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Chobits and CardCaptor Sakura are Clamp's only good series

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everything else they've made is just.....a huge let down


Code Geass was fucking horrible (and was basically just a Pizza Hut commercial)


they had some gay manga called Legal Drug that kinda never really went anywhere cause they lost interest in it


then after Legal Drug they made xXxholic which.....could've been a lot better than it was if they'd done several things differently


1. had not tied it in with Tsubasa Chronicle but focused more on it being canon to Cardcaptor Sakura

2. had made Doumeki and Watanuki Gay(they implied Doumeki had feelings for him, but then confirm he is straight at the end of the story, they also went on the record as saying they don't belive Homosexuality exists at the time they made Holic which, considering Cardcaptor Sakura and legal drug is just bizzarre), and

3. given it an ending that made sense, I recall even they admitted the ending made no sense and that they'd do it over and change the ending completely if they ever got the chance


and Tsubasa Chronicle which was basically a kingdom hearts fanfic with Clamp Characters


I remember very little about Angelic layer....but that kinda says it right there


and Blood C is also terrible....nice opening though :|



I've never seen Magical Knight Reyearth but people say it's good, I should probably watch it



Shows how much you know about Clamp. Not one mentioned of x/1999 and Tsubasa Chronicle came out before kingdom hearts. So fuck off with your bitterness at life.


Kingdom hearts came out in 2002


Tsubasa Chronicle came out in 2003


saying Tsubasa came first is like those fans who insist .hack// was a copy of Sword art Online



even though .Hack//Sign came out in 2002 and SAO was first published in 2009



also yeah I forgot X/1999


Kingdom hearts came out in 2002


Tsubasa Chronicle came out in 2003


saying Tsubasa came first is like those fans who insist .hack// was a copy of Sword art Online



even though .Hack//Sign came out in 2002 and SAO was first published in 2009



also yeah I forgot X/1999


SAO was first written in 2002 as a contest entry and published as web novel.  Light novels weren't published until '09.  Either way, it's obvious you don't know what words mean.  You think everything is a "rip-off" or "copy" of everything, as opposed to, you know, recurring tropes.  Only thing the two series really have in common is the videogame setting.


SAO was first written in 2002 as a contest entry and published as web novel.  Light novels weren't published until '09.  Either way, it's obvious you don't know what words mean.  You think everything is a "rip-off" or "copy" of everything, as opposed to, you know, recurring tropes.  Only thing the two series really have in common is the videogame setting.

and the Coma plot and the mysterious Little girl in white who's linked to the Game's code




and the Coma plot and the mysterious Little girl in white who's linked to the Game's code




Yeah but everyone was in a coma and not just one character, and no one had amnesia.  SAO also killed people.  Don't remember anyone dying in .hack.  The story there was a death game and how to survive it and how to get out of it, why it was made.  .hack was more what's this Tsukasa kid's deal and hmm something isn't quite right about this world.  The little girl in .hack was more a of a plot point or MacGuffin than actual character, unlike the girl in SAO, who wasn't nearly as integral to the game's infrastructure, either.


Either way, with both series being conceived of at the same time, there's no way to know if one bit off the other.  People often come up with similar ideas independently.  And I mean, MMORPGs were a big thing at the time.  Reki has cited his inspiration as being the old school MMOs he played around that time and beforehand (as opposed to the later ones people complained SAO wasn't like).  Many of the games he played were Western and he didn't speak English, so he had trouble coordinating with other players.  He wasn't that good at these games.  He was impressed with the people who were really good (maybe even idolized? :D) and this would've been why he created elite players like Kirito and Asuna as the main characters.


Don't forget the Yuki Kajiura soundtrack.


Yuki Kajiura is awesome and what she does and in anything she's included in.  So yeah it's a similarity but not something I'd complain about.  Music fits both shows and I love both OSTs!

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