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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

It ain't exactly New Year's Eve-il, but it's commemorative enough.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #108 - My Villain Academia - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #109 - Revival Party - TV-14V
1:00 - My Hero Academia #110 - Sad Man's Parade - TV-14V
1:30 - My Hero Academia #111 - Tenko Shimura: Origin - TV-14V
2:00 - My Hero Academia #112 - Tomura Shigaraki: Origin - TV-14V
2:30 - My Hero Academia #113 - The High, Deep Blue Sky - TV-14LV

Hey, you forgot to cross out the Ms this week! And this year's installment of The Game is quite meaningful, so what gives?

[don't worry, i'm only lightly trolling you]

Edited by Blatch
Added a quøte, since it's a new page.
  • Haha 1

The time for one-off filler premiere adventures is over. Now, we get serious.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #114 - A Quiet Beginning - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #4 - Friend - TV-MA
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #40 - The Three Princesses Escape - TV-14V
1:30 - One Piece #597 - An Intense Battle! Caesar Exercises His True Power! - TV-PG
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #420 - The Eight Inner Gates Formation - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #16 - Vidarr - TV-14V


How much money will I spend on Endeavor merch before this season's over? I have a serious problem, please stop me.

Hero- Shigaraki with a normal, non-raggedy voice triggers my fight or flight response. Man I hope I don't get Hawks killed. This OP is surprisingly upbeat considering what's going on. Twice is a good boy. Wait don't kill all the heroes, some of them are my boyfriends! Oh it's gonna break Twice's heart when Hawks inevitably stabs him in the back. Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman here can fuck off. WILD WILD PUSSYCATS! I swear I'm trying my best to get Garbage Dilf killed but my curse just keeps bouncing off his fat tits. I love that one of the country's top heroes is a washing machine with googly eyes. I'm sure this is gonna go just greeeeat. Fatgum patting Tamaki's head is adorable. Good luck, electric dumbass. Hawks and I can fall in love over our mutual thirst for Endeavor. God, please lecture me about my crimes and moral failures next, Garbage Dilf. Hi Endeavor's other kids! Surprise, he's old as balls. Mic is having a rough time. I like these random patients who are thrilled to be carried away by muscular men. Ooooh Aizawa's pissed. This is going too well. Aw crap. Fuckhands has been soaking in a vat of mysterious liquid for three months and he's still crusty as fuck. RIP Johnny. WHAT'S UP, DOC.

Abyss- What supremely fucked up thing will we see this week? She's adorable and nothing goes well for adorable things in this show. Oh shit, he knows her. Whelp, Reg's kidnapped. :D Nice smelling fluffy one. Leave that poor flat bastard alone. My soul is worth about 38 cents and some buttons. EXCUSE ME, WHAT. I don't like how any of this is going. I love my good little robot son. OH GOD OW NO. I don't like this. Girl get away from his dick. Wait was his name already Reg before Riko found him? The flowers are pretty, something terrible must be about to happen. Meanwhile, Riko violently shitting herself. Oh jesus christ I was not prepared for the tentacle toilet. Rkio no don't go outside something will kill you. This is not going to go well. I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Oh thank god, the thing with the bulbou  ass is here. Meinya is having a rough time in this place. Maybe don't molest the human child, folks. Oh hey, actual food! Here's your food ball, kiddo. Holy shit that thing speaks English? Mmmm, balls. MITTY, I'M ALREADY CRYING. So hey uh what the fuck happened to these flashback people?

Yashahime- It's amazing how much I immediately like this show more when Inuyasha gets to be in it. Go ahead and kill Sesshomaru, see if I give a shit. Sure let's watch Towa fuck it up again. Genuinely surprised she didn't fuck it up. Now it's Sesshomaru's turn to hang out in the coma tree, I guess. False alarm, Towa still fucked it up. Regular Shipp and Dimestore Shippo together make me want to put a gun in my mouth. Oh good it's Sango, someone I don't hate! Why the fuck has Shippo been the only one looking for Inuyasha and Kagome? Sure let's just assume this is a thing that makes sense. Show I literally could not give less of a fuck about the twins. The sword refused to work until Moroha helped because it knows she's the best. Oh dang they're letting the entire OG cast show up, it's a miracle. I don't know if I hate it more or less that the Shippos are friends. It's the Indiana Jones bridge. Break that fucking pearl right now before you get stuck in it again. Okay that's actually pretty sweet. I do enjoy watching Shippo suffer. Forget your cousins, spend more time with your parents. i'm pretty sure the twins are older than their mom by now. Oh, now Sesshomaru gives a shit about his kids? I'm sure she won't stay dead but thank you, show.

One Piece- Brook's just reading some heinous slime hentai. Sorry samurai dude you're just gonna have to go without a torso. Surprise, it's slime! Quick Law, seduce the harpy. The harpy is thirsty and I respect that. Meanwhile, time for shenanigans with Luffy. That is one angry science clown. Whelp, Luffy's dead. False alarm, he's fine. Oh right, he got poisoned to fuck back in te day. Surprise, your boss is a piece of shit. Well crap I don't think he's immune to explosions. Cue the toxic blob monsters. Whelp, Luffy's dead, again. Yeah drop everything and celebrate because you definitely won here. Oh, hi Luffy. :D Face. Well that was easy. Guys do you really wanna fight right now. Aw crap the music cut out. Uhhhhhh hey Luffy you okay there buddy? Aww Franky and Robin are so worried about him. Aw fuck it got Robin too. Tashigi you're made of smoke, more than anybody you should be able to get out of this. And that's the story of how everyone died. Meanwhile, Law is also dying. Who's this asshole?

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On 12/4/2022 at 2:00 AM, EmpressAngel said:

I'm sure she won't stay dead but thank you, show.

Not gonna lie, my first thought when it turned out Towa died was, "Huh, we've never used the Tenseiga on her before." Truly it's the Dragon Balls of bladed weapons.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #115 - Mirko, the No. 5 Hero  - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #5 - Concealment - TV-MA
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #41 - Akuru's Pinwheel - TV-14
1:30 - One Piece #598 - A Samurai Who Can Cut Fire! Foxfire Kin'emon! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #421 - The Sage of the Six Paths - TV-PGV
2:30 - Primal #17 - The Colossaeus - TV-14V

[bunny season: all year, every year]

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This week on MHA:

Hero- RIP Johnny. I'm glad Mirko's having fun here. Aizawa is really the MVP any time he shows up. Aizawa is best dad. :D Bakugo is the worst I love my angry gremlin son. I feel like Kirishima and Crust would get along. This doctor is suffering, good. RIP Mocha. Aw hell the nomus are awake. Well now you're just pissing that rabbit off. Thanks for the nomu lesson, asshole. There's someone out there who definitely wants to fuck that lady nomu. :D Okay the dead monu angels got me. How is this man still so fucking crusty and gross after soaking in a vat for three months. Don't fuck with Mirko. Ow shit her arm. Ma'am I am begging you to crush my skull between your thighs next, please. Really, that arm was just holding her back. I hope someone uses Mineta as a human shield. I have no memory of that large furry hero. Do your best, electric dumbass. Tokoyami is a good boy. Fuck you, Skeptic. Holy shit, Cementoss can do that? Uhh hey Dabi where you going? Awww, he likes Jiro. Fuck you, taser guy. FUCK YEAH, MY BOY. He gets to look super cool for once.

Abyss- MIIIIIITTY. Good luck Reg, don't get murdered. I don't entirely trust this robot dude but it's nice of him to give Reg a ride. So have all you fuckers just been able to speak English this whole time? Wait the mutan frogs with the hair shoved up their asses were a good thing? I love that fat pink blob thing. Yeah Riku, just hop on into another murder hole. Maybe this lady will tell us what the fuck happened in the past. She seems pretty nice, this won't go well for her. I am very nervous to learn the story of this village. Ohhh this sounds ominous as fuck. Oh no why is blobby throwing up? Get this lady some pants. Update: her hat is a shirt. :( Mitty. Nanachi no! Ohhhh, that's fucked up. FUCKING BONDREWD. Aww look at Mitty and Meinya together. I'd like to get off this ride now, please.

Yashahime- Y'know what old man, maybe that giant comet heading right for you might not be such a great thing. So is his disembodied hand clone a good guy, maybe? I still don't give a shit about Sesshomaru or his kids, show. You really expect me to believe Towa hasn't been braindead all along? Gee it sure is nice that this cliffhanger got resolved within five minutes with literally zero difficulty or action on the girls' part. Aw fuck it's Kikyo. Give me more of Moroha and her parents, I'm begging you. WHY ARE THESE THREE NOT THE MAIN CHARACTERS? This is genuinely heartwarming, give me two seasons of this. Go away, Kikyo. Rin you were in a coma, your deadbeat groomer husband flat-out abandoned him. I guess their gonna go see their hot grandma now. Use Shippo and Takechiyo as meat shields. THIS, SHOW, THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABOUT FROM DAY ONE. Awwww, I love Inuyasha being protective over Moroha. Show I literally could not give less of a fuck if Kirinmaru's ghost kid dies. Go fuck your hot wife, Miroku. Just let this rich bitch die. I would also not thank him for making me live longer in this show. Kaede! Did they never bother to give Sesshomaru's mom a name?

One Piece- Oh right, everybody died last time. That man has a steak on his face. Well shit, this guy's got Law's heart. Caesar, still the fucking worst. I like how few fucks Zoro gives about this. Sanji will be fine, Nami's enormous tits count as flotation devices. :D I love Brook so much. These two should hang out more. The torso is definitely stuck in the middle of that poisonous cloud. Oh hey, you found the torso. I didn't realize Kinemon was that tall. I'm sure this Wano place will never be important to the story. Aww, samurai is a good dude. Uh hey y'all, we're about to get killed by smooze. One of my favorite things in this entire series is Chopper's adorable little walking sound effect. Meanwhile, half of them are still dead. :D I love these idiots. Oh sweet, slicing with a side of arson. I'm looking for my son, Nemomonosuke.


When was the last time we had a Naruto episode with sexy results?

12:00 - My Hero Academia #116 - One's Justice  - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #6 - The Luring - TV-MAV
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #42 - The Collapse of the Windmill of Time - TV-14LV
1:30 - One Piece #599 - Shocking! The True Identity of the Mystery Man Vergo! - TV-PG
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #422 - The Ones Who Will Inherit - TV-PGDS
2:30 - Primal #18 - The Colossaeus, Part II - TV-14V

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Well that was a traumatic first hour.

Hero- The doctor zooming down the hallway in his stupid chair is unreasonably funny to me. I'm proud of you, electric dumbass. Man I wish I could turn my stress into instant power. And then Edgeshot killed some dudes. Hellooooo Midnight. Oh hey, mud boy. I love mushroom girl she's so cute. Oh no Twice is sad, we gotta call this off. Ominous shadowy Hawks is doing things for me. Someone please give Twice a hug. This hurts me. Fatgum is best dad. Oh shit look at anxiety boy go, I'm so proud of him. Sorry guy, your legs are too weak for the angry shadow bird. This is going way too well. FAT TAXI. We don't deserve Twice. Aw fuck here comes my terrible garbage boyfriend. Fight for my love, boys! It's not my fault Hawks looks really good burned to shit. Who ordered the roasted chicken? FUCK. Shit, garbage boyfriend knows things. Twice is a good boy but he has the worst friends. Aaaand I'm crying. I understand why Hawks had to do it but fuck this hurts. :( Twice was a good boy.

Abyss- :(MIIIIITTY. Thank you, junkyard dino. Aw hell what now. What the FUCK is that. I hope that fat pink blob comes with us after this. Awww, he carved her into a real whistle. Okay we gotta kinkshame that thing now. I'd like to get off this ride now, please. I enjoy that half of them arbitrarily and inexplicably speak human language. Oh hey, she cut her hair. Junkyard dino evolved into slightly less junkyard mantis. When in doubt, set the thing on fire. Good job, you won and everyone loves you. Aw shit it's still alive. NOOO BLOBBY I LOVED THAT THING. Oh hey, Prushka! Oh sweet, it calls Reg. Reg also gets a new look. Who the fuck is this guy and why do I already hate him. Okay now we gotta find that other girl and steal her hair. I like this random restaurant lady. Wait is Fapta not the little girl from the flashback? Ohhhh I don't like where any of this is going.

Yashahime- I know I'm not lucky enough for both twins to die on this errand but I can hope. I feel like bringing Moroha along is only gonna piss this lady off. Oh great, a sidequest to the underworld. That teacher guy just becoming a whole dude in the future is never not gonna come off as stupid. Sure go ahead and steal Towa's body, see if I give a shit. I may be lucky enough to watch Riku and this stupid child die, which is something at least. I'm rooting for grandma's fuckbuddy here. Moroha doesn't think and that's why she has zero competition for best girl. Moroha being proud of the bow because Kagome made it is straight up adorable. Quick, use Towa as a meat shield! That dead third-grader is doing surprisingly well for herself. Well at least one character I hate is dead now so I can count that as a win. Are we done with the random extra side quest now? Wow what a surprise, the ominous shit is cursed. Towa you're a fucking idiot and I hope you die. I've already been living in a degenerate age for years now. They've literally already gone to this exact time period before, why are you bitching about it now?

One Piece- Law is having a rough day. Oh no, these marines are garbage. Ohh, they're the giant kids' parents. Smoker is going to beat the shit out of all of you when he gets home. You stay the hell away from Tashigi, weirdo. I hope this arc ends with the kids getting to go home. This is why you don't let kids get hooked on meth. Aw fuck it's the drugs clown. I know Smiley is a toxic, unnatural abomination unto the world but I still want to pet it. Remember, protect Nami's boobs at all costs! Brook is a delight. Oh hey, everyone's alive. It's cute that Robin lets Franky sleep on her lap. Smoker's squad is dumb as shit but I appreciate that they care about each other. This bird bitch is a terrible person but she sure is hot. I can't stop staring at Smoshigi's tits. You know a lot of interesting and suspicious things, Law. No I'm too dumb to figure out what you'll do, spell it out for me. Luffy is so confused. Oh hey, flamingo.


Sometimes all you want out of a Christmas marathon is pure savagery.

12:00 - Primal #17 - The Colossaeus - TV-14V
12:30 - Primal #18 - The Colossaeus, Part II - TV-14V
1:00 - Primal #19 - The Colossaeus, Part III - TV-14V
1:30 - Primal #20 - Echoes of Eternity - TV-MASV
2:00 - Adult Swim Yule Log: The Fire Place

That last one isn't Toonami, but it fits the theme nicely.

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Out with the old, in with the new, and with more songs from a certain band per episode than Biscuit Hammer could muster on its weaksauce budget.

12:00 - FLCL #1  - Fooly Cooly - TV-14D
12:30 - FLCL #2 - Fire Starter - TV-14DS
1:00 - FLCL #3 - Marquis du Carabas - TV-14
1:30 - FLCL #4 - Full Swing - TV-14DSV
2:00 - FLCL #5 - Brittle Bullet - TV-14DSV
2:30 - FLCL #6 - FLCLimax - TV-14S

3:15 - Rick & Morty vs. Genocider - TV-MAL

Ride on, shooting star.

Posted (edited)

Say what you will about Bleach reusing the phrase "Orihime Targeted" for some of its episodes, at least it had the foresight to put two-hundred episodes in-between uses instead of the ten to fifteen One Piece used for "Save the Children!"

12:00 - My Hero Academia #117 - Inheritance  - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #7 - The Cradle of Desire - TV-MAV
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #43 - The Blackout - TV-14V
1:30 - One Piece #600 - Save the Children! The Master's Evil Hands Close In! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #423 - Naruto's Rival - TV-14
2:30 - Primal #19 - The Colossaeus, Part III - TV-14V

Those children must really need to be saved if they're that eager to reiterate.

Edited by PokeNirvash
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Remember kids, don't do drugs.

Hero- Last time, Twice was fine and nothing bad happened to him. God I am gonna get Hawks killed at some point. FATAXI AHOY. Fight for my love, boys. I hope everybody likes fried chicken. Aww look at Tiny Hawks's Endeavor plushie. SPEAK UP, WE CAN'T HEAR YOU. Well at least Dabi's having a good day here. Oh hey, Stain. Meanwhile, Garbage Dilf. Aizawa continues to be the MVP every time he shows up. Meanwhile, BUNNY. Owwww her leg. OWWWW HER LEG. Oh no please don't kill Aizawa. Ass. Mirko's having a rough time. Owwwww cauterization. I feel like Crust and Kirishima would get along well. LOUD NOISES. Thank god, Shigaraki is going to die and everything will be fine now right? DJ PUUUUNCH. Dude you should probably laser his head off right now just to be safe. Dang Mic must have hella arm strength to carry that guy around like a sack of potatoes. Doctor/All for One isn't the OTP I expected but it's the one we've got. Oh shit. Meanwhile, hands. OH SHIT. Laser dude you kill him right the fuck now.

Abyss- Aw fuck I forgot it's flashback time. Surprise, there's the curse! This guy is way too chill about everything. I got a real bad feeling about this tiny wide-eyed child. Please hug that child. Bunny! I'm glad she gets a brief second of happiness before whatever horrifying trauma is about to hit her. Oh that water's definitely gonna be poison. Whelp the small child is dying now. Oh we are already off to a depressing start. This is going way too well. Ewwww. And then everyone shit themselves to death. Oh fuck here we go. THE WATER'S FUCKED UP I HATE BEING RIGHT. Ah hell don't trust that thing. Oh that thing's gonna be HELLA fucking cursed. Please just wish for clean water and call it a day. I do not trust this guy. I'd like to get off this ride now please. Oh christ here we go. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK. Where did you get that meat WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MEAT? I feel gross having just watched that episode.

Yashahime- Just a guy wandering around the sewer, noting to see here. Why did these weakass demons survive while super powerful ones are nowhere to be found in modern times? I'd laugh so hard if they fucked up and went to the wrong time. I love that cat. Now, shenanigans. Didn't Towa spend a grand total of like, one day at that school? Kagome's grandpa's been at it again and that makes me so happy. I hate you, spineless pussy Crispin. Sure, no better musical pairing than a pop boy band and a classical violin soloist. Oh this is gonna be annoying. OH FUCK OFF YOU WERE DEAD. Why the fuck would Zero's will help you? This lady's dumb as fuck. I hate you, Towa. Nobody else can see the comet, you idiots. I don't think knowing specifically that I was immolated by a giant demon comet would help me any, Towa.

One Piece- The long recap is genuinely helpful when we've been gone for half a month. Doflamingo is fun. BEAT HIS ASS, NAMI. Remember kids, drugs are bad. This scene is scientifically accurate and thus Senku-approved. Well folks the important thing is you tried. Caesar, still the fucking worst. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't at least consider killing somebody for a really good candy bar. I kinda goddamn love Brownbeard. Yes children, all aboard the flying drug blimp! RIP Brownbeard, for like the fourth time in this arc. Meanwhile, Smiley is a good boy. He's looking for his son Nemomonosuke, and no I will not stop making that joke. :D Stealth Chopper. Oh hey, people. Hi Kid!


It's Saturday and all I've seen from last week were Abyss and Yashahime. Been a while since I slipped behind this bad outside of a holiday weekend...

12:00 - My Hero Academia #118 - The Thrill of Destruction - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #8 - The Form the Wish Takes - TV-MAV
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #44 - When the Grim Comet Falls - TV-14LV
1:30 - One Piece #601 - Shaking Up the New World! Caesar's Horrendous Experiment! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #424 - To Rise Up - TV-PGV
2:30 - Primal #20 - Echoes of Eternity - TV-MASV


You may think you have enough emergency booze for Made in Abyss but boy howdy would you be wrong.

Hero- For the love of god, somebody kill that crusty fucker right the hell now. Whelp, you're boned. That lady nomu is definitely someone's fetish. Oh hey grandpa. Oh hey dragon waifu. God I could watch Garbage Dilf punch monsters all day. RIP that guy. Fatgum is best dad. Dabi's real quirk is making me feel any kind of shame for my thirst. I never liked fried chicken very much. Somebody get Hawks to a medic please. Bird Stand is trying its best. ASS AHOY. I didn't realize that ice guy was a boy for the longest time. Oh fuck the big guy's moving. I love my angry shouty son. I'm glad rock boy is saving the cats. Aw crap here we go. This is not a good day for any of my boyfriends. RUN FAST. RIP Crust, you died saving my boyfriend. Oh thank god, the catgirls are safe. RUN, KIDS! I hope Iida saved that guy's manuscript. Aw crap what the hell is that? Oh fuuuuuuuuuck. Whelp, nice knowing y'all.

Abyss- Is it too late to get off this ride? Oh no Reg what are you getting yourself into. Owwwww. Knowing the meat babies were delicious somehow makes it all worse. IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. This guy ain't right. That mutated child monster's gaping birth canal makes me deeply uncomfortable. I'm not okay with any of this. Dude what the fuck. Oh great, now the monster bats are here. I would also want to be mercy-killed after living through this. Oh christ don't go in that hole. Oh, so that's how they turned into that. Oh fuck she became the entire town. This asshole can't even let her die in peace. It's extra fucked up that he stripped her naked before he locked her up in her adopted child's mutated brain. OH SHIIIIT. I'm rooting for Faputa to murder everything in this city. Someone please hug Vueko. I love that fat pink blob thing so much.

Yashahime- I'm rooting for Moroha to succeed and literally no one else. If nothing else I enjoy hearing Crispin yelling at himself. This show is so much better when it just turns into an episode of Inuyasha. Remember, you can always use Shippo as a human shield. Go home and fuck your wife after this, Miroku. God how long has it been since we got to see Sango do something cool? Show you're never gonna make it less creepy that Sesshomaru impregnated the teenager he helped raise. How the fuck is Riku still alive. I hope dork Crispin is secretly evil and wants to destroy the world but the show's not competent enough to pull that off. You're doing amazing, sweetie! I hate you, Towa. I'm not lucky enough to have her die but I can hope. Dang it, she lives. Okay I said it'd be nice if he was secretly evil but the idea of him fucking up so bad he gets the world destroyed would be so funny. Gee, it sure is nice that our main characters aren't the ones to destroy the comet and save the world. Oh boy this sounds stupid as fuck. Oh he's batshit crazy, this might actually be fun. Towa you dumb fuck he's going to the past, he can literally change the present time. You can go ahead and kill Sesshomaru if you want. Please kill Takechiyo. Gotta get back, back to the past, I could be watching Samurai Jack. Show if you separate Moroha from her parents again I am going to flip a table.

One Piece- Well these navy dudes are definitely gonna die. Good news kids it's time for your drugs. You okay there, kiddo? Drugs are a hell of a drug. Don't trust candy from hallucinegetic reptile men. Nami is gonna kill these people if she ever gets her body back. Usopp might be dead. Pour one out for Brownbeard, he was a real homie. Spoon. I can't stop staring at Big Titty Harpy's boobs. Law is having a bad day. Maybe giving your organs to the bastard already using kids as lab rats was not the best idea. Joke's on you that's his fetish. I could go for some giant candy. Surely broadcasting this across the planet won't come back to bite you in the ass. Oh sure, the problem is you didn't kill enough people last time. I know it's a toxic smog monster but I still want to pet Smiley. Save that dragon! Caesar just keeps finding new ways to be the biggest asshole. I can' believe he's gonna make these dudes run naked through the snow before they die. Smiley is a good boy. Oh I got a real bad feeling about this. Chopper 10/10 stealth mode.

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What else is there to say but... yeah, I got nothin' this week.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #119 - Encounter, Part 2 - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #9 - The Return - TV-MA
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #45 - Osamu Kirin's Apparition Conquest - TV-14V
1:30 - One Piece #602 - The Deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction in History! Shinokuni! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #425 - The Infinite Dream - TV-14LV
2:30 - Primal #11 - Sea of Despair - TV-14V


Yashahime is almost over, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hero- This is going great. Fatgum continues to be best dad. I know this involves a hot dude and fire but Hawks isn't my fault. Beat his ass, walking sidewalk! God I love Mt Lady. I'm cracking up at that hero whose head is just GUN. Hey there Jerky Boyfriend. Twice is a good boy. I hope somebody packed Toga some pants. Meanwhile, aw hell what is this. GARBAGE DIIIIIIIILF. Whelp, you're boned. I will go ahead and take credit for whatever happens to Endeavor. Ohhh I'm not liking that ominous voice in his head. Fuuuuuuck. Deku sweetie you better start running. Oh my god the Pussycats building. Oh fuck he's got her search quirk now. RIP random cowboy. There go my boys. I like watching Deku just go Spiderman-ing around. Scream at me next Daddy, I mean what. I love my angry, rowdy yelling boy. Whelp, hope nobody actually wanted to talk to each other. Grandpa surprise! Dragon waifu! Oh thank god, Aizawa's here. Protect Aizawa at all costs. Aw fuck it's more nomus. Ooh that's a nifty quirk for a sidekick. Manual gets to do a thing! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Mic you can go ahead and just punch all that guy's teeth out whenever you'd like. Aw crap that's a lotta nomus.

Abyss- Reg has a new girl hat. Reg is a good boy. Aaaand she's made it uncomfortable now. Here y'all, have an arm. Reg what the fuck did you have to promise. I'm rooting for you kids to destroy the village. Chomp. Oh no asshole you stay the fuck away. Don't worry I hate him enough for both of us. FUCKING BONDREWD. Riko for the love of god do not use that goddamn wish egg. Is that the same monster from earlier or a brand new one? Don't touch her, you've goddamn done enough to that poor lady. Well that's some fucked up shit. Well, that can't be a good thing. I hope something good happens for Vueko by the end of this. Well this could be going better. FRY HIS ASS, REG. I still love that pink thing. Reg is a good boy. Oh hey, Faputa. She definitely practiced this whole speech in advance. I'm sure this is gonna go just great. Meanwhile, Nanachi. Nanachi no, that guy's a bastard! This is gonna hurt me deeply in my soul I know it.

Yashahime- I love Kagome's mom still not giving a shit. Oh what the fuck is that. Towa you have a better family here, tell your deadbeat dad and his child bride to piss off. I love that fatass cat. Could Riku just go ahead and die again already. Dork teacher is really giving off some uncomfortable vibes here with this confused small child. Well that was an anticlimactically easy fix for their problem. Great job you killed the magic pinwheel chaild. You have to go through that portal immediately but go ahead and waste a couple minutes anyways. Show you have exactly one way of giving me any kind of positive emotional response and it sure as hell ain't with Towa. This stupid dead child is going to ruin everything. What the fuck is that thing? Oh that sounds hella dumb. BUTTERFREE NO. Yep this is real fucking dumb. Show how the fuck did you get me rooting for Kirinmaru in this scenario? Remember, you can use Shippo as a meat shield. I do enjoy Crispin yelling at himself. He's got a point, why the fuck did you bring your small child into the middle of a fight to the death. Why did they make Shippo so unnaturally tiny on Kagome's shoulder there? Remember to use Takechiyo as a meat shield. You can go ahead and kill Sesshomaru if you want.

One Piece- Smiley is a good boy. :D "Man that is one big frog" killed me. Uhhh I don't think Smiley's okay. What do we do, can we take him to a vet? Hey that apple looks weird now. Y'all better run faster. Whelp, so much for these random schmucks. I wonder if it would actually effect Brook at all. Don't celebrate now, I think that smoke is headed your way. I like that random guy wearing a bucket as a hat. Brownbeard's really going through it today. We stan a large gator centaur king. Y'all should probably run now. We don't deserve Brownbeard. :D The gang screaming and running in a panic is cracking me up. Luffy is a good, stupid boy. Aw crap don't open that door. Meanwhile Law, regretting his life choices. Chopper is best at stealth. Hey who threw that? Wait y'all planned this? Law you should know better than to trust Luffy with a plan.

  • Haha 1

Hero- Previously, everyone is fucked. Eri! If anything happens to Deku's mom I will kill everyone else and then myself. I'm gonna fuck your siblings, Shoto. Aww, Bakugo's photo album has a little bomb on it. This could be going better. Okay, watching him clown on Garbage Dilf is good. Seriously Mic you can punch his teeth out literally any time you want. Protect Aizawa at all costs. Awwwww Aizawa he loves his kids. FUCK HIM UP, BOYS. Has anybody tried punching him in the dick a bunch of times? I'm really liking Endeavor being large and angry for a good cause this time. Ohhhh that's not right. Thanks Grandpa. I miss Captain Milf. If Endeavor survives this I've earned the right to fuck him. Meanwhile, things are also not going well. Oh good, Toga got some clothes. Tell me what your deal is, you weirdly attractive sack of overcooked pork. Uh hey kids y'all might wanna run. Mount Lady is a gift we don't deserve. Eat pavement, ice twink. You can ride me like a pony next, Midnight. FUCK. Midnight needs a hug. Momo sweetie it's time to make a shitload of drugs. Oh I don't like that. :D I love Mount Lady. Good fuckin luck kids you're gonna need it.

Abyss- Here Nanachi, have some free bonus trauma. Oh thank god, bunny friend is free. Wait do we get to take Mitty with us? Oh fuck you, show. Kinda early for me to start openly sobbing but it's not a big surprise. Can Nanachi just have one fucking good day for a change? Oh great, now all the cute little monsters are dying too. Oh this hurts me. Hey Reg, nice of you to join us. Sorry but I'm still rooting for Faputa on this one, they did eat all her siblings and use her mother for land development. Once again, fuck this guy. Reg is a good boy. Oh shit, backstory. Uhhh Faputa sweetie you okay there? I'd like to get off this ride now please. Aww she's adorable when she's not violently murderous. Oh sweet, Pallete Swap Reg is back. All of these kids need a hug and decades of therapy. This guy is the worst. Goddammit what is it with this family and the baby thing. Destroy it all, kiddo.

Yashahime- Oh right, Butterfree's going to kill us all. I don't give a shit about Rion go ahead and kill that thing. It's amazing how I feel a flicker of genuine happiness when the original gang gets to do something. Every episode I check my watch and wonder why Riku's not dead yet. You give me the promise of the real crew getting back together and I might actually say something nice about you, show. I hate you, dork Crispin. Yeah humans suck, no argument there. Maybe her death was her idiot dad's fault for dragging his defenseless child into the middle of a sword fight. You can go ahead and kill Sesshomaru any time you want. Oh no, she's attacking you with colored yarn. Way to show up your kids, Sango. Shut up and die, nerd. I hope this entire damn butterfly explodes and kills everyone except Moroha. Fuck off kid, we've all got daddy issues. "Yeah we're alive, why didn't you two, our best friends, never look for us?" So I get that Kagome probably didn't age while she was trapped in that supid pearl but why does Sango look the same age as her kids? I'm glad they're using Shippo as bait. Fuck everyone else just let Sango do everything here. Don't celebrate now, I'm not lucky enough for this shit to be over already. Yes bitch we don't know what you want, that's why we're asking you. Oh I'm definitely not lucky enough for Towa to die here.

One Piece- I love Pekoms and the egg guy. Hiii Kid. I love Kid he's angry and has fat tits. Apoo looks like Present Mic's stand. Killer needs a raise. Law is regretting his life choices. When in doubt, set shit on fire. Law you could have broken out this whole time? That was nice of Law to finally swap them back. Smoker you're the one who decided to show her tits off. And there goes Luffy. Law this is your own fault for trusting him to do anything. I like that the first thing Smoker does when he gets his own body back is open his shirt again. Meanwhile, sucks to be these guys. Do it for the boobs, Sanji. Hey look, that's your body. :D Brook is a delight. Run faster, everybody! Hey Law, whatcha up to? Better get in and shut that door quick. I like that Smoker and Law look intimidating and then there's just Luffy grinning like an idiot. Stop, don't shut that door! :D Goddammit Brook. Sword Bros, go! Okay now quick question, how are you gonna seal that entrance?

  • Haha 1

Crap, I missed a week.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #120 - Disaster Walker - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #10 - All That You Gather - TV-MAV
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #46 - The Grim Butterfly of Despair - TV-14V
1:30 - One Piece #603 - Launching the Counter Attack! Luffy and Law's Great Escape! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #426 - The Infinite Tsukuyomi - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #12 - Shadow of Fate - TV-14V


Turns out that light at the end of the tunnel is really fuckin' bright.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #121 - League of Villains vs. U.A. Students - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #11 - Value - TV-MAV
1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #47 - Father and Daughter - TV-14V
1:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #48 - A Never-Ending Future - TV-14L

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #427 - To the Dream World - TV-PGL
2:30 - Primal #13 - Dawn of Man - TV-MAV


At least I never have to suffer through Yashahime again.

Hero- Good fucking luck, kids. Mount Lady is really the MVP here. Damn that's a shitload of drugs. Remember, you can always use Mineta as a meat shield. Ohhh these kids are gonna need a hug. Eat shit, villains! Not now, Plant Jesus. Whelp, there goes Lightning Dumbass. I hope y'all got good aim. Well kids the important thing is you tried. Tell me about your issues you uncomfortably slutty pile of discount jerky. And Mudman with the power to...mud. This feels exactly like the times I had to wrestle my old fat dog to get a pill in her mouth. BEAT HIS ASS, PINKY. Oh no, suddenly PTSD. Fatgum would be so proud. I love my idiot rock son. Thanks, random hobo hero. Aw crap. Meanwhile, great googly moogly it's all gone to shit. For the love of god somebody grab a gun. Yeah yeah we get it, the world sucks and nobody loves you. Local crusty man too angry to die. Ohhhh this hurts. I miss you, Captain Milf. GRANDPA NO. Snap his neck like a breadstick! This is not gonna go well. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Abyss- Ohhhh this is gonna hurt me. Oh fuck Reg you okay there buddy? You leave Riko out of this! Great now you broke your robot buddy. Huh, the whistle can run out of juice? That restaurant lady has some absolute nuts of steel. We're good, Nanachi's got this. Whelp, snake guy's dead. Oh fuck it's her memories. Nanachi MVP. I think Faputa needs a nug. Oh hell what's that asshole up to now. Oh hell no do not trust those fucking wish things. STOP DOING THINGS YOU ASSHOLE. Awww the bunny thing. Noooooo the bunny thing! Aw fuck here come the monsters. Ohhhhh this is bad this is real bad. I'd like to get off this ride now please. Oh hey, the shadows are here to help. None of this is okay. RIP Robot Buddy. I don't think Faputa's okay. Awwww, they're still gonna help her in the most fucked up way possible. Jesus fucking christ that was a brutal half hour.

Yashahime- Riku why the fuck are you not dead yet. Oh boo hoo you kill the ones you love, don't steal my fucking brand. What in hell was the point of any of that? Hope that wasn't your jackoff arm. That sure was a thing that happened. Go ahead and kill the little bastard, see if I care. I hate Riku and I'm happy to watch him die. I refuse to care about a dead kid whose power looks like a bad laser light show. Seeshomaru has a solid tradition of being a shitty husband and father so this pretty much tracks. "Your teenage bride reminds me of my prepubescent child" ain't a good look, show. Did you really have to put your underage wife's life in danger to illustrate that family cares about each other? Are we supposed to have empathy for this murderous sack of shit now? For like, the seventeenth time in this show, I once again ask why he chose to bring his defenseless child into the middle of a fight to the death. This show has become a fight between two dads so shitty I wouldn't fuck either of them on my worst day and I hate every minute of it. Oh what the hell is this now. For the love of god, somebody cut his head off before some more bullshit happens. Is the child burning in hell now or what? What the fuck is going on? No, the defenseless child really doesn't have the power to do this on her own. What future, she's already fucking dead! Show you're not gonna convince me Towa's actually gonna die at any point. This sounds like it's gonna be real goddamn stupid. I swear to fucking god if she heals this asshole I'm throwing a chair out the window. I would also like someone to put me out of my misery here. Oh what the fuck. God forbid there be any consequences for repeatedly being stupid and irresponsible. Great, now Sesshomaru's abandoned children are finally reunited with their teenage mother who was raised as a child by their father. I am happy for Moroha and her parents and literally no one else. Well thank god that's finally over-wait what the titshitting fuck do you mean there's one more episode.

Fucking Kikyo can never just stay dead. Kaede's too old for this shit. Behold, the whole one and a half people who give a shit about Riku. Meanwhile Kagome's family, still giving zero shits. It makes me genuinely happy seeing Moroha and Inuyasha fighting together. And then Kagome murdered the loan shark. Show you literally could have just made two seasons of Moroha and her parents doing shenanigans together with zero context and automatically been endlessly more entertaining. Oh who's this asshole. It sure is nice that Sesshomaru's started giving a shit about his kids now that his teenage wife has come back to life. I can't believe this show made an even worse version of Shippo that makes me tolerate the original one. Setsuna you've seen city lights, you know what those are! They're right, Inuyasha is a much better father than Sesshomaru. Oh I am absolutely calling bullshit on Sesshomaru doing all that out of love. What do you mean friend, did y'all forget you're literally blood related again? Am I supposed to have any idea who this douchebag is? HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. I hope that princess dies violently. Oh you assholes don't you dare separate Moroha and her parents again. Awwwwww. That is an unsatisfactory answer. Of course Dimestore Shippo came with them. I hope that boat sinks and Moroha is the only survivor. I genuinely hate you, Yashahime.

  • Confused 1

In the trash?

12:00 - My Hero Academia #122 - Katsuki Bakugo: Rising - TV-14V
12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #12 - Gold - TV-MAV
1:30 - One Piece #604 - Get to Building R! The Pirate Alliance's Great Advance! - TV-PG
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #428 - Where Tenten Belongs - TV-PGL
2:30 - Primal #14 - The Red Mist - TV-MAV


I need a fucking drink.

Hero- I swear this isn't my fault. Jesus christ that man just chopped off his own leg and didn't even fucking blink. Even Fuckhands is impressed. DON'T TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND. Aizawa is having a real rough day. THANK YOU, SHOTO. Meanwhile, this is not going well. Well kids, the important thing is that you tried. Fatgum and Hawks, down. Thanks, magic hippie man. Aw dang, they didn't give him enough drugs. Remember, you can always use Mineta as a human shield. At least Dabi looks like he's having a good time. Seriously Mic any time you wanna punch that guy's teeth out go right ahead. Thanks for helping your garbage dad, Shoto. Uhhh hey I don't think Aizawa's okay there. And then Fuckhands exploded. Okay it's kind of hilarious that he straight up thought it was a different month. Surprise bitch, we float now. Thank you Captain Milf. Meanwhile, Aizawa quickly bleeding out. This does in fact sound like some cringey gamer trash talk. Uraraka's hair is adorable. Float buddies! The trick is we're gonna lie to everyone, kiddo. Well that sure sounds ominous. Aww look at my dumpster boy becoming a better person. I like that Deku's just using him like a punchable yoyo now. So uh hey Eri sweetie how's that rewind quirk looking? Meanwhile, Rock Lock being the one actual good dad in this town. I'm so proud of Bakugo. YEET the garbage dilf at him! Aw fuck.

Abyss- I am not mentally prepared for whatever's about to happen. Aaand that thing just pulled a lightsaber out of its gaping chest vagina. I'm rooting for our insane furry princess so hard. Please I'm begging you let this be a rare happy flashback. Aww it's her robot friend. Correction: wholesome robot dad. Seriously what happened to Reg's memory. I love that everyone thinks Nanachi smells nice. I could have lived my entire life without having to remember that one stone cutter who nutted while carving the whistle. And now back to more suffering. Everyone is safe and that only terrifies me more. At least pink blob is happy. Disappointed that this asshole is still alive. I swear to fucking god if he tries to give her that curse egg I'm throwing a chair. Uh hey where's Vueko? I'm glad he's dead. Oh they're all gonnna die. Why do I get the feeling this isn't gonna go well for Vueko. Sweetie no offense but this entire thing may have been a very bad choice on your part. Aw hell here we go. OH FUCK. Lady I don't think yeeting her down the stairs is gonna help her at this point. Aw hell she's a Mitty now. Oh that's a lot of monsters. Reg is a good boy. Blow the whistle! I'm just gonna guess that's some kind of abyss curse that she was protected from while the forcefield was up. Look at my precious robot son go. Meanwhile, this is one fucked up lunch break. Jesus christ Vueko's had it rough. Faputa could probably use a hug right now. I hope we get to take Maa and Kaja with us but I doubt it. Awww she made it a thing. OH NO. Fuck you, show. At least that freakyass giraffe thing is dead. Please just put Vueko out of her misery already. Oh good, it's time for me to start openly weeping. Everyone needs a hug and you're goddamn right I'm including myself in that. At least we get a Faputa out of it.

One Piece- This is gonna be some real fuckin tonal whiplash. Physically I am here watching this but emotionally I am laying at the bottom of a river. Y'all are gonna wanna find something to patch up that hole real quick. And then everybody died. Oh good, the snail's okay. I love Brook so much. Hey Law can you switch them back now? Please, Nami has suffered enough. Sanji's a little off but he's got the right attitude. Oh Law, it's cute that you think any of these people can follow basic instructions. Oh right, I forgot about all the kidnapped children. He's looking for his son, Nemomonosuke. Meanwhile, Luffy's brilliant plan. Caesar is the worst but damn does his theme slap. Eat shit, clown man. Bye y'all, Smoker's gonna go kill a dude. Tashigi you're the only one in this unit with more than two braincells they can't risk you too. Why are you all fighting? I like that Zoro just spent two years sword fighting monkeys with Dracula. It's fun when Zoro has a rare smart moment in between getting lost and slashing things. Joke's on you, Luffy's already doing everything stupid. You'd think eventually people would learn that bullets don't work on a dude made of rubber. I hope everybody's ready for a solid decade of Law regretting his life choices.


You thought Superman of Murder existed only in the Snyderverse? Well think again.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #123 - The Ones Within Us - TV-14V
12:30 - Injustice - TV-MALV
2:15 - Primal #15 - The Primal Theory - TV-14V
2:45 - Rick & Morty: The Great Yokai Battle of Akihabara - TV-14LV


Hero- I'm so proud of my angry dumpster son. And then Deku broke. Oh, that's horrifying. Hey, get out of our inner mind theater! Thank you, Captain Milf. Meanwhile, this could be going better. Iida is a good boy. You shut up and get your own vacant inner landscape! Man, it really sucks that Nana gave up everything and it was still ruined because her son grew eup to be a total bag of dicks. I like that Brother looks so tiny compared to Nana. One for All says go fuck yourself. WHY WON'T YOU DIE. Man that big fucker runs fast. Dabi is having a great time. Toga needs a hug. I love that random giant walrus hero. Surely things will go smoothly with Toga. What are you up to, you inexplicably attractive can of immolated bacon grease. Protect Froppy at all costs. Go on Ochako this is clearly not some kind of trap. Naked surprise! You stay away from our frog. KNIFE. Girl we want to throw you in prison and be done with you.

Injustice- If I hear Kevin Conroy I'm immediately going to start crying. Congrats on the sex, Supes. Oh good, it's an inferior Batman voice. Whelp, Flash is dead. Man I really hope you're not high off fear gas and beating the shit out of your wife. Boy howdy did you fuck up. Sorry Batman but Supes is absolutely going off the fucking deep end here. Look I feel like punching one murder clown's heart out of his chest is perfectly fair under the circumstances. Maybe you should just let Harley get punched to death by Superman. Batman you really wanna talk about how to handle grief over the deaths of your loved ones? Oh yeah I'm sure this is gonna go just greeeeat. Nobody cares about you when you're not Jason Momoa, Aquaman. Is that his dad, oh my god the army is so fucking stupid. Please beat me up next, Wonder Woman. He's fucking Batman of course he knows what you did. You can take the other villains but leave my wife Poison Ivy out of it. Let's be real, if you're siding with goddamn Calendar Man you might wanna rethink things. SOLOMON GRUNDY WANT PANTS TOO. Whelp, Nightwing's dead. Hellooooooo Catwoman. Well this sure is a thing that's happening. Damien forget your grandpa where's your hot mom? Oh no that better not be Lois's corpse under that tarp. This is what Republicans fear is going to happen if one single gun law gets put in place. Wonder Woman may be a bad influence here. God I'm gay for Catwoman. Boy howdy did you fuck up, again. Man, bad time to be a Juggalo in this town. The robot is the only character who gets nipples. I have no idea who this red guy is outside of that one SALT meme. Thanks, Nightwing's ghost. So then are they just leaving everybody else in that prison to die? WOW WHAT A SHOCK RAS STABBED YOU IN THE BACK. And then everyone died. Hey I recognize that ice batarang from the games. Oh great now there's two Supermans this ain't gonna get confusing at all. Now now, perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. Here have this pre-impregnated replacement Lois. Now go home and fuck your catgirl waifu.


It's like the Magic Dance, but a lot less whimsical and spangly.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #124 - Dabi's Dance - TV-14V
12:30 - Ballmastrz: Rubicon - TV-14DLV
1:00 - Justice League vs. The Fatal Five - TV-14LV
2:45 - Rick & Morty: Summer's Sleepover - TV-14

It's italicized because I'm not sure if it's aired on the linear network before, despite being from August of last year.


There is now a 100% chance of me getting at least one Todoroki man killed before this show wraps up.

Hero- Oh hey, Jeanist is back from the dead. Man that crusty bastard is lookin fucked up. Oh good, it just gets worse. It's fine, Nejire will save us. Meanwhile, best girl vs worst girl. Now is not the time for this, crazypants! In a shocking twist, heroes don't like it when you hurt innocent people. Froppy to the rescue! Whelp, big guy's here now. Good fucking luck, Shoto. Local boy too angry to die. Endeavor looks real good beat to shit. Dabi's having a great time. Surprise, Endavor's not the worst one in this family! Aw crap here we go. I appreciate his decision to go tits out for this dramatic reveal. Joke's on you, I'd still fuck you. That poor fanboy is really going through it. Man this is some delicious drama. Endeavor broke. Date me you terrible garbage motherfucker. Oooooh this is JUICY. Aww he was adorable as a kid. Boy howdy young Endeavor can get it. I know Dabi is hideous and objectively trash but destroying the country's faith in heroes by exposing your shit dad's history is some real king shit. All the Todorokis need a hug. Oh no, Hawks. It's gonna be real funny when Jeanist shows back up. It's okay Hawks I still love you. I mean he sure as fuck attracted me and man do I have issues. Endeavor honey you gotta wait and have your guilt-stricken mental breakdown later. EAT SHIRT, ASSHOLE.

Justice League- Oh look a giant meteor is hurtling towards the city, it must be a random Tuesday. This is going well for him. Kevin Conroy showed up and now I'm crying. Honestly in this universe if you're just getting chased by regular human murderers it's probably a pretty good day. Join the club honey, my mental health is being held together with bits of string and thirst over terrible fictional men. I continue to be gay for Wonder Woman. Beat me up next, please. Okay the Kennedy conspiracy wingnut got me. Batman, be nice. At least Mr. Terrific is having a good time here. Oh yeah bringing this thing into your world with zero idea what's inside is a real fuckin great idea, guys. It's probably not a good thing when Superman is bleeding. How is "I'm a spaceman from the future" considered some insane delusion in this universe? Hi Harley! Poison Ivy is my wife. Your hot alien ghost wife is mad at you. Miss Martian is adorable and I immediately love her. Dangit y'all are gonna fuck up that poor girl's PTSD even worse. Okay so what are the other two? Wonder Woman please throw a car at me next. Starboy seems real cool until his meds wear off and I assume he goes on a violent murder spree. My friendship can also be bought with pudding. You never insult a man's hot alien ghost wife. Yeah just go poking around in his brain that'll go well. You should have given him more pudding. Honestly kinda rooting for the hot alien ghost wife here. Supes you're gonna rip those stitches open. I enjoy him calling Batman "The Scary Guy" after fighting the villains for the whole movie. Girl you are kind of a massive dumbass. This went about just as well as expected. Just let that guy see his girlfriend. :D That one saying "fartnuggets" immediately being getting murdered fucking killed me. Great job girl you got your friends killed. Whelp, universe is boned here. Oh yeah that time machine was real fucking safe. For all her faults you can't deny that this bitch gets shit done. Once again, open invitation for Wonder Woman to beat the shit out of me. Boy howdy Jessica you sure fucked this all up. Alright nevermind he blew a hole in Batman's cape, he's gotta die. Fuck this front door in particular. Have fun dying here with us, douchebags! Dang look at her go. Ohhhh she's definitely breaking up with you now. Is there a reason why rocks falling would kill the villains now? It's a giant eye just throw sand on it. Whelp world's over, it was nice knowing y'all. Bye, Starboy. At least I'm not the one who has to watch my boyfriend die this time. It's okay, at least you can't handle your love interest's death any worse than Supes did last week. Way to show up literally months too late to help, assholes. I'm happy for Miss Martian.


Ohhhhh tonight is gonna be a painful time for many of us.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #125 - Threads of Hope - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #126 - Final Performance - TV-14V

1:00 - One Piece #590 - History's Strongest Collaboration vs. Glutton of the Sea - TV-PGL
1:30 - One Piece #605 - Tashigi's Tears! G-5's Desperate Breakthrough Plan! - TV-PG

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #429 - Killer Bee Rappuden, Part 1 - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #16 - Vidarr - TV-14V


I know I've seen this crossover special before but I have literally zero memory of it.

Hero- At least my worst boyfriend is having a good time. Jeanist's clothing puns are a gift we don't deserve. Do you think Dabi was also dyeing his pubes to keep up his secret identity? Endeavor, still broken. Uhhh I don't think Fuckhands is okay here. Meanwhile, these nomu assholes. Is that who I think it is???? Dabi looks good with the white hair. Deku's having a real existential crisis today. MY BOYFRIEND! I missed him so much. ERI LOOK AT MY BABY! I love her so much. Bakugo kiddo I'm pretty sure you're missing a lung now. Yesss name reveal. :D That fucking hero name. Aww, family hug. Endeavor babe you gotta snap out of it before your kids immolate each other. Froppy style! His spider sense is tingling. Oh hey Endeavor nice of you to join us. Ohhhh, that sedative is finally working. Great job now get literally every pro hero to a hospital right now. I could watch Mirio punch things all day. Just grab your own ass and surrender, Compress.

Okay so now that the big guy's done, everything is gonna go fine now right? Oh hey, is Compress finally gonna do something? Oh hey, here's that scene they cut out of My Villain Academia. I'm always down to watch a Klan expy get beat up. Date me, Dabi. Spinner is a surprisingly good boy. RIP your own ass. I appreciate how the villains keep going tits-out to do their dramatic family reveals. OH NO, HE'S HOT. Okay I know how this must look but I swear this isn't my fault. Meanwhile, there goes Drill Guy. He really does have spidey sense now. Sorry Compress, Mirio says no. Well you're fucked if Spinner is your best chance here. Ohhhh don't touch that hand. OHHHHHH THAT'S A REAL BAD IDEA. Uhhhh hey Fuckhands you okay there? Well this is fucked up. I'm not okay with any of this. Aw fuck Mirio's down already. Boy howdy this could be going better. Deku you are a very good boy but now is not the time. So hey where's the closest hospital now?

Dragon Piece- You're not making Toriko more appealing, you're just making One Piece worse. With all the overlapping voice casts I can't tell who's supposed to be talking. As someone who loves food and buff dudes how did Toriko manage to make that premise so dogshit? Of course Zoro's lost again. Maybe the real food was the friends we made along the way. Here have this stupid looking fish. Kinda rooting for the fish here. Piccolo's too old for this shit. Fish you can go ahead and just kill everyone from Toriko first. Brook continues to be a gift we don't deserve. I can always appreciate new people being impressed by Franky Robot. Fish monster please eat Toriko. I find it extremely hard to believe that Luffy and Goku would have so much trouble with this thing. At least Robin looks like she's having a good time and really that's all that matters. This looks like the worst threeway from my nightmares. No really, where's Zoro? Please tell me all three of these characters are voiced by Sabat.

One Piece- That video snail has seen some shit. Stealth Chopper is best Chopper. I forgot entirely what that note says. Oh yeah sure, closing off a door is really gonna stop them. Caesar, still the fucking worst. Vergo's a dick but he does make me laugh. The fuck is this guy, spider centaur? Could Law not just ROOM himself through the closed door? Now is not the time, idiots! Why wouldn't they bring the dragon, they wouldn't just sit there and let it die. Tashigi honey you are about to get your ass beat. Oh thank god, she has some sense. It's nice that they made those doors impractically slow. Brownbeard is a good boy. Shit, run faster! Nami you have wind powers, start using them. Tashigi you absolutely do not got this. Oh, they dead. I am genuinely shocked Brownbeard made it through that door. These marines may be stupid as all hell but they're good dudes at heart. If you're gonna be frozen as an ugly blob monster in death, at least do a cool pose when it happens. Caesar you dumbass you could just open the door again and kill them.


And this night would be a painful one for me, if I had bothered to catch up on the episodes that have already aired.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #127 - Hellish Hell - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #128 - Tartarus - TV-14V

1:00 - One Piece #606 - The Treacherous Vice Admiral! Demon Bamboo Vergo! - TV-PGLV
1:30 - One Piece #607 - A Fierce Battle Gets Heated! Luffy vs. Caesar! - TV-PGL

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #430 - Killer Bee Rappuden, Part 2 - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #17 - The Colossaeus - TV-14V

What a disappointing A-Poke-Lypse.


I forgot Food Wars was coming back and that promo caused me serious pain.

Hero- Oh that All Might statue hurts. I don't trust this bitch. Surprise, it was even worse than we thought! Oh we're in recap mode, time to watch my boyfriends suffer again. I do enjoy Dabi making his garbage dad suffer. Still disappointed that Mic didn't punch that doctor's teeth out. Oh hey, Compress made it out alive. I always forget that ice boy is both a boy and exists. Well at least you took out the scrubs. I refuse to believe those kids want an Endeavor bag. I love my girls. Uraraka needs a hug. I'd liek to get off this ride now please. :( Oh no Midnight. RIP Hobo Wizard. Local Gamer Too Angry To Die. :D Shoto is still Five Weenies to those kids. Uhhhh you okay there, Fuckhands? AW HELL.

I got a bad feeling about Villain Alcatraz here. Maybe take that cursed hand off his face, lizard boy. Oh yeah I'm sure these two random heroes will stop any threat to the prison. Well that was quick. Look maybe it's okay to violate some human rights in a few cases. This could be going better. Somebody get Fuckhands a shirt, I'm uncomfortable with him being half-naked. Don't listen to Tater Face there, I don't think he wants to help you. It just keeps getting worse! Oh no his ominous music has gotten even more ominous. RIP guards. AH HELL IT'S THAT ASSHOLE AGAIN. Hello there, new waifu. Let's all take a minute to point and laugh at Overhaul's suffering. Normally I wouldn't be rooting for a depressed armless man to get beat up but Mirio is back in action now so I think it's time for a rematch. I have zero proof but I want to believe that Gentle is there defending that final prison that didn't fall. They were gamer bros, the strongest bond of all. Do not trust that man. Meanwhile, hospital time. Well the good news is that most of them aren't dead. I love Grandpa but him surviving that is the bigest crock of shit. Aizawa's seen better days. I always forget how normal Mic looks out of costume. Depression for everyone. Endeavor's having a bad day and we can all appreciate that. Someone please hug Shoto. I'm gonna fuck all your siblings, Shoto. Uhhh hey Deku you okay there kiddo?

One Piece- Last time, everyone died. Brownbeard for Straw Hat. Tashigi you're gonna have to wait and have your mental breakdown later. Dragon! Bye, dragon. It's real hard to find a man threatening when he's got a spoon glued to his face. And then everyone else got fingerbanged to death. Fuck you, Vergo. There is nothing I hate more than someone pulling the "you'll understand when you have kids" garbage. No the devil fruit that shapeshifts into people is still stuck in Impel Down. Tashigi just play dead until he leaves and then run like hell. Thank god for Sanji's boner. Huh, so the dragon was high off its gourd the whole time. Meanwhile, creepy dudes offering candy to a drugged-out child. Don't do drugs, kids. Thanks for the drugs, reindeer pirate doctor guy. Caesar's having a bad day and I enjoy that. Kid your candy is full of the bad kind of drugs. Time for the boys to start punching! 

Law's first mistake was believing anyone here could follow a plan. Caesar how is lighting yourself on fire gonna help you? Dude you did try to kill him multiple times today. Clown man you just hand-delivered an open invitation to get your ass beat. Shit now the clown has a lightsaber. Hey Luffy maybe you wanna try sucking less in this fight. Now now, perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. Meanwhile, Brownbeard is still the best. :D I love Brook so much. Hi Law! Goddamn he's cool. Eat shit, Caesar. Meanwhile, at least the harpy's having a good time. Run, idiots! Sanji will be fine, his lungs are so full of nicotine there's no room for toxic gas. MY LEG. Man, not a good week for our Straw Hat fights here. Oh right, his neck can stretch. You stay out of this, bird lady! Hey Law what are you up to? Sanji just leave these scrubs to die, they're not even girls. The fuck is in that room?


A painful season deserves a painful color. Apologies in advance to your eyeballs.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #129 - The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #130 - The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #1 - Final Exams - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #608 - A Mastermind Underground! Doflamingo Makes His Move! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #431 - To See That Smile, Just One More Time - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #18 - The Colossaeus, Part II - TV-14V


Not pictured: Me openly sobbing in distress and I'm forced to watch more Food Wars.

Hero- Y'all really should have just forced Bakugo into a straight jacket. TINY HAWKS. Watching large men destroy villains also gives me a reason to live, Hawks. Oh no, it's a tragic backstory. Someone please hug this child. Okay his mom's quirk is horrifying. Awwww his doll. JEANSMOBILE. I can't imagine 100 ways that fake death plan could have gone awry. I know logically I can't blame Food Wars for these thugs but I'm still choosing to. We stan a denim king. Oh this is not gonna be a good reunion. Goddammit woman thanks for nothing. Hawks your mom is trash and you shouldn't feel bad for ditching her. Dang his voice is sounding rough. Aww he only got the Endeavor doll because it was cheap. Hawks sweetie just go back to the robot voice. Meanwhile society is just collapsing, nothing to see here. Wash is the hero we deserve. I genuinely love that one of the country's top heroes is just a sentient washing machine. Well this could be going better. Aw hell Stain's back. Thanks, Dr Toad. I promise I'm trying my hardest to get Endeavor killed. I could watch him suffer all day. I never realized Jeanist's neck was so goddamn long. :D SHOTOOOO. Ohhh this is getting juicy.

Ohhhh this episode is gonna hurt. Dang, Natsuo really looks just like his dad. Well if nothing else at least she knew she was being bought as a broodmare. No dumbass she's not okay. Meanwhile, helloooooo garbage. Oh no he was adorable little kid. God I miss All Might. Tiny Fuyumi! Someone please hug this child. Boy howdy was that the worst fucking idea. BABY SHOTO. Aw fuck here we go. Oh this got bad this got real bad. I need a fucking drink. So was Natsuo super tall or was Toya really fucking short back in the day? Toya sweetie go to bed. Jesus fucking christ kid. Puberty hit that boy like a brick. Just in case anybody forgot Endeavor was an absolute piece of shit. IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. I hate how weirdly attractive I still find this dumpster fire of a man. Kids you did nothing wrong, you were small children. Shoto is a good boy. NOT NOW, HAWKS. Someone please hug Rei. Jeanist now is not the time for puns! Literally everyone in this room needs a hug. Oh yeah, the entire country's gone to shit. Yay his wings are growing back. Hawks will save you with his love. This is gonna be one hell of an apology video. Protect Deku at all costs. :D Goddammit Bakugo. I love that Jeanist says the entire title. Uh hey Deku you okay there kiddo?

Food Wars- Please don't make me watch this. This is the most generic looking excuse for a pretty boy character I've ever seen. I hope Megumi fails but I'm not that lucky. Put a shirt on, cow tits. I don't like this guy. Why have they just been wearing their bathing suits for two days straight while running these shops? Bring back Soma's hot dad or fuck off, show. I hate all of you. LOOK VIEWERS, LOOK AT THE JIGGLING TITS. Generic guy makes me deepy uncomfortable. Fingers crossed that they fail hard. Smoke. Wow what a shock the team with the main characters overcame the odds and is winning, who could have fucking guessed. I could have lived my entire life without seeing this new jackass's nut face. Isn't using the smell of food to attract diners the entire fucking point, weirdo? This boy has ruined both food and orgasms for me tonight. I refuse to believe Megumi contributed significantly to this. Okay I can believe she's a better waitress than a cook. Oh what the fuck now. Let me off this ride right the hell now.

One Piece- Caesar Clown, still the fucking worst. I got a real bad feeling about that giant evil-looking tank. Dangit Sanji you had like two minutes where you looked cool. Dude your leg is broke, let them fix it. Doflamingo may be evil as shit but damn he's cool. HELLO THERE, NEW WIFE. Man gets shot in the face and didn't even flinch. I don't trust any of these people. Please don't kill my wife. Joke's on you, Luffy's not just acting stupid. Not now, hot bird lady! Punch her in the tits! Oh no she's making it snow I'm really scared now. Meanwhile, remember drugs are bad. Hi, Zoro's tits. Somebody might wanna do something about that dragon. Brook is a gift. :D They're all idiots. Oh, this is the first time Kinemon's seen them in action. RIP dragon, you were fun. Kinemon's hatred of dragons will make perfect sense in about 3-5 years. Guys you might wanna get back on the Brownbeard Express. Man Chopper you really dropped the ball on this one. What boy is it Nemomonosuke?


Oh wow, 10PM already. Did I already make the "better nate than lever" joke? Let's just assume that I did.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #131 - Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #132 - Full Power!! - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #2 - The BLUE Preliminaries - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #609 - Luffy Dies From Exposure?! The Spine-Chilling Snow Woman Monet! - TV-PGLV
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #432 - The Loser Ninja - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #19 - The Colossaeus, Part III - TV-14V

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Hero- Hey kiddo you okay in there? I'm assuming those two are just in time out for mouthing off to Captain Milf. I like that they all have nice chairs in there. Don't worry kid they're not gonna watch you jack off. Yeah dude's straight up got Spidey Sense now. Forty counting as old age feels about right. Ohhh that sounds bad. Huh. God damn All Might was a big kid. All Might was literally just that good. FORTY YEARS?! Okay we gotta find some poor powerless kid for backup just in case. Sooo that means if Nighteye had gotten his way and Mirio took One for All, he'd be straight up dying. I love you, Captain Milf. Lady I'll do anything for you. Moth Shigaraki creeps me right the fuck out. Oh hey, he's got a mouth now. Deku is a good boy. TINY DEKU. Awww, vestige All Might is crying. Everyone here needs a hug. Stop sulking in the corner, you jerks. Aw hell here we go. Well this place sure went to hell in a fucking hurry. Clean-shaven Endeavor looks so wrong. Hawks needs a hug. Why is Jeanist's neck so fucking long. Lady what the fuck do you expect them to do, you demanded they take time to give a press conference. MOMS. Date me you son of a bitch. Aizawa looks good with the eyepatch. At least Dabi's having a good time. Oh no Deku what have you done? NO, MY BOY.

Oh hey, Tall Deku. I miss Ms. Joke. That man is Douchebag Garfield. No one likes you, Tall Deku. Aw fuck not this asshole again! Look maybe we should just let these guys fend for themselves. You suck, Tall Deku! REAL DEKU, GO. Time for a rematch I never wanted. Huh, so he's got smoke powers now too. For the love of god kid take care of your fucking arms. Uh hey kid you're looking kinda scary as hell there. Dude just go do drugs and leave other people out of it. Oh hey, Tall Deku actually did something useful back there. I have no memory of these kids. Mr. Smith might be the worst hero name yet. Douchebag citizens being surprisingly decent here. Well dude you got your ass beat but you did technically accomplish your mission. Deku's just gone full Batman here. All Might gets a sweet car. America did one single thing right. :D All Might's ringtone killed me. Hi Hawks. Bye Deku. Mama Midoriya's really going through it here. Please hug your poor mom. TINY DEKU, AGAIN. Everyone's crying and I'm absolutely including myself in that. Jeanist why do you hold a phone like that. Grandpa doesn't fuck around. He'll be fiiiiiine.

Food Wars- My feelings on this show are identical to a rabbit trying to gnaw its way out of a bear trap. I have zero memory of most of these kids. Alright alright alright. THERE'S JUST MORE SOUP. God I hope Megumi comes in dead last. Oh, the judges are also all people I hate. A lot of these look and/or sound gross. Show why the fuck do I have to watch the loli twins orgasm again? I hope the janitors in this place get an amazing paycheck for all the cum they have to clean up. You had me at cheese. I hate you, Megumi. Put some clothes on you jackass, I don't want pubes in my soup! THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. I'd rather eat Jack in the Box than Megumi's ugly balls. i'm with Worst Sasuke screaming in rage in the background. Oh hey, Soma's hot dad. Generic teacher guy makes me uncomfortable and I'm sure there's a reason for that. Aw hell I don't like this. Please stop talking.

One Piece- Law's so cool. Definitely don't trust this guy. Ooh my tragic backstory senses are tingling. Uh hey Law maybe try not dying here. Fuck you, bird lady. And then Luffy died. Frozen would have been a hell of a lot more exciting if Elsa could do that. I can also be motivated by Chris Sabat screaming at me. And down the trash chute he goes. Chopper I don't think small children are known for their logic and reasoning skills. Fuck them kids. Oh hey, Nami's tits. He's looking for his son, Nemomonosuke. Little girl you better start fucking running. Kinemon, make everyone some pants again. Fuck you bird lady, again. Man Kinemon's gonna be pissed that his kid turned into a dragon. It makes me happy when Caesar suffers. Meanwhile Law, seen dead on the floor. I was joking about the dead thing but damn he is not doing well in this fight. I'm sure in hindsight, it's occurred to Law that it was a real bad idea to turn his heart into a squeeze toy for the people he planned to double cross. Oh hey, Smoker.


"TOM, crackers are a family food. Happy families. Maybe robots eat crackers, we don't know. Frankly, we don't want to know."

12:00 - My Hero Academia #133 - Hired Gun - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #134 - The Lovely Lady Nagant - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #3 - Noir - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #610 - Fists Collide! A Battle of the Two Vice Admirals! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #433 - The Search Mission - TV-PGV
2:30 - Primal #20 - Echoes of Eternity - TV-MASV

[brought to you by royal crackers]

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Man, this is a real rough show to be a beautiful woman with a cool power.

Hero- Grandpa doesn't fuck around. Here, have some furry bait. Deku is a good boy. Damn that is one large woman. All Might, still best dad. Just help the kid you fucking babies. Oh no, they're hot. It doesn't count as my curse if they were already dead! Meanwhile, Garbage Dilf. JEANSMOBILE. Aww look at Hawks's little baby chicken wings. Endeavor looks so huge in the back of that car. Date me you child-ruining piece of shit. The real secret of their plan relies on Fuckhands' pure cringe gamer rage to fuel it. I kinda forgot Nighteye existed. Aw hell they've got guns now. Hellooooo new waifu. Date me, killer gun lady. God I'm gay for this. It's a good thing the kid's got Spidey Sense now. I forgot Snipe existed. Thanks for the info dump, High Noon. The implication that she's just been dragging Overhaul around the country like a sack of depressed potatoes is unreasonably funny to me. Fuck you and your dramatic background music. She's a flying waifu now.

Oh, fuck these guys. Don't fuck with All Might. Please don't kill my son. On the bright side, if you die I'm pretty sure he can't steal your quirk. Deku please tell the previous users to call me. Huh, that's a new thing. Quick, grab Overhaul and use him as a meat shield! Well this sure could be going better. Sounds like waifu has some issues. Oh, that's gotta suck. Someone please hug my wife. It's okay baby I still love you. Nobody likes you, Overhaul. You put your old man in that coma, you asshole! Go ahead and kill the bastard, see if I care. Deku my sweet child you really didn't need to save Overhaul. Look at my boy go! I love my wife. Oh you scrotum-faced piece of shit. GODDAMMIT NOT ANOTHER ONE. And then she exploded. Boyfriend surprise! Hawks flapping those little baby wings killed me. I love my boyfriends. Watching Overhaul suffer is my favorite thing. MY BABY. Oh hell no do not let this son of a bitch get anywhere near my baby. Eat shit, Overhaul.

Food Wars- I want generic teacher guy to die more than most Food Wars characters. Unfortunately I am nothing if not a slut for cheese. What in the goddamn fuck was that. Is there any reason I'm supposed to give a shit about this guy, show? The winner is whoever slathered that bitch in more cheese. I hate you, show. Show me Soma's hot dad or fuck off. Oh, what the fuck. I'd like to get off this ride now please. Lesbian assistant is unhappy with this turn of events. Oh thank god, his hot dad is here. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Soma. Oh is that all, you just adopted this random kid then abandoned him. I don't know why "absolute dogshit parent" makes a character more attractive and I'm afraid to question what that says about me. Boy, this sounds stupid as hell. Where in the hell does that guy find the time to do all that? They look like budget Team Rocket only shittier in some unidentifiable way. I hate this. At least we agree that Megumi is trash. The concept of "evil underworld chefs" might be the least threatening thing I've ever heard. The sound you hear is me trying to escape this show like a rabbit gnawing its leg out of a bear trap.

One Piece- Fuck you bird lady. Law is not having a good time here. If there's one lesson we can all learn, it's to never trust your boss. Smoker is a good dude. Meanwhile, shit's on fire. Sanji you might wanna run. Man these marines are dumb as all fuck. RUN FASTER. Meanwhile, Luffy's stuck in the garbage. Luffy no don't eat trash. Not sure if that's a tiny dragon or giant lizard. Caesar, still the fucking worst. Surely this Vega Punk guy won't be important in 5-10 years. Boooooooooooo. Man, fuck this clown. "Just fill children with drugs" yes of course who wouldn't go with that plan. And then everything exploded. Aww, pink thing's adorable.

On 4/2/2023 at 1:59 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Man, this is a real rough show to be a beautiful woman with a cool power.

Between Mirko's severe beating, Midnight getting fridged, and whatever I assume happened to Nagant, I'm guessing Horikoshi's holding some sort of grudge against that character type?

12:00 - My Hero Academia #135 - Friend - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #136 - Deku vs. Class A - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #4 - The Last Supper - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #611 - A Small Dragon! Momonosuke Appears! - TV-PGV
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #434 - Team Jiraiya - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #11 - Sea of Despair - TV-14V


I'm not crying, you're crying.

Hero- Things could be going better. Remember Deku, you can use Garbage Dilf as a meat shield. You stay away from my boy you potato-faced piece of shit. And then everything blew up. At least sniper waifu is still alive. As someone who's worked retail, I understand completely why someone would rather fuck off into the distance than deal with the general population. Jeanist now is not the time for fabric puns! No pressure here, Deku. All Might is best dad. Our boy needs a nap and some snacks. All Might needs a hug. Oh no you stay the fuck away from him you noseless weirdo. Endeavor once again knocked into second place, this time for Hero Who Looks Most Like A Villain. Even the vestiges are worrked about him. Deku tell your predecessors to call me, any of them, I'm not picky. Hey Deku you doing okay here, kiddo? Who the fuck is that. If I had a nickel every time I saw a character say "my body's moving on its own" I'd be rich. EAT SHIT, PUPPET FUCK. I love my angry rowdy son. I love my kids. Endeavor's greatest enemy, judgemental teens. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Shoto. Aww, my angry dumpster boy cares about his friend. Nezu is the best. THEY SAID THE THING. :D Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight never gets old. Oh this is gonna hurt.

Alright, you gotta beat his ass to save him. CAW. They're good kids. I forget tail boy exists most of the time. He's right, don't you dare make Eri sad. Electric dumbass has three brain cells and they're all trying their best to help their friend. Tokoyami is a good boy. Well the important thing is you tried. Correction, he was fine until Todoroki gave him a concussion. How dare you make Froppy sad. Kirishima is best boy. Son why are you giving any attention to what that scrotum-faced jackass is saying. Oh hey, grape loser actually did something. Uraraka, hug that boy. Hee they redid the rescue move. Look at my dumpster son go. NYOOM. Why am I crying. And there they go, plummeting to their deaths. Red boy to the rescue! Somebody should have swiped Aizawa's scarf for this mission. AWWWWWW MY BOY, LOOK HOW MUCH HE'S CHANGED. I love this so much. Now get that boy a shower. Oh dang, Thirteen is hot. Damn, Nezu didn't fuck around with that security. Oh, fuck you guys. Mic you gotta scream louder than these dickbags. We don't deserve Uraraka.

Food Wars- And now I'm crying out of sheer hatred. I hate you, Megumi. Am I supposed to care about this random bitch? Ohhh these people look real fucking stupid. Letting some schmucks skip half the event feels like cheating. Show I don't give half a fuck about Erina's problems. Is it too much to hope that htey all lose immediately? I don't know who this lady is but I hate her. What the fuck. Are they gonna kill that poor old man after this task? You're all idiots and going to fail. Why is that one a clown. You had me at meat, you lost me at sauerkraut. Who gave him a gun?! Okay that clown fuck has definitely killed and eaten at least one person in the past. I hate all of you. I didn't need to see that, show. Shut the fuck up, Soma. What the fuck, old man. What in the sweet and sour hell. Am I supposed to remember who this is?

One Piece- I want to pet that dragon. Luffy no don't eat him. It was a real smart move to not eat any candy. I don't think you should eat that fruit, kiddo. Yohoho he took a bite of dragon. Momonosuke really lucked out on being the only kid who's not addicted to drugs. Oh no I hope the fruit's not a failure because he can't change back. Sorry kids, you're addicted to drugs and going to die before puberty. Momo is a good kid. Get that boy some food. Oh hey, he makes clouds. There they go. Ghost Brook is so much fun. Meanwhile, Smoker is trying his best. Look if my choice is between certain death and running for like ten minutes straight that is a really ahrd decision. RUN FASTER, GIRL. This fuckin bird lady again. Oh hey, Zoro. Forget the bounty, show me his dick you cowards.


I never thought I'd say this, but finally, an episode that isn't best rating this season!

12:00 - My Hero Academia #136 - Deku vs. Class A - TV-14V
12:30 - My Hero Academia #137 - A Young Woman's Declaration - TV-14

1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #5 - Convenience Store Brawl - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #612 - A Deadly Fight in a Blizzard! The Straw Hats vs. the Snow Woman! - TV-PG
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #435 - Order of Priority - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #12 - Shadow of Fate - TV-14V


You Say Run starts playing and immediately the happy center of my brain clears off the dust and boots back up.

Hero- I'm not crying, you're crying.

Oh my god turn the school into a mecha. Goddamn how rich is that mouse? Fuck these people, we could just kick them out. This is why he's BEST Jeanist. We don't deserve Uraraka. Oh hey, Miss Furry. OH MY GOD, TINY OCHAKO. "Give the boy a break, you miserable sacks of shit." Awww furry lady. Awwww, the one boy! I'm not a furry but this lady is precious. Oh hey, people aren't being total dicks. It's okay dude we were all thirsty for All Might. Endeavor looks so weird in that stupid hat. Endeavor, making children suffer even when they're not his. Aww good he got to see his mom again. Shoto just let me fuck your brother, I'll get him maimed beyond repair. At least Aizawa looks good with an eyepatch. Kurogiri just makes me sad. All Might's out here getting thugs to surrender with just big dick energy alone. Ohhh that's ominous.

Food Wars- I wish that old man had shot you. I hate this girl more than usual. I swear this is already a Guy Fieri show on Food Network. Wow this is dumb. I feel like "take simple junk food and turn it into a high quality gourmet meal" is kinda ridiculously up Soma's alley. I have no memory of any of these people. I hope it's only worth $99 and he gets kicked out. Okay, charging him for crap work was actually funny. Big deal I can make a quality meal from 7-11 with just potato chips crumbled over mac and cheese, where's my medal. No seriously, does Soma have a single emotion beyond just obnoxiously smug confidence? Just take your money and get the fuck out. Potatoes with orange juice sounds goddamn awful. I wish I didn't have to watch this girl masturbate over mashed potatoes. Meanwhile Erina getting culinarily gang banged because why the fuck not. Megumi passing continues to be absolute horse shit. At least I don't have to deal with that girl again. Wow what a shock the evil chefs are evil. I feel like this is gonna be even dumber. Oh fuck me there's a bonus round. Why the fuck should I care about this lady?

One Piece- Beat her ass, Zoro! Mocha is a good kid. Just in case you forgot just how big of a bag of shit Caesar is. Remember kids, never trust a clown. Children are indeed terrifying. Oh hey, thanks Nami. And then they died. Joke's on you lady, Zoro will straight up kill you. Meanwhile, shenanigans. And then Momo died. Caesar, still the fucking worst. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no. And here comes the navy to ruin everything. :D Goddammit Sanji. :D They're all so fucking stupid. Honestlly these idiots kinda deserve to get slaughtered. Oh hey, Tashigi is here. Tashigi put your glasses on.


Ah, so they had one more in 'em.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #137 - A Young Woman's Declaration - TV-14
12:30 - My Hero Academia #138 - No Man is an Island - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #6 - A Midsummer Christmas - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #613 - Showing Off His Techniques! Zoro's Formidable One-Sword Style! - TV-14LV
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #436 - The Masked Man - TV-PG
2:30 - Primal #13 - Dawn of Man - TV-MAV


Zoro is so fucking cool.

Hero- Please don't kill All Might. You dickhole don't make him feel bad. Someone please hug All Might. Awww this lady. AWWWW THIS LADY. Thanks, crazy murder guy. Thank god, Deku finally gets a bath. I love my angry dumpster son. And then he killed Minera. Uraraka sleeps with oven mitts so that she doesn't float herself away. I love my kids. :D Window Might. God I love All Might. Please tell Hawks to call me, too. I'm gonna fuck your jackass brother, Shoto. Kirishima is such a good boy. Momo looks so pretty with her hair down. Endeavor soaring through the air is unreasonably funny to me. Goddamn that was one shitty month. Stain you're not special, we've all written some obscene love letters to All Might. RIP random guard. Like hell he's on Fuckhands' side. Thanks, you edgelord motherfucker. I forgot about the random cat cop. Ohhhh we are fucked. Great, the world's gonna end thanks to fucking paperwork. I'd like to introduce my wife. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH. Now everyone give Deku a hug. Good fucking luck, kids.

Food Wars- Oh good, Lady Chainsaw Nazi is ready to go. No seriously, what is the point of any of this? Fuck off, Meat Meat. I hate all of you. And then suddenly cows. It's genuinely refreshing to see everyone turn into cows instead of violently orgasming. Holy shit that sounds stupid. I am deeply disturbed by that clown man. I hate all of this. If we just color over the Doctor from TF2, nobody will notice. I HATE ALL OF THIS. God I hope Megumi loses. THIS IS HORSE SHIT. So they're not even gonna show us what the main characters even made? Why in the tits would Meat Meat have that information? I can't believe this show is making me root for the slutty chainsaw nazi. How dare this show ruin Christmas for me too. Oh yeah, because a chainsaw is a better whisking tool than a fucking whisk. I hate this woman with ever fiber of my being. Aaaaand we're back to the violent orgasms. Can you really call it a cake if it has a pie crust? I hate you, show. I'm confused, was he required to use only junk from 7-11 or is he just being a showoff because he's a douche?

One Piece- These marines are dumb as all fuck. :D They're all so stupid. Ladies, Zoro isn't that chivilrous. Previously, about 350ish episodes ago, this. Y'all either fuck or kill each other, stop wasting time. Goddammit Tashigi put your glasses on. Well that was quick. Not pictured: Smoker getting his ass handed to him in his fight. :D Meanwhile, Usopp shenanigans. Oh this can't be a good thing. Whelp, lost Kinemon again. He's looking for his son Nemomonosuke. :D Brook is a delight. Oh right, the drug kids are still on a rampage. Girl just throw that candy down a trash chute. Oh hey, Luffy's doing things. Tashigi kinda sucks at this. Oh that looks painful. Uh hey Zoro you maybe wanna step in here? Goddamn he's cool. The Hammer of Justice is unisex, bitch. GODDAMN HE'S COOL. Lady how the fuck are you still alive. Uhhh hey bird lady you okay there? Spoiler alert Zoro was mostly fighting armed monkeys on Sword Dracula Island. Oh she dead. Maybe get Tashigi a bandaid instead of bickering. And here's Caesar, still being a bag of festering dicks.


Ladies, gentlemen, individuals who identify as neither... Welcome to the second ACTN Dark Age.

12:00 - Primal #11 - Sea of Despair - TV-14V
12:30 - Primal #12 - Shadow of Fate - TV-14V
1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #7 - Crossed Knives - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #614 - To Save Her Friends! Mocha Runs at the Risk of Her Life! - TV-PG
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #437 - The Sealed Power - TV-PG
2:30 - My Hero Academia #114 - A Quiet Beginning - TV-14V

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Man, slim pickin's tonight.

Food Wars- I hope that's poison. Hiiii Soma's hot dad. I hate you, you smug sack of trash. Shut up chainsaw nazi. You can really tell these writers are working totally unsupervised with these stupid recipe ideas. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Soma. Please don't make me watch chainsaw nazi have a violent orgasm. This is the worst Christmas ever. Oh he's one of those "you'd be prettier if you smiled more" douchebags, I want to watch him die. Why is that clown man allowed to exist. I constantly forge that sad albino boy exists when I'm not looking at him. I hope albino boy wins entirely because I hate teacher douche more. I want your impractically large cheese grater, bitch boy. Who let naked boy in here? Gee I'm sure the arc villain is really gonna lose here before the main character has a chance for a rematch. At least the clown man suffered. I want him to know I hate him. Show you will never get me to take that fucking chainsaw knife as anything but a painful joke. Wow what a shock the villain won. Fatty sausage-infused chicken sounds disgusting. And now the sad albino boy will vanish from my memory, presumably forever this time. I don't care, show.

One Piece- Caesar is the worst and yet I'd still trust him over the Food Wars clown. It's okay kids, the reindeer is giving you the GOOD drugs. Look guys sometimes you just have to smack a violent drug-addicted child. God I wish that were me. Oh no don't let Zoro lead. I'd also like to get my hands on Zoro's sword. Honestly that candy might not even be drugged, that's just how small children are. That little girl is about to have one HELL of a trip. Chopper broke. RIP this kid. Fuck them kids. Someone please hug Mocha. Oh my god this fucking clown just gets worse. Man, who could have guessed that drugging children to death was a bad plan? Maybe you should have just let all those other kids die so we could save this one. Not pictured: Luffy slowly punching his way up a trash chute. Hobble faster, Chopper! I hate these fucking kids. Oh hey Sanji and a buncha dudes I don't care about. No you can go ahead and hurt some of these children. :D Aim for the balls, guys. Y'all got any spare organs he could use? Oh hey, Luffy's back. BEAT HIS ASS, CAPTAIN.

On 4/30/2023 at 1:59 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Caesar is the worst and yet I'd still trust him over the Food Wars clown.

An acceptable assessment. That fucker's "turn those frownies upside-downies" line compelled me to down about a quarter of my drink the other night. Why not half or the whole thing? Let's just say I'm reserving those for characters I don't expect to hate, but do.

12:00 - Unicorn: Warriors Eternal #1 - The Awakening - TV-PGV
12:30 - Unicorn: Warriors Eternal #2 - The Awakening, Part 2 - TV-PGV
1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #8 - The Missing Half of the Moon - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #615 - Brownbeard in Grief! Luffy Lands a Furious Blow! - TV-PGL
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #438 - The Rules or a Comrade - TV-PG
2:30 - My Hero Academia #115 - Mirko, the No. 5 Hero - TV-14V

I will always regret not slamming my wine while Monet was still alive at least once.


Food Wars- They killed your brother. All this over a fucking ooking contest? This feels like a hate crime. Do any of these evil chefs have anything going for them beyond some stupid clickbait gimmick? The true unsung heroes of Food Wars will always, always be the poor janitors who have to clean up a hazardous amount of fuck juices every day. Wow what a fucking shock it was actually Soma all along.Fuck off, Megumi. Fuck off, weirdass creep. I forgot the weird copy guy existed and I would have preferred to continue that. Meanwhile my siblings and I are on the verge of violent murder after three minutes in the kitchen. Either shut the fuck up or start screwing each other, I don't care which. Should I have any memory of this? You had me at cheese. You lost me at turtle. Somehow that knife seems more dangerous than that nazi bitch's chainsaw. Excuse me, you're telling me two of the people who have been publicly orgasming with each other are siblings?

One Piece- Kids are indeed horrifying. I just want Brownbeard to be happy, show. Oh no Brownbeard, RUN. Someone please hug Brownbeard. Ah hell he's having a stroke. Never trust clowns but especially don't trust syringe-wielding clowns. HE JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. We stan a gator-centaur king. Goddamn Oda what did Brownbeard to do piss you off so much during this arc? Eat fist, clown boy. I like that Luffy just has a scarf now that's also a dragon. He just keeps finding new ways to piss Luffy off. Luffy is such a good boy. BEAT HIS ASS, LUFFY. Dude I'm dumb stop using metaphors. What a piece of shit. Meanwhile Law, still beat to shit in that back room. Fuck this flamingo guy. Ah hell this sounds bad. My dude Luffy's declared war on the government like three times by now, you think he gives a fuck? I could watch him get punched all day.


Missed opportunity rerunning two weeks ago's rerun tonight. Can't go wrong bowing out with Primal Theory, but to each their own...

12:00 - Unicorn: Warriors Eternal #3 - A Fateful Encounter - TV-PGV
12:30 - Primal #13 - Dawn of Man - TV-MAV
1:00 - Food Wars! The Fifth Plate #9 - The God Tongue's Despair - TV-MAS
1:30 - One Piece #616 - A Surprising Outcome! White Chase vs. Vergo! - TV-14V
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #439 - The Child of Prophecy - TV-PG
2:30 - My Hero Academia #116 - One's Justice - TV-14V

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