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Jojo- I'd definitely just let the dude eat all the Nazis. Damn those sweet buff guns. Oh my god I love him so much. I'll make love to you, baby. He's got a point, somebody who kills a bunch of Nazis can't be all bad. Well that didn't work. Aw fuck he's got a gun. Use the Nazi as bait and escape with Speedwagon! Ohhhh that is not how ribs are supposed to work. FIGHTIN' RIBS. Sounds like somebody's got a crush. DON'T TOUCH SPEEDWAGON YOU BASTARD. He talks like William Shatner. Okay this fight definitely could be going better. Aw shit I hope that wasn't his jackoff arm. False alarm! :D Oh my god you giant dork. I'll blow your fish, baby. Seriously though, use the Nazi as a meatshield and run. Aim for his dick! Why does everything I love die. FUCK YEAH, JOJO. There's a joke about him being deep in another man here, but it feels almost too easy. Well that sounds horrifying. Do something to help, you Nazi bastard. Oh please don't tell me it's night time. Ohh this is not good. :D Oh god these attacks are beautiful. Nazi to the rescue, I guess? Whelp this guy was completely useless. I would definitely chop off a Nazi's leg, no questions asked. :D This fucking show. Oh thank god it's daylight. EAT SUN, DOUCHE. Oh what the hell now. Aw fuck. This is the weirdest gay porn. I am completely okay with the Nazi blowing himself up. Aw hell the other pillar is Dio isn't it. Who does Speedwagon know is it the little kid from back in the day? DO IT, NAZI FUCKER. Punch him in the dick! Aw good, a happy ending. I am 100% sure that Dio is still around and just waiting behind a corner to fuck everything up when I least expect it.


Gundam- I'm actually grateful for this recap because I can't be assed to remember anything. I have no interest in these kids or their problems. Sorry Hermione but your friends are dead. I only care about BB-8 here. And then Benedryl stumbled ass-first into a mecha of his own. TO PROTECT THE WORLD FROM DEVESTATION-wait wrong show. Surprise, it's your dad! Surprise, your dad's dead. Get in the robot, Shinji. I like the Metapod airbag. I can never keep track of any of the fights in this franchise. Does every show in this franchise have a blond dude in a shitty mask? At least he got to have a cool eyepatch back then.


Hunter- Gon you really don't wanna be alone with Hisoka. It's been four seconds and I've already forgotten these categories. What you're saying is he sucked and failed. I hope that glass is full of vodka because I'm gonna need it for the next show. Killua's gonna destroy the whole damn glass isn't he. You turned it into vodka! Congratulations you're an alchemist. Of all the bare asses I would have liked to see tonight, Hisoka was definitely not one of them. Killua's gonna make me a cocktail. Careful kiddo don't burst a blood vessel. MY TABLE. Zushi you're like seven you've got plenty of time. Oh right there was a second part of the exam. Oh hey it's the old guy. Just try not to kill anybody next time. Where is the hot idiot. Hiii hot idiot. "Eat shit, Zushi." This is straight out of a WWE match. He's so goddamnn creepy. I really didn't need to see that, show. Punch him in his creepy clown dick! Jesus he's like a monkey on crack. Damn, I'm impressed. FUCK YEAH PUNCH HIS STUPID FACE.


Naruto- Still don't care, show. Fuck off, Sasuke. Fuck off, orange boy. Oh hey he's got a face. Finally, the one guy I can jack it to. The answer is to just kill everyone. More Travis, I can get behind this. I'm surprised they had a robe big enough to fit my giant boyfriend. God that girl is just embarrassing. I'll control you, baby. Oh who the fuck is this. This sure is a thing alright. Good job boyfriend you tried. This guy is like Champloo but with a severe head injury.


One Piece- Good luck, Zoro. Okay that is a really dorky name for a freaky power. Man, y'all can't catch a break. Aim for his bible, that's his weak spot! Haaa you dorks. Quiet Usopp, bones are for the weak. You never wanna get fisted by a Jahova's Witness. Well this could be going better. :D Robin that's adorable. Okay don't insult the kitten hands, advice noted. Ohhh this can't be good. Zoro's got some sweetass dance movies. Zoro's kinda having a rough day. Sanji to the rescue! Orrr, Sanji breaking his goddamn femur. You must be confused, that's not Sniper King. New plan, hit him as hard as you can in the dick and run like hell. I don't know science but that's probably a bad thing. Oh you piece of shit. You're all good people. I like that Robin's reaction looks like she just heard a mildly disappointing weather report.  And then they all died.


Jojo... Use the Nazi as bait and escape with Speedwagon! ... Seriously though, use the Nazi as a meatshield and run.


I am completely okay with the Nazi blowing himself up.


Aw hell the other pillar is Dio isn't it... I am 100% sure that Dio is still around and just waiting behind a corner to fuck everything up when I least expect it.


Hunter... I hope that glass is full of vodka because I'm gonna need it for the next show. Killua... You turned it into vodka! Congratulations you're an alchemist.

That sounds like a wonderful Plan B for escaping if fighting didn't work.




It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Dio survived and spoke as a head, meaning he lacked some of the physical structures necessary for human speech, so I wouldn't put it beyond him to survive that steamship explosion.


Shame on you, abusing your precious child's special powers like that. :P


Also, I'm pretty sure we all loved Revy to varying degrees for various reasons. I’m not sure what to make of someone making fanart of Joseph dressed like her.


DBS - Oh, Kais. You're wrong. It's not only Goku about whom you need to worry. Vegeta would certainly fight Beerus as well. The only issue is whether he has the kind of power needed to fully awaken Beerus' destructive cravings.


Speaking of Beerus' cravings, he has a sweet tooth. In that regard, Earth may be spared even if our resident Saiyans work him into a frenzy, since we do have a large variety of tasty desserts to offer him.


Bulma renting a cruise liner for her birthday party does sound like a bit much, but oh well. I feel like King Kai will run Goku off to Earth on the premise that he'd better not let down Bulma by missing her birthday. It would also take a little edge off Chi Chi's attitude as well.


Piccolo posing for a single photo at Gohan and Videl's wedding sounds right, and of course he'd have his eyes closed for it.


18 has a point. As long as they don't fly very fast, it would be safe for one of them to carry Marron, so driving would be unnecessary, barring buying more things on an outing than they could carry at once due to the bulk of the items.


Also, Marron's a cute kid, and it was fun to see Chaotzu make her laugh by making faces at her.


I'm not sure Whis would be able to traverse distances faster than Goku could when using Instant Transmission. However, that's a form of teleportation, and Whis actually looks to move through space, so it isn't really fair to compare them in this way. Still, I feel like Whis wouldn't be able move as quickly as Goku in a fight.


DBZK - Chill, Videl. Let the guy who says the reason for protecting his identity is the safety of those around him keep his secret.


Gohan generating an "earthquake" with his nervously bouncing leg is still funny and convenient. 


I like that Gohan consented to limiting his involvement to backing up Videl so she wouldn't need to deal with a bigger, stronger opponent and surprise attacks by his lackeys as well. Gohan using what looked to be chi to push the r.p.g. back is still impressive.


JoJo - In light of what Poke said about Wind originally being Santana, I feel like my speculation will be proven wrong in that two other Pillar Men won't be Earth and Fire.


What the crap, Joseph? Stop taunting the inhuman monstrosity. Heed Speedwagon's wise words of warning and either flee with him, as was your plan, or destroy Wind with your hamon.


While Wind being impervious to external hamon attacks wasn't terribly surprising, I was surprised by how quickly he changed the shape of his head to dodge the attack targeting his eyes. Joseph's gamble to let Wind partially absorb him to release a hamon attack from within Wind was highly risky, but it was effective and gave him valuable insight into Wind's physical nature.


No, show. No. I refuse to believe that the Nazi's in this show's universe were willing to expend resources to eliminate the Pillar Men, even if their main objective was destroying a threat to their regime and plans, rather than trying to harness the power of the Pillar Men for their purposes.


That said, I was surprised and impressed by von Stroheim's willingness to aid Joseph in opening the door. However, he should've spent less time talking about it and simply opened it after leaping past Joseph and Wind. That would've made his otherwise admirable willingness to be maimed to accomplish the feat unnecessary. Plus, without the maiming, it would've deprived Wind of his temporary shelter from the sunlight and made Joseph's clever use of a timely circumstance unnecessary as well (pun not intended).


MSG: U - I'll give this show credit in that it's not shying away from showing what would happen to an unprotected human subjected to these kinds of particle weapons and explosions. A beam which can melt through tank armor or the hull of a space station, which must be able to withstand impacts from micrometeors that carry the force of high caliber rifle rounds, would incinerate a human in short order. A careful search of the area afterward might reveal some charred traces of their bodies, but anyone looking for identifiable remains is in for disappointment.


The shame of this is that the Zeon forces will be blamed for the carnage and devastation when it was the Federation forces which entered the Colony and started shooting. It looked like they even shot their way through a spacelock door to send more ships inside. I'm not sure which mech fired the shots that looked to penetrate the Colony's hull from the inside, but I can't imagine that the Colony, or at least a section of it, isn't open now. That represents a lot of lost atmosphere and potentially hundreds of dead, depending upon how many people were near the breach when it was made.


Links, what the crap? You just met this Audrey girl, and you're sounding like some obsessed creeper.


Sooo... this was part of a coup attempt against this Vist Foundation leader, then? I guess I can understand it, if the guy who shot him thought the leader was giving aid to Zeon, which technically he was, but it feels like the people he contacted were an opposition group within Zeon who are much more interested in peace with the Federation than their leadership is.


I wasn't expecting the Vist Foundation leader to be Links' father, but okay. Also, if he subjected his young son to experiments aimed at preparing him to be a Gundam pilot, refining the operating system and pilot interface, or perhaps both of those objectives, then I can fully understand his mother removing him from the home. He was a minor child, and piloting and testing mechs is strenuous even for trained adults. The little we saw looked taxing for lil' Links, and I can only imagine the testing would get more difficult from there. Still, it sucks for present Links to learn that his dad was alive mere moments before he would be caught in a powerful explosion right in front of Links.


I'll admit that it's partially my thing for redheads coming though, but I get a really bad feeling for Marida, especially after she had that automatic mental click that Gundam=enemy. She'll probably die, and I don't want that for her. We saw how Links damaged her Zaku during his first time piloting this Gundam, and he'll only improve from there.


HxH - Hm. A water glass with a floating leaf is this story's version of chakra paper and nen types correspond to chakra natures (even though Naruto came later, it introduced me to chakra natures and their relationship to one another first). I like the idea of the nen types not being arranged in a circular hierarchy, but by types that are similar to one another. It was interesting to see how skilled users chose to employ applications that weren't closely aligned to their type and suffered defeat as a result. Gon's status as an Enhancer seems suited to his personality. I feel like Zushi will struggle with manipulating things just because of the nature of his martial arts training so far. It would be interesting to see how Killua could use his Transmuter abilities in a fight. Maybe he could change a person's bones into jelly. Regarding the others who passed the first exam, I'm glad for the information, but what I took away from it is that Leorio will not be a fighting Hunter, but will use his license and medical training to treat people in need wherever he goes instead, and I'm fine with that. Netero being the grand master of Wing's style of instruction is okay.


I could've done without that shot of Hisoka's butt and lack of spider tattoo.


"Shweeeen," show? How are we supposed to interpret that as anything other than a reference to Hisoka having a murder-boner, especially when taken with what he said?


I'm clearly not using the same criteria as the referee is. I would've counted at least three clean hits so far for Hisoka and one for Gon, not have them at 1-1. Oh well. This gives Gon a greater opportunity to emerge victorious. Also, Gon has serious speed and moves, but Hisoka has eyes that would rival Spike's, even without Ren, and potentially better fighting skills.


Shippuden - Whichever group is using the other between the Akatsuki and Taka is irrelevant. What matters is that we've finally gotten to see Killer Bee. I'm not sure I'm fully on-board with his rapping/rhyming at this point, but it could grow on me. At least he has impressive combat skills. I'm not sure I would call the tattoo on his face bull horns, but eh.


Tobi being a former Mizukage is interesting.


I take issue with the way our Leaf shinobi searched the area after seeing no initial sign of Sauce. Kakashi said they would search by scent. Akamaru and Kiba would be well-suited to that task. Shino and his insects could manage on their own as well. Hinata could and did opt to use her Byakugan from a high vantage point instead, and that's fine. However, Kakashi, Naruto, Sai, Sakura and Yamato would all need to be paired with one of Kakashi's ninja hounds to search for a scent, and we saw none of those dogs. What's up with that, show?


OP - Yes, air/wind moving at great speeds can be quite destructive. That much of Kuma's Paw-Paw power makes sense. He might even be able to use that power to launch himself from one spot to another quickly, accounting for the speed of his movements. What I don't get is the connection between him being a paw-palmed human and making the air move like that. It doesn't logically connect like the names of other Devil Fruits and they powers they bestow.


I must give Zoro credit for evading dozens of what are probably supposed to be invisible air blasts. They're likely animated for the audience's benefit, but unseen by the characters, except for the "bomb" one. I like that Sanji and Usopp tried to help, but it puzzles me why Sanji's leg was hurt when Kuma apparently felt nothing.


Um, Kuma? Recall that Thriller Bark is a ship, not an island. Firing your Paw-Paw blasts at the "ground" and making holes in it could help sink the already-damaged ship, and you are a Devil Fruit user. A sinking ship is a worse threat to you than it is for most of the other people on it.


I'm not sure how Kuma was able to compress the large volume of air like that, but it certainly would be dangerous to "detonate" it. My problem with him using it is that he would still be within the effective radius of the "explosion." How would he survive his own attack unscathed? Explain that to me, show. For him to use other air to shield himself from it, he would need to counter the majority of the wind coming at him with another powerful blast of air, and we saw how long it took him to make the "bomb." Given how far the "bomb" was from Kuma when it "exploded," he would have a mere fraction of a second to generate this countering blast of air. Of course, it did take the "bomb" several seconds to travel to the detonation point, and he could've used that time to amass his countering blast, but it didn't look like he did that. Maybe he did so off-camera.


I smiled when not only the Straw Hats, but also actual Lola and her crew, rejected Kuma's offer of mercy in exchange for Luffy out of hand.


It makes some sense that the "bomb" might be slightly luminous. Compressed air gets warmer because of the increased friction between the air molecules. Warm objects radiate energy to their comparatively cooler surroundings. If the molecules are sufficiently excited, they wouldn't only emit energy in the form of infrared radiation, but perhaps also visible light.


OPM - Even though he's partially responsible for the deaths of (tens of?) thousands of civilians, I can't help but like gunnery alien. Between his lines about Geryuganshoop possibly being in the bathroom and "goodbye, problems," he was funny.


Still, Saitama's expression and the way Max Mittelman delivered the line about going to the left when instructed to go to the right was even funnier.


Thanks for having the other heroes' backs, Tatsumaki.


I spoke with the same coworker who watches subs of DBS about OPM. He has gotten through the Sea Folk story, and he agrees with me that Mumen Rider has heart.


HxH - I could've done without that shot of Hisoka's butt and lack of spider tattoo.


I don't see why the lack of tattoo is a problem, it's not like he's ready to meet up with the rest of the Phantom Troupe yet.  :P


Huh, new bump music. Must be that “Run the Jewels” promotion thing I heard about in the 4chan discussion.




Just look at how few fucks Vegeta gives.

I had a feeling Bulma’s birthday was gonna play a role this episode.

Dang, he forgot already?

“I’ll have you know that I’m the fastest being in this whole universe…” Don’t let Burter hear you say that.

Wait, he destroyed another planet already while in the midst of transport?

The way the older purple Kai responded, it’s as if the younger one meant to ask if there was a reason for Beerus being so destructive, instead of insisting that there were reasons all along.

Clearly he’s talking about Goku.

Wait, what was that about a punch?


Oh Goku, you eavesdropper. :)

Yes, we must never forget that time Cell blew up King Kai’s planet.

At first, this chase was somewhat painful to watch. And then, it became amusing when King Kai stopped to rant. And now, I’m just wondering why Goku didn’t just Instant Transmission his way over to the other side of the planet. Then again, he’s not all that bright…

But in the end, Goku just doesn’t give a crap.

:D Alright, that second sweatrag gag got me.

Very nice set design they made for Beerus’s place.


When all else fails, threaten to take away their food.

Huh, never noticed the pile of wrecked stuff in the background there.

Even in the original series, everyone hated King Vegeta.

“…but there were a handful of survivors who were off the planet when it exploded.” Goku, Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz. Also Turles, Paragus and Broly if we’re counting the movies.

…Did he just fart? Do destruction gods even have bodily functions.

You heard him right, Beerus killed the dinosaurs. Well, some of the dinosaurs, others survived and later showed up in OG Dragonball.

So the S subrating is for Whis looking at Beerus’s junk and blushing?

Not sure if I should like this music or not, but it’s very interesting.


Mondo cool? Also you can’t not love Saitama.

I’ve gotten so used to Colleen Clinkenbeard’s voice for 18 in Kai, and Amber Lee Connors’s voice for her in Abridged, that the original/Super voice for 18 by Meredith McCoy comes off as weird and a little too deep. Still, sounds better here than it did in History of Trunks.

Oh yeah, and Krillin got with 18 and had a kid with her. Go Krillin. :)

When all else fails, just fly to your destination.

Dat’s a big ship.

TRANSLATION FOR THE JAPANESE IMPAIRED: The grand prize is secret <3.

Oh hey, it’s the Z Warriors that don’t matter.

Fuck yeah, cruise ship exploration!

Nevermind, the S subrating’s for Roshi peeping on random beach girls.

And cue the nosebleed. :D

Bulma’s mother looks odd with her eyes open.

Meanwhile, Buu doesn’t give a crap about what Bulma thinks.

“They feel pokey!” Did he just say my name?

Goku went to Gohan’s wedding? Unthinkable!

Oh Vegeta, you and your training.

Well, at least Goku gives a damn.

Thank god half-Saiyans aren’t nearly as training-obsessed as their parents.


That’s a giant hill.

I take it the Z-sword is something I’m not supposed to care about until the Buu saga.

Beerus will rock you like a hurricane.

TOP BILLING: Beerus. And ha, even Cell got a brief credit! :D


Thanks to Gundam Unicorn, I’ll never hear the phrase “Full Frontal” the same way again.



If this is Great Saiyaman’s theme song, then it is so very awesome.

Oh, we wish there was a Mrs. Saiyaman.

Great Saiyaman, everybody: impressive in his heroic feats, not so much when he opens his mouth.

Even the loli thinks this is cheesy as fuck.

Meanwhile, at the Towering Inferno…


Hell, I’d care about the building, but that’s just the engineer in me talking.

Thank you Gohan.

This is just further proof that the public likes the Great Saiyaman for what he does above all else.

Classy Satan.

Oh yeah, Goten gets the Nimbus now.


Yeah, I should’ve made that description for last night “Videl tries to find out who Great Saiyaman really is” instead of complaining that Wikipedia is getting the episode synopses wrong.

Instant Transmission, I guess.

:D Randomly spotted by civilians.

“You realize the more you fight it, the more I wanna find out?” Part of the reason masking is my main fetish.

Almost blew it.

And so her suspicions strengthen…

Those are some loud-colored shirts, even louder than that police car explosion they caused.



Regular punches don’t mean much to Gohan nowadays.

That background sign is totally jank.

Well, Saiyan’s do have crazy strength, I wouldn’t be surprised if their skin was the same.

Sweet, new music video. And it was quite possibly their best one yet. Awesome. As. Fuck. O0

I’m confused, is it Red Shark Gang, or Red Chalk Gang.

Oh my Gomikai it’s Soviet Nappa. >:D


Mr. Satan just wants to live in peace.

Tightening his leash? Holding it in? Is this the start of some weird fetish porn or something?

That quiet “dork”. :-D


He can’t possibly think straight with poetry this boring.

A manual earthquake? Impressive.

Great Saiyaman: ally to good, nightmare to you!

Way to ruin his flow, Videl.

No shit it’s a lover’s spat, these two are supposed to marry in the future.

Meddling cosmonaut. :D

Okay, that reverse deliverance of the RPG was pretty damn fun.

As strong as Great Saiyaman may be, Videl kicks ass.


I hate it when “secret identity” is used in reference to who the person in question really is. For example, Iron Man is Tony Stark’s secret identity, not the other way around!

TOP BILLING: Gohan. Also holy shit Rock has Nappa’s voice actor they did that on purpose didn’t they. :D



SCREENCAP #1: Joseph staring down Sanviento.

I assume Speedwagon told Von Stroheim all about Joseph and his notoriety.


“Make some love to the camera!” Even though there is none.

Again, the transition is better this time but the song just ends too abruptly. Hence, not the best cut but it could’ve been worse.

To be fair, Joseph has a point about the Nazis provoking him.

You can’t pick your friend’s nose, sure, but there’s nothing saying you can’t pick those of your enemies. ;)

I love it when this show’s colors get all screwy.

That wasn’t nearly as freaky as when he swooced right into the ventilation ducts, but still, very fuh-reaky.

The Pillar Man is a fast learner.


That’s the power of Hamon, baby.


You fuck with Speedwagon, you wind up getting fucked yourself.

“What the devil?” Don’t you mean, “What the Dio?”

Wait, so Hamon doesn’t work on Sanviento? Dude.

:D Goddamn I love Joseph’s trickery.

I also love that Von Stroheim is joining Speedwagon as a commentator.

“His skin is malleable like rubber!” YO HO HO HE TOOK A BITE OF GUM GUM.

You say you felt his eyes, but clearly he averted your attack.

What an improbable kick!


Reminder that Sanviento absorbed the prisoner with explosives in his head, and that Von Stroheim plans on using that to destroy him.


Dat Beerus smirk. ;D

SCREENCAP #2: Joseph relieved at destroying Sanviento, or so he thinks…

Sanviento: The Living Digestive System.

I had a feeling the sun would factor into his defeat.

Von Stroheim says sunlight is Sanviento’s weakness, but doesn’t want him going out into the open air where the sun is. Can someone say “hypocrite”?



How strange, I’m actually feeling sympathetic for the Nazi character.

Holy shit, Von Stroheim is surprisingly noble and gutsy. He must be the first fictional Nazi I actually like.

Oh no, he found a way around his own weakness!


Luckily, Stroheim prepared for an event such as this.

More Pillar Men? Holy shit, dude.

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Aw hell the other pillar is Dio isn't it.” The Pillar Men and Dio are two completely different animals, so no, not really.

“Human greatness lies in having the courage to face down one’s fears.” Very wise words.

Note how interesting it is that they didn’t show Stroheim’s corpse. I wonder…

And into the well he goes!

Now that’s what I call a creative solution.


I’ve been quiet about it for months, but I just have to say it: this PS Vue commercial makes no fucking sense.



Who voices this narrator? I need to know for reasons.

This fight certainly got hardcore fast.

Doesn’t look like she was expecting an explosion that size to happen.


Did I just hear Dean Venture there for a second?

Oh good, they got the fuck outta there before becoming casualties themselves.

No way, they’re still alive after that offscreen gunshot?

That spaceship commander looks like he came right out of Macross.

Well… at least they’ve finally got a way through now. Even if most of their classmates are dead.

I’m serious, that happened so suddenly and wasn’t treated as direly as their teacher catching fire, and yet we’re supposed to feel for Micott as she lists off their names? Gundam, your priorities are fucked up.

Takuya, you Mobile Suit nerd.

You say that like the other guy’s gonna assault you at any moment, and his keeping you from going after him isn’t exactly helping.

Meanwhile, gun violence.

Oh good, they missed Banagher.

Dang, he’s good. [shot] But not good enough, apparently.

Guess Angel was right about Audrey being this series’ Kudelia.

I’m not exactly following this fight, but damn is it awesome.

Great job spoiling the start of the next act for us, show bumper.


Well so much for… whatever that was.

IT’S A GUNDAM! Looks like it hasn’t been painted yet.

Oh fuck you green mobile suit lady.

I’ll admit, that’s a different way to open a speech about how innocent civilians have no reason to die as statistics.

“How do I know all these words?”

Oh yeah, that old dude is his father.

Remember this scene from the start of the first episode?

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Get in the robot, Shinji.” How can he get in the robot if he’s already inside it?


Wow, he sure came outta there fast.

The delivery there was just perfect. : )


Wow, what a transformation sequence.

Gundam is a big deal around these parts.

“Okay, I’m done.”

I’m… not exactly sure what gender that grey-haired person is supposed to be.

That guy looks just like Char. Could that be “Full Frontal”? :-D

Meanwhile, possible child abuse.



I fucking love Hisoka’s theme song.

Aw yeah, we finally learning Hatsu!

I love that little bar on the side listing all the different Nen user types.

This is all very sensible, even if it’s hard to remember all the user types.

Good question, Killua.

Is that a mint leaf, or just a generic anime leaf?

Alright, this is a pretty fun test. If I knew Nen, I wouldn’t mind trying it myself.


Oh dear god naked Hisoka. : o

And his face is looking pretty creepy too.

Honey-flavored water. I’d try some. :)

Zushi’s movements look like they’re trying to emulate what happens when you animate a character in CGI.

:D Holy shit Gon.

Congratulations, you just graduated from Nen Training School! And by extension, the secret second Hunter Exam.


:D That Netero.

“Just try not to kill anyone out of frustration this time, okay?”

I had a feeling Kurapika was gonna be taught Nen by that one guy.

And that’s what Leorio’s doing.

Hey, you’re all still rarities when it comes down to it, though.

Dang, Gon vs. Hisoka looks to be one hype fight.

Well this is more theatrical than I expected.

Quick reminder: the flames accompanying Hisoka’s entrance are blue, and according to Blue Exorcist, blue flames are synonymous with Satan. Make of that what you will.

:D Holy shit Hisoka if you weren’t a pedophile before you’re a pedophile now. Also, SCHWING!


I agree with Cocco, that opening exchange was too awesome for words. ;D

I love that his flipping of the platform tiles is considered a special move of his now.


Now I know why people binge watch these shounen shows.


I don’t wanna watch that movie, but I’m too impatient to wait for the Wikipedia page to update to know what’s so damn creepy and special about this wellness spa.



This episode will have… sexy results~.

And so begins the great search for Sasuke that will ultimately lead nowhere thanks to all this rain.

“Welp, mission’s over, time to head home.”

And then he just randomly passed o-whoops, maybe not.


Hmm, so there were tears also.

So what type of skeleton is that anyways?

“I will restore the Uchiha Clan in my own way.” By having copious amounts of sex with Karin? :-D

Oh hi Kisame. Guess you know the truth now too.

REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “Finally, the one guy I can jack it to.” So you’re a futa now? ::)

Sasuke said it himself, Danzo and those other two elders are his main targets, anyone else who dies is just a statistic.

“…and you four Taka don’t have the kind of strength to handle this kind of thing by yourselves.” And that’s why he’s joining up with them.

Jugo just wants peace,  he can’t afford to get angry now.

Nice block, Madara.

“From her on, Taka will work together with the Akatsuki, and we shall be known as the Takatsuki.” …Shit, that’s good.

Yeah, Sasuke would rather hear this from Madara than from Karin.

Let’s see, we already know they’ve got beasts one through three, and that the Nine-Tailed Fox isn’t one of them, so which ones are left?

Anyone else find it interesting how Demarco stopped pushing his favorite animated music videos in the Naruto block after everyone hated on the Gucci Mane one?

From my count, the Akatsuki’s lost five members already: Sasori, Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara and Itachi.

Sweet, the Taka now get honorary Akatsuki robes.

Did somebody say BULLHORN?

Karin is so wet right now, wetter than Suigetsu normally is. ;)

:) Jugo, you’re great.

Sweet landscape they’ve got down here.

“Oh, my sight… Like, too bright…” BULLHORN INDEED.

:D Not one minute in and I already love this guy.

:D :D :D Oh my god when did the Year of the Sauce get so hilariously awesome?

“What is this guy?” Your new favorite Naruto character, foo. O0

Shut up and respect the Bullhorn.

I have a feeling this fight is gonna be awesome.

…So what were the sexy results in this episode again? Hell, where were they, even!? I didn’t hear any dialogue, I didn’t see any nudity, there weren’t any profanities worse than “dammit”… Why the hell would the people rating this episode just straight-up lie like that!? I’m disappointed in you, Turner S&P, more disappoint than I was when you gave every single Akame ga KILL! episode a TV-MA straight.


Shut the fuck up, you hunks of furniture.




As hard to listen to as this screaming is, at least it’s not half as bad as TO THE SEA.

Turns out they freaked out all for nothing.

:D Chopper’s QUALITY face.

What the hell happened to the exclamation point in the episode title?

Little buddy? ???

That one guy in the background looks like a smaller human version of Moria.

Oh shit Zoro’s getting serious now.

Shut the fuck up Kuma.

Okay that flattery was both jarring and kinda amusing. Nice to see Robin and Brook stayed silent, and Lola have a problem with it.

Zoro, you are so awesome.


Control your Hamon breathing, Zoro!

Okay, wearing fursuits is one thing, but having paw pads on your human hands is just ridiculous dedication for a furry.


Told y’all Devil Fruit powers were behind this sorcery. :)

Hey, can’t be any more ridiculous than a gun becoming a dog, or a sword becoming an elephant.

:D Oh, so that’s where that thought of Robin’s came from.

Hey, paws are serious business. Just look at that chest wound.


“…and it creates a shockwave that can pierce through anything.” Except for human flesh, apparently.

So soft…

Is there any way this guy can be beaten? ‘Cause it’s looking pretty impossible right now.


Thank you for the save, Sanji.

You idiots do realize that the louder you celebrate, the less likely it is that his attack’s gonna work?

Just as I expected, it’s a Charley Horse.

:D And of course Usopp’s too scared to even so much as run.

All of this shit going down, and Luffy’s still unconscious.

Back when I first saw Ubermansion, Black Saturn and American Ranger were the only names I couldn’t remember. Probably because Cooch and Brad had better introductions in that promo video.

Ah screw you Kuma.

…The hell is he even doing now? Calling on the power of Goda?

Or maybe he’s calling upon the power of that thing.


Well said, Brook.

Now that’s an ultimatum if I’ve ever heard one.

Heh, Brook’s jaw returned to normal. :-D And why the hell is Franky smirking?


Seriously, why the smirk, Franky?

And yet he says “NEVER!” while Robin keeps her mouth shut. Curious…


That montage of reaction faces. It’s like they stole them directly from the manga.


Even if this doesn’t kill them, it’ll definitely sink Thriller Bark.


[and apparently it did]


You wouldn't have that problem if Xfinity/other provider's cable guide gave us the synopses. DBS, DBZ Kai, JoJo's, and Gundam Unicorn's are all missing, and JoJo's actually had them for the first ten episodes, which makes the sudden loss all the more confusing. Maybe this explains why the ratings are a bit lower than usual.


They actually WERE present in all four shows for Charter/Spectrum customers like me. In fact, the only Toonami show that doesn't have them is One Piece (but even it does have full titles, and OP's are a mouthful!)


I was actually referring to one of the Anaheim Electronics students who saw the war start to break out in Industrial 7. As for him voicing Angelo, I already knew that thanks to the show's Anime News Network page; always a good thing to have on hand.


Following the incident in Mexico, the Speedwagon Foundation is now well aware of the threat the Pillar Man known as Sanviento posed to humanity. With three more Pillar Men having been discovered in Italy, Joseph, having been responsible for Sanviento's defeat, needs to strengthen his Hamon skills in order to face the trials ahead. But before he can, he has to face off with his greatest foe yet: Bryce Papenbrook with a terrible Italian accent.


Elsewhere around the world, an aged-down Pilaf Trio take advantage of Bulma's birthday cruise to search for the Dragon Balls, Gohan pulls a Love Pheromone and gets mistaken for doing a villainous act, Banagher is questioned by Londo Bell after they find him in possession of the Unicorn Gundam, Gon and Hisoka continue to throw down in Heaven's Arena while a character from another Togashi manga does guest commentary, Sasuke and friends expected to fight a regular ol' Jinchuriki but got a crazy black man instead, a random music video promotional appears!, somehow at least Zoro managed to survive Kuma's air grenade, and Saitama finally gets the challenging do-or-die battle he's been waiting for this entire first season.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #4 - Bid for the Dragon Balls! Pilaf and Crew's Impossible Mission! - TV-PGSV (!)


11:30 - Dragonball Super #4 - Bid for the Dragon Balls! Pilaf and Crew's Impossible Mission! - TV-PGSV

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #102 - A Monster is Taken Away! The Culprit is Great Saiyaman? - TV-PGLV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #14 - Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal)

1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #4 - Full Frontal's Pursuit - TV-PGV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #36 - A Big Debt and a Small Kick - TV-14LV

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #143 - The Eight Tails vs. Sasuke - TV-14V

2:25 - Moon Duo: Cold Fear - TV-14

2:30 - One Piece #377 - The Pain of My Crewmates is My Pain! Zoro's Desperate Fight - TV-PGV

3:00 - One Punch Man #12 - The Strongest Hero - TV-14LV



Zeppeli had kids? I...think I remember that? Quite the young lothario. Well getting women to become your slaves feels like a rather evil use of hamon, but what do I know? Birds not so much. So why didn't Granny go to Rome too? Speedwagon suddenly too cheap? So I see Leomon's been added to the cast as a pillar man, and he murdered Myotismon. Seriously this is at least the third bit character Richard Epcar's voiced so far. Damnit dub, if you insist on not casting bit parts at least get an actor with a less iconic and instantly recognizable voice to do them all! The only way Mark's death could have been more telegraphed is if he was three days from retirement. To be fair he probably wasn't as much of a walking cliche in the 80s when this was written. Either way I gave no shits about him, but was that Speedwagon mercy-hamon killing him? I forgot he could use it if so. ACDC eh? Beavis will be happy...or was that Butt-Head? They were mostly shown in shadow, and this came first, but so far these three look like Younger Toguro wannabes. My guess for the stone's location? Dumbledore's mirror or FDR's wheelchair.



4+ minute recap? What is this, One Piece? Myotismon's back, taking blonde Orihime I wish wasn't the female lead hostage. Natsume Swanson? Ah yes, the TV Dinner mogul. Char's here, kicking ass and making Tuxedo Mask envious. And...it's over. Felt like chewing some zebra stripe gum without the initial high.



Wait, wait, wait...is that announcer lady Misty? And I'm only noticing this now...why? Okay, I'd forgotten about the badge, nice callback. Gon's got Hisoka's red string of fate on him...well pink but close enough. Bungee gum? Monster Beast Giran should sue. Psychedelic clown orgasm? Gon needs an adult, a non pedo-clown adult. Jokes on you Hisoka, your next fight'll be when Togashi tires of Dragon Quest...or in the 100+ episodes yet to air I dunno. That ref needs to be fired! So back home to Aunt whatsherface...will she be reading a filler letter again? Bye Bye Zushi. Bye Bye Wing. Bye Bye arc.


Probably won't give thoughts like this every week. Felt compelled to for JoJo this week, and obligated for the other two.


Jojo- Squid pasta sounds gross. Just keep slurpin, baby. Oh lord what the hell. I'm with Jojo this is cheesy as fuck. Well that did not go as planned. Wait what is that sandwich guy's grandkid or something? Speedwagon is just a gift to mankind. I don't like that snake's odds. Aw fuck he's still not dead. Aw shit there's four of them that's a problem. I'm with Jojo and his pigeon friends. I was expecting to hate him on basis of being Papenbook but with that accent I could still totally get on board here. How dare you Jojo is amazing and you're hurting Speedwagon's feelings. KICK HIS ASS BABY. You could thrash me, baby. That's okay I still love you. Jesus what a dick. Your power is bubbles that's nothing to be proud of. Oh he's dirty alright. PIGEON ATTACK. :D Oh my god that is the best attack. I do like his fancy bandana. Don't fight you're both cheaters. I like his sexy belly shirt. Too many goddamn Germans. Ohhhh that cannot be good. Just fuck already, you two. Caesar's gonna fuck your girfriend. Oh no that random guy is definitely gonna die. MAMA MIA. Yes I'm his girlfriend and I want to date him. Yeah great idea just put your face right up in there. AW SHIT. This is not gonna be a good thing. He's so graceful. And then everyone died. Jesus christ what the fuck. Awwww fuck it's all three of them at once. No you're wrong you really should have killed them all when you had the chance. GODDAMN ZUBATS. Oh no I wish it was goddamn zubats. Wow what a shock that guy died. Sooo then, your girlfriend's single now. Everyone remember, the first priority is to protect Speedwagon at all costs. Ass. I don't like this plan at all. :D Master ACDC? Aw hell are they looking for the Philosopher's Stone. Well that's a nifty power. FIGHTING SPIRIT. At least this guy seems decent for a 2000-year old humanoid abomination. Whelp things sure suck for Mark. At least he gets to die nestled in Caesar's cleavage. Oh don't worry, he was gonna nail your girlfriend regardless of how this mission went. This is gonna be fun. The good news is despite Papenbook, I like Caesar; the bad news is that I know my track record and that means he's going to die.


Gundam- I still don't know what the plastic box is. I still don't like these kids. Surprise, the pilot's an unconscious kid. Yay BB-8's here. No it doesn't count, none of your lives mean anything. Nepotism is always an easy explanation. Why does the hospital waiting room look like a strip club? Oh this guy is definitely gonna die. This show is a lot harder to pay attention to when there's not shirtless jailbait running around. Howdy, princess. I still cannot keep track of a single fight in this franchise.


Hunter- STILL DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT, SHOW. Kick his ass Gon! Who's this weirdo. Oh no I'm afraid for him. Ohhh right that was a thing. He's sooooo creepy. I need an adult. Okay you should probably just forfeit now before he kills you. I don't like watching the adorable children get hurt in this show. I NEED AN ADULT. What power do you use to call the cops on the obvious pedophile. Gon might be dead. I am very uncomfortable with this fight. Hisoka is just the fucking worse. I cannot cringe any harder than I am right now. I NEED AN ADULT RIGHT NOW. No seriously, what the fucking fuck show. NO MEANS NO, CLOWN. Please god just end this fight now. This ref is bullshit. Whelp, that was a thing. I hope they made him take that gum off him. Don't worry, one day you'll age out of his fetish. Surprisingly responsible referee. I learned nothing from that fight except that Hisoka is soooo much creepier than I thought. Bye Zushi! Oh good something not ungodly creepy.


Naruto- Use the annoying girl as a human shield. You can go ahead and kill 3/4 of them, rap man. Fuck you Sasuke. That's more swords than Zoro. Oh what the hell they are just going out of their way to not let Travis talk. Huh, that was like three minutes where the show wasn't goddamn terrible. I hate that girl so, so much. Sasuke also makes me need to drink, buddy. Giant boyfriend, being the only fucking competent one here. I think his location is right in front of you. I do love seeing Sasuke get punched. Quick, just put him out of his misery. Oh hey, he actually gets to do something for once. Gaaaaaay. That sure is a thing alright. Oh what the hell show I can't use this I'm not Hisoka. Oh right that guy can do water stuff. Throw Sasuke's corpse at him and run. How did nobody notice this fight going on before now? Sasuke is the fucking worst. I feel like you dumb shits could have saved a lot of trouble by just doing that earlier. Yes, leave her to die! This is the worst team. Thanks for any kind of help, guards. I can't really call an episode of Naruto good, but this was definitely less terrible than usual until Sasuke pulled a win out of his ass.


One Piece- Eat a dick, Kuma. Thriller Bark might be dead. Well that's unsettling. Hey, y'all okay? Please don't hurt Luffy. Oh hey Zoro's alright. That's not a normal arm. Ohh that's probably bad news. Zoro's having a rough day. Yeah that's all you have in common, Franky's a good person. That sure is an ironic name for a giant murder cyborg. That guy sounds smart. Take your compromise and shove it up your ass. Awwww Zoro come here let me hug you. Oh hey Sanji's alive too. Awwww Sanji come here let me hug you. This is downright heartwarming, you guys. Don't fight you can both selflessly sacrifice yourselves for your crew. Or Zoro could just knock him the fuck out. I'm surprised he has that much honor. Oh no I don't like the sound of that. Ohhhhh nooooooo I really don't like the sound of that. It hurts just watching that. This miiiiight have been a bad idea. What the hell is this music. And that's how Zoro died. Oh hey, everybody lived. Well hey, technically you won. Uhhhh guys where's Zoro. Oh fuck that looks painful.


Jojo... Speedwagon is just a gift to mankind... Everyone remember, the first priority is to protect Speedwagon at all costs.


One Piece... That sure is an ironic name for a giant murder cyborg.

Yes, keeping Speedwagon safe is, by far, their first and greatest responsibility.


Well, he pacifies ne'er-do-wells by killing them. They can't raise any ruckus that way. Guaranteed peace, yos.


Plus, Hank Murphy came up with the solution to Ace's problem a long time ago - make the pants out of asbestos.


DBS - You tried, King Kai. It's too bad you let the name Beerus slip.


Yes, Trunks, a plug into the wall is a security gap for the grand prize defenses, but I don't really fault Bulma for leaving the passcode out in her own home. She wasn't expecting her son to be such a snoop.


What I don't understand is why Mai and Shuu (possibly Emperor Pilaf as well, but it's tough to tell, because he sounds the same and was always very short) were de-aged. They were adults way back in DB. Maybe something happened at the end of DBZ which I've forgotten.


I can agree with Bulma's idea to keep a wish on the Dragonballs being the Grand Prize a secret. She wouldn't want any armed party crashers (like Mai and Shuu, but competent) to cause trouble during her party.


Poor King Kai's never going to get his house rebuilt.


I like that Vegeta is challenging himself to turn off the lasers instead of simply destroying them.


Dende and Piccolo are going to pig out on that water.


DBZK - I couldn't help but think when Videl went at Gohan the same thing I thought years ago when she attempted the hurakanrana (sp?): dang, Videl moves fast, putting her crotch in his face like that in public.


I must respect Gohan's restraint in not telling Videl, "I told you so," when the parent dinosaurs arrived to save their baby.


I liked when the police officer, after joking about the medical bills Videl could cause the circus manager to have, said "seriously, put your hands behind your back." I thought the show might gloss over that he stole a police officer's sidearm and used it, but it didn't, and that's a good thing. Remember, kids, if you take a police officer's weapon, expect to be arrested at the least, if not worse to happen to you.


Gohan teaching Videl to fly prior to the next Tekaichi Budokai sounds like some fine getting-to-know-one-another time.


Of course Vegeta would want to participate once he heard that Gohan would be in this tournament. If he can't fight Goku, this is the next best thing. Also of course, Goku would want to participate and get some help with that from Roshi's sister, Baba. Now Vegeta will be even more amped for the tournament.


Um, Bulma? You do recall that Vegeta was a mercenary, right? To him, fighting (and killing) weren't just something he liked doing - it was also his job. Thus, training and fighting were/are keeping his professional skills sharp and working, respectively.


JoJo - Wait, what? How is Wind still somewhat functional? He was turned to stone and broke into pieces. He's even under UV lights (I'm not sure those existed back in the late '30s, but I don't feel like looking into it at this time). Are they going to need to dispose of the stone fragments of the Pillar Men in multiple active volcanoes to keep them from re-forming or what? Launching them into Sol isn't exactly an option at this point in time, so volcanoes are the next best option, since those are even hotter than steel mill furnaces.


I would be disinclined to eat squid-ink-pasta. It just looks like something that's rotten.


I can understand Joseph being a little put off by Caesar's shameless display of amore, since Joseph doesn't have a lady friend of his own, but that's no reason to attack him with hamon. It was rude and it got the working relationship off on the wrong foot, though it could be argued that Caesar speaking ill of Joseph's etiquette was the first instance of rudeness. I feel like a lot of their clashing is due to having personalities that are too similar.


As for their duel, it was cruel of Caesar to control that random woman with hamon. Even though she got the better of Joseph, her hand might still be hurt from punching him, unless Caesar used some of his hamon to heal any injuries she sustained. I didn't expect Joseph's pigeon attack, but my main takeaways from that are 1. when did he put the pigeon in her mouth, 2. how was she able to breathe with it in there, since it would more than fill her mouth and thus need to be partly down her throat, closing off her trachea, and 3. eeeeeww, filthy, disgusting rat with wings in her mouth! Go find all the mouthwash and get swishing and gargling, woman.


I feel bad for Speedwagon. He's tasked with keeping these two bratty dudes from fighting each other and focusing them on defeating the Pillar Men.


Yes, I know. The Germans and Italians were allies at this time in history, so it makes sense that Caesar wouldn't be adversarial to them like Joseph or Speedwagon might feel, but did he really need to be chummy with Mark, author? That paired with Mark being engaged and set for leave to get married next week doomed him. While he was supposed to be humanized in his brief time in the show, I have trouble with feeling anything for him. Part of that is that he was with us so briefly. Another part is that he was a soldier for Nazi Era Germany. Maybe I would feel a little bad for him if we knew for a fact that he was not a Party member and was simply an enlisted (or, even better, conscripted) man in the Army, since he would've met his demise prior to the worst of the atrocities his countrymen perpetrated at the behest of their leadership, but we don't know any of that, so nope, not feeling it.


What is with these Germans and not staying away from obvious dangers? There was the one in Mexico who didn't back away from the ventilation duct falling victim to Wind, and now there's the one who tried to look into the hole in Wamuu's head, and he was impaled through the head for his foolishness. Sucks for the Germans that the UV lights didn't work as well on Wamuu, Kars and Esidisi as they had hoped they would. While I can understand Wamuu draining all the blood of each linked man in seconds, what I don't understand is what happened to their bones. Draining the men should've left their bones intact, meaning they'd be desiccated husks, not deflated sacks of skin.


Even with Caesar's hamon skills, I feel like this is too much for our group. Maybe the two of them could take Wamuu, but not all three. Still, it wouldn't surprise me if Esidisi and Kars left our group to Wamuu so they could go after this missing gem that will complete Kars' stone mask.


MSG: U - Thanks for the exposition about the space station destruction in the distant past, show. Laplace's Box being an object that belonged to the first P.M./President/whatever in the U.C. system, whose name was Laplace, makes sense. However, I must wonder what items or information it must contain that it would threaten the Federation so greatly.


The Unicorn Gundam responds to the thoughts of the pilot. That sounds an awful lot like the Alaya Vinjana (sp?) system, but it didn't look like it plugged into Links' spinal column to do it in the previous episode. In a way, that makes the Alaya Vinjana (A.J.) system seem like a step backward technologically.


Yes, even though Links helped the Federation forces against the Zeon mobile suits, he still "stole" a piece of military equipment during an engagement, and so he could be charged with treason, which is punishable by death. That said, they'd have to be super-sticklers to do that, not to mention short-sighted, since the Unicorn Gundam was programmed to his biometrics and would need to be reprogrammed before it could be used by anyone else.


Ah, so a pressure suit is called a normal suit in the Gundam universe. I should've already picked that up at some point.


Micott seems like she's becoming withdrawn and bitter. I feel like she's going to do something that will cause problems for others before too long.


Okay, Audrey has been outed as Mineva Zabi, heiress to Zeon, but I think I might still call her Audrey, since it's an easier name to write (it's why I call the M.C. Links instead of Banagher). I haven't really decided yet. I may be influenced by how often she's called one name versus the other.


Oh, great. Full Frontal has his own stolen Gundam, and he knows how to use it. Maybe the technology in the Unicorn Gundam will be sufficiently more advanced to help Links survive his first encounter with Full in combat.


Shut up, Alberto. It's tedious to hear you gripe.


I feel like a lot of the Federation people we met on the ship this episode will be dead within a few episodes, but especially the one with the good luck charm.


HxH - I'm with Cocco. Who is this man who inexplicably appeared in the commentary booth?


I was hoping Gon would fare better in the fight than he did, but it didn't surprise me that Hisoka won.


It was a good point that even if Gon had used Gyo (sp?) to look for what Hisoka tried to do with his nen, it wouldn't have made a difference, since Gon wasn't able to avoid Hisoka's moves anyway. Plus, shame on you, Gon. You fell for the false choice, meaning you forgot the lesson about seeing through deception from the proper Hunter Exam.


Still, Gon was able to land the solid punch, meaning Hisoka would accept his badge, and Gon can now use his License without feeling bad about it.


Ah, so the referee used his discretion in awarding points to keep Hisoka from getting too worked up and killing Gon. That's decent of him. Plus, Hisoka winning spared the other fighters he'd need to beat in order to get back to the 200th Floor, and Gon's record is only 3-2 now.


Regarding Gon leaving Heaven's Arena, I wonder whether he'll return for another match within three months and win. If he does, then okay. Maybe someday he could challenge Hisoka, who would become a Floor Master if he really felt like it, and their rematch wouldn't necessarily be a deathmatch.


I have a sneaking suspicion that Mito will somehow recognize Killua, and it won't be in a good context.


Shippuden - Not to take anything away from Killer Bee's sweet moves and jonin-level skills, but wow, you stunk here, Sauce. You had to be saved from life-threatening wounds by your teammates twice. Sure, one of those instances was when Killer Bee (K.B.) was wearing the Eight-Tails' cloak, but your special eye powers didn't help you until after the fact. Even though you were trained by one of the Sannin, you still have a long way to go to face truly powerful and competent opponents on your own.


I don't understand why Jugo shrank after healing Sauce, but my first thought was that Ang would be furious. Hopefully he'll recover in a few days or weeks, for his and Ang's sake.


I didn't expect that Sauce would be able to recall the Amaterasu with the opposite eye, but I feel like that will put a lot of strain on his eye powers, meaning he'd need a lot of rest to recover. Think about how Kakashi was once hospitalized for a week after overtaxing his Sharingan. I'd expect something like that at some point, maybe even here.


OP - Wow. Between the OP, the standard history opening, and the previous episode recap, we were over six minutes into the show before we got any new content.


Good for Zoro, landing a solid slash to Kuma's torso. Unfortunately, it didn't really damage Kuma's cyborg components.


I don't think Sanji or Zoro would really be acceptable substitutes for Luffy in the W.G.'s eyes, but it was good to see that Kuma is honorable, respecting the willingness of Zoro not only to spare his captain and crewmate, but to take the agony of his captain upon himself. As for how that would work, the only explanation I reach is magic Devil Fruit shenanigans. Still, Zoro earned mad props for taking the pain and injuries like that, and it's amazing that he's still standing, especially with that blood loss. Also, Sanji, go get Chopper. Zoro needs a lot of bandages, likely many stitches, and possibly a blood transfusion as well.


Oh. Kuma's cyborg as well. That would likely help him withstand the blast from his "bomb." Still, that feels like cheating on the W.G.'s part, having a compliant Warlord with cybernetic enhancements and a Devil Fruit power. I want to know whether Kuma volunteered for the cyborg conversion. If so, that's a little messed up on his part (recall that Franky's conversion was necessary to save his life. This would be a voluntary conversion to make Kuma into a living weapon). If not, then that's another human rights violation to lay at the W.G.'s feet.


I feel like Kuma's mouth laser should damage him. It was powerful enough to heat that I-beam to yellow, at which point it was softened enough to deform under gravity. That much energy in his mouth should burn off part of his face, if it is still flesh.


OPM - Boros v. Saitama really is some astounding action eyecandy. I wonder what the scientists will call the new impact crater on Selene.


Shut up, Amai Mask. Even if you had been there and knew the attack was coming before the initial volley, which the Class S heroes didn't know, there's still nothing you could've done to save even a single building. Maybe you could've saved a handful of people, which would be a good thing, but not the city.


since Joseph doesn't have a lady friend of his own



I don't understand why Jugo shrank after healing Sauce, but my first thought was that Ang would be furious.

Because I'm not allowed to have nice things, and damn right I am.


JoJo - What is with these Germans and not staying away from obvious dangers? There was the one in Mexico who didn't back away from the ventilation duct falling victim to Wind, and now there's the one who tried to look into the hole in Wamuu's head, and he was impaled through the head for his foolishness.


HxH - I'm with Cocco. Who is this man who inexplicably appeared in the commentary booth?


OP - Also, Sanji, go get Chopper. Zoro needs a lot of bandages, likely many stitches, and possibly a blood transfusion as well.


Don’t forget the guy that looked at the Hamon-infused cactus before exploding needles into his face!


That mysterious silver-haired gentleman is Baka Ki El Dogra, the main character of Level E, one of Togashi’s less popular manga that was turned into an anime in 2011 by Pierrot and David Production (a.k.a., Naruto and JoJo’s producers respectively). He’s an alien prince with “the best brain and the worst nature”, meaning he’s super smart but uses those smarts to troll people endlessly. :D He may not have blonde hair or Vic Mignogna’s voice like in FUNi’s dub, but it’s still an exciting cameo. Be honest, how many of you thought I was talking about the tournament announcer trio from YYH in yesterday’s preview write-up?


And maybe also a colostomy bag.


Even if they’re coated in delicious BBQ sauce, fingertips do not count as a dessert.



I find it kinda hilarious that they show Gotenks in the Super OP, but hide him in shadow in the Kai OP.

Oh Beerus, you so picky.

If the food isn’t to your liking, scarf it down so you won’t have to suffer through savoring it. I can understand and respect Beerus in that regard.

Hm, so that’s why Goku decided to keep training instead of dropping in on the party. I guess Saiyans do get bored easily when there’s no fighting to be found.


Sweet Super Kami Dende, how long is that boat even?

Speaking of which, there’s Dende.

Apparently nosebleeding at porn mags counts as a TV-PGS now. If not that, then the subtle nipple outline on the blonde in that picture.

:D Look at Bulma down those mimosas.

A castle sounds like a pretty frickin’ sweet second place prize.

:D When spilling your spaghetti is no longer a metaphor.

Holy shit, they did manage to stick a castle in there, the madmen!

You’re kinda forcing that reaction, Goten.

:-D It’s funny when Goten gets hurt.

Best joke of the episodes: a security system that only activates when plugged in.

I think I might now what the grand prize is now…

Meanwhile, on an island somewhere, OG Dragonball characters!

In case any of you who actually watched DB are wondering why Pilaf and gang – or at least Mai – look so young now, it’s because they used the Dragonballs to wish themselves young again (without specifics, naturally) in the 3 years the Z Warriors used to prepare for the Androids’ attack. You’ll understand why I say that later.

Okay… Wasn’t expecting Shu to sound like that.

That’s pretty cheap for a map.

“At least I’ve already dug a grave.” :D

Yeah, it’s the Dragonballs. How predictable. :|


Alright, the thick-line close-ups are starting to get distracting now.

Well, at least the dome preventing the Dragon Balls from being detected is a welcome surprise.

“Who’s messing with meeeeeee!?” Goten and Trunks inadvertently, the universe purposefully.

The Seven Days video dooming an entire flight? It’s official, this movie is retarded.

Yes, more retarded than this song.

“Princess Bulma” is such a self-absorbed name for a cruise liner.

Is it wrong that I think crying Mai is kinda cute?

And then Jaws attacked.

Most painful line of the episode: “Holy shnarkies!”

Wait, how are they even holding onto the boat to begin with?

Is it even necessary for Kid Trunks to sound like that? That inflection is wearing thin on me.

I’m having trouble understanding part of what he’s saying. Which makes me further question why I don’t know how to turn the closed-captioning on. (I’m watching this on my HDTV, so you know.)

Well, if there’s one thing DB Super does right, it’s make food look tasty.

Those kids are so nice, even if they do have annoying voices.

I don’t understand. It looked like Vegeta finished his training for the day, but now he’s complaining about being interrupted? Must’ve been looking to go a second round.

:-D You can’t not love Bulma bitching out Vegeta.

You say you don’t have a restaurant, but where do you prepare all that food for Goku? Then again, he probably ate it all…

I’m sure I can do a fake Kamehameha successfully now. That’ll show my 3rd grade peers…

And down goes his roof.

“What’s a Beerus? Is it something you can eat?”

Yes, a purple cat-man deity.

:D Okay, that peeing in the hot spring line got me.

Of course Goku wants to meet the destroyer god.


“So that’s what a destroyer god looks like, huh?” The way the two are positioned, I’d imagine he’s talking about Whis.

TOP BILLING: King Kai, with Pilaf in second place.



I liked it better when the episode was called “A Monster is Spirited Away!”

What’s a Chobi and how do Gohan and Goten know it so well?

Even a professional dom would think that ringmaster’s being a little too whip-happy.

Oh, so a Chobi’s a dinosaur, then. Baby pterodactyl/pteranodon, it seems.

Smart move taking the polite option, Gohan, even if it is destined to fail.

Oh my, the way his hands and wings are positioned it looks like he’s flashing the crowd.

“I’ve seen some bad stuff, Mister, but stealing a baby just so you can turn a profit is the worst!” Worse than Dragonball GT?

For the sake of preventing a giant pterodactyl attack!

Man, what’s with all the accents this season?

Damn these Russian strongmen!


  Russian Strongman: “Are you from outer space?”

  Great Saiyaman: “Up, up, and away!”

  Me: >:D “Oh, he just had to have done that one on purpose.”

Whatever happens next, I’m blaming the pterodactyl for.

Oh no, it’s the fuzz!

Even worse, it’s Videl! :o

To think these two get married later.

Okay, that triumphant laughing is kinda adorable.

Wow, what a crowd.

Femdom unmasking? I’d watch a porn with that setup. [Videl wraps legs around Gohan’s head] :D Dammit show, how did you know I wasn’t joking there!?

Don’t you find it frustrating when the main character isn’t trusted as much as he should be?

Thank you, parent pterodactyls.

:D Well, there goes his cover.

Fuck you, circus overlord douche.

And I consider that a job well done.

It’s a good thing Videl sees reason now.

Shut up, Goten.

Not really sure if they’re showing us the original or the HD version of this fight here.

Hmm, wasn’t expecting a new “WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK” bumper there.

:D I love Mr. Satan’s ego.

Gohan, you’re a terrible liar.

If I was assed enough to watch DBZ when I was younger, Videl probably would’ve been my first waifu. Well, tied with Sailor Jupiter, at least.

Bulma looks different, and yet her hairstyle remains the same.

“I’m rather surprised here the man had children.” You’d be equally surprised that he (likely) has a hot Asian wife.

Bulma smoking still comes off as strange to me.

I can understand why they’re hiding Gohan’s identity, don’t want Chi-Chi going all momma bear on him after finally putting him on the right track.

Trunks, you’re spilling your orange drink. Also, I like your voice better here.

Classic Vegeta.

Nevermind, Trunks’ voice is starting to show Super vibes already.


:D  Trunks has no idea who he is.


:D You think Gohan was trolling Vegeta there?

TOP BILLING: Trainer? I don’t think he had any lines that would warrant a top billing position. Bah, whatever.





SCREENCAP #1: An establishing shot of the outskirts of Rome.

FUN FACT: When I first saw this episode, I used it as a follow-up to Is This a Zombie? episode 8. (Shut the fuck up, Ben.) And as luck would have it, both episodes featured black-colored noodles as a featured dish. Zombie had boiled seaweed, while JoJo had nero di seppia.

Note that by “black ink”, he likely means the kind people wrote letters with in ancient times.

I always thought Joseph with black lips was weird at first. Now, not so much.

:D Today’s math lesson: Bryce Papenbrook + a fake Italian accent = dangerous cheesiness.


I love the wine pouring out the holes.

That man is a Zeppeli? Well, he does have the hat, so it’s not too unbelievable. But with a name like Caesar… To quote Abridged Zeppeli, “I would rather die than know anyone who’s named after a salad!”

Still an awkward place to end the OP.



Even when stone, Sanviento is still alive. Dayum, Pillar Men, you scary.

Oh hey, that’s the image from the ending theme!

That weird whistling noise in the BGM is just perfect. 8)

And of course Sanviento is the weakest.

Bryce Papenbrook sure loves flirting with the ladies, regardless of what series he’s in.

Meanwhile, Joseph’s hanging out with some fat Italian pigeons, WHICH ARE AWESOME.

Speedwagon just wants peace.

Hey, don’t blame Jonathan for something that wasn’t exactly his fault.

Shut up, Italian Kirito.

Oh yeah, little reminder: just like how Caesar is voiced by Kirito, Joseph is voiced by Death Gun.


I forgot how much of an asshole Caesar was at the start.

:D Oh god we Bubble Buddy now.


:D Goddamn Joseph is the best.

Now, to the hotel!

Pfft, show-off.

That’s a tiny cup.

:D Okay, I’m starting to love this pair’s squabbling.

Ha ha, those wacky Germans are at it again.

Well that certainly isn’t ominous or anything. >_>

Apparently the cure for wellness involves water, eels, and loads of corpses.

SCREENCAP #2: Speedwagon feeling a bit nervous about that white block no one but Blatch and I care about.

“Germany and Italy have an alliance.” And yet they’re called the Axis powers.

Wait a second… is the audio lagging? I’m pretty sure it’s lagging. One plus over buying the DVD no one else bought over waiting for Toonami to inevitably pick it up. ;)

Yep, he’s a goner.

“Pompous ass” is a good descriptor for Italian Kirito.

I know Angel complained about the Nazis in Shamballa (sorry) being stupid, but the Nazis here are just as bad, if not worse.


He’s so graceful, and yet just as deadly.

:D Okay, the sight of those melting Nazis is kinda funny.

Now everyone, say it with me…


I’ll admit, I squealed and giggled like a schoolgirl at that scene.

“Gross, I stepped in bat dung!” A little something we like to call “mono a guano”.

Mark, you fool!

That image of the Pillar Men? I used it as my wallpaper for April of last year. It was fun.

Welp, so much for that guy.

Joseph’s trembling… with excitement!

Wham, Cars and AC/DC. Or rather, Wamuu, Kars and Esidisi. Spelling is important when there are lawyers lurking about.

REPLY TO BUU 1: “My guess for the stone's location? Dumbledore's mirror or FDR's wheelchair.” I’d say the latter’s more likely, and also a good hiding place. Especially since no one knew FDR even had a wheelchair at the time.

By the way, that “knee-jerk reaction to stepping on his shadow” ability of Wamuu’s doesn’t come up after this episode.

“Hello… Nazi in pain over here…”

REPLY TO BUU 2: “Either way I gave no shits about him, but was that Speedwagon mercy-hamon killing him?” No, that was Caesar who did that. It’s important to get your characters straight.

“He was a good person.” Even though he was a soldier for a country run by Nazis.


I’ll come clean; as cheesy as the accent is, Bryce actually does a great job as Caesar. That, and his accent isn’t the most ridiculous Italian one to be featured in this show.



Told you that scene took place at the start of the Universal Century timeline.

“As the curtain rose on this new era, Laplace, the prime minister’s residence, exploded. Literally!”

Random question: did 9/11 happen in this universe, or is that just limited to 00?

Thanks for the spoilers, narrator.

The time spent on this recap puts those in One Piece to shame.

That’s the power of Newtypes, baby.

I like the voice of that one Federation guy. Sounds old school without all the terrible acting.

Whoops, false alarm.

I’m getting androgynous vibes from that short-haired he-she over there in that cockpit.

“What is the UC Project?” The production committee for this show, duh.

:D That big guy floating around in the background.

Oh hey, there’s the Michelle Ruff character my uncle was looking for.

And there’s Yuri Lowenthal’s guy.

Geez guy, keep it in your pants.

Breasts? I knew it, it’s a chick.

That was a pretty good identity guess fakeout.

These heart rate displays are still very confusing, and I can’t find anything online that can give me a hint at decoding them.

Ah, Gundamjackings.

Why does Dean Venture sound so fruity in this role? And that other guy so vaguely British?

Well, at least they aren’t beating him. Nor will they get the chance to.

I don’t know who’s yelling, but you’d think they’d start blocking his calls.

It’s a red Mobile Suit, so of course it’s going faster than normal.

If Banagher is the Renton of this show, Micott is the Shinji.

I think he just recognized her.

Captain guy has the right idea.

“Now you go get some rest, there isn’t anything for you to do.” W-Was that a microaggression?

Yeah, he recognized her, all right.

Just after launch and already a fatality. Crazy shit, this Gundam.

I love this big guy’s cheesy voice acting.

So that’s how you pronounce Aznable.

Is Dean getting turned on by this?

Micott is now pissed, for understandable yet unspoken reasons.


Holy shit breaking for food really ruins my momentum on these comments. Or maybe that’s just Gundam. >_>



:D Of all the scenes to recap, they chose that one!? I still can’t believe they got away with that…

Two points? Way to go, Gon!


That ball-joint in Hisoka’s torso still disturbs and confuses me, even now.

Ah yes, the exchange of ID badge.

Now it’s time for shit to get really real.

Personality profiles based on aura? Oh, do tell, I wonder where I might fall on that scale…

:D Anyone who hates this show can go fuck off.

Emitters are short-tempered, you say? How very interesting… Guess that’s where I fall then, you saw my reaction to that Fist Fight promo earlier.

Welp, time for me to shut up and watch the fight now.


“If you won’t come willingly, I suppose I’ll have to force you.” Oh god, where’s Chris Hansen when you need him? :D

Nobody expects Bungee Gum!

Dang, Hisoka, you so creepy. Guess I gotta give props to Keith Silverstein for pulling it off so effortlessly.

Remember when The Ring was just about the people who watched the video freaking out about what happens after seven days, and none of this gruesome torture porn was necessary? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Clearly he attached it during one of his hits. Clearly it had to have happened when he hit his face.

Okay, I did not expect that answer. But I can understand it, even before knowing what actually transpired.

That’s a very good point.

Welp, time for me to (mostly) shut up again. But before that… FUCK YEAH GON.

We psychedelic now?

:D Oh god Hisoka’s turned on face.


:D And he’s a masochist too. At least, in this case, he is.



Oh well, at least Gon managed to punch Hisoka and give him his badge back.

Heh, they’re interviewing the ref.


And with that, the Heaven’s Arena Arc is finally over.

REPLY TO BUU 3: “So back home to Aunt whatsherface...will she be reading a filler letter again?” No more filler for the rest of the series, actually!

It’s been six months, and she’s only received two letters. Still, should be neat, seeing him return home again after all this time.

Hee, Killua’s going too. Truly the greatest bromance of our time.



All right, time for best episode! (Outside of #82.)

As bad as his rapping is, I just can’t hate it. :)


:D The nerve of that guy.

The funny thing is, he isn’t going to be spouting any of those lyrics as they’re written.

That’s… an interesting way to handle your swords.

Okay, this fight is legitimately awesome.


Sasuke’s just surprised that he managed to get served that hard.

Karin what the hell are those hickey marks on your arm. And a-are you getting off on Sasuke giving you another one?

Hmm, so it’s some sort of healing thing.


Killer Bee is outta here.

Or maybe not.

The hell is that pose ev-oh, it’s a tailed beast chakra summon.

Yeahhhhh I doubt Naruto’s chakra came out that tentacle-ly.

:D Of course Suigetsu landed in the water.

When all else fails, use eyehax.

>:D HOOOOOOOO SHIIIIIIIIIIET. You got knocked the fuck out!

Dang, bite marks on her chest too? No wonder she gets pleasure from them…

Jugo will take over the healing from here.

So he’s got tentacles…and an ox snout? Okaaaaaaay…

I wanna see a Pop-Tart commercial where the Pop-Tarts exact their revenge on that FUCKING poodle.

Yeah, it’s some type of ox-tentacle monster hybrid.

Bad news, Sasuke’s alive. Good news, Jugo’s still alive too. Weird news, he aged down?


Oh no, he’s summoning a Gantz ball!

Or an energy attack, that’s way more sensible.

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “How did nobody notice this fight going on before now?” Well, they were fighting amongst all those rock formations, I’d assume those guys thought it was Bee training and not a freaking four-on-one battle.

Technically they aren’t Akatsuki, but they’re Akatsuki-allied, or so the Akatsuki thinks. [akatsuki]

The hell even happened to him? Some kind of petrification?

And that’s when Sasuke learned the true meaning of friendship.


Quick, ditch the robe before your skin burns!

Huh, so he can extinguish the Amaterasu too. I’d call bullshit, but instead I’ll take that as new information.

The Mangekyo Sharingan: the cause of and solution to all of life’s ninja problems.

Well, at least he’s suffering because of his abusing that power.

So the Raikage was Killer Bee’s brother all this time.

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “I can't really call an episode of Naruto good, but this was definitely less terrible than usual until Sasuke pulled a win out of his ass.” Eh, still failed in their objective to bring him back to Madara, so I’d only call what he pulled off a partial win. Defeated Bee and got out alive, but displeased Madara in the process.



Airing at the advertised time. Good, that one video from earlier could learn a lot from this one.

Well, the imagery here’s weird already.

I like the female yin and yang symbol.

Sweet, an Anthony F. Schepperd-inspired animation sequence.



Oh hey, an Akira reference!

Even the Yin-Yang Couple is weirded out by the path this video has taken.

Oh thank god that was over. Music was fine, but the visuals were inconsistent. 6.5/10.




I still think it looks like they copied all these reactions out of the manga.

Gotta love how indifferent Robin is to all of this.

And somehow the ship’s still there?

How hard do you think Kuma’s gonna regret what’ll happen next?


Well… that’s unexpected. ???

So… Kuma’s a robot, then? Wouldn’t be surprised if they were capable of eating Devil Fruits, if a gun or a sword can eat one, a robot can too.

Pacifista? Oh god, they’re making robots now.

Vegapunk sounds like a smart guy.

Zoro, you are a true man. T_T7

Oh hey, Sanji’s alive too.

So how long until the other Straw Hats start offering up their heads to Kuma?

Ah, so that’s where Usopp, Robin and Chopper are.

Welp, now Sanji’s knocked out for real too.

The shobiyagatsawhatnow? [rewatches] Now show me you got some… no, still can’t figure out that last word.

Devil Fruit Powers: bullshit but oh so neat. :-D

That pain must feel like a dozen circular chainsaws ripping through his insides.

Now you know how high a pain tolerance Luffy has.

Wait, he’s gonna take all that pain willingly? Holy shit Zoro, you have steelier balls than the manliest of men in this world.

And of course he also knows Luffy’s ancestry.


You know what they say, Band-Aids – or in this case injury deflection – heal/s everything.

:D That’s cold, Robin, but I forgive you.

“Guys… Where’s Zoro?”

There he is, he looks like hell, and he doesn’t even give a damn.


[what a true man]


Ladies and gentlemen: we have a teaser.



The Pillar Men have awoken from their 2,000 year-long slumber, and already they have wreaked havoc upon multiple German army soldiers, one of which was a good friend of Caesar's. Their nonchalant and effortless elimination of the young man throws Caesar into a vengeful frenzy, in which he realizes first-hand how strong even one of these Pillar Men is in comparison to Sanviento. Will Caesar be able to overpower the strange abilities of the Pillar Man known as Wamuu? And better yet, at what point will Joseph enter the fray himself?


Regardless of when, Goku attempts to engage Lord Beerus in a non-threatening manner, while training for the World Martial Arts Tournament Gohan learns just how strong his little brother is, Banagher engages Full Frontal (hee) in what I assume is a recreation of the first Amuro vs. Char fight, Gon returns home to Whale Island with Killua in tow, to counterbalance the awesomeness of Killer Bee's debut episodes Shippuden enters yet another filler arc which is only 8 episodes this time, with Moria defeated and Kuma off the island it's finally time for the Straw Hats to have their Thriller Bark victory party, and Public Security Section 9 returns to Toonami in HD format, most likely to tell Scarlett Johansson "up yours".


8:00 - Dragonball Super #5 - Showdown on King Kai's World! Goku vs. Beerus the Destroyer! - TV-PGL


11:30 - Dragonball Super #5 - Showdown on King Kai's World! Goku vs. Beerus the Destroyer! - TV-PGL

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #103 - Entering the World Martial Arts Tournament! Goten Shows Off His Explosive Power During Training! - TV-PGLV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #15 - A Hero's Proof - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal)

1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #5 - Clash With the Red Comet - TV-PGLV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #37 - Ging and Gon - TV-PG

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #144 - Wanderer - TV-PGV

2:30 - One Piece #378 - The Promise From a Distant Day! The Pirates' Song and a Small Whale - TV-PGLV

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #1 - SECTION 9 - TV-14SV (?)



Really? They spelled it Esidisi? Gotta avoid them lawsuits! :D So if Speedwagon notices things before JoJo so much why isn't he an unstoppable badass too? Just age? Oh hey, maybe Toriyama got the idea for Cell tricking Vegeta from this. He would have been only finishing up the Red Ribbon Arc/starting King Piccolo when this arc of JoJo was being published. The dynamite eating scene reminded me of Jim Carey's The Mask...not a stone one mind you. :D Maybe I'm just a pervert, but I wasn't really expecting the ring to go on a finger, his heart, or his throat...



....zzzzzzzzz huh? Oh! Uh...nice job getting captured angsty brown-haired Hitsugaya. Looked real nice, minus the blood and vomit.



Aunt Mito I'm back! HUGS! Jean? But it's spelled Ging! Why was only the granny pronouncing the second g? Damnit dub, be consistent! >:( So the box held another box? Darn, I was hoping for cenobites. :( If only the Gundam box were so easy to open. "Gon...wanna meet me?" What a troll you are JeanGing! :D Callin' it now, Gon's biological mom's the final boss of the series...assuming Togashi gets around to finishing it, which we all know won't happen.

Maybe I'm just a pervert, but I wasn't really expecting the ring to go on a finger, his heart, or his throat...

I was 100% sure that was a cock ring and had my pants off within ten seconds.


Jojo- I can definitely approve of angry stripping in any situation. Surprisingly powerful bubbles. That gay hooker outfit cracks me up. Whelp so much for those bubbles. Ohhh y'all are fucked. SEXY POSE, GO. Owww your face. The answer is to aim right for their dicks. Ouch that's gotta hurt. Well hey, that's nice of him. GODDAMMIT JOJO YOU BEAUTIFUL DORK. Okay there is a hot dude literally throwing his balls in my face, the universe is a wonderful place. WRECK THEIR SHIT, BABY. You tried, my love. I take your balls seriously. Clack me, baby. :D Oh my fucking god this boy. I believe in you, you can do it! I could do a lot with him in a minute. Owww I hope that's not his jerkoff arm. FUCK YEAH JOJO. I'm so proud of him he's doing so well. Aw fuck that was going too well. He can also pummel me because I am a thirsty whore. THANKS, NARRATOR. Yes please rip his clothes off. Save Speedwagon! FUCK HIM UP, BABE. :D This giant fucking dork. Don't be rude, narrator. Good job you tricked him. KICK HIS ASS, BABY. New plan, make out with me and I'll beat the shit out of him. Yes you suck and should be ashamed. Does this look like a man with a plan? No, he is absolutely that stupid and I love him for it. I'll say please all you want, baby. Annihilate me, Joseph. Yay he made a smart! Oh right, the dynamite. THAT'S A SPICY MEATBALL. I have also grown fond of him but probably not in the same way. Aww he's a nice horrifying abomination. Is that ring goin' on his dick because BOW HOWDY am I okay with that. Oh fuck that's not good. Does that mean they're married now? FUCK YOU STOP KILLING MY BOYFRIEND. Well as long as you're collecting spouses here you can definitely add me to your harem. Or you two could make out. Usually I don't edit these write-ups much before I post them, but sometimes I look up and realize that as soon as his shirt came off I accidentally wrote the phrase "RAW ME, JOESTAR" fourteen times in a row and should probably dial that back a little.


Gundam- I've already completely lost track of what's going on. He has a point, technically the box is safe if it's destroyed. Goddammit Bennedryl. You knew her for like twenty minutes, calm your tits boy. I hope the box is completely empty and useless. And we continue with me being way too stupid to follow these fights. I don't know what's going on but I'm surprised that blond kid is still alive. Should I know who his family is? Is that Full Frontal because I am disappointed in his outfit.


Hunter- Aww yay he's home. Awww Killua gets to have a decent family for a bit. This is so nice I'm happy. Well now I'm hungry. No don't break it! This is too nice and heartwarming, something terrible's about to happen. Aww look at all the friendly animals. Your dad seems like a douche I will be your parent. I know that feeling, kiddo. THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHER. AWWWWWWWW. No seriously I keep waiting on the bad news to pop up. He has a mom? Luffy and Gon would be good friends. AWWW GON COME HERE LET ME HUG YOU. I'll be your cool mom, Killua! Awww auntie let me hug you. Forget your dad you don't need him. It's a box of spiders. I love his aunt she's so nice. Wait so what happened to his mom? Wait so who the fuck is his mom? His family is great. Wait you didn't even know his name? So what you're telling me is the dating scene in this town is shit. I know that feeling lady, one time when I was little I got locked in the neighbor's house because they forgot I was playing with their kids and just left without telling me. Man I hope that's not the Hellraiser box. Use your hamon or whatever it's called to open it. Well I'd hope he's gained a healthy fear of clowns that he didn't have before. It's...another box? I hope it's a box of candy. DON'T PUT THAT RING ON IT DIDN'T END WELL FOR JOJO. I don't trust this tape.


Naruto- I can barely pay attention when this show's not in filler. I'd rather just rewatch Jojo and enjoy those ridiculous goddamn muscles.


One Piece- Oh no show I'm already crying. I hope you all die in a shipwreck. Fuck you, Blackbeard. AAAAAAH MY BOYFRIEND. Man, this is a rough night for my boyfriends. I hope the next arc is saving Ace. Nobody wants to fuck you, Absalom. CHEESE. At least everyone's alive. Thanks, Perona. :D Nami and the treasure. It's a bracelet. Nami is having a great day. Awwww Nami and Lola are still friends. AWWWW SHE GAVE HER TREASURE. Zoro might be a little bit dead. Sanji's got a secret. Sanji's hoodie is fun and I want it. Eat a dick, Kuma. It hurts to see him like that. Zoro did it because he's just such a nice guy. The important thing is that nobody important died. Robin knows what's up. PARTY TIME. Food also makes me happy to be alive. YOHOHOHOHO! I love Brook so much. I've read porn of Franky and Brook that explained how he eats, but I wish I hadn't. BOOZE AHOY. Brook is the best and I love him. Play Freebird! Sing along, everybody! I'm glad everyone's having fun. I miss Shanks. Please join the crew. STOP MAKING ME CRY, SHOW. I have a lot of feelings about that goddamn whale. Someone hug that skeleton! So much crying. Reminder that Brook was Slash in his old life. Welcome to drugs, whale.


Ang: I guess that qualifies as dialing it back for JoJo, but still, wow.


Poke: I remember Juri and Koto, but I don't recall the woman in pink. I like her hair, though.


I'm down with new SJ episodes in March.


DBS - Goku sure is bad at speaking respectfully. Beerus was closer than most fans would like to admit about Goku having a tough time defeating Frieza. At least Goku was able to make Beerus open his eyes and use more elaborate evasion moves than simply side-stepping to dodge. It doesn't bode well that Beerus was able to stun Goku with two strikes into which it looked like Beerus put minimal effort.


Poor King Kai. Now he'll need to do massive landscaping and recreate the center of his planet.


Yeah, Vegeta's sour attitude will likely rub Beerus the wrong way.


DBZK - Heh, not only was Chi Chi blinded by the idea of a 10 million Zeni reward, but so was 18, and they both insisted that Gohan and Krillin, respectively, train for and enter the Tournament.


When I first saw this, I was as surprised as Gohan that Chi Chi sparred with Goten. At least him being a little kid and her being a trained martial artist kept him from killing her upon awakening his Super Saiyan power. Wild speculation: it was easier for Goten to become a Super Saiyan than it was for Gohan because Goku had already attained that power level when he and Chi Chi conceived Goten.


Yeah, Gohan was lucky to dodge that first rock, but Goten being a Super Saiyan will make him a better training partner for Gohan. It makes some sense that Trunks would be stronger than Goten, because 1. Trunks is older and 2. Vegeta is more likely to give Trunks structured fighting instruction rather than the basics of self-defense like Chi Chi likely does/did for Goten.


Oh, hey, Gohan gets to teach two students in flight at the same time. I'm not sure how qualified he is to teach it, though, since he discovered his flight powers instinctively rather than as part of a structured training process.


Chi Chi being protective of Gohan from a "hussy" was funny, but the bit carried on too long (and methinks the lady doth protest too much ;) ) . The thing to remember about Chi Chi marrying Goku after fighting him in a Tournament is that he had promised her years earlier to have a wedding with her, but he didn't know at that earlier time what a wedding was and may have thought it was something to eat. Still, he honored his promise and loved his wife in their time together.


JoJo - To the surprise of no one, after the first hit by Caesar's hamon bubbles, Wamuu used a weapon not only to pop the incoming bubbles, but also to attack Caesar. I'm glad for Caesar that the cut was to his eyelid and not the eyeball itself. The way Wamuu dismissed Caesar's righteous indignation was thoroughly villainous and callous, and I liked the way it was done.


I do question Joseph's wisdom in challenging Wamuu, but he fought bravely. I wonder whether Joseph used his hamon to close his wrist wound, since he did stop pouring blood from it by the end of the fight. As for the steel bolos, I don't think the aerodynamics of those work to bring a set that misses the target back to the thrower, but eh. At least he did score a hit with one of the sets. However, he was outclassed. While his ruse to lure Wamuu to the mine cart worked, I must question how Wamuu knew what dynamite and the cart brake were. Unless he, Esidisi and Kars could observe the mining/excavation operations while still in the pillar, then they would have no concept of what those items, which didn't exist 2000 years prior, were, let alone their names in English. Recall that the mining/excavation would've been conducted by Germans and Italians. Those men would've used their languages' words for those things, not the English ones (okay, dynamite is pronounced the same way, but brake is very different). While Wamuu was remarkably insightful to spot when Joseph was trying something, Wamuu shouldn't have known the words for those things.


I consider Esisidi swallowing a lit stick of dynamite and surviving it exploding inside him to be a very bad thing. How can hamon, mere life energy, destroy something like that?


It was insightful for Joseph to realize that playing on Wamuu's sense of honor could save him there, but it was oddly convenient that Wamuu and Esidisi both had poison-bearing rings which would dissolve in 33 days when Joseph said he would need a month of hamon training to defeat Wamuu. What I don't get is how Esidisi and Wamuu were able to plunge their hands inside Joseph's neck and chest, respectively, without leaving open wounds not just where their hands were but also where contiguous physical objects intruded into his flesh. I didn't see the rings open and then close around the targeted structures. How could those items pass through his flesh without damaging it? At least it was sporting of Esidisi and Wamuu to tell Joseph not only where the antidotes to the poison were, but also that the poisons were different, meaning he would need both antidotes. Still, it struck me as vicious on Esidisi's part to force Joseph to fight both of them by the one deadline.


Still, it wasn't all bad news, because Speedwagon escaped the ordeal without injury.


MSG: U - Regarding Full possibly being Char's son, okay. I'm not familiar enough with the original MSG to know why that relationship would be cause for him to bear ill will toward the Zabi family, but I'd guess it would be because of some internal power struggle in Zeon.


Whether it was the parties involved being unable or unwilling to reach an agreement for safe passage, the fact remained that the attack resumed. It was practical for the guy who shot Links' father to send Links out in the Unicorn Gundam, since it was only the key to the Box, not the Box itself, and if it is destroyed, then the secrets of the Box remain safe, and Links would have bought them time to escape.


It's an idealistic sentiment that it doesn't matter to Links who Audrey's family is. To him, she's simply Audrey, a girl that wants peace.


It looked to me like Links had trouble with Full by relying on his novice, but intuitive, piloting skill alone, but once the psychoactive interface was engaged, it was Full who had trouble, even to the point that his subordinates and Marida had to intervene to keep him from taking more than just grazing damage. Fortunately for Full, the interface is taxing on Links, effectively giving him a time limit before he passes out. Still, I suspect Links will get better at it with time and practice, allowing him to use the interface longer.


I'm curious as to what was on the display screen/wall after Links passed out. It looked like "La," as in possibly giving him a location of the Box, or at least a direction to head which could lead him to a clue to the Box's whereabouts. It is intriguing, but it's a shame Links didn't see it.


I feel like the young blond Federation pilot will die before the end of the series, possibly protecting Audrey.


HxH - I'm glad that I was wrong about Mito having bad history with Killua and/or the Zoldyck family.


Mito isn't really an aunt then, but rather a first cousin once removed, if I recall the way that sort of thing works. Still, it's sweet of Gon not to press for information about his absent, possibly dead, mother since Mito was the person most like a mother to him.


I feel bad for the grandmother. We learned that both her sons died suddenly. She was remarkable to raise their children in her children's stead.


It's strange how much Gon looks like the young Ging, even though Ging looked older when he was supposed to be the same age. I'm willing to attribute it to Ging looking like he was taller than Gon is at that age.


Gon wants to spend a month gathering information and resting before setting out to find Ging. That's fine, but I really liked that he framed Killua accompanying him as Killua taking the travels as his chance to find what it is that he wants to do.


It is strange that Ging left Gon a nen-powered lockbox containing a nen-powered ring. The ring looked suspiciously like a wedding band. Maybe it has a connection to Gon's mother.


Shippuden - This not only felt but looked like filler.


A bubble jutsu? Really? Even if the bubbles are infused with chakra, I feel like they would be every bit as vulnerable to rupture as Caesar's were. I don't know which episode between tonight's JoJo and this Shippuden aired first in Japan, but it felt like a ripoff here. Still, I would like to know whether this is a Water Style or a Wind Style jutsu. Maybe it's a combination jutsu, like Yamato's Wood Style.


A powerful justsu being forbidden and a scroll with instructions for the jutsu being protected sounds like something Hiruzen would do.


OP - Yep, it's not the proper end of an arc without a feasting party episode.


Poor Zoro is missing all the fun. At least Luffy was willing to set aside Zoro's portion of the booze.


Franky's butt-shaking dance was too much. :D


I'm still disappointed that Hogback survived. He and Absalom even managed to sneak Moria out when everyone else was collapsed or otherwise rendered unconscious. I guess we should consider it a good thing that they didn't take the opportunity to decapitate any of the unconscious Straw Hats for the reward money. However, I must respect Absalom's standards that he wants a living woman for a wife, as opposed to Hogback, who would and did settle for a zombie.


It was nice to see Nami realize who actual Lola was, and I was surprised as well that Nami was willing to give actual Lola some treasure as a token of their friendship. Actual Lola had a point that treasure seems to fall into the Straw Hats' laps without actively seeking it. It's a pleasant side effect of them doing right by oppressed people and fighting really bad guys.


Yeah, Perona didn't have good intentions when she had zombies load up the Sunny with food and treasure, but it worked out to the Straw Hats' benefit anyway.


I like the way Sanji took the loudmouths away from the rest of the group to hear what happened with Kuma, Luffy and Zoro. That kind of selfless sacrifice isn't something Zoro would want everyone to know, and Sanji realized that everyone knowing would not only go against Zoro's wishes, but it would cheapen the actions in Zoro's consideration if it were known. Sanji can respect that and would be willing to keep the secret, and Robin is wise enough and has the discretion to keep the secret as well. Also, that was clever and sneaky for Robin to eavesdrop that way.


Brook isn't only a talented musician, but Ian Sinclair is a decent singer as well. The song tempo changing to reflect Brook's mood changes was a nice touch. I'm not sure how a living skeleton is able to cry, but I'll just accept it. Oh, hey, both Brook and Luffy get to keep their promises to Laboon now, and it's all in one trip. That's convenient. Plus, Brook wasn't handsome when he had flesh, but at least he wasn't ugly like Hogback.


I'm not sure whether the "Secretary wanted" thing is only in Water 7 or that Kalifa is now a fugitive from the W.G., but more importantly the figurative battle of a black hole v. a star in Blackbeard v. Ace worked out exactly like it would in space, unfortunately.


GitS - Even though it's the last slot, it feels nice to see this show on television again.


There's so much good music in this show.


This was an interesting angle on kidnapping for international espionage which wouldn't be possible without the technologies of cyberbrains and prosthetic bodies that exist in the show.


Ang: I guess that qualifies as dialing it back for JoJo, but still, wow.

This was a level of thirst I was not prepared for, and I blame everyone else for not warning me how much I'd love him. It's actually impressive he shot so far up the boyfriend list despite not being Travis!


I don't know which episode between tonight's JoJo and this Shippuden aired first in Japan, but it felt like a ripoff here.


Episode 15 of JoJo aired three years after episode 144 of Shippuden, but the Battle Tendency manga came out decades before this filler arc. So yeah, it’s safe to say that it’s a ripoff.


Alright, who’s playin’ the Colonel this time? :|



I had a feeling Goku would mistake Whis for Beerus.

Oh good, Gregory can still talk.

But wasn’t the Kai planet always tiny?

Homemade brownies? Tell me, are they the special kind?

I’m loving how much fun the dub crew is having with this.

:-D Goku’s stilted polite voice is great.

That bastard Freeza.

“Just so long as nothing there annoys me.” Then you’d better stay away from Buu, then.

And according to 4chan, he soiled the hot springs too.

True, Goku is a fool, but not this time. Exactly.

“I swear you have brain damage.” Well he did fall on his head as a child.


Well, Frieza did technically survive Goku’s wrath and was only finally killed by Trunks.

When it comes to fighting, Goku is the cleverest.

Still don’t know what the visible difference between SS1 and SS2 is.

King Kai actually looks kinda adorable when he’s all scared and worried.

The fuck happened to your voice Goku.

I’m currently working my way through Samurai Jack as prep for the new season. (Just watched “Jack vs. Mad Jack” yesterday.) My hype for the new season, like Broly’s power level, is pretty big.

Beerus makes a very good point.

:D Whis is the greatest and if you don’t love him you are factually wrong.

Nope, not even a scratch.

Oh man, he even thinks to himself in that guttural growl.

Poor Kai planet. :-\

Remember that one time I innocently referred to finger-flicking someone’s face as face-fingering? Well, whatever the proper term is, Beerus is clearly a master at it. Also, HE FREAKING SHUT OFF SUPER SAIYAN 3.

Meanwhile, Vegeta made it after all.

“Let’s go see Yamcha.” >:D I love you Vegeta.

No way, Vegeta knows King Kai?


Oh yeah, fusions are a thing now.

“Is that a level I can reach if I train hard enough?” No, that’s Super Saiyan 4.

“I have to find a way to stand up to this guy!” Well you’re standing, that’s a decent start.



:D Holy shit they did a Toonami-themed [adult swim] bump. They really do care.



In Japan, the whole Great Saiyaman arc lasted only one episode. I think the International version did one better with proper pacing.

Now that’s a mouthful of a title.

:D Crab.


And he got married to 18. Good for him :)

Even after 7 years, Gohan is still one of the many people pwning Krillin.

Oh hey, Dende got taller. And also a slightly deeper voice.

I love the birds in this show, whether it’s those two chicks grooving out in the nest on Gohan’s head or that owl with the sweet-ass Team One Star cap.

Am I the only one who thinks Chi-Chi’s words don’t really match her expressions all that much? Because it’s weird.

And this scene needs more sound effects.

That poor owl. :-D

It’s a river of stars.

Oh hey, another dinosaur. And this one’s pink this time!

I wouldn’t really call stag beetles “adorable”. Maybe because it’s purple.

Goten, put down that dinosaur and take this lesson seriously!

How many times do I have to tell you Goten, dinosaurs aren’t the same as lizards!

Heh, that small dinosaur from before is watching them.

[insert Goten fading from existence here]

Holy shit Goten you a strong one.

Piccolo should be proud that Gohan can dodge so well now.

Yeah, Super Saiyan takes a lot of triggers to activate. Dead Krillin, dead Gohan, easily dodgeable Super Saiyan blast, whining about wanting to be one, or realizing how stupid Episode of Bardock is. All perfectly fine triggers. But noooooooooooo

Well said Vegeta, what the fuck Beerus, goddammit Yamcha, and surprise Keanu Reeves!

Guess Super Saiyan is just in Goten’s genetics.


Dammit Chi-Chi Goku doesn’t have a grave, if he’s rolling around somewhere it’s up in Otherworld.

And then she had flashbacks to the time Gohan went Super Saiyan.

We flying lessons now?


I have a feeling Videl will figure out Gohan is the Golden Warrior too, once she sees his hair.

:D Oh, Goten. What happened to you in Super?


In which Chi-Chi meets Gohan’s future wife.

:D Chi-Chi vs. Videl.

>:D Out of the mouths of babes.

“I’m not trying to marry your son, I don’t even wanna date him, alright!? It’s never gonna happen, so can it!” Says his future wife. ::)

Talk about a pair of broken records.



Gross lewdity is the best criminal offense.



SCREENCAP #1: Caesar showing off his sweet pectorals.


And then tiny tornadoes.

I’ll leave it to you guys to guess which one’s the Big Bad.


Hamon was a tribe?

And there’s the source of the best chain letter ever.

They were also laughing because Caesar is showing empathy for a German army soldier. Probably not a Nazi, but still probably racist to some race of peoples.

Huh, didn’t even notice the foreshadowing there.

:D Those throat-clearing noises.


“OHHH NOOO!” And the subbies claim that none of the Engrish translated over well at all. :D

Don’t you mean next Saturday? ;)

Now here’s some real foreshadowing: FOUR BALLS!


  Speedwagon (internal monologue): “It would be comical if it weren’t so tragic…”

  Joseph (external dialogue): “Why isn’t anyone taking my little metal balls seriously!?”

  Me (written comment): “Yeahhhhhh no it’s pretty comical too.” :D

:D I fucking love dub Joseph.

Speaking of lines lost in translation…

One anime minute.

Alright, that’s actually a pretty badass line.



I actually prefer this anti-smoking advert to that stupid and creepy one where the people have USB ports for mouths. Seriously, what the fucking fuck?

SCREENCAP #2: A brief snippet of Joseph vs. Wamuu.

Senketsu is best narrator.

Did somebody say Maelstrom?

Yes, save Speedwagon before anything else.


Yeah, as if Joseph would die that easily. ::)

Yes, think about Speedwagon!

Even Senketsu is surprised his gall!

Time for a 1930s-era cartoon mine cart ride!

:D He could tell what he was planning from the very beginning. Dang, Wamuu, that’s impressive.

Boy oh boy, things are getting mighty interesting now.

“Pride is his Achilles heel!” And ironically, he was the strongest homunculus.

Eating dynamite? Hardcore.

Wamuu’s ring, I can understand, but Esidisi’s was just a dick move.

Meanwhile, Kars just doesn’t give a crap.

I find it kind of unsettling that Esidisi just evilly laughs as he departs.

Ha ha! Mormons.


Guest animated by one of the two studios who ruined the last three episodes of Hellsing Ultimate.


THIS WEEK IN MARVEL VS. DC MOVIE EDITION: The former has a live-action adaptation of the X-Men franchise’s bad end, while the latter has Batman team up with Constantine to kick the Devil’s ass.



Thank god for these recaps at the beginning of every episode.

Between Speedwagon, Hisoka and Full Frontal, I’m starting to think Keith Silverstein is my new favorite voice actor. The fact that he can supposedly perfectly replicate Steve Blum and Crispin Freeman’s voices makes him all the more worthy.


I respect the amount of guts Audrey/Mineva has.

Perfect timing there, Banagher.

REPLY TO ANGEL: “You knew her for like twenty minutes, calm your tits boy.” No way, he knew her for longer than that. Not sure how longer, but definitely over an hour overall.

I can understand why Angel and Buu aren’t commenting as much on this show as they do on the others: they’re too busy trying to make sense of what’s going on. Such is the bane of watching Gundam.

Don’t know who that guy is, so his death means nothing to me.

That use of “bastard”, however, does.

I’m slowly starting to get the point of pilot suits. Slowly but surely.

All these Sonic dogs make me jealous that I can’t eat any of them with my food sensitivities. Hey, all the more reason for me to recreate them at home.


I forgot how fruity Dean Venture’s mobile suit looks.


An I-Field? Is that anything like an AT Field?

That Gundam transformation sequence is never not breathtaking.

“So we battle again, Gundam.” What are you talking about? This is the first time you two have fought.


Was that vomit or just saliva?

Audrey’s getting the fuck outta here.

La-plus. Get it?


Wow, Audrey just gives no fucks, has she?

I heard “in turn” as “intern”.

It’s probably just the fact that Atelier Musa handles the backgrounds for both shows, but that mansion in the background is giving me DxD vibes.

Riddhe is the true blonde Sasuke.

“There’s… activity around the ship.”

Who the fuck cares about Commander Norm?

This hallway’s giving me DxD vibes too. The more I see these, the more I keep expecting bare breasts to just randomly show up.

“Char Aznable.” Yes, that’s who he looks like.


The Fifty Shades Darker Collection: all of the BDSM fun with none of the creepy safeword neglect. Only at Columbus’s least seedy adult toy store.



Ah, Whale Island. Nice to see it again.

Why is it only now that I realized Gon’s house is near the edge of a cliff?

What a heartwarming reunion. owo

Oh yeah, and Killua’s here too.

Mito is a master of plate fu.

And so the shota-shipping begins…

DINNER AT GON’S: Meatballs on a bed of lettuce, salad consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, and some type of mashed potato mix with carrots, onion and parsley, and what appears to be Twinkies but are most likely rolled omelets.

Of course Killua would be the kind to eat before saying grace. How American of him.

Oh, there’s also fish, bread, creamed corn and PANCAKES.


She’s lucky the license is flexible.


Oh hey, I remember that giant tree from the first episode.

Aww, look at all the woodland critters. I really hope they aren’t Satanists…

Wait, I forget, when exactly did Gon figure out that his dad was in Yorknew City? Or is that just an assumption he’s making based on the fact that he and Killua are gonna meet up with Kurapika and Leorio there later on?

And now for Killua to gripe about his family.

I kinda wanna know more about this other girl.

Gon/Killua is clearly this series’ OTP.

It’s times like this that I remember that Mito’s just his aunt.

Oh man that’s pretty terrible.

Wait, so does that mean it wouldn’t be wrong for me to call Mito a MILF?

Yes, we know, Killua’s mom is ridiculous.


Ooh, exposition about Gon’s father?

Wait, if Ging is your cousin, then you aren’t really Gon’s aunt. You’re his first cousin once-removed.

No time to talk, too busy drinking it all in. And I don’t even have a blender!

He was “still a baby”, and yet he had a full head of hair and clothes his size. That’s… kinda misleading.

Yeah, I can imagine why they were separated.

:D I love this great-grandmother.

[continues drinking in the exposition]

Aaaaaaand Killua’s still asleep.

Cute birds.

Personally, I’d try whacking the box a few times.

Clearly the answer is to try using Nen!

:D Gon, you precious idiot.

Inside the box… is a smaller box!

Turns out Gon was only half-right.

And inside the smaller box…. are a wedding ring of death, an 8-track, and a data chip containing 12 terabytes of porn. But of what genre?

Fuck yeah ancient tape players.

So that’s what Ging sounds like. I don’t recognize it. Luckily, the credits should tell me who did the voice.

GING’S VOICE ACTOR: Marc Diraison. Still haven’t learned to place his voice yet.



Blow those bubbles all you want, girl, you’ll never get on Caesar’s level doing it that way.

Oh crap it’s Dean Venture again.

I don’t know why but I love anime birds.

And there’s Vic Mignogna, sounding slightly more douchey than he normally does!

What the hell is that thing on Dean Venture’s chest?

“A loose mouth reveals an empty brain.” Interesting choice of words.

And what is it with Naruto filler and effeminate-looking enemies?

Clearly this old man has a death wish.

I assume this filler arc started the night before Taka’s confrontation with Killer Bee.


:D Shino always gets the short end of the stick in this show. And he knows it.

An old film-style filler flashback with decent animation? Now that, I can get behind.


But seriously, Naruto’s just curious as to why Kakashi’s not coming along with them.

Yep, that old man’s dead.

Mt. Katsuragi looks rather columnar for a mountain.

I unironically enjoy it whenever Naruto is smarter than usual, even by just a little.

In the DBZ-verse, Florida has shrunk to micropenis size thanks to global warming.

:D I missed creepy Yamato. And Naruto’s not too bad at the scary-face-and-speech-pattern thing either.

Took me a second to realize those were ink rats.

So does that mean Sakura’s gonna sit out of the rest of the arc? GOOD.

Oh, so he can do the bubble thing too.

Huh, her hair’s much blonder than I expected it to be. And his browner.


Yeah, chakra bubbles are a bitch, even moreso than Hamon bubbles. How sad that it isn’t nearly as cool.

To be fair, she would’ve been caught in the crossfire of those weird tentacle things had you not stepped in out of self-defense. So you did save her, just not on purpose.


“I don’t know who you are, but you remind me of Sasuke, and that makes me angry!”

Girl, you delusional.

He always completes his missions, even when they’re humiliating D-rank missions.

Okay, that’s a pretty sweet exit.

I’m now confident that she wants his dick regardless.


”If your teacher’s being bullied, tell him to grow a pair.” A better alternative to being laughed at by the police, I’ll give you that much. Also, after-school spankings FTW. :)




Of course Hogback and Absalom would escape with Moria.

Yes, I know the article about Ace is important and that it’s terrible that he’s going to be executed, but check out Iceberg’s help wanted ad on the back! :-D

Did somebody say Maelstrom? (I feel like we’ve been here before…)

One collective 24-hour coma later…

What about that salted fish from earlier? Surely it’s still around.

Thank you very much, Perona, wherever Kuma transported you to.

Nami sure does love her treasure. ::)

Aww, how generous of you, Namizo.

:D Usopp likes the knife.

Lola is the best ugly chick in this whole show (thus far).

Okay I think I’m starting to genuinely enjoy One Piece again. :D

Enjoying the sun’s rays so much, you start getting off on them.

Meanwhile, Chopper just finished removing most of Zoro’s colon.

:D So Zoro’s little one-on-one time with the pain monster had witnesses, huh?

Even Sanji can’t believe how crazy Kuma’s powers are.


True, it was extremely moving.

Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all…

I missed Funi’s subtitles.

Clever Robin. :)

Okay, that cover-up was pretty damn sweet. O0



Brook is the best living skeleton.

Sometimes, you just don’t need booze to have fun.

A taco shell made of fried chicken. This truly is the best worst timeline.

Meat’s only medicine when Luffy eats it. Maybe the same thing applies to Zoro with booze?

:D Brook’s playing Old West saloon music on that sweet-ass piano.


Geez, how many witnesses to Zoro’s show of gusto were there, even?

Requests start after this one ditty!

Oh hey, I recognize this song!

Of course Robin would know that song.

I will never understand what’s so funny about that “chopsticks up the nose” gag. It just comes off as disgusting, even if it is One Piece.

Even Luffy recognizes it!

Okay so that does mean Brook will join up with the Straw Hats. Sort of. :-\

Laboon: proof that 4Kids did this series absolutely zero justice.

Let the tears flow free, even if they logically shouldn’t.

I sense a tragic, or at the very least moving, backstory coming…

Huh, so that’s what Brook looked like when he was still alive.




SAC is one of those shows that I’ve almost always seen out of order. The first time I tried to watch the first season in order – back when Toonami first returned in 2012 – it was taken off after episode 19. (Easily the biggest crime committed by GXP. :D) But yeah, feels good to watch this episode again, even moreso knowing what’s actually going on. By the way, I still have a VHS recording of the show’s 2004 premiere hidden away somewhere in my house. Part of the reason this show means so much. Well, that and it partly inspiring the setting for NIBAI MUGENDAI.


[still slacking on it]


Been busy with stuff so I haven't opined in a while.

Guess I'll catch up.


DBS - I kind of really hope Beerus, or Vegeta, kills Yamcha. Seriously. King Kai saying "No Vegeta'ing" was funny. The fight was kind of pointless, but really people watch DBS for fighting, not yacht parties and Goku's sweating, so it was kind of expected. Overall, I'll keep watching it.


DBZ K - Feels like filler. I'll wait for Buu to show up.


JJBA - I'm just not feeling it. Maybe I'm missing something but I just am not into this one. Jojo is annoying, and not in a likable cocky manner but in a please drink bleach manner. Caesar is moderately better, but Speedwagon remains the sole reason to watch. I kind of want the pillar men to win this round and defeat Jojo, knowing that maybe Jojo v 3.0 might be more likable.


Gundam Unicorn - Breaking up a series of OVA is pretty difficult. I think this seems kind of disjointed, and really, without much knowledge of the UC setting, downright confusing as to the implications of big reveals. Still, it is a good Gundam series, the mecha designs are cool, which is pretty much what the show is about. I'll finish it and hope for IBO s2 to be shown.


HxH  Alright, so Gon has a cool aunt, and a goofy grandma. On to the next arc please.


Naruto - Filler featuring bubble jutsu. :|


One Piece - Zoro demonstrates Jeremiah level loyalty, and Brook sings us a song. Good times. :)


GitS - I always enjoy the chance to watch this series, and what isn't there to like about the Major's camel toe in glorious HD.  :D The actual stand alone episodes are always a great experience, nice self- contained little trips to a different world.




Time for a Hisoka shower scene!

Hm, he actually looks kinda handsome with his hair down.


I just got to this episode in my super-behind DVR watching, and I have a story.


Back when our watching chat was doing the original Hunter, there was an episode where Hisoka has his hair down and isn't in his clown getup and it was a real crisis moment for me.


Something like this:




I randomly saw that picture on another message board last week and it made me think of Hisoka and I had to save it. :D


I also found this in the chat logs from that show:


Cille: I can't deal with Hisoka when he doesn't look like Hisoka



So yeah, crises...  owo


If you don't like Joseph, you're doing it wrong.

It's not that I dislike Joseph, but I found Jonathan a much more likeable person. Some of Joseph's antics are miss for me more than they are hit.


Also, agreed. Speedwagon's safety is, by far, Caesar's and Joseph's first and greatest responsibility.


Cille: You can recognize that Hisoka is a handsome dude while maintaining that he's a horrible person with creepy tendencies. I see no conflict there. For me, it's like thinking that Machi (the chick who reattached Hisoka's arms) is cute, but she's almost certainly a ruthless villain.


Or how Esdeath is smoking hot and a good encapsulation of my femdom fantasies in spite of the fact that she's probably the most murder-happy character in AgK.


Thirty-three days remain until the poison rings inside Joseph dissolve and kill him, which means thirty-three days also remain for Joseph to improve upon his Hamon skills and defeat both Wamuu and Esidisi for the antidotes. Luckily for him, Caesar knows someone who will help him achieve the necessary skills within those 33 days, in the form of his own instructor in the ways of Hamon. However, their first task for Joseph may prove even deadlier than the battles later to come...


But before that's proven, Vegeta realizes how fucked he and everyone else are when Beerus crashes Bulma's birthday party, Gohan teaches Videl and Goten how to fly, ECOAS forms a plan to rescue Banagher from a surprisingly civil dinner party at Full Frontal's mansion, Gon and Killua do a little more investigating into the keepsakes left behind by Ging, Team 7 tries to keep Hotaru from running after Utakata or something, Brook's tragic backstory is finally revealed in its full detail, and Section 9 is tasked with chasing down a runaway tank that for some reason looks like a scorpion.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #6 - Don't Anger the Destroyer! A Heart-Pounding Birthday Party! - TV-PGL


11:30 - Dragonball Super #6 - Don't Anger the Destroyer! A Heart-Pounding Birthday Party! - TV-PGL

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #104 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Flying Technique Tutorial - TV-PGLV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #16 - Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach - TV-14LV (broadcast), TV-PGV (personal)

1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #6 - Under the Mask - TV-PGL

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #38 - Reply from Dad - TV-14L

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #145 - Successor of the Forbidden Jutsu - TV-PGDV

2:30 - One Piece #379 - Brook's Past! A Sad Farewell With His Cheerful Comrade - TV-PG

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #2 - TESTATION - TV-14L


[he loves german beer!]



Eh, Jonathan wasn't as interesting because he was just too damn nice to be fun. He'd probably cry if he saw that pigeon attack in action. Joseph's a manic ball of energy and giant muscle and has a lot more personality.


And arms so buff they give me a reason to live every week.  <3



Y'know, after last week I was seriously wondering if this thirst was too extreme. But then the other day I walked into work and saw half a dozen of my coworkers loudly fawning over that sexy Mr. Clean commercial, so I figure I'm doing alright after all.



In which JoJo and Caesar climb Korin Tower! And yes, Toriyama wrote that before this portion of the JoJo manga came out, about 24 months earlier in fact. Well I'll admit it, despite how repulsive I consider the JoJo manga's art to be Lisa Lisa is gorgeous. Maybe I've just gotten used to the anime's art style these past 4 months or something, I dunno. But Lisa Lisa, where are Bart Bart and Maggie Maggie? JoJo shoulda had a Bane voice with that mask on. Then again maybe not. Good thing they used a montage for 3 weeks of training from those two guys who fired Ichigo's crew out of a cannon in the Soul Society arc! Well, I guess Kubo borrowed them actually, but still!



He clearly wears that mask to summon the moon...oh wait, that was a much cooler looking mask. Yes, yes, war is hell, and often waged in the name of God. Marida presenting the little girl to her mom legs first was adorable, I really like her. Ditto Misty girl, still wish she was the female lead.



Well I'd heard some things before, but yup, Ging's a pretty awful father. Puts Goku to shame. Convenient though, eh Togashi? Having Gon not care about his mom so you don't hafta bother with her. Screw it, I STILL say she's the final boss. Greed Island? I bet Togashi woulda made it Dragon Quest if allowed. Killua's bro still livin' the dream I see. God that chicken looked good...no I'm not hungry why do you ask? Off to Yorknew City, I hope they visit Stateempire Building while there...


I feel like Jonathan was more muscular overall, but yes, Joseph is certainly more manic. I will admit that Joseph also has better hair.

Jonathan was almost too buff, I'd be worried about getting snapped in half. Good on Erina for nailing that at least once without dying.


Jojo- Welcome to another week of me being uncomfortably attracted to a sexy cartoon man. You can do it baby I believe in you. This water is doing nothing to relieve my thirst. Ya gotta finger it, baby. I can make you like grinding, sexy. :D Air Supplina island? Well that mask is freaky. Nooo not his sexy face. Why is everyone beating up my boyfriend. IT'S A HOT CHICK. If Jojo dies I'm gonna marry her. I love her already. Noooo don't cover up his sexy face! How am I supposed to make out with him now? I'll fight for you, lady. I'LL MARRY HER. Good luck, boyfriend. Yaaay Speedwagon and Erina are okay. I remember this from Mulan, just wrap some straps around it and climb up. That is one lubed-up shaft. I don't like your odds, boys. I love that he rips his clothes off when he's angry. :D He is actually doing the Mulan thing. Sorry babe you're gonna die here. Punch holes in the pillar and use them to climb up. This could be going better. Meanwhile, Caesar sucks and fails. Yaaay he's smart. Okay that mask might be doing things for me. OWNER OF A LONELY HEART-wait wrong song. Finger it, baby. I could be making so many boner jokes right now. No, you sexy idiot! Whelp you're fucked. Use Caesar as a shield! Huh, that went surprisingly well. You can do it baby I believe in you. I'm exhausted just watching this. Awww Caesar really does care. When in doubt, just brute force your way through it. I love this goddamn idiot. Ohhhhh damn those sweet buff arms. Best friends forever now! :D THESE IDIOTS. I love the narrator. Exact your revenge on me, baby. Yaaaay he can do the water thing. "Only" three days later. Sweet Jesus I am into this. Train me into the ground too, coach. :D Loggins? DANGER ZONE. Well that was a quick month but at least he might not die. I mean I probably would have just accepted death and spent the next month frantically banging any willing women in the hopes of passing on the family line but I guess that works too. Now gimme that sexy face again.


Gundam- On the flip side, this guy can keep his mask. He got that robot because nepotism is still a thing in space. I sure as hell don't know what you're talking about either, guy. Yeah go ahead and be a douche to the small children giving you food. This is the most awkward meal since my family's drunken Thanksgiving every single year. Space Nazis, got it. So this blond kid is totally gonna die isn't he.


Hunter- Luffy and Gon's dads should start a club for fathers who abandon their children for years at a time. He sounds like a douche. At least he knows that he's a douche. Aw shit he's riding multiple Godzillas that's so cool. Diiiiiick. No turn it back on I wanna know who he banged. Gon is just the sweetest kid. "This message will self-destruct in 10 seconds." God what a douche. BRB, gotta go buy a Playstation. Oh boy I hope they have Donkey Kong. Good job, you're in a shitty creepypasta. Call all your hunter buddies but not Hisoka. Most of those messages are just Hisoka requesting nudes. I don't even remember who that is. Ohhh the butler. I hate that kid. Of course he has life-size waifu figures. TAKE A POTATO CHIP, AND EAT IT. These kids are just so cute. Oh hey the others will be there. Whelp, better get back in the fightin' tower. The most sinister fat kid I've seen in a long time. Awww auntie.


Naruto- Since Lisa Lisa's obviously the strongest Hamon user, maybe they could just ask her reeeeally nicely and she'll beat up the pillar men for Jojo.


One Piece- Ohhh I am gonna cry a lot with this episode aren't I. BABY LABOON IS SO CUTE. Awwww Laboon saved them he's the best. I am already crying because I know what's coming. Oh no the seaking wants to eat him. I need to hug that whale. I need to hug that skeleton. CRYING INTENSIFIES. He's just a baby don't leave him! Yeah you're definitely just making it worse. Sad whale breaks my heart. Okay I'm kinda glad they all died now. LABOON IS CRYING YOU BASTARDS. Yeah I'm sure this is gonna go just great for you guys. Oh hey that guy. I'll also let anybody hang around in exchange for food and booze. Yaaaay Laboon made it! I goddamn love that whale. Dude you left a baby alone in the middle of a hurricane, hundreds of miles away from his family; you're lucky he didn't die. I do love this song. PLAY FREEBIRD. Just when I stop crying, I remember that Laboon spends the next 50 years waiting for his friends who are dead and I start sobbing again. SOMEONE HUG THAT WHALE. Stop show I'm already crying hard enough.


Jonathan was almost too buff, I'd be worried about getting snapped in half. Good on Erina for nailing that at least once without dying.


Gundam- So this blond kid is totally gonna die isn't he.

Maybe Jonathan was super, extra-gentle with her.


If I had to place a bet, that's where my money would be.


Buu: I liked how nonchalantly Marida corralled the rambunctious child.


DBS - Bulma was rather polite and gracious to a party-crasher who had her husband on the deck.


Poor Krillin. Of course he would get the wasabi-filled one.


Vegeta is older than I thought he was. He was a child capable of complex speech the last time Beerus was awake, and Beerus took a 39-year nap. Thus, Vegeta is likely in his mid-40s, but perhaps older. I expected him to be younger than that, like mid-to-late-30s.


At least Vegeta had the proper context for Beerus' power, so he didn't rashly or stubbornly provoke Beerus like Buu did. Buu took a whuppin' for his selfishness, but he's likely not dead. Also, ew, licking all the puddings. I am puzzled as to why the pudding was in bottles rather than dishes, though. Vegeta did make an admirable attempt to placate Beerus by sourcing fresh octopus and making fresh takoyaki, which surprised me in that he knew how to make it.


Hi there, Bee. Who's a good doggie? You're a good doggie. Yes, you are. Yes, you are!


DBZK - Videl made remarkable progress for a single day of practice with not one, but two techniques with which she had no prior experience. Gohan was right that she shouldn't compare her progress with Goten's, since he had a lot of experience with controlling his energy.


Yeah, sure, Gohan. Couch your comment about Videl's hair in the context of it being a liability in the Tournament. It's fine if you prefer shorter hair on a girl. While we never saw Videl do anything to make her long hair look particularly appealing, she does look cute with the shorter hair.


It's impressive that Goku, in his Saiyan state, didn't immediately fall out of the air when South Kai increased the mass of his training weights to ten tons each.


While Vegeta seemed mighty gruff about it all, I feel like Trunks made him a proud papa in that Trunks 1. can become a Super Saiyan, 2. is stronger than Goten, 3. was able to score a grazing hit on Vegeta, and 4. didn't immediately lose his Super Saiyan state or consciousness after Vegeta's full-connection punch.


JoJo - Lisa is pretty, and I like that she's voiced by Wendee Lee, but Lisa sure is mean, and she's having none of Joseph's shenanigans. I feel like it will do him some good to learn that there are times and places for his antics and how to tell the difference between when it is such a time and when it's not.


The Hell Climb Pillar is a strange training apparatus, but it would be technically feasible, with the possible exception of the pressurized 360° fan of oil. Caesar's technique of focusing his hamon into his fingertips strikes me as plausible, since it would use the hamon economically by creating no more than five small point-of-contact hamon fields per hand around which the oil would flow. However, I must question the timetable of the climbs and the muscular endurance required for such a feat. Each time Caesar or Joseph moved one hand up, the other hand and arm would need to hold the man's entire weight. Caesar and Joseph are some pretty beefy dudes, so that's no small feat. Yes, they are supposedly far better than the average person at breathing, and thus would oxygenate their blood more effectively, but after such a long time doing the climb, they would experience fatigue, if not of body, then at least of mind. Recall that they each would've been awake for more than two and a half days. I find it hard to accept that they would not only be able to stay awake that long, but they would also have the mental sharpness to focus their hamon in the manner required that whole time, and that's not even bringing the effects of dehydration into account.


Also, how did Joseph lose two days from this countdown after only one night in the pit? What's up with that, subtitles?


Anyway, both Caesar and Joseph used their hamon in novel ways to get past the fan of oil and up the H.C.P. I'm not sure what to make of Lisa's assistants, but I call shenanigans on the idea that Joseph, or anyone, would be able to inhale or exhale continuously for ten minutes each. Years ago, I heard about saxophonist Kenny G holding a note for several minutes through a technique called circular breathing, but that doesn't sound like what we have here. Here it was stated as inhaling for ten minutes and exhaling for ten minutes, each as distinct actions. Oh well.


I do have one thing against Lisa - she took Speedwagon's place in the ED animation. At least Speedwagon did have some episode time to inform Erina of some of the developments.


MSG: U - Full has no facial disfiguration. On the contrary, he's a reasonably handsome dude. Using the mask as propaganda is a good enough reason, but I was impressed to see he was honest enough to admit that it was a tool of propaganda.


I feel like Full is being more gracious to Links than he otherwise might be, because Links is the only one that can operate the Unicorn Gundam and is thus indispensable to getting the information Full wants.


I'll disagree with the hippie sentiment that it's never right to take a life. I recognize the natural right of self-defense via force, even deadly force when the threat is sufficiently grievous, from an aggressor. I even recognize the right to use force in the defense of another in need of assistance against an aggressor. However, determining who the aggressor is when the actor is a third party can be tricky, which is why careful observation and information gathering is necessary before intervening.


As for the blond guy springing Audrey to take her to Earth, if she can avoid conflict through negotiation, it's worth a try.


I do appreciate the attempt by the Federation forces moving on the mining asteroid where Zeon has a military installation to mitigate civilian casualties by trying to separate the civilian habitation sections from the military section. However, there will doubtlessly still be civilian casualties, since this separation will not be by a designed, step-by-step separation process that fully secures the integrity of each section before they're separated. The Federation forces wouldn't be able to do that without infiltrating a very sensitive control center (or centers), which would doubtlessly be defended, meaning there would be armed opposition to the Federation infiltrators, which would alert the Zeon military forces to the Federation's presence. This mission requires the element of surprise to secure the Unicorn Gundam, and civilian casualties would be a secondary concern to accomplishing the mission objective.


HxH - Cassettes, a Joy Station console and memory cards. Dated technology, but I feel like the game system is something which may have been updated for the 2011 version from whatever it was in the 1999 version.


I'll agree with Ging's self-assessment that he's not a good guy. He abandoned his son, and he doesn't want to be found for likely other selfish reasons, such as not wanting to think about the time he missed in raising his son, not wanting to be reminded of his failure to be a father to his son, and not wanting to be faced with the prospect of re-evaluating his priorities when faced with his son and concluding that he made the wrong choice and spent those years on things that don't truly matter. Then there's the matter of the nen trap with the cassette and player, erasing what he recorded by recording over it. Okay, so Gon didn't want to hear about his bio-mom now, but what if he would've changed his mind at some later point in his life? Ging made that information a now-or-never offer via the cassette. Maybe, just maybe Gon had a limited time window to stop the cassette and eject it, but it's entirely possible the nen trap would've prevented the eject button from working prior to making the new recording. If Gon ever changes his mind about wanting to know about his bio-mom, then he'll need to find either his dad at that point in time, which Ging would likely seek to avoid, or her, without having any information about who she is. Perhaps, if she's still alive, she might find him someday, but I doubt that would happen unless she's evil or at least shady.


Greed Island being a game made for Hunters is peculiar, and I suspect that not everything about the game was on the up-and-up. Whatever the Hunters who played it learned, I suspect some of them died in taking action on that information.


Shippuden - Haaa, the Leaf ninjas used a sneaky ploy to convince Hotaru to let them escort her to her destination. Sucks for Naruto that Sai went overboard on the ink slugs.


That pyramidal barrier jutsu looked to have a blaring flaw - the base of the pyramid was several feet above the ground, since it was formed by chakra beams coming from the fillains hands when in a standing posture. Their leader dude is probably the master who performed some ritual on bubble guy.


Blah, blah, Hotaru is burdened with protecting this forbidden jutsu and the villagers ostracize her for it. Whatever. At least she's fairly pretty and has a decent rack.


OP - Yes, this was a touching story, and it was sweet to see how much the Rumbar Pirates all cared for a little foundling whale, but we already knew the major points of the episode, so it didn't really have much to add beyond the awwww and d'awwww moments. Okay, it did feature some fun music and singing, as well as showing that Laboon was a brave lil' guy.


Oh, hey. Another Pandaman sighting. Neat.


GitS - Not being someone with a terminal disease, I can't truly understand the programmer/designer guy's desire to have a prosthetic body. However, as a Blindy McIcantsee (without glasses, at a range of four to five feet I must squint to read the month on a wall calendar), I have given thought to the idea getting prosthetic eyes if they become cost effective and are e/m shielded (I wouldn't want to be stricken completely blind in the event of an e.m.p. or powerful solar flare that scored a direct hit on Earth). Still, I do feel like such technologies would be made available, as in the show, to the military first, initially as a voluntary procedure but eventually as a requirement for those slated for deployment.


Yeah, Batou was right. The company should've had the goo weapons readily available at the test site, or at least made them available to the authorities much sooner than they did.


Also, how did Joseph lose two days from this countdown after only one night in the pit? What's up with that, subtitles?


Cassettes, a Joy Station console and memory cards. Dated technology, but I feel like the game system is something which may have been updated for the 2011 version from whatever it was in the 1999 version.


One day for him and Caesar to travel from Rome to Venice, another spent dealing with the Hell Climb Pillar.


Maybe, but since Whale Island appears to be, well, an island in the middle of generally nowhere, I'd imagine it being behind the times technologically. The exception being Gon's laptop, but he probably bought it from either a traveling vendor visiting the island or in the city where Heaven's Arena was.



I wonder what Chi-Chi’s problem with that giant daikon is anyways.

I feel like “the powerful warrior who had appeared in his dream” would be a better choice of words here.

“Let’s go see Yamcha…” That line still gets me. :D

Thank god for sweet sciencey magic!

Well, that’s not exactly untrue

Ha, Florida’s got a baby penis! And apparently the Bahamas are missing entirely.

Almost didn’t recognize Bulma’s mom there for a second.

Krillin can fit the most [REDACTED] in his mouth. (Can’t be too dirty. ;))

Nice transition there.

This scene looked better when I was watching it on the CRT in my living room. Letterboxing makes everything better. Part of the reason I value IGPX more than the rest of you.

“What’s happened to my body?” What’s happened is that the fear of god has entered it.

Is that someone other than Chris Sabat voicing young Vegeta?


All this wreckage over a pillow. As to be expected from a being who’s part-cat.

AND HE, IS THE PRINCE OF ALL SAI-oh there go his organs.

“He’s had too much punch.” But the real question is, who spiked it?

Thank you for the inadvertent save, Bulma.

Yeah, leave it to the two former villains to screw things up, just like equally former villain Vegeta did not five minutes ago.

Oh Yamcha. You’re only the greatest martial artist in that manga where some ordinary high school student takes over your body.

Russian Roulette takoyaki? Oh, I think I remember that from a Yuruyuri episode. Except the “bullet” was filled with hot mustard and not wasabi.

“No one likes a pooper of parties.” :D Beerus has the greatest lines.


DBZ knows how to milk the tension out of mundane events.

Only an 8.5? Demon God Dumplin is displeased.

[comedic ding of defeat]



Heh, the dog’s using the viewmeister. :-D

I’m starting to think aging down the Pilaf Trio was Toei’s excuse to add more lolis to the show.

The one Saiyan on the ship isn’t strong enough, and the half-breeds just suck.

Sometimes I forget how terrible Beerus’s memory is.

Remember the basics of anger management, Vegeta!

Oh goddammit Trunks. Even in the present your existence is fucking things up.

And then Prince Vegeta ran away like a bitch.


“Can you hold the wasabi this time?” “NEVER!”

I would watch Cooking with Vegeta.

So smooth and jiggly… [Cosby intensifies]


:D Poor Mr. Satan.

Buu may not have a fear of god now, but Beerus is gonna force it into him one way or another.

I’d congratulate Beerus, if he wasn’t going to fucking murder everybody right about now.

Okay, why the fuck would you dub the ending theme? And more importantly, why the fuck would you list the cast in alphabetical order of the actor’s first name? Vegeta and Beerus deserve top billing, not Trunks!


Samara crashing a plane with no survivors is still the stupidest thing I’ve seen this year outside of Infinite Stratos 2 episode 10’s pointless physical exam subplot.



I still don’t really remember Gohan promising Videl flying lessons. Maybe it was offscreen.

What is energy control? We just don’t know.

Of course she would believe that it’s all smoke and mirrors and shit. She is Satan’s daughter, after all.

Goten’s getting the fuck outta here.

Might not wanna get too close…

Oh man those tears. :-\

I never liked that expression, “I’m starved”…


:D And now Chi-Chi ships them. Don’t worry, they’ll be wed soon enough…

And then Goten got them toilet water as a wedding gift.

Oh hey, she’s slowly getting better at it.

…Wait why am I trying to do it now?


Dang, and they even gave him a Southern accent.

Now those are weighted clothes.

I’m still not sure who that green guy is.

So that’s how that works.


Hey, don’t blame Goten for being so energetic.

In which Kara Edwards cries for two characters.

And they complain about how bad the far shots in Super look…

You gotta be tight and loose!


I should’ve guessed that the Satancopter was Capsule-compatible.

Oh, so that explains what happened to those twintails.

Videl is the second greatest tsundere in this show. I’ll leave you to guess who the first is.


Trunks’ head looked awfully big there.

Like I said last week, they can just turn it on at will.

Vegeta, if he was a Legendary Super Saiyan, his hair would be greener.

“I want you to hit me as hard as you can. Not half as hard, not some arbitrary percentage…”

Oh hey, there’s the amusement park reference they flashbacked to in Super.

For a second there, I thought the [as] logo was vibrating. Must’ve been a one-time thing, then, ‘cause it looks fine now.

Heh, the butterflies like Piccolo. [zap] Welp, not anymore, they don’t.

Eh, at least they aren’t dead.

I heard Goten’s “Thanks, Mom!” as “Very small!” What is wrong with my hearing today?


Okay, the pixie cut works for Videl.



Vegeta may be the weaker man in comparison to Goku, but he’s the better husband, no doubt.




Caesar makes a lot of good points.

I’m slowly getting used to the OP just ending like that, but not entirely.


A mask? You now have my attention.

I recognize those water ripples!


Turns out it was a beautiful woman!

I’ll admit, Wendee Lee can do a British accent surprisingly well.

Okay I like this woman. :D

And then Joseph was Bane.

Well, at least he can still tread water in it.

:D I don’t know where people get off bashing this dub, it’s practically perfect for the type of series it is.

I’d make comments here, but I’ll refrain. Spoiling may not get you banned on this site, but it’ll still get you ostracized.

Ersaplina Island looks pretty cool for just some random, probably fictional Italian island.

Get a good look at Speedwagon, because it’s the last time you’ll be seeing him for a month or two.

Hell Climb Pillar? Sounds intimidating.

And it is intimidating. Also, oily.

Well, at least Caesar seems to be getting somewhere. Joseph… not so much.


Okay, I’m starting to like her a little less. >(

Hey, that beauty is reason enough for some people to get off on this challenge.

Wait, why is it all Turner stations? Is this because it’s airing on [as]?

SCREENCAP #2: A reminder that the translated subtitles used to be different under Warner’s reign.

Remember what he said about the fingertips!

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Okay that mask might be doing things for me.” Welcome to my fetish.


Good work, Joseph!

“Things are finally starting to look up for me!” Look up!

Hoo boy. Now that’s oily.


I’m really liking the special effects here.

Wait the subtitles spelled Caesar’s name wrong what the hell Viz.


Hooray for creativity!

Thank you Caesar.


Hooray for training from hell! Unless it’s Samurai Gun-style training, otherwise fuck that noise.

Again with the pudding. Is tonight pudding night or something?

Alternatively, Loggins and Messina.

Such an obvious trick.

You were expecting “Make a Man Out of You” to accompany this montage, but it was I, “Roundabout”!

I love the giant “To Be Continued” arrow.

Is it considered fair that the Pillar Men didn’t appear all this episode but showed up in the ED?

That end part of Roundabout is just the best. :D





My DVR synopsis for this episode opens with “Frontal reveals himself”, which would be even more hilarious if they included the “Full” with it. :D

By Palau, they mean that island in Oceania, right? I’d assume that’s the case.

Silver-haired Dean Venture hates you.

“Huh, so this is what gravity feels like…”

He wears the mask because it’s his fetish.

Now to perform the handshake of trust.

Silver-haired Dean Venture also thinks you’re a punk bitch.

Wait, what’s that moving in the background? Maybe this is a different Palau than the island on Earth…


The asteroid drop on Earth was from Char’s Counterattack, for those of you who haven’t been watching since 2002.

Spacenoids not allowed to vote? Inconceivable!

Fuck you, silver-haired Dean Venture!

Full Frontal is a Char, but not the Char.

Not much to say about this Nahel Argama stuff, but Haro is still the best mascot and Micott is still super-depressed.


Sometimes I forget that one chick is a chick, but then I see her chest.

Yeah, even with the real-time score, this “live” Snickers ad still looks pretty scripted to me.

Not exactly the civil dinner party I was expecting, but hey, at least it’s civil.

:D How Marida picked up that small child.

Goddammit Banagher don’t make it political.

Clearly the biggest loss of the first colony drop was the Sydney Opera House.

Into the mine shaft we go!

Sweet, a secret church.


Newtypes know other Newtypes best.

Marida is actually a pretty cool chick.

Wait, so is Blond Sasuke the new love interest for Audrey now?

Sweet, free pen and paper!

In Gundam, it’s hard to know who to root for, and this series is no exception.

Some of those Mobile Suits look more like a Gundam than the Unicorn Gundam in standby mode.

Shut up Micott, why are you even here?

“You got lucky this time, slut.”


Holy shit… that’s my university’s library in that local online home-schooling advertisement!



Oh hey, the Hunter cold open is back!

He ain’t pressing the stop button anytime soon, Ghost Dad.

:D He really planned this out, didn’t he?

Alright, now I’m having conflicting feelings.

:D Holy shit, Ging is the coolest deadbeat ever.

Hmm, so Gon doesn’t care knowing about the woman who gave birth to him.

Okay, now that is horror movie-level fucked up.

Grab a bat and go full Office Space on it!

But did it affect the other tape?

Well, that answered my question super-fast.

You can determine all that from a cassette tape recording? Inconceivable!

Is it wrong that I thought the JS was a reference to the Nintendo DS and not the PlayStation at first listen?

We’re going antique video system hunting! Just like that one Bebop episode, but with video games instead of VHS/Betamax tapes.

The cure for wellness is apparently loads and loads of eels. And not the grilled kind either. Also, that is one unattractive ring gag.

Hey, what’s so weird about not playing video games? I stopped playing once my DVDs started piling up, and I’m still not through them all!

Now, remove the memory card before it has the chance to get wiped clean!

Because even when something is out of print, that doesn’t mean you can’t buy it either.

IT’S OVER 5 BILLION!!1!!!!!1!1!1one!!!

If you seriously hate this show and its intrigue, then never speak to me again.

Holy crap, look at all those hits!

Damn you, counterfeiters! [shakes fist]

That settles it, then. To the Dark Web!

Or to Killua’s fatass brother.

SUDDENLY RANDOM ANIME FIGURINES. It’s like Paranoia Agent all over again… [thanks madhouse]


Not that one, Gon.

Even without the whip in this hand, Milluki is still heavily unlikeable.

Send it to him in the usual way!

How convenient, that Yorknew City is lead #2.

I want that stew, but real life pasta casserole will have to do for now.

Milluki, you are truly incorrigible, and that has nothing to do with your being an otaku.

Fuck yeah, good food!

And thus the Yorknew City arc truly begins.

So the Greed Island memory card is a riddle now?





Of course the bandits have a leader. Is that Crispin Freeman I hear, or someone who just sounds like him?

“I thought it was just your face, but your head’s got something wrong with it too.” You’re referring to his double-chin, right?

Just shut up and live with your situation, filler girl.

:D Okay, that was a pretty good plan to get her to agree.

:D And Naruto catching the ink slugs and throwing them off is just the kind of casual “little thing” that I like about these fillers.

Now it’s time for your weekly reminder that Jiraiya… is still dead.

Oh hey, that’s the popsicle from the opening theme.

Her ultimate goal in life is to get pregnant.

:D Oh Sai, you and your social miscues.

Yamato doesn’t know why he puts up with these kids as much as he does.

It’s a good thing I know what a vagabond is now, otherwise I’d have so many questions that Google could answer for me.

I presume the bubbles are the reason Angel’s talking about JoJo in place of Naruto during this arc.

Dean Venture’s still a dick, but at least he isn’t kicking anyone around for being hypocritical now. S:

I like the look of Xenoverse 2 TOM. The same can be said for these Samurai Jack teasers. And that LetGo commercial, whoo!

“You owe me, for my hospitality.” “Wait, did you just say “you own me”?” “No, I said the other thing.”

Did you know that Jesus was a ninja (but not really)?

I’d call her a Mary Sue for achieving that, but considering she failed the first try immediately and practiced all night, I’ll let it slide.

It’s all about energy control, filler girl.

Aloof and detached Dean Venture is disturbed by her tenacity.

Well, at least he’s got his reasons.

And then his flashback daydream became an S&M nightmare.

You guys aren’t gonna be lords of anything, considering you’re filler villains.

“What was that!?” A bubble clone, obviously.


Prog Rock Pyramid no Jutsu!

Well, it’s a nice-looking village, I’ll give them that much. Seems pretty dead, though. Maybe it’s a Ghost Town Maneuver in action? (Don’t feel bad if you don’t get my super-obscure in-reference.)

Instead of knocking Naruto for this act of recklessness, I’m just gonna say that Yamato is the only sane one here.

Yeahhhhhh this village is mighty suspicious.

And Naruto, in filler-with-a-plot fashion, knows it.



TOP BILLING: Brook. He deserves it, this being his big backstory episode and all.

I don’t know how Brook is crying when he has no tear ducts, but regardless of how that works, it’s still very moving to see him all teary-eyed like that.

Back in those days, pirate crews used to have musicians all the time, so Luffy wasn’t too far off the mark in wanting one. Even if it was more important to him than the essentials…

Bones Station? Afro Knight DJ? Okay, I’m loving this episode already.

:D Well it’s waking them up at least.

Holy crap baby Laboon really is a cute one.

Oh hey, it’s the Pandaman Pirates!

Thank you, convenient sea companion.


To pirates in the Grand Line, Seakings ain’t no thang.

Well, the afro makes it that way.


Whatever’s going on, the feels are real.

Oh, so they weren’t in the Grand Line then. So where’d the Seaking come from?

[childish screeching]

I haven’t commented for a whole minute and I’m starting to feel something in my heart, the feels are really real now. :(

Vegeta. Vegeta is the greatest tsundere in Dragonball. Shame on you for not knowing that.

I recognize that lighthouse!

Entering the Grand Line nowadays is even harder on the animators, so they conserve the budget whenever they can. Like right now!

Look at how young the old lighthouse keeper was back then! It’s so weird, seeing him like that. I think.

Turns out Laboon stuck with them all this time. :)

Laboon’s got a hard head, he’s alright.

I had a feeling that big guy in the pink shirt was one of the other crew musicians. Also, PANDAMAN PIRATES DEFECTOR SPOTTED.

You can’t not admit that that’s a fun song.

Trying not to cry here…

Great, I can just feel the heartbreak now.

And in Brook’s case specifically, not even death will stop him from returning.


So… we’re at the tragic part now, right?

Right… :(


Premieres at 10? Didn’t premieres end weeks ago?



Welp, so much for that supposed re-rating. >_>

The tank says he’s going and you can’t stop him.

I never liked the look on that guy’s face. Must be his hair.

Can’t talk now, paying attention to all the plot stuff.

I unironically love this 2002-era CGI.

“Wow.” :D So simple, yet so hilarious.

The current time is 8:53 A.M. Surprisingly early in the morning.

I don’t know the name of this song but I love it.

That un-freezer needs to set his hair dryer to Jamaican, if he really wants to thaw those patties properly.

I don’t even need to take notes to see Toshiyuki Kono’s influence on the direction of this episode.

The current time is 10:10 A.M. Even though the hour hand shouldn’t be that far in. Still, love the second hand still ticking in the background.

:D Even when injured, the Tachikomas remain in good spirits.

I also love all the shots of these people seeing the incident go down.

“Even laser-guided missiles?” “Especially laser-guided missiles.”

And in come the real feels of the evening. :-\


Why is the direction of this episode so damn good?

Smart move, president guy.


And in they come with the trump card.

Ohba’s face says I should feel sad, but the way he says Kago’s name is telling me different.

Well, that explains the L subrating false flag.

And now they’ll never know. :(

Truly this franchise is Production I.G’s masterpiece.


[directed by kenji kamiyama]


I find it hard to accept that they would not only be able to stay awake that long, but they would also have the mental sharpness to focus their hamon in the manner required that whole time, and that's not even bringing the effects of dehydration into account.

I think "Get good or die of poison" would be a pretty good motivator to stay awake for a couple days.

So smooth and jiggly… [Cosby intensifies]


Just remember to do it consensually. owo


This week of Toonami shows was pretty solid. I liked Gundam Unciorn even if it didn't to much in the name of escapism. But JoJo's was probably the highlight overall. That episode did not need such a high content rating, but I didn't mind, since S&P seems to be reluctant to award a naked TV-MA to shows with intermediate bloody violence.


Yeah, I feel like Turner S&P needs a good hard look at my JoJo album so they know how to rate this shit right.


EmpressAngel[/member] Also Hamon gives you greater stamina and endurance than the average human.


Over the past several weeks, Joseph and Caesar have been trained extensively in the more complicated uses of Hamon and the proper breath control needed to pull them off. With the Pillar Men making preparations to find the ideal Red Stone of Aja for their plans, and the rings inside Joseph having one week left before they dissolve, Lisa Lisa declares that a final exam is in order, to see if Joseph and Caesar have what it takes to match their enemies in combat. But little does Joseph know, one of the Pillar Men is already itching to fight him, and will interrupt his exam in order to do it.


Speaking of interruptions, Beerus ruins Bulma's birthday party in the form of pushing in the Z Fighters' shit, everyone's training for the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament continues on while Videl finally gets the hang of flying, the Federation and ECOAS begin their attack on Palau which isn't the Pacific island like I was supposedly promised, Kurapika finally gets that bodyguard job he planned on obtaining post-Hunter Exam, the suspicious-looking villagers our protagonists left Hotaru turn out to be, well... suspicious, the actually tragic part of Brook's backstory finally kicks in, and Section 9 finds themselves having to figure out why all these gynoids keep killing themselves.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #7 - How Dare You Do That To My Bulma! Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury! - TV-PGLV


11:30 - Dragonball Super #7 - How Dare You Do That To My Bulma! Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury! - TV-PGLV

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #105 - The Dragon Team Fully Assembled! Goku Has Come Back! - TV-PGLV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #17 - The Deeper Plan - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal)

1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #7 - The Battle at Palau - TV-PGLV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #39 - Wish and Promise - TV-14L

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #146 - The Successor's Wish - TV-PG

2:30 - One Piece #380 - Binks' Brew! The Song That Connects the Past With the Present - TV-PG

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #3 - ANDROID AND I - TV-14



I already told you guys, Dumbledore's got the stone you're aft...oh no wait Lisa Lisa has it. Good god Lisa Lisa in that dress! We can't destroy the stone! Why not? The plot demands we don't! That maid sounded like Orihime with an Italian accent. In other words...KAWAIIIIIIIIII :D Final exam time boys. JoJo you're fighting...Esidisi? Okay, rip instructor guy...I guess. Fighting on spikes eh? Well I'm sure that's comfortable. Insert missing arm joke here. 0_0...there's no shame in crying but...0_0. Not gonna lie, those garden hose sized veins were disgusting. Oh no! Esidi's stolen JoJo's gimmick! We're too far away to help him Caesar, he's on his own. Besides, I need to see more of Lisa Lisa in that dress! Silly Esidisi, nobody out-monologues JoJo. Nice work JoJo, one ring down aaaand holy hell what the crap is that?! Err...you know what I mean!



Prepare to fire the hyper super special mega ultra macguffin cannon! Oh hey brown Hitsugaya, I'm stealing your girl and going to earth k? Bye. Jokes on him, Misty girl's prettier anyway. No! Marida we can't fight, you're my backup-backup love interest! Why did you send her out there alone? Cannon Fodder. She's a clone? The 12th? Where are the others...for uh...research purposes. Figures, last week I said I liked Marida, and now she dies. Well at least there won't be a tragic backsto...oh come on! Such a tragic existence and senseless loss. :( Though I suppose she could still be alive if her mech was recovered. This IS Gundam though...



How Kurapika got his groove back: the episode. Leorio will hafta wait god knows how long to become relevant again. Too bad, no enhancement for you Kurapika, you'll always be short. Speaking of short, is bald buck-toothed guy supposed to be a girl? Cause that voice...doesn't match that body, at all. :D Speaking of girls, tits! Actual, factual tits...in Hunter x Hunter! Never thought I'd see the day. Sniff, so beautiful. :'( And yes, I do plan on making this a running gag since important females are so incredibly rare in this series. Lucky bastard, becoming a slave is a small price to pay for a kiss from her! So we've gathered the A-Team I see. Suddenly that group shot in the ending makes more sense. Here's the list of items and...oh! Oh...uh, oh...I suddenly feel bad for the hooded guys about to face Kurapika. :D



JoJoNice work JoJo, one ring down aaaand holy hell what the crap is that?!

I'm pretty sure that's one of the flying brains from Futurama.


Jojo- Aw shit they found the stone. Or not. Hey Lisa I love that dress but it'd look better on my floor. That girl is cute. Ooh that’s a fancy necklace I want it. Maybe you just need to punch them really really hard. DANGER ZONE, JOJO. Fuck you ACDC. Honey I’m pretty sure lungs are vital for people regardless of hamon use. Yes take the antidote so finally someone I love doesn’t die. KICK HIS ASS, BABY. You got some impressive finger moves, boy. Aim for his dick! Nooo don’t rip off his fingers I like those. Friendly assist from the corpse. SUCK IT, ACDC. Just like how I already decided I was gonna bang Joseph during his very first scene. This is going too well. :D What the fuck why is he crying. Not sure if this is a trap or just super awkward. Me too buddy have you tried getting drunk and crying in the shower? Aw damn he figured it out. CORPSE ARM, GO. Is everything in this show innuendo or am I just a filthy pervert. Yeah you’re kinda fucked here, darling. Haa they’re Earth Wind and Fire aren’t they. EAT BALLS, DOUCHE. No don’t hurt him I love him. Oh you’re flaming alright. Meanwhile, Caesar plays with bubbles. Sooo smooth. How did you guys not notice the evil abomination murdering and fighting dudes. “And man, those sweet goddamn muscles.” Oh it's true love alright. And then his face was on fire. YES HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. I love your sexy lips, baby. Yes use the Hisoka plan. Don’t let the tentacles get you! Oh hey it worked. Hey that’s his line! Fuck you, ACDC. Back off dude he’s mine. Thanks for being no help at all, you guys. I also wanna hear his screams but for entirely different reasons. If you're gonna attack him start by burning his pants off. God I love him. Oh I bet you go deep, baby. Sexiest magician I've ever seen but there's not much competition for that. FUCK YEAH JOJO. Make sure you get that antidote before you destroy him. Well shit if you’re into the torture thing I can work with that. Now unpoison yourself! Yaaaay now he’s only halfway dead! You worked hard you deserve a back massage and a shoulder massage and a celebratory handjob. Ohhhh fuck that can’t be good.


Gundam- Gonna be honest I nodded off for most of this. Too much talking, just beat up the kid.


Hunter- Thank god for these intro lessons because I cannot remember these things every week. Oh hey, blond Sasuke. So if you fail the nen test do they revoke your license? Oh right this stuff was happening too. Are you a vodka wizard too? I am too dumb for this, show. No kid, you are gonna get your ass kicked when you fight. Aw shit I hate quizzes. Just like how you're much better off buying dildos than trying to make your own. GO AWAY, HISOKA. Oh boy go with the guy buying plates. Well that last dude sounds super fucking creepy. He'll show you buddy, he'll make that unbreakable chain! And then a random mole man. Yeah I think this guy should go witih the tupperware request. HELLOOOOO BOOBS. Well that's not creepy or anything. Kick them in the dicks, Boobs! Ohhh I like her. Meanwhile, mustache. PUPPIES! Play with the puppies. Aw crap are they gonna have to fight to the death? Just a routine shopping trip, no big deal. Ohhhh that is unfortunate. Befriend that mole man. Whelp you're all gonna die. Just jump out the window.


Naruto- Still don't care, show!


One Piece- Whelp time to cry over a whale again. Fun drinking game: take a shot every time you hear Binks' song and then try not to die. Alas, poor Redshirt, I knew him. Oh god this is just depressing. Brook is the best and I love him. STOP MAKING ME CRY, SAD FLASHBACKS. And then half the crew died. "We bring smiles to children's faces and also make grown women sob uncontrollably." At least he doesn't have to die alone. If only Chopper had been around 50 years ago. This is the saddest drinking song I've ever heard. And so Brook lost his goddamn mind. Oh god this is the saddest dream please make it stop. "Hey, do you think that dying guy who we sent out on his own is gonna be alright?" I wonder if Brook's bounty still counts since he's dead and all. SOMEONE HUG THAT SKELETON. Meanwhile, Franky twerking. Huh, his head opens. Oh sweet. Oh noooooo resume the crying. Aaaand everyone else is goddamn dead. I have cried more for that whale than I did for any of my grandparents. Drink away the pain, self. Sing along, y'all. Oh that is just unfair stop showing me the adorable baby whale. That musical episode of Dandy was some good practice for Brook. Please don't cry my tear ducts hurt. Send Laboon a letter at least! Between all the crying I do with this show and something completely different for Jojo I am beyond dehydrated by the end of the night.


I think "Get good or die of poison" would be a pretty good motivator to stay awake for a couple days.


Jojo... Honey I’m pretty sure lungs are vital for people regardless of hamon use.


Is everything in this show innuendo or am I just a filthy pervert.


Gundam- Gonna be honest I nodded off for most of this. Too much talking, just beat up the kid.


Naruto- Still don't care, show!


One Piece... Between all the crying I do with this show and something completely different for Jojo I am beyond dehydrated by the end of the night.

I've been awake for more than a day a few times, and I was in no shape to focus intensely on anything. Caesar and Joseph must be just that much better than me, then.


Recall that when Zachariah had Adam, Dean and Sam trapped in the Beautiful Room, he thought of it as getting "really creative" in trying to motivate Dean to say "yes" when he (Zach) decided they needed to see how long Sam would survive without his lungs.


Probably both, but more of the latter.


I think there was more action in this episode of than some of the previous ones. Whole lot of weapons fire and explosions.


What? I would've thought you'd be all over the filler chick with the decent rack taking her top off for the filler dude whose bones she wants to jump.


The binge drinking probably doesn't help, either. Diuretic effect through vasodilation increasing kidney output and all.


DBS - Yes, it was childish and rude of Buu not to share, but chill, Beerus. A little patience would afford you the chance to try pudding and other, better desserts, appetizers and entrees. Following through with your impulsive tendencies is what would truly deprive you of these things, since you would destroy not only the societies that created the dishes, but also the recipes and ingredients necessary to create them should you destroy the Earth.


Of course Beerus easily managed all of the Z Fighters and 18. Chi Chi, remember that 18 is stronger than Krillin, so if she couldn't do anything, he'd really just get in her way, since he'd feel the urge to protect his spouse, which would take the form of putting himself between her and Beerus.


Bulma was right to insist that Beerus leave, but the slap, given what she'd seen already, was ill-advised. I can only hope she, an ordinary, non-fighter human, is still alive. I'm glad Vegeta found his sense of outrage, though. I might have seen something that wasn't there, but it looked to me like he might've unlocked his own Super Saiyan 2.


DBZK - Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Krillin, Tien and Yamcha took longer to fly that well, Videl. Also, shame on Gohan for not giving Videl the cautionary advice either to slow down or land and walk for a while if she felt like she was getting tired while flying home.


I say the head scarf and sunglasses are improvements over the helmet, Gohan. Still, lose the easily-grabbed cape. Even Piccolo ditches his cape and shoulder pads when he thinks he'll need to fight seriously, if he has the time (which he didn't in Super if he was to join forces with 18 and Tien).


Goten being excited about meeting Goku and becoming shy when finally faced with him was cute, but not as cute as how happy he was when he got over the shyness.


JoJo - Sure, why not final exam time? Plus, Suzie is pretty. I'm cool with them glossing over Caesar's duel in order to focus on the fight between Esidisi and Joseph.


Yes, Joseph would've passed his exam if he was able to defeat the inhuman monstrosity that killed his instructor. I wasn't too keen on Esidisi stealing Joseph's gimmick, but I'm less than thrilled with said gimmick anyway, so eh. I like that Joseph used the more obvious "trap" as a decoy to get Esidisi to reveal his countermeasure to the actual trap. I call shenanigans on Esidisi's power, though. While he may have greater control over his flesh, it's still just that, flesh. He would require fluid. Heating his blood that much should cause the water portion of it to evaporate, cook any organs that it supplied, and thermally degrade, perhaps even combust, the cell content of his blood. Just no to that power. No. Anyway, I sure hope someone spots and removes Esidisi's brain and nervous system from Joseph before it takes over his body. Preferably they'll destroy said nervous system as well.


Regarding red stones and the Star of Aja being super magnifying lenses. okay. I'll guess the Star of Aja is what our hamon users will need to completely incinerate Kars, but I don't understand how it would help the Pillar Men and their Stone Masks.


MSG: U - Yep, a lot of people died in this episode. There were several mobile suit explosions which doubtlessly killed the pilots, but I expect there were civilian casualties on Palau as well. I find it nearly impossible to believe that between the explosions that destroyed the bracing for the sections of Palau and the later collision between the sections after the Nahel Argama fired its main particle weapon at it that no civilians were killed on the mining asteroid(s).


The big reveals were certainly interesting. First, the NTD stands for New Type Destruction, and it's essentially a DummySys for the Unicorn Gundam that is triggered whenever it (somehow) detects the presence of an enemy New Type, even one that is technological in nature like Marida. Second, Marida is the twelfth in a series of clones aimed at making artificial New Types, since biology works too slowly for the military purposes of Zeon. I would guess that what we saw of her awful backstory was mostly what happened to the original Marida prior to her cloning, meaning they were implanted memories. There's no telling from this story what horrible fates befell the other clones as the Zeon scientists sought to perfect the technological enhancement procedures, doubtlessly making deadly and/or debilitating mistakes in the process.


I'm not sure whether Marida survived the Unicorn Gundam taking over her quad-wing's drones and turning them on her, but there's a chance she survived if the cockpit wasn't breached. However, if it was compromised, then she could easily be dead, since her helmet's faceplate broke during the battle.


Audrey and the blond dude heading for Earth will probably be good for most of the people still alive, but it could be too late for a lot of the people on Palau.


HxH - While Kurapika's nen instructor may not have had the best approach to teaching, I feel like Kurapika probably didn't get as thorough instruction as Gon and Killua did because of his (Kurapika's) disposition. As for his instructor's mastery percentages, I like that it's possible for a nen user to get some level of proficiency with other nen natures, but the more unlike that a nature is to one's born nature, the less capable they will be with the other nature. I guess Specialists are this show's version of kekkei genkai.


Baise was the better looking woman between her and the shady employment office woman. Even without her nen spell, I doubt most men would last more than three minutes with Baise, but I get the feeling Leorio would sure like to try if he ever met her.


Calm yourself, Kurapika. It wouldn't be good for you to kill your first employer after becoming a Hunter. Still, graverobbing, stealing medical waste, and maiming people, perhaps even killing them as well, all sound like crimes of varying severity to me. How Hunters don't get arrested if discovered doing these things is beyond me, but maybe that isn't the case. We saw what looked like police officers trying to arrest Basho, so maybe Hunter's don't truly have freedom to do whatever they want, and I would consider that a good thing.


Shippuden - The villagers weren't just distrustful of Hotaru, but they also sold her out to our fillains. Dick move, Hotaru's uncle.


Hm, so Utakata was able to fend off the fillains, but his Village's equivalent of the Anbu were too much for him. At least their leader was classy enough not to seriously harm Hotaru. I feel like Naurto, Sai and Yamato getting involved at this point could prove problematic for the state of relations between the Villages involved.


Great. Now the show is ripping off FMA, since Hotaru has the forbidden jutsu tattooed on her torso. Still, it wasn't all bad, because free show for Utakata, right?


OP - Yeah, again it was sad, but we already knew the fate of the Rumbar Pirates. Powerful storms, skirmishes with Marines and the Navy, and mysterious diseases sounds about right for the Grand Line. I respect the captain's determination to do right by his healthy crew members, sending them off with orders to take a separate ship while he and the other infected among the crew quarantined themselves on the ship, vowing that the survivors, of which I doubt there were any, would catch up after they had recovered. Plus, it was touching to see the crew make a last recording of their and Laboon's favorite song for the revived Brook to take to Laboon. The part that got me the most was when Brook said they were down to a quartet, then a trio, then a duet, and finally a solo.


I am curious as to how the Rumbar Pirates got around (apparently) without a Log Pose to guide them. Also, I'm not sure about Brook's determination to return to Laboon from the "right" direction. It might be more difficult than he thinks, even with the strength of the Straw Hats.


The song, a pirate standard in the show, left me with mixed feelings. It had a good message of seeking to do that which would make the person happy, following their dream and such, but it had a downer fatalistic part to it as well, admitting that even if they did achieve said dream, they would still die, and probably sooner rather than later.


GitS - I'm with Togusa on this one. They were tasked with the investigation on the off-chance that it was connected to an incident in the National Assembly building the previous month, but once they had determined that it wasn't the same virus or even stylistically similar, then yeah, it really would be a matter for cooperating local police agencies or the national police, if they have them. Granted, it would be easier for Aramaki to convince contacts to get the guy's diplomatic immunity revoked, but the nature of the crimes are still private property destruction, public property damage, and maybe public endangerment. It really does seem like something that's outside Section 9's purview.


As for the Jeri's being kind of cute, I say Togusa's wife is prettier.


JoJo - I call shenanigans on Esidisi's power, though. While he may have greater control over his flesh, it's still just that, flesh. He would require fluid. Heating his blood that much should cause the water portion of it to evaporate, cook any organs that it supplied, and thermally degrade, perhaps even combust, the cell content of his blood. Just no to that power. No.


The Pillar Men defy logic. That’s pretty much the default answer to all the impossible shit they can do.


Doing things a little different this time.


DRAGONBALL SUPER – Yes, Beerus threatening to destroy the Earth and beating in all the protags is terrible, as was his unleashing Vegeta’s wrath on us by slapping Bulma, but let’s be straight about what the most important part of the episode was: Whis. He is the best character, if you hate him you’re factually wrong, and he is once more proof that Ian Sinclair is one of FUNimation’s best talents. That whole scene where he’s trying the sushi for the first time was perfection.


DRAGONBALL Z KAI – Is it wrong that I find short-hair Videl cuter than twintails Videl? Almost didn’t recognize Yamcha with that haircut. It’s easy to forget that Goku has a “cares about his family” side after all the memeing about him not caring less about them. Personally I’d love to know what happened post-Cell Saga that convinced 18 to return Krillin’s affections.


JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE – I always thought Esidisi was the most dickish of the Pillar Men. The creepiest, too... Regardless, his and Joseph’s battle of strategy, deception, and all-out ruses was excellent. And as bad as Bryce’s accent for Caesar is, I actually find it better than Stephanie Sheh’s for Suzie Q. You’ll see why next week. Welp, one ring down, one to go. This week’s screencaps: Kars and Esidisi chilling at their hangout, and Messina inadvertently perpetuating Asian stereotypes.


MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 – I’ll admit, this series is harder to follow than IBO, but UC really knows how to deliver on the action, and damn does it look cool while doing it. Also that whole Newtype backstory-sharing sequence was strangely beautiful.


HUNTER x HUNTER – The woman with the “180 Minute Love Slave” Nen ability is my new favorite minor character. Did you know that her name means “fuck” in French? :D


NARUTO SHIPPUDEN – Okay where the hell did Haku’s ghost come from and why did he show up when he did? Probably to foreshadow the presence of those other tracker ninja. Also, did anyone else think the conversation between Hotaru and Utakata in that misty area was oddly suggestive for even Naruto filler?


ONE PIECE – I wish it was easy for me to cry as the rest of you guys, that Binks’ Brew performance/montage was moving as all hell. :’(


GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX – There is nothing wrong with liking things that are obviously dated. I, for one, am fond of my car and its lack of an anti-lock braking system.


[pump the brakes]


Is it wrong that I find short-hair Videl cuter than twintails Videl?


Fuck no! :D


Also, for once I chose not to read your pre-Toonami summary lineup post and I'm glad I did, as the Esidisi fight happening this early really surprised me and that would have ruined it. Not sure why you said he came searching for JoJo "itching to fight him" when the total opposite was true though. He wanted nothing to do with him and deliberately gave him two chances to flee without a fight. :D


And as bad as Bryce’s accent for Caesar is, I actually find it better than Stephanie Sheh’s for Suzie Q. You’ll see why next week.


Hers worked for me because I just imagine it as Orihime trying to be Italian and my reaction was:



Hey, I get plenty of things wrong in those writeups all the time. Like when I said Gon was gonna watch Hisoka's fight with Kastro, when it turned out Wing actually forbade him from seeing it until he recovered from his injuries.


I'Probably both, but more of the latter.


What? I would've thought you'd be all over the filler chick with the decent rack taking her top off for the filler dude whose bones she wants to jump.

Hey now would a filthy pervert have a conbined 1000+ pictures of Ace and Jojo...y'know what don't answer that just let me wallow in my filth.


I am not even watching this filler, but I can respect a boob seduction move.


...I can respect a boob seduction move.

Sadly, it didn't work. At least not yet. *Crosses fingers.*


Curse you, OP! That Bink's Brew song is an earworm, and the first part of it has popped into my head several times over the last few days, and it'll likely keep doing so over the next couple weeks.


Poke: Point taken. If I'm willing to suspend disbelief enough to go with Esidisi having that much length of larger-diameter blood vessels in his body at all (he, if human, wouldn't), then him not setting himself on fire should be a simpler thing to accept.



  So, I haven't had much time lately to watch or post, but I figured I'd drop by and spout off. :P


DBZ - So, we learned two important things; there is apparently a limit to the amount of "Bitch Vegeta" we have to put up with, and Beerus keeps a strong pimp hand.

Kai is still filler, and even if it isn't, I'm not watching until Buu shows up.


Jojo - Okay, so Joseph did good on his training, but that fight with ACDC felt like an awful Naruto Sasuke Sharringan hax fight. Gotta call it like I see it. I would have been happier if it had involved some kind of new or unique technique that Jojo developed. We saw that briefly with his fingertip punch. Lisa Lisa remains the general highlight and reason to watch.


Didn't really catch anything else new. I will say that watching this episode of Gits made me think that it ultimately revolved around a privileged snowflake who got a dose of reality. I can think of a lot of people who fall into that category.

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