.

:D Disqualified on the grounds of being too many people.

Even the background characters know that 18 is best girl.


:D Are those guys literally holding up that background?

Oh hey, tomboy Videl’s back.

Meanwhile, literally nothing has happened this episode with the people who are supposed to actually matter.

Goku looks like he’s leaking yellow fluid from his face.


“Well, speak of the Devil…” LITERALLY!


Damn my sister for keeping me and my parents from watching Mike Tyson and Gotham with her TV commandeering... [shakes fist]



Who is this “Historia” you speak of?

Mikasa with the OTN scarf is kinda doing things for me. :-D

Marco’s still alive? My assumptions that this is a flashback have been confirmed.

Marco, that enthusiasm of yours is likely what got you killed.


Wait, who are they dragging again?

That’s cold, Ymir, and I’m not talking about the weather.

I know this is an important reveal and all, but tell me who this “Mistress” is and what she looks like. :-*

The wrong place at the right time.

Oh, so it’s “mistress” in the conventional sense. :-[

Ymir, you so tsundere.

When all else fails, chuck ‘em off a cliff.

“If he falls, he’ll die for certain!” Did you not hear her say there was a chance he might survive?

:D There’s just something about snow falling on somebody at random.

That flash didn’t look so goo-oh yeah, she went Titan then too.

Oh goddammit Eren.

Always trust Sasha when it comes to securing enough food.

Oh yeah, Daz was that guy that looked too old to be among the rest of the cadets.

This show’s soundtrack is actually pretty damn good.


Plaid Jeff was a punk, whoever killed him I’m sure he had a good reason.

So they knew her from that far back, but not in the way one would think…

Thank you, Reiner.

What the fuck, Reiner?


Don’t be ominous, Bert, it’s not good for your health.

:D Angry and assertive Krista is also doing things for me.

And she’s capable of speaking in Titan form too. Interesting…


Frigging Titans just won’t stay down.

Thank you,  Mikasa.

“You’re not part of the offensive!” “I know and I don’t care!”

:D Eren, you both rock and suck at the same time.

Well, there go half of her limbs.

Turns out she was the Historia they speak of.

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “That's a terrible name no wonder you use a fake one.” Not exactly, but I agree Krista is a better name for her.

TOP BILLING: Eren as per usual, Ymir outside of the main three.


Buying expensive acne ointment when you can just spend the money on concealer. Stupid…



Refresh my memory, #745 is Hinami, right?

“Gee, Mr. Mado, how come the top brass lets you carry two Quinques?” “It’s better that you don’t know, kiddo…”

Kaneki and Touka should just fuck already. Oh wait…

You could really use the extra depth perception for your search. No one but Touka’s around, so take off that eyepatch.

“…Yeah, coming here was kind of a bad idea in hindsight.”

I had a feeling there was a corpse in that bag.


Of all the things they expected her to do with the bait, I doubt that was one of them.

Well, if things go well, they’ll be able to bury/cremate her as properly as they can.

Looks like Rock on the Range out there.


Personally, I think Touka should be the one spanking people.

Of these two I’m gonna root for Amon since he sucks at fighting less.


:D Did he just seriously say “wascally wabbit”?

You’re asking the wrong Ghoul that specific question, dude. Just be thankful he has a decent argument against it, if he so chooses to use it.

To be completely honest, I’m loving this juxtaposition.

You see, Kaneki, they think in black and white, while you view things in multiple shades of grey. Not exactly 50, but definitely a real number.

You may think of spots like this as shilling, but I like to view it as TOM promoting what he likes.


“I can do this all day, kid.”


I do like that “blood pouring out only to be dispersed by the rain” effect.


You better listen to Kaneki while you still can, Amon.

He seems pretty unfazed at losing his freaking hand.

So this is the power of Ghoul genetics… Not bad, not bad at all.

I’d say that revenge was justified, even if it’s not gonna be carried out completely.

Thank you Touka, but poor Mado’s voice.

I’m sure his last words are further expanded upon in the manga.

“What have I done…” “Don’t worry, it’s just a flesh wound.”

It was partly that… and partly the other thing.

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “He was married, so what.” Remember that one episode of Eureka seveN where Renton saw a wedding ring on the severed arm of a KLF pilot he killed? It’s kinda like that, only not nearly as impactful.

[hyperventilating intensifies]

He’s gonna be drinking so much booze tonight.


Okay, that whole afterlife omake was pretty fun. :D



Last time, hell was raised and it was glorious.

Meanwhile, on the M-train…

Kurapika has a nagging feeling about this.

And down goes Daara.

Oh good, the ambulance showed up.

“I will need to inspect all of you. Now drop your pants and face the wall.”

I doesn’t surprise me they’d be impatient enough to just leave the train.

A gaggle of pissed-off mafiosi.

And finally they make contact, even if it’s just by phone.

:D Some say Gon is the stubborn one but, I think Killua just about rivals him in that regard.

Because nothing’s more frustrating than empathy from a presumed psychopath.


Welp, that doesn’t spell too much good.

So, how you enjoying that new blender, Hisoka?

Oh no, I feel a riot starting…

Thank you, Zoldycks.

Did he seriously just fade into view as if he just teleported in there.

“That shockwave felt larger than the last one, that must mean they’re closeby!”

Say what you will about this series in comparison to the original, I still love the atmosphere and setting. Feels like I’m in an actual event center!

Now that was an intense under a minute.

You gotta love those Benz knives.


Time to read the manual!

“Or so the average person would think. But… I’m not the average person!”


Even when it’s expositioning, I really do love this show.

If Al was ever right about this being a hiatus point, then this would be one hell of a place to leave off.

I love how they refer to the random bald people in this show as “skinheads”.


The other three shows will come on Tuesday because reasons.



:| Toonami actually chose to air this too. My god...just...my god.


Now you see why they’re replacing it with Lupin instead of IBO season 2? :P



Blood curses are total bullshit.

“What have I done?” You just confirmed yourself to be worse than Sasuke, that’s what you’ve done.

Full Frontal looks like a completely different person with his pilot’s helmet on.


Would it be safe to assume that this original charter was the reason they destroyed that space station in the first episode?

Ladies and gentlemen, Laplace’s Box.

Man, screw the Federation.

I was under the assumption that Syam was Banagher’s grandfather (considering Cardeas, Banagher’s father, was Syam’s son). Is he considered his “great-grandfather” because he’s so much older than him?

Still, that’s a cool-looking bed he’s got.

Wait, Mineva’s a Newtype too?

No unreasonable demands? Inconceivable!

You still gotta hate-love that colony drop.

Yes, we get it, you’re a terrible person, now kill yourself and be done with it, Riddhe.

How are they able to find those specific fashion accessories so easily?

“What do you wish for from the depth of your heart?” To kill Riddhe, duh.

Damn you, Full Frontal!

Controlling mobile suits with a single mechanical finger. That’s actually pretty awesome.


Banagher and Mineva clearly have no idea what to do next.

Or maybe Banagher does.



I like the dog faces in that wall. :-D

So does the Rinnegan work like Haki or something? It’s all very confusing, probably because we don’t have much knowledge of it yet.


Clearly, the answer is to use genjutsu if the other two don’t work.


I think I remember this move from One Piece.

KAKASHI NOOOOOOOOwait that was just a shadow clone.

REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “It's a nice change of pace that the clone was made out of lightning for once instead of a random log.” Actually the substitution jutsu is what uses logs, if anyone would use one for a clone jutsu, it’d probably be Yamato.


Nothing to see here, just a montage of random varied ninja attacks.

Almighty Push sounds like less of an attack and more of a general trope.

:-D Those chibi demonstrations.


“Dammit, I was sure that would work!”



“Bleeding through my mask? That doesn’t look too good…”

“I know you’re not a shadow clone.” Is that because shadow clones rarely if ever bleed?

Apparently hammers aren’t the only things you can use to hammer in a nail.

Who else thought that Samurai Jack marathon promo was a recap music video the first time they saw it?

Thank god for healing slugs, I guess.

After giving it some thought last week, I concluded that Choji was impressed with Sakura having a handle on the situation not because of her knowing basic triage, but observing how she went from concerned she wouldn’t do a good job to handling it like a pro in little to no time flat.

REPLY TO ANGEL 4: “Genuinely surprised that Sakura's in charge and the entire building hasn't exploded yet.” Well, that’s because medical ninjutsu and socking Naruto in the face are the only things she’s good at. :D

Check his pulse, Choji!

Wait, so Kakashi actually survived the nail to the forehead?

And then he outran a freaking ballistic missile. :D

Gotta love that Mangekyo Sharingan and all its bullshittery.

We know Obito’s dead, sure, but what happened to Rin?

So what he’s saying is… he let Rin die? Or something?

By the way, that guy over there is his father.

Definitely one of this show’s greater losses.

:D What the hell subtle yet gratuitous Gainaxing.


You believe. That’s what you get for not checking your father’s pulse.

Thank you for the good news, Tsunade.

Well, mostly good news.



What a waste of perfectly good medovuha. Also, it’s still my personal belief that Buttetsu really is Batou’s first name.


Hunter... HI KILLUA'S SEXY DAD... KICK HIS ASS, SEXY DAD. I really hope I don't get sexy dad killed here.


Regarding your preference of Joseph over Jonathan Joestar, you said that part of it was Jonathan being too beefy. Silva is every bit as buff as Jonathan, if not more. I'll grant that Silva has rugged good looks, but I don't understand why you're fawning over him to the point of being concerned about your hot dude curse taking him out. Is it because the show has been lacking in hot dudes with Leorio's limited presence in the past couple months and Uvogin being dead?



Okay, that whole afterlife omake was pretty fun. :D


I'm not sure how to feel about the first part of the omake. Mado getting to torture ghouls for eternity sounds to me like an admission that he was inhuman in life, so he wasn't just hell-bound, but he was also slated to become a literal demon. At least Hinami's parents, who tried their best to help people and not hurt them, are out of Mado's reach now.


Jack - No disrespect to Greg Baldwin, but it was nice to hear Mako in the original OP again.


I was slightly surprised to see more than the Scotsman's family come to rescue Jack. I wasn't surprised that several of those who helped were felled in their efforts, but they made the valiant effort to repay Jack's past selflessness, and I respect that.


There's no way I'd be able to remember the names of that many children. Good on you, Scotsman.


Ashi struggling against the influence of Aku's evil was tough to watch, but I'm glad both that she ultimately found a way to resist and that Jack refused to kill her, despite her desperate pleas to do so. I liked her flash of realization regarding having Aku's powers meaning she could open a portal to the past, but I'm uncertain that she'd know how to do so instinctively. Maybe it's purely intuitive magic; she thinks about what she wants the magic to do, and it happens.


I sure am glad that Jack's return to the past was almost instantaneous from Aku's perspective so he didn't have time to recover from the thrashing that Past!Jack gave him. It was satisfying to see that Jack finally was able to destroy Aku, something which the combined deities failed to do, and spared the unknowable billions of his victims from his destructive deeds, cruelty, and oppression.


I hoped for a happy ending for Ashi and Jack, but it made sense that she'd fade from existence. My problem isn't with Jack not being allowed to have that happiness. My problem is that it wasn't instantaneous. As soon as Aku was vanquished, every future thing he did wouldn't have happened, meaning Ashi should've faded or blinked out a moment after Aku's demise. While being denied that love is bad for Jack, it would probably be complicated by a fixture of time travelers changing history - only he will remember the events of the future that didn't happen, meaning he will carry the memory of a lost love. In a way, Ashi could be considered Aku's final victim. Even in death, Aku could only bring pain and sorrow.


We can only hope that Jack finds some kind of solace and happiness in a world without Aku, but I can't help but think that he'd struggle with living in such a world for a while. He's known nothing but that for over 60 years, including the time spent training from boyhood to return to his homeland and destroy Aku. Now that Jack's done that, what will his purpose be? The future past is wide open for him.


I'm glad we finally got to see an end to the show. Maybe they were abbreviated over what Genndy would've wanted, but these episodes were still good final chapters to the story.


Now I'm curious as to what will happen in the 11:00 slot next week.


DBS - Frieza in the tortuously-cute corner of HFIL was funny.


Poor Pilaf crew. They finally secured the Dragonballs, but were intruded upon by members of the Frieza Force. At least they got to channel the selfish, thwarting spirit of Oolong, even though Mai and Shuu made non-pervy wishes. Plus, it sure was nice of Shenron not only to try to talk the Frieza Force out of their stated wish by explaining what Frieza's condition would be (which should've resulted in his immediate death again, but eh), but also to provide refrigeration for Mai's ice cream without her asking for it.


Piccolo making funny faces for Pan was great.


Whis sure is good not only to dodge Goku and Vegeta simultaneously, but also to write on their uniforms without them noticing. As for each one needing to be more like the other, okay.


I guess I'm okay with the regeneration tank technology having advanced enough in the years since Trunks killed Frieza and King Cold to restore Frieza from bits and pieces.


DBZK - It was funny to see Goten and Trunks squirming in Mighty Mask's outfit to change positions, but it was even funnier when 18 figured out who they were and gave them a little scolding. Still, the funniest part was that Goten and Trunks were disqualified not for fighting outside of their age grouping, but rather for being too many people.


I can understand Gohan getting a little antsy at Dabura taking so long to get ready.


AoT: 2nd Course - Krista is actually named Historia. I'll agree that Krista is the better name, and her standing up for Sasha trying to change her ways makes more sense now. As for her feeling guilt over being the unwanted daughter of a nobleman's mistress, that's no reason to seek death. Sure, it sucks that she likely felt little or no love or acceptance before becoming a cadet, but that doesn't justify putting her friends through the grief of losing her. Plus, I can respect her not leaving another cadet to die in the cold.


Ymir possibly also being the illegitimate daughter of another nobleman is an odd coincidence, but I'm more interested in how she got her titan-shifting powers. She clearly was aware of them and how to activate them before Eren knew either of those things about himself. She's also capable of limited speech in titan form, which is odd. I feel like whatever Dr. Yeager injected into Eren during a flashback in the first season has something to do with titan-shifting, and since he was a traveling physician, then he would've had the opportunity to use the serum on other children of near-age to his son as well. If that is the case, then the all-important questions "why" and "how" still remain.


I feel like Krista and Ymir either lost sight of some of their survival training or said training was lacking. At some point, they should've recognized that 1. they wouldn't make it to their destination by nightfall, 2. the storm was too strong to withstand unprotected, and 3. they needed a shelter and fire for all three of them to make it through the night. Not stopping and constructing a shelter was a bad choice on their parts, and if not for Ymir's titan-shifting powers, then all three of them could've perished.


Eren, you're an idiot. Conducting a search in the dark during a snowstorm is, as someone else observed, a fine way to get members of the search party lost or killed by the weather as well. You should all count yourselves lucky that the trio was at the bottom of a nearby cliff, essentially on a direct line to the cabin.


Back in the present, it was funny to see Eren immediately foul his ODM lines after getting excited by finally getting his first ODM titan-kill. Meanwhile, Mikasa proceeded to show him how it's really done. I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to say that Mikasa has likely killed more titans than Eren has even with his Rogue form. As for Ymir's titan form being swarmed, ouch. If she doesn't die of those maiming wounds, then she'll likely not recover her limbs, since the injuries were inflicted on her actual body while in titan form.


TG - At first I was puzzled by Ken's mask having the covered eye reversed, but then I realized it was for use in a different world than his ordinary eyepatch. This one is to hide that only one of his eyes changes, rather than to keep his changed eye covered in the case of unintentional stimulation of his ghoul components.


Mado is one evil piece of work. He used parts of a child ghoul's mother to lure her into a trap, and was going to use both her parents' kagune to kill her. Thankfully, Hinami not only had back-up from Touka, but she also has kagune that are a combination of her parents' ones, so she was properly equipped to fend off attacks from both types. While Tokyo may not be safer from ghoul activity following Mado's death, I would say the world is still a better place for it. His wife, if she's still alive, might disagree with me, but that's okay - she can choose to be wrong if she wants.


Ken took a couple big risks here. He tried to hold off Amon, someone who is specifically trained to kill ghouls, without resorting to lethal force, and he got served hard for it. Ken also knew that he couldn't fully control his ghoul cravings, and yet he unleashed his kagune in order to keep Amon occupied. Had Ken not been so successful, even taking a bite out of Amon, then Amon may have decided that this kind of threat escalation warranted using deadly force on his part. Ken gambled with his life pretty recklessly here.


HxH - I can understand Mr. Nostrade wanting Kurapika to hurry back to protect Neon at the first sign of trouble.


Gon and Killua arguing with Kurapika about getting involved with the P.T. struck me as an unnecessary point of tension between them. Still, Killua was right to warn Kurapika that the P.T. was especially out for his blood.


Silva and Zeno v. Chrollo can't be an ending fight. Surely the show wouldn't kill the bad guys' leader so soon, and I also doubt it would kill Silva. Zeno, maybe, but not Silva. As for the drug on Chrollo's blades being able to take out a whale, recall that Killua did say he was, though his family's training regimen, immune to lots of different toxins. I would imagine the same would apply to Silva as well.


Chrollo having a magic book that steals others' powers is versatile, but needing to fight while holding the book open strikes me as a serious disadvantage in a prolonged battle. It would be fine for surprise attacks, but once he needed to defend himself, it would be a tremendous pain. Even Kakashi eventually needed to put away Jiraiya's book.


MSG: U - We finally learned the secret of the Box, and it was the U.C. Charter being changed to negate the original intention of not alienating and marginalizing Newtypes. I would consider that wise, since it would be seeking a spirit of cooperation with the next evolution of humankind rather than setting up conditions for conflict. Now, this isn't to say that the Framers of the Federation government sought to give the then-hypothetical Newtypes authority over the rest of mankind, but rather to try to ensure their representation. Since Newtypes are people, they could choose not to aspire to office, but there would likely be those among them who would seek to represent the people of their Colony/-ies, both Newtype and ordinary human alike. However, by omitting this article from the U.C. Charter, it gave the Earth-first factions in the government latitude to govern preferentially, which resulted in conflict that killed millions, if not billions. I'm not sure that this exactly qualifies as a secret which could take down the Federation government, but the findings of inquires into what elected officials knew about this could result in many being ousted from office, especially anyone from the Marcenas family, since they were guilty of generational collusion.


Riddhe telling the crew of the Nahel Argama about this is good, but it's still far from making up for killing Marida.


Wait. Since when did Full's mobile suit have a psychoframe component? Now that he has the Box, I say let him use it, but not as a call to armed rebellion. Instead offer it as proof of corruption in the Federation government and let the people of Earth clean up their own house. If they fail to do that, then it might be time to consider a revolt.


Shippuden - Is it just my imagination, or does Kakashi have less stamina for combat and powerful jutsu than he did in the past? Maybe it's the strain of the Mangekyo Sharingan using more chakra than the three-dot version did. Anyway, two Chidori-style attacks and two dimensional portals left him pretty wiped out here. I'm not sure about it being near-death, talking with his dead dad level, but he's still in no condition to fight. Also, if the Mangekyo Sharingan can only be activated if the user has killed their best friend, then either (in order of my estimation of their likeliness) 1. Kakashi thinks of himself as responsible for Obito's death, 2. Kakashi killed someone else after getting Obito's eye that he considered his best friend, or 3. Obito had already killed his best friend when he was smashed by the big rock.


Yeah, the Almighty Push/Pull seem a lot like Blackbeard's Dark-Dark white/black hole powers, except Pain can use it to target a single person rather than everything in the direction of that person.


Slug healing seems like it would be useful, but gross.


Oh, good. Choji and Choza both survived. That's good news for the Akimichi family.


GitS - I'm almost certain I've mentioned the title of the episode being silver oxide, but taking it more symbolically, it could mean "Tarnished Honor," which would be very fitting with Zaitsev's actions.


At the end, when Batou is going at the heavy bag, he says something like "stupid s.o.b.," and I'm less certain now that he was thinking of Zaitsev. He could've been referencing himself for admiring the man in the past.


Regarding your preference of Joseph over Jonathan Joestar, you said that part of it was Jonathan being too beefy. Silva is every bit as buff as Jonathan, if not more. I'll grant that Silva has rugged good looks, but I don't understand why you're fawning over him to the point of being concerned about your hot dude curse taking him out. Is it because the show has been lacking in hot dudes with Leorio's limited presence in the past couple months and Uvogin being dead?


IIRC, her main problem with Jonathan was that he just wasn't as fun as Joseph was. I can buy the sufficient lack of hot dudes in the show as being her reason for that attraction, though I think the ship with Uvogin sailed after he got infected with dickslugs.


There are two things you need to know.


Number one, Lupin will be premiering at 2AM instead of 1:30 as previously advertised. But I record everything anyways, so the time doesn't really matter to me. :P


Number two, Samurai Jack season 5 marathon tonight, for those who want to absorb the final ten episodes in one go.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #19 - Despair Redux! The Return of the Evil Emperor, Frieza! - TV-PGV


11:00 - Samurai Jack #53 - XCII - TV-14V

11:30 - Samurai Jack #54 - XCIII - TV-14V

12:00 - Samurai Jack #55 - XCIV - TV-14V

12:30 - Samurai Jack #56 - XCV - TV-14DLV

1:00 - Samurai Jack #57 - XCVI - TV-PGV

1:30 - Samurai Jack #58 - XCVII - TV-14V

2:00 - Samurai Jack #59 - XCVIII - TV-14V

2:30 - Samurai Jack #60 - XCIX - TV-PGV

3:00 - Samurai Jack #61 - C - TV-14V

3:30 - Samurai Jack #62 - CI - TV-PGV


[see you foolish samurai]


Regarding your preference of Joseph over Jonathan Joestar, you said that part of it was Jonathan being too beefy. Silva is every bit as buff as Jonathan, if not more. I'll grant that Silva has rugged good looks, but I don't understand why you're fawning over him to the point of being concerned about your hot dude curse taking him out. Is it because the show has been lacking in hot dudes with Leorio's limited presence in the past couple months and Uvogin being dead?

Like Poke said, Jonathan's personality was a big hurdle; he'd probably faint at the sight of a premarital boob. Joseph was only slightly less beefy but was a lot more fun and also a pervert. Killua's hot dad is buff as hell and does things for me, and it turns out he's got the same voice as my next Jojo boyfriend so that's a bonus I wasn't expecting.


Hey now, I was into sexy dad back when we first saw him and Leorio still had screentime.


I still think Jonathan would be a much nicer guy as a boyfriend, but yes, I'll grant that he'd be much more proper in a relationship. If you're looking for a hot hookup without a ring, Jonathan's not your guy, and I credit him with outstanding character for that.


I just don't remember the Silva fawning being to that level.


I'm not watching Jack live, since I have each episode on the dvr. I watched a recording of tonight's Dr. Who and am listening to Coast to Coast AM instead. Bill Birnes, JD and PhD, is talking about the Roswell Incident relative to a book he co-authored to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the event later this year, but the topic will shift to covering the independent efforts of T. Edison and N. Tesla to develop a device for communicating with the dead called a spirit phone.


Jonathan would cry the first time I made a dick joke at him and I can't deal with that.


Yeah well last time hot dad wasn't doing anything besides sitting on a couch and not being a terrible parent, not much for me to work with there. Plus, Killua's bitch mom scares me and would absolutely kill me in a fight.


Maybe not cry, but he would protest that you were hardly being ladylike.


True, Silva fighting the leader of a gang of thieves and murderers is more impressive than having a chat with his son about what he wanted to do with his life at that point.


Tonight on Toonami, Frieza's plans for revenge kick off with a task he never thought he'd have to do: basic training, Dabura finally shows up to do battle with Gohan, Eren falls victim to the most nonchalantly delivered plot twist ever, Amon reflects on his early days in the CCG, recent developments in the Phantom Troupe situation arouse Kurapika's suspicion, Banagher and Full Frontal once more clash swords this time over the fate of Laplace's Box, the final preparations of Naruto's training resume as another one of Pain's bodies attacks the Interrogation Corps, and a visit with an old friend in London puts Aramaki in a hostage situation with no easy way out.


Oh, and Jack's rerunning at the top of the block. We can only hope it does better than Attack on Titan did there, otherwise fuck you Demarco.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #20 - A Warning from Jaco! Frieza and 1,000 Soldiers Close In - TV-14


11:00 - Samurai Jack #53 - XCII - TV-14V

11:30 - Dragonball Super #20 - A Warning from Jaco! Frieza and 1,000 Soldiers Close In - TV-14

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #119 - Enter the Headliner! The Looming Demon King! - TV-PGLV

12:30 - Attack on Titan #31 - Warrior - TV-14V

1:00 - Tokyo Ghoul #9 - Birdcage - TV-MAV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #53 - Fake and Psyche - TV-14V

2:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #21 - To the World's End - TV-PGLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #160 - Mystery of Pain - TV-14V

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #17 - ANGEL'S SHARE - TV-PGL


But DeMarco usually isn't in charge of that stuff. -_'


Also, it's a thing I couldn't care less about. At this point, I just like having free anime to watch every weekend.


There was a drama series on History Channel earlier this year called Six which told a realistic, but not necessarily inspired by true events, story of a SeAL team and their efforts surrounding a kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls, some visiting executives for the oil company which sponsored the school, and a former member of the SeAL team working as a security contractor for the oil company. Several, but not all, episodes were rated MA, presumably because of implied (not shown) and later discussed incidents of rape, the F-bomb being said at least once in multiple episodes and realistic war violence. This show aired in prime time. With that in mind, I can see your point about people being more accepting of formerly taboo content in their programming, but I can also see the value to parents regarding what they allow their children to watch or what they will watch live when their children are still awake. That hasn't ever really applied to anyone who frequented this thread's past incarnations other than Ghost (and maybe Venus, but I'm unsure), but her children were old enough by the time I came around that the ratings didn't really apply. 


Time to finish my Birthday week. Is it bad that I didn't miss Toonami being off at all last week and am annoyed at feeling obligated to still cover Titan and Gundam?



Recap Time! Even after a week off not at all needed. Insert Troll 2 eating her reference. Here comes the rain and CG flags. Ymir ain't normal. Neither is totally not suspicious Reiner. Historia still loves Ymir. Women apparently throw themselves at Historia. Armin, remember Reiner being totally not suspicious! Bertolt either. No wall breaches to speak of. Time for a talk....and wow, they just straight up told him. :D But damn, that reveal:

So they decided on the Darth Vader join me route, I'm sure that'll work. Eren actually thinking about it. :D Flashback time! So they already knew, just like any viewer with half a brain. :D Potato Girl contributes nothing. Eren you're a fucking moron. :D Armin however is not. Really Eren? Are you fucking kidding me here? :D I'm just gonna assume that was a bad attempt at deception by Eren. Reiner gone cuckoo. Mikasa's had enough of this shit. Bad CG Colossal Titan. Go ahead and take him guys, he's a dumbass anyway. Time for a fight! I wish Godzilla would come whup them all.



Oh yeah, this fight was badass! Another show with rain. Aaaand...everyone's dead. Live video feed! Everyone going by Neon's fortunes. Who's this guy? Chrollo dead? Not likely. Fly in the eye! A dead puppet. Illumi's client? Those 10 Dons were dummies anyway. And they go their separate ways. Phantom Troupe gathered. Manipulating the auction. Cleavage girl looks fucking amazing in that dress! Kurapika finally informed. Punch that bald douche! He's right to be skeptical. So I just realized Kurapika is this show's Kurama. Not as good of course, but even being compared is still quite the accomplishment. :D A phony Chrollo corpse! And the rest! The eyes! Kurapika bidding! Bald douche returned! 2.9 Billion! Is Neon still a viable weapon? Baldy is as dumb as Eren. :D Meanwhile with Leorio...drinks! Leorio is the even more neglected Kuwabara of this show. Zepile helped...in some way! Neon has her eyes. Kurapika looks dead inside. And he calls back Gon. Kurapika really thinks they're dead? I don't buy it. But well...it looks likely by that end narration. I honestly thought he'd be smarter. Then again as I said, he's the inferior Kurama.



Why the fuck isn't this over yet? I've run out of things to say about how shitty it is. Another long recap. Brown-haired Hitsugaya vs Full Frontal Nudity. Am I still expected to care about what happens to Marida's murderer? Full Frontal Nudity used Flamethrower! Welp Jamieson Price died. He was barely in this anyway. 2 on 1 and Marida's killer is really being portrayed as a good guy now...wow. :D Shut up Santa. Was Paul Bunyan one of the signatures on that slab? Looked like it. Santa ships them. Pretty effects, still don't care about any of this. Oh Misty girl you deserved better. Oh no, a rainbow trip through time!

And more boring poitical crap to end. Fuck you fatty. Whatever, I'm ready for sleep.


Titan- Back to the lesbians. Oh hey she's not dead. Nah I think it was perfectly understandable to keep her powers a secret since when y'all found out about Eren you tried to blow him right the hell up. I do like glasses girl. You have some real shitty luck, my dude. Half your damn squad is titans, you can't throw a dart without hitting a secret titan. Yeah that's not suspicious and ominous at all. That sure is some casual information there. Okay seriously, is anyone in this squad not a titan? Yeah sure just go with the dudes who are responsible for causing humanity's near-extinction. Levi, continuing to quietly hate everything. Eren you're dumb as shit you didn't believe the obvious bitch titan was the bitch titan. Oh yeah, when I get tired I always get confused and think I'm a giant murder monster. Eren is about to say yes and get himself kidnapped, because he is dumb. If I spent years around Eren I would absolutely hate humanity even more and want its immediate destruction. Mikasa's had enough of this shit. No don't kidnap the lesbian I liked her. Meanwhile Eren doing what he does best, sucking at everything.


Ghoul- I don't care, show. Let's go kill a grandma. The briefcase is full of porn. You're going to get eaten, because you're stupid. Is this flashback supposed to make me give a shit? Yeah, because good people try to murder second-graders. Imagine that, the small child was sad about both her parents being brutally murdered. That bird is a Joestar. Why would you take her past the murder death alley? Don't fight, you're both fucking terrible and I hate you. This show has failed us all, man. This lady and her boobs are the least awful characters in this show. Oh god what the hell now. Oh hey, another character who doesn't give me a headache. I already hate this kid. Nobody gives a shit, random guy. One time when I was little we found an injured bird and we thought it would help to dunk it in our kiddy pool and surprise that really did not end well. Oh god what the hell now. Well that's what you get for trusting someone named Banjo. What a surprise her brother's evil.


Hunter- KICK HIS ASS, SEXY DAD. Killed by balls is definitely how I wanna die. Oh this can't be a good thing. I don't trust this auction. This is definitely fake and you're all going to die. Goddammit Illumi why are you so creepy. Well this did not go as expected. Hey can you give sexy dad the antidote for that poison now? Go away Hisoka nobody likes you. At least they're not gonna kill Neon. Oh yeah this is gonna go well. GO AWAY HISOKA NOBODY LIKES YOU. That lady's got a great rack but her nose is distracting. That is a good plan for making shit-tons of money. You're all fools and you're about to die. Why would you make the copies actually look like you, wouldn't it make more sense to just make random bodies and claim they're the troupe? Oh nooooo it's the eyes this can't be good. I want to punch that guy. Aw fuck, he stole her power didn't he.  That's not your item, you've been bamboozled. Kurapika needs a hug. They could have at least given him a ride. Don't fuck with Kurapika. Oh hey it's the hot idiot. Yaaay, they're friends now. "I learned a lot" means they banged. Quick mole girl, bring out your flute. I feel like things are about to get so much worse.


Gundam- My desire is Joseph Joestar naked while I ignore this show. I also don't have time for this, man who fails to live up to his name. I do appreciate the giant mecha light saber. How is that douchey blond kid still alive? It seems excessive to wear a mask and a space helmet at the same time. I already told you my desire, it's Jojo banging every memory I have of this show out of my brain. Banana is tripping balls right now. You should probably rethink going on a vision quest with a masked dude named Full Frontal. I continue to have no idea what's going on in this goddamn show. Wasn't blond douche evil at the start of this episode? How was that not the end of the episode why are we still doing things. Yeah well we'd al like to have parents we aren't ashamed of but we're not that lucky.


Naruto- Meanwhile, Naruto does absolutely nothing. They're not okay and it's your fault. She has great boobs but is really terrible at her job so I'm all for replacing her. Ino's dad has a mullet. If you scanned my brain there would just be so much porn. So is Kakashi dead or what. With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Naruto's gonna fuck that frog. Goddammit Naruto is there anything you don't fail at. Maybe you should have thought of that before you wasted weeks of time here. I do like that giant rhino. Ewwww slugs everywhere. I'd rather just die than deal with the slugs. Nooo don't hurt the giant devil puppy. Oh look, another magic log clone. I like the giant lucky cat statue. I've seen porn like this before. Whelp you're fucked. Okay the giant MURDER YACK and LOBSTER probably shouldn't be as funny as I find them.


Seriously, it's 2017.  Why do people still give a shit about ratings?


To be fair, I’m always browsing the Toonami threads on /co/, and they’re always complaining about how one night of below average ratings means that Toonami’s gonna die. It’s not exactly easily ignorable, in my circumstance.


Blatch[/member] It’s fun to make Demarco out to be the scapegoat for a whole number of things.


FoleyisGood149[/member] Excellent response. Did you do that on purpose? :D


In lieu of Samurai Jack reruns and to pass the time while my stupid new Windows 10 OS spent a whole 45 minutes applying updates for I assume that Internet browser of theirs I’ll never use, I rewatched last week’s HxH. Anyone who doesn’t like this show can go fuck themselves.



Speaking of “arbitrary strings of letters”, I can’t help but wonder why it’s TV-14 this time. More perverted Elder Kai, maybe?

I’d chalk it up to DBZ magic as the reason why cyber-Frieza regenerated into regular first form Frieza.

Eh, his face reminds me more of a koala than a squash.

:-D I love dub Frieza.

But was he in Hell, or a children’s TV show that takes place in Hell?

Blatant lies and blatant truths.

Rule #1: Never, ever question Frieza.

He also fought Beerus to a draw, if his defeat of Buu isn’t impressive enough for you.

Well… that’s definitely a word I’ve never heard of before.

Guys, hear me out: what if Frieza trained?


“I’m beginning to understand what Beerus sees in these Saiyans.” Oh hey, speaking of whom…

Sneezes that can destroy natural satellites.

The high-calorie stuff was what it took for Vegeta, Goku just had to wait patiently while he was on his current lunch date.

:D I love how Whis is whistling to the background music.

Taste-testing is serious business.


That subtitle says “four months later”, for those of you who don’t speak Japanese.

I don’t know who this alien dude is, but I’m liking him already.

“He’s wearing full body tights!” The proper term is zentai, you insensitive child.


Always be ready for walking tacos that crap ice cream, especially in a universe as unpredictable as this one.

Considering that time travel is technically illegal now, it’d be best if you didn’t tell him you invented the machine Trunks used.


“Ooh, what does this button do?”

Frieza’s come back!?” Yeah, and one thousand men?

:D That drawing.

Jaco looking at those fish reminds me of this clip I watched a couple days ago.

That’s a giant scoop of ice cream.

Whis-y-poo? ???


Yes, that is “We Are!” as Krillin’s ringtone.

Hey, Frieza would kill you more than twice after what you did to his tail.

There we go, one bald head.


No one will ever love you as much as 18 loves Krillin.

It’s Tien! But no Chiaotzu? Why am I not surprised?

And there’s Team Green!

Someone applied a color filter, shit just got real.





To be honest, the only stopped training because Chi-Chi is the worst.

Gentlemen… BEHOLD! THE DEMON KING DABURA! [maniacal laughter]

“Do you take pleasure in taunting, or are you just stalling for time?” “BOTH!”

Huh, Babidi is awfully accommodating.

I think I recognize those mountains.

Mr. Satan may be frightened by a lot of things he doesn’t want to admit to, but strong female characters are one of the big ones.

“Just a friendly reminder that a weaker version of myself destroyed half this planet in an alternate timeline.”

If Satan loses, the fans will riot.

Poor dude thinks Videl will stay that tomboyish after what happened with Spopovich. Don’t know if I should laugh or cry at that, to be perfectly honest.

Is that Maso in the crowd?


Bari Bari, you say?

And with that came the setup for Bio-Broly.

The spoilers in this promo are considerably strong.

Goten looks like he’s squeezing an invisible pair of breastforms.

“You can’t just leave!”  “Of course we can! We’re Saiyans!”

These kids don’t know what they’re in for.

Eh, I guess that B.S. description is accurate enough.


Making him spit up some of his own petrification formula.

Did he go Super Saiyan 2 just now, or is that still regular SSJ?

Well this fight certainly got more intense.


Okay, this fight’s starting to lean a little too heavily towards Dabura.

We black zentai now.


Sick burn, Piccolo.



Yeah… turns out Nanaba’s daddy issues were in the original Japanese dub too.

“But most importantly… Eren finally killed a Titan with his ODM gear. Good for him.”

I’m still gonna call her Krista because fuck you.

Those flags have certainly seen better days.

No way, Reiner’s left-handed? Now that’s a nonchalant twist.

“Behooves”, is that even a real word?

Or maybe I should start calling her Kristoria.

Find a hole, find a hole, find a hole…

Or maybe his right arm was still in that sling.

“What’re the chances I’ll survive a third time?” Considering how you haven’t been killed off yet, I’d say they’re pretty high.

Shut up, Bert.

“Clear?” “Crystal.” If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought they were making a DBZ Abridged reference.

It’s time… for Hannes.

Yeah, we all figured as much after the promo for episode 28.

Oh no, they’re conserving their animation budget!

Like I said. The most nonchalant plot twist ever. :D

Oh boy, there goes Bert’s nervous condition again.

Welcome back to the [adult swim] Singles Program… IN 3D!

You alright Mikasa, you’re looking pretty murderous there.

Ah, so that’s what Sasha delivered.

:D Sasha thinks sweet tooths are weird.

You gotta love these little sessions where they answer the big questions through theorization.

“Oh no… I screwed Eren over!”

And that there’s why Armin’s the smart one.


Huh, so that flag had importance after all.

Wait… he dropped an uncensored S-bomb in a TV-14V episode? THIS. CHANGES. EVERYTHING.

Holy shit Mikasa. :o

Oh no, not the canned food!

:D What the hell CGI Colossal Titan.

And then everyone was a Titan.


Before you ask, the image in the link above is official non-canon.



I don’t really like Amon’s flashback haircut. It exposes his forehead too much, like a male Sakura.

“I… I never knew the CCG hired drug addicts.”

Well that encounter turned out surprisingly well, even if the document was a forgery.

I still can’t deal with Billboard Brow Amon.

You’re right about Mado having a screw loose, but it’s not the screw you’re thinking of.


I already miss Mado and his snappy dialogue.

Why hello there, FUNimation Steve Blum near-soundalike.

Oh look, a disguise that isn’t completely paper-thin.

If any of you are wondering who Hetare is, it’s that bird Hinami and Touka found in the post-credits short for episode 3.

Or maybe it was this flashback that’s happening right now instead.

That bird reminds me of Black*Star for some reason.

I understand you’re sad about your parents, but maybe you should get that bird some medical attention first.

Or maybe she just hates birds.

PTSD really does suck.

“We’re going to continue to fight until we get our old lives back. Well, their old lives and my new old life, technically…”

:D Hearing those two bicker like this, it’s like Casshern and Lyuze never left the block.

That girl looks awfully young to have white hair.

Kobe, you a busta.

So Kaneki has a weird nickname now too, huh?

The biggest mystery in FUNimation today is why Jamie Marchi’s characters are all sluts. (Followed closely by what the hell happened to Teri Rogers?)

Speaking of mysteries, guess it’ll take a while before we learn about Rize and how she came to be so fucked up.

Welp, night time is the time for crazies to wander the streets.

:D I don’t know what’s funnier, that weird kid’s slurred speech or Kaneki’s aroused hunger.

Dayum, he got his ass pickpocketed. Which is why I keep my wallet in my front pockets; no one ever goes there.

ANIMATION STUDIO SHOUT-OUT OF THE WEEK: Kaneki gets his money from Pierrot Bank.

Meanwhile, Kaneki seems rather okay with losing his wallet.

Hide is surprisingly sharp. I’m glad he survived his first near-fatal encounter. :)

Because what’s a series animated by Pierrot without a clown or two?

This dude sounds like a bigger wimp than Kaneki.

“You and I have been assigned to a special task force.” “Wait, weren’t they calling them ‘do-groups’ a while ago?”

The 11th ward sounds like a party.

:D No one cares about this guy’s badass alter ego.

Sweet, Touka flashback time.

It feels like Japan’s the only country nowadays that recognizes tomboys as a thing.

Huh, no gruesome gut punches this time. That’s a first.

:D Touka, you so tsundere.

Great, now I’m getting BECK flashbacks.

“It’s so bitter…” Then why’d you even buy it?

Oh boy, it’s a gas mask gang. :-D

Look, more recognizable voices! Ian Sinclair and Todd Haberkorn, to be specific.

Touka’s brother grew up to be a real asshole.

TOP BILLING: Kaneki, followed by Amon.

I honestly can’t think of anything to say this time, other than I guess we now know Uta’s real hair color.


“Boy do I hate sharks!” [jumps in shark-infested waters] “AHHHHHHHH SHARKS!!!”



That island looks like it’ll be important, considering it’s our first time seeing it.


Uvogin may be dead, but Patrick Seitz’s voice is here to stay.

That guy looks like he could be Reiner’s dad. [gasp] Maybe he is!

Well… so much for that livewatch.

Illumi may be the one the show wants me to hate more, but I just wanna punch that little girl in her stupid face.

The Zoldycks sure are a complicated family.


[gasp] That thing can speak!?

Clownboner and murder string is the best combo.

Making copies of the merchandise to sell to the bidders while the real ones are kept for yourself. It’s definitely more clever than just shooting up everyone and getting away with the wares the old-fashioned way, I’ll give you that much.

Kurapika got kill-stealed? Now that is unforgivable.

Shut your face, mafia dude.

:D Thank you, Kurapika.

It’s actually nice seeing the Brown M&M not try to screw over Red.

Well, at least Kurapika now knows what Chrollo looks like.

Even if it is a fake, it kinda hurts seeing mai waifu’s corpse. :( Ditto for Machi.

Picked a really bad time to check in on the auction, Kurapika.


Careful, Nostrade, you’re starting to sound kinda douchey there.

So how long until Kurapika realizes they’re fake eyes?

Those Scarlet Eyes are intimidatingas shit.

And, of course, Leorio and Zepile are now BFFs.

Thank god for other countries’ drinking laws, am I right? :beer:

Hooray for trickery!

Because Kurapika’s the real MC of this arc, if you hadn’t figured it out yet.

“I feel sick.”

Was Hisoka eavesdropping on their conversation? I’d ask how that’s possible, but hey, never argue with an evil pedo clown, am I right?

Huh, I just noticed the infinity symbol on Kurapika’s robes.


As with two weeks ago, thoughts on Gundam through GITS come this Tuesday.


[same poke time, same poke channel]


Here's how I rank the 9 episodes which aired last night:


#9: Shippuden - This episode REALY grinds my gears! I tried to watch it and Super simultaneously. And what the hell do those slugs do?

#8: Tokyo Ghoul - Probably because I was still reeling from AOT, I'm really not sure what the hell happened in this episode, but good for the bird from the Episode 3 omake to return!

#7: Ghost In The Shell - This one was never one of my faves, too much whining about wine!

#6: DBZ Kai Final Chapters - Oddly enough, Mr. Satan isn't the "Satan" who got his ass kicked--it was Dabura!

#5: Samurai Jack - I didn't actually watch it last night, but it was a great episode to start the new-ish season with.

#4: Dragon Ball Super - Believe it or not, I really enjoyed the campy comedy and the foreboding sense that Frieza's imminent return gives!

#3: Hunter x Hunter - Behold the amazing disappearing act of the Phantom Troupe and Kurapika's sorrowful rage having to be bottled up for now!

#2: Attack on Titan - The most nonchalant reveal ever, but it set the stage for one HELL of a showdown next week, as Mikasa fails to prevent their transformation!

#1: Gundam Unicorn - Always godly animation, cranked up a notch even higher tonight. I'd say it totally stole the show, as Full Frontal went out in a beautiful supernova!


#7: Ghost In The Shell - This one was never one of my faves, too much whining about wine!


Bah, I wish you'd quit your whining...




And then Full Frontal showed up and ruined everything.

Fuck you, Riddhe.

At this point, I’m not sure if not rewatching this series every week was a smart move or a terrible mistake.

Welp, so much for that sweet-ass mansion.


Well, for as confusing as this show is, at least it looks nice.

I’m somewhat disappointed that all those mountains were painted on.

If you’re trying to redeem yourself, Riddhe, you’re too late!

Syam ships Banagher/Mineva. :-D

“Humans can’t be vessels!” No, but they can be vassals.


Quick, everyone, say the names of the characters partaking in the battle right now with varying degrees of concern!

Holy shit Banagher.

Oh no, he’s trapped in a freaky [adult swim] bump!

I have a feeling this montage of destruction only makes sense to diehard Gundam fans.

Okay, now that on, I understand.


And that’s how Full Frontal learned that even when it comes to the heat death of the universe, there will always be rebirth.

Was that Lalah Sune and Char Aznable?

Not even Banagher is sure of what’s going on anymore.

Meanwhile, fuck this woman and those two other guys.

Wait, so is Alberto seeing reason now?


Fuck you, Ronan, you’re no better than your good-for-nothing son.

Hmm, so he has a heart after all.



Those are some surprisingly plush-looking leaves.


I can’t really fault Naruto for feeling confident that nothing’s going on, since that one frog did get shanked before he could send back that message.

Pagua sonfa pagua sonfa pagua sonfa.

“I can’t believe the damage.” Doesn’t look that bad to me. :-\

It’s kind of disturbing, hearing Aramaki as (one of) the bad guy(s).

Oh hey, it’s the mummy-headed guy from the Chunin Exams.

When probing Vic Mignogna’s mind, be mindful of any memories involving hotel rooms.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that other name of Konan’s.

That one new Pain body looks familiar…

Never underestimate the power of Zombie Cerberus!

And then the training was over before it even began.

You gotta love that Nine-Tails danger effect.


Okay, so Zombie Cerberus now has four heads but no ears, that’s spooky as shit.


MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: A trippy but surprisingly not disgusting video about the folks at the local roller skating rink. The girl at the crane machine looked like the result of human-Meeseeks relations.

Ino reacting to getting healed by Katsuyu looks surprisingly lewd.

Clearly he got himself a new body for summonings.

Telepathic conversations. They run in the family.

Come to think of it, that behind the arms run does look rather silly. :D

Hey, how’d Ino get ahead of them so fast?

Guys, you tried that combination before and it failed, what makes you think it’s gonna work this tiHOLY SHIT A MUDSLIDE.

And that, viewers at home, is how your average Japanese person cooks dog.

REPLY TO ANGEL: “Oh look, another magic log clone.” For the last time, the substitution jutsu’s the one with the logs!

:D That’s a pretty cute-looing iron maiden.

Now it’s time to learn what true sadism looks like! ;D

If there’s no pain, there’s no pleasure. It’s in the S&M code.

It’s official, this Animal Path is even more overpowered than the last one.



What a waste of perfectly good wine, but at least there was still plenty of it for compensation, unlike the medovuha. Still, grief over alcoholic drinks aside, I still love Aramaki trolling the shit out of the British SWAT team. :D And it might just be the masking fetish talking, but the Major wearing one of their suits was surprisingly sexy.


[almost as sexy as dat formal suit]


Gunners: Oh, then that answer is even simpler: advertisers. Advertisers still care. Even with on-demand content and paid internet viewing, there still is the old-fashioned business side to broadcast television.


Gundam- My desire is Joseph Joestar naked while I ignore this show... I already told you my desire, it's Jojo banging every memory I have of this show out of my brain.


Even if it has to be Grandpa Joseph?


I think Levi more hates that he's missing out on titan killing due to his injury. Also, yes, hooray for Itori and her rack.



“Behooves”, is that even a real word?


Yes, it is .


As for your other question, I really thought Gunners meant the content stuff.


Also, I've been reading the Soul Eater manga, and if you aren't familiar with that story, there's a meister that appears in chapter 91, whose name we don't learn until chapter 92, called Zubaidah who would do things for you, Poke.


Jack - Jack sure did have a great beard. It's a shame he lost it later.


The thing to remember about Jack's visions of suffering people from his homeland guilting him over not immediately investigating the smoke he saw is that Scaramouche said he destroyed the village days ago when Jack arrived. That means everyone was already dead by the time Jack saw the smoke. So, while his visions at the river and campfire did speak to a hardness of heart born of his weariness with an unending struggle he's fought for decades, the one in the village during the fight was unwarranted, and he knew it.


DBS - Goku and Vegeta sparring was fun, and I liked the little flash that surprised both of them when they struck fist-to-fist. Maybe it's a hint of that Super Saiyan god form coming through.


Beerus was remarkably cool with Goku and Vegeta training on his planet, even though there were no tasty dishes for him to have, as Whis would've eaten them all. What else would he do? I thought they said earlier in the series that Beerus would sleep for years at a time. It's not like any food from Earth would keep in a refrigerator or freezer for that long without the taste suffering or being overcome with mold.


Wow, Bulma sure looked good here. However, I don't remember Jaco from DBZ. Maybe he's from one of the movies. Bulma trying to call Whis with ice cream was fun.


King Cold warned Frieza about Majin Buu and Beerus. Interesting. Also, it makes complete sense that the Frieza Force wouldn't have been able to find Future Trunks after he returned to the future.


Frieza trained for four months, but we didn't get to see any of it. Now you have me curious as to what he did.


The Z Fighters assembling, minus Yamcha and Chaotzu, was good to see. Even out of practice, they should be able to handle most of the henchmen. If Gohan would train as seriously as Vegeta, or even Goku, then Frieza could possibly be defeated by another Saiyan, but alas, Gohan's domestic life leaves no time for such things.


DBZK - You're a sly one, 18, and Mr. Satan was practical. Sure, it cost him twice the prize money for her to throw the fight, and it did play on his ego and need for adoration, but think of the endorsements that he gets as champion. Surely those are more valuable than the ten million Zeni it will cost him out of pocket.


Dabura v. Gohan has been fun so far, but Vegeta had a point that Gohan slacking in his training probably has left him unprepared for this.


AoT: 2nd Course - I'm slightly surprised Ymir survived, but good for her and Krista (I'm going to keep calling her that because I'm accustomed to that name, it's shorter, and it's more common).


While the titans roaming inside W. Rose did approach from the south, that doesn't mean that the breach couldn't be elsewhere. It would be a good idea to conduct a complete survey of the Wall from each outcropping district in both ways until the survey group from the next district met them, like Hannes said his group did.


I have no idea how Reiner, while in titan!Annie's grasp, could've cut information into her hand back in the first season. As for he and Bertolt being titan-shifters, I already knew from spoilers about Reiner being the Armored Titan, and from that information and his association with Bertolt I suspected that Bertolt was the Colossal Titan as well. What I want to know now is 1. from whence they and Annie hailed, 2. whether Ymir was from the same region, 3. what they know, if anything, about Squatchy, 4. why they wanted to capture Eren, and 5. why they launched the attack on the Walls years ago. Sure, Reiner said something about a mission to destroy humanity, but why would they, humans, agree to do that? If this goes the way I think it'll go based on something from the OP, where we see a glowing light in the outlined charging forms of Squatchy, a whale, a sea turtle, and at least one dinosaur, then I'll be sorely disappointed.


I also don't know why Reiner chose to discuss this with Eren while the other Scouts, especially Mikasa, were potentially within earshot. The way he said it while there was another competing conversation with Hange for us to hear meant to me that it was supposed to be something that other people on the Wall could've heard as well. The expression on Mikasa's face while Reiner and Bertolt spoke with Eren indicated to me that she clearly heard what they said, as also evidenced by her attacking the duo with her swords. It'll be interesting to see what Eren's Rogue can do against Reiner's Armored next week (my expectation is "not much." )


TG - The flashback to Amon's first investigation with Mado was okay, and I feel like Mado had a practical reason to ask to see Amon's quinque; if the case is new, then the latch might stick, and that's dangerous in the field, as we saw when Granny ghoul attacked. Thankfully for Amon, Mado had a plan and was able to intervene in time to save his new partner.


While a disguise may be a prudent thing for Hinami to use, especially with a good wig like she had, the sunglasses may have been suspicious overkill. If the day outside isn't sunny, then sunglasses are unusual and attract attention. Decorative eyeglasses or low-power pharmacy reading glasses might be a better choice. As for the surgical-style mask, that's not uncommon. My understanding is that people in Japan will wear those either if they have respiratory allergies during certain times of the year or if they must be out when they are or have recently been sick. It's a matter of courtesy to other people by keeping their germs contained. Given all the parts of the disguise, I don't blame Ken for not recognizing her immediately.


I'm fearful for Hide's safety. He's too clever for his own good regarding the goings-on of ghouls, and I feel like it'll get him in trouble, especially with him overhearing a likely yakuza like Jason talking about taking the fight to the Inspectors.


I'm fine with Ken trying to find out more about Rize from Itori. However, if Ken is accustomed to the relatively peaceful Ward where he lives, then going to another one with a generally more dangerous ghoul population might be a bad idea.


Touka having a happy family life which was doubtlessly ruined by Inspectors killing her parents is sad and all, but I don't understand why her brother would opt for the revenge course of action when that was contrary to the way he was raised. I'm not keen about the upcoming tragic confrontation that's being telegraphed.


The Inspectors rearranging personnel in preparation for a move against the ghouls in the more dangerous Wards combined with the ghouls organizing to fight the Inspectors sounds like a recipe for carnage. It would have plenty of action, but I don't expect much in the way of plot.


HxH - It was strange to see the way the Zoldycks treated competing contracts. Illumi and Kalluto's job was theirs, and Silva and Zeno's job was theirs. That the jobs pitted each pair against the other pair's employer meant nothing. They all knew it was a race to see which side would complete their job first, and then they needed to inform the other side that it was done before that side could finish their job, or none of them would be paid.


Koltopi had an interesting conjuring power, making copies of things, and even people so the P.T. could fake their deaths and get Kurapika off their backs. Also, I think I like this enterprising effort on their part. Initially, the P.T. only intended to steal the items and kill whoever was necessary to do so. Then the mafia sent armed goons, nen-user hitmen, and assassins after them, so the P.T. decided the mafia needed to pay more dearly in blood, treasures and now money since they'll likely abscond with the auction proceeds as well.


I liked Pakunoda being the auction bunny eyecandy.


While the Narrator said at the end that Kurapika was despondent because of losing his purpose in life, avenging his Clan, I would like to think that he was more disturbed by having to bid on and transport what he had every reason to believe were remains of a deceased relative for the Nostrades.


MSG: U - The action was good, but Full's add-on armaments were very overpowered. Even if Links and Riddhe can stop whatever Mr. Marcenas and the Vist people intend to launch at Industrial 7, the colony has still sustained heavy damage, including several hull breaches. It would surprise me if there weren't already many dead in the colony, and I have doubts that the colony would still be habitable while undergoing repairs.


I respect Bright and Alberto for each protesting Martha and Mr. Marcenas' plan of action.


Back to Full v. the Unicorn Gundam and the Banshee, I feel like that circle thing which looked like it microwaved weapons and other portions of the Unicorn Gundam and the Banshee should've also damaged Full's rig, but eh.


Regarding the time-traveling mind-link between Full and Links, I'm not sure how psychic powers would let them do that. I disagree with Full's nihilistic viewpoint, though; just because everything will end eventually, whether you believe in a Big Crunch, Freeze or Rip, doesn't mean that what people do in the present has no meaning. All of those outcomes are so far in the future that the idea that they'll happen someday shouldn't discourage the billions of generations that could exist in the intervening years from pursuing fulfilling lives while they have plenty of time to do so.


Shippuden - It is strange that the female Pain body could summon the giant beasts in contradiction to what Jiraiya said about each Pain body specializing in one jutsu. Maybe Jiraiya was simply wrong.


The Nine-Tails rejecting Fukasaku takes away one easy assist for Naruto. It'll be interesting to see how they work around this.


It makes sense that a corpse, like the female Pain body which Inoichi saw in the Rain ninja's memories, would feel no pain.


I'm not sure Danzo is being logical here. He wants Tsunade to fail as Hokage so he can take over as Hokage, but he trusts in her to succeed enough that Konoha won't be wiped out. If she prevents the destruction of Konoha, then that means she succeed as Hokage in defeating the enemy attack. If he plans to argue that she failed to prevent the attack, then that's a failure of the intelligence apparatus. Is not Danzo part of that intelligence apparatus? If he is, then he would be arguing that she failed because he failed (or, as seen when he killed the messenger toad, actively sabotaged her efforts), so he should be rewarded for her failure, in which he played a part, with her job. Nope, not logical.


GitS - The thing about wine is that it's still technically a perishable commodity. If something fails in the storage process, as seen when some bottles were left out to make room for the people to hide, then that represents a capital loss for investors, though the Major did arrive in time to put the bottles back in storage without damage. Also, it's like any other commodity in that it's only worth what someone will pay for it. As I've never enjoyed the taste of any wine I've had, it would be nearly worthless to me, regardless of vintage. Thus, I wouldn't be willing to pay what any speculator would want for it and would be unlikely to invest in it. If wine is your thing, you're welcome to it.


The British sure were lucky Aramaki was there to catch a corrupt official for them.


Also, I've been reading the Soul Eater manga, and if you aren't familiar with that story, there's a meister that appears in chapter 91, whose name we don't learn until chapter 92, called Zubaidah who would do things for you, Poke.


I looked her up, and while I prefer OTN masks that conform to the lower half of the face (a la this image I based a new original fiction of mine off of) to those that just hang... you're absolutely right. :)


Tonight on Toonami, for the love of god watch the Jack rerun so 4chan's Toonami General shuts the fuck up about the block being at death's door, Frieza's invasion of Earth begins as his army of 1,000 soldiers go up against the Z Warriors who give a damn, Vegeta's growing impatience with the plot at hand catches Dabura's attention and curiosity, Eren goes full anti-Titan autistic rage mode against the Armored Titan (and the Colossal's there too, I guess), Kaneki finds himself involved with a group of dangerous Ghouls who still don't know that Rize is fucking dead, Gon and Killua attempt to lift Kurapika's spirits with a picnic (seriously), Banagher and Riddhe reluctantly team up to stop the Gryps 2 from destroying Laplace's Box in the series finale of Gundam Unicorn (hooray!), even the seemingly ineffectual comic relief characters are taking part in the village-wide counterattack against Pain, and Aramaki once again takes the spotlight as word of a planned assassination attempt points to his former comrade's son as the main suspect.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #21 - The Start of Vengeance! The Frieza Force's Malice Strikes Gohan! - TV-14L


11:00 - Samurai Jack #54 - XCIII - TV-14V

11:30 - Dragonball Super #21 - The Start of Vengeance! The Frieza Force's Malice Strikes Gohan! - TV-14L

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #120 - A Heart of Evil Awakened: Vegeta, Prince of Destruction - TV-PGLV

12:30 - Attack on Titan #32 - Close Combat - TV-14LV

1:00 - Tokyo Ghoul #10 - Aogiri - TV-MAV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #54 - Fortunes Aren't Right? - TV-14

2:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #22 - Return - TV-14V - END

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #161 - Surname is Sarutobi. First Name, Konohamaru! - TV-14V

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #18 - LOST HERITAGE - TV-14


By the way, I also finally watched that Belladonna of Sadness movie I told y'all about three months ago. It was totally worth the bankruptcy.


By the way, I also finally watched that Belladonna of Sadness movie I told y'all about three months ago. It was totally worth the bankruptcy.

Belladonna was a legitimate quadruple-trip.  Really fascinating.


("Dude looks like a talking penis.")

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