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And shit like this is the reason i quit teaching the first time

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so there was an assignment due last night at 11:59pm.


i specifically set up blackboard to give them 2 opportunities to submit because last time i had 3 people submit the wrong assignment and i didn't want to have to go back in and open it up again for dumbasses who can't be bothered to open a file and actually look at the contents or just give it a unique file name to make sure it's the right thing.


i also made a point to mention in class that several people had done this and that they needed to be more careful in the future because, you know, you don't want to be applying for a job and accidentally send them your erotic naruto fan fiction.


this morning i have 2 emails asking if i can reopen the assignment because they submitted the wrong assignment... twice.  :|


not to mention the guy who emailed at 12:16 am this morning wanting to know why he couldn't find the link for the assignment.


because it was due yesterday. yesterday ended 17 minutes ago.  :|


...should i have posted this in rants? can someone please move it over there because i'm too stupid to figure out how to post in the correct folder. thanks.  :P




Fail them.


It is the lesson they need to learn.


honestly i think i'm probably not doing them any favors by being lenient about it.


i think, for the next one, i'm going to say you get one shot. don't fuck it up.


Reopening Blackboard is a full song and dance. Possibly the biggest pain there's ever been, and it doesn't help that there's always one or two students who are consistently messing up. I believe my policy on it was that it's out of my hands if you turn in the wrong assignment, and if you try to make it up through email, know that you're starting out around the B-range, and it'll only get lower from there unless your paper is golden enough to stick at a B+.


Most knew better, but like I said, it's always those couple students that always manage to mess up otherwise easy instructions. At least put in the effort, and I won't mind keeping you out of the D range, but if you're sending me a sentence because the assignment is late and you gave up, what am I supposed to give you other than the lowest grade possible?


i like how you end your rant about students submitting the wrong file (which i doubt, they probably need a bit more time) and students being to dumb to tell time with the fact that you are too dumb to post in the right folder :P :P


I've read up several non-bias reports over the years about today's college students not being so up to part when it comes to following directions, time management, and being responsible.


This problem also spills over into the job market as well. Maybe that's why some grads have a hard time getting hired?


When I was in college, the majority of my professors gave us procedure if we had an issue with submitting on time and if we followed that procedure correctly, we could be give an extension. The second chance was only allowed once and after that, you were shit out of luck and it wasn't allowed for end of the semester assignments that needed to be in at a certain time for semester grade calculation and submission.


I think I only had a couple of professors who were hardcore about no extensions (unless it was a serious issue like a medical one and you could provide proof for it).




Sometimes I wonder if the ease of technology has made people less responsible? I remember students freaking out about not getting their assignment in on time when it was back in the days of submitting the assignment directly to the professor's hands. Sometimes students would work extra hard to come up with a few plausible excuses.


Nowadays, a student can wait to the last minute and go "Well, it's on the internet so it can be completed at anytime and I can submit it way past the deadline because internet." I think online features such as Blackboard, Moodle, etc; have completely eliminated that fear of deadlines and late assignments.


see when I was in college we didn't give our homework back through the internet...it was all done the hard and painful way....are you an online class?


werent you in school or studying something like a month ago? what school these days doesnt use the internet? not trolling. generally curious.


Guess I should be thankful that I'm using Schoology, though I don't have the kids submit too many assignments online in the first place.  I utterly sympathize with the new levels of dumb they can manage to generate on a daily basis though.


werent you in school or studying something like a month ago? what school these days doesnt use the internet? not trolling. generally curious.


no it wasnt classes as a traditional class...it was like a prep for the state mandated test to become a registered pharm tech in the state of texas...but its something i went to....we discussed things and worked on things like compounds and allocations....and the test itself was done in a facility that was set up to give the state test....all im saying was when i was in college we didnt hand in assignments or projects via internet...it was pen and paper...


no it wasnt classes as a traditional class...it was like a prep for the state mandated test to become a registered pharm tech in the state of texas...but its something i went to....we discussed things and worked on things like compounds and allocations....and the test itself was done in a facility that was set up to give the state test....all im saying was when i was in college we didnt hand in assignments or projects via internet...it was pen and paper...


weird. ive been in and out of school since 2005. i cant remember not using the net.


i never turned in anything late. missed a lot of assignments tho. one class had shit due really early before i even logged in and i had to withdraw.


weird. ive been in and out of school since 2005. i cant remember not using the net.


i never turned in anything late. missed a lot of assignments tho. one class had shit due really early before i even logged in and i had to withdraw.


i dunno maybe I should clarify...I went to culinary school...but I still took marketing, business math, beverage and bartending, cost control...shit like that...that wasn't actually cooking...but it was all done by hand


i dunno maybe I should clarify...I went to culinary school...but I still took marketing, business math, beverage and bartending, cost control...shit like that...that wasn't actually cooking...but it was all done by hand



oh. i took a LOOOOOOT of english classes, creative writing, computer classes,  A+ Certification classes, college algebra, ...all that shit and more i cant remember - online. about to go back to school for the 12th time and take medical coding and billing online.


I'm pretty sure I only passed a few classes trying to do college online because I was the only one

that looked at shit from the teachers angle, and reached out to them if I had problems.. I had a very

horrible experience being bad at math and trying to get my degree online while working full time.

I passed everything I signed up for, but ended up not wanting to sign up for the last semester because

of how shit went.. atleast it was paid for by my army tuition fund.. Also the degree required me to get

actual manned pilot lessons and a license, and I had no help setting this up. no advisor would even

help me with that really..




You're okay posted in whatever folder you want around here I think


As long as you're not creating a specific reference or something like that that could be debated or whatever but I think light General discussion is just about anything so you're okay with me either


I had an online jazz class where we would have lecture on a multi phone line on the website I forgot what the program is that all let you do that but it's really cool like you just joined the conference with headphones on that microphone and you take the class from your computer at home so that was cool I had a lot of classes that had online workbooks and online stuff together submit on blackboard and I had at least one history class one business class and the Jazz class I think one other class yes and alcoholism class and most of those classes were online I had American religions what was it called


No it was called the fundamentals of Christianity I think


Oh and I had an advanced philosophy class that was mostly online 2


I never submitted the wrong assignment ever and I hate when people don't know what they're talking about our professional board when we have questions posted answers posted why would you post something that makes no f****** sense in front of all your classmates and a professor







Or people online or even in live lecture is complaining about their kids supper or their dog's toenail got clip their whatever and they think it's the whole class is business


I believe you if you do want to quit because there's a lot of b*******

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